1History is a command line tool to backup your histories of different browsers into one place



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All your history in one place.

1History is a command line tool to backup your histories of different browsers into one place.


  • Support Chrome/Firefox/Safari on macOS/Linux/Windows
  • Rich dashboards to visualize your history
  • Export as CSV file
  • Entirely offline, No need to worry about privacy leaks
  • Well-designed schemas to avoid history duplication when backup multiple times
  • No NPM, 1History is a single binary built mainly in Rust đŸĻ€


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onehistory 0.1.0

    onehistory [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -d, --db-file  <DB_FILE>           Database path [env: OH_DB_FILE=] [default: ~/onehistory.db]
    -h, --help                         Print help information
    -v, --verbose
    -V, --version                      Print version information

    backup    Backup browser history to 1History
    help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    serve     Start HTTP server to visualize history
    show      Show default history files on your computer


    onehistory backup [OPTIONS]

    -d, --disable-detect
            Disable auto detect history files

    -D, --dry-run

    -f, --history-files <HISTORY_FILES>
            SQLite file path of different browsers(History.db/places.sqlite...)

    -h, --help
            Print help information

backup is the main subcommand, it will import browser history into 1History.

1History will automatically detect history of different browsers by default, users can use show subcommand to check what it can find.

Users can also use -f option to set other history files to backup, the file has the following naming convention:

Browser History Filename
Chrome History
Firefox places.sqlite
Safari History.db


After backup browser history into 1History, the next step is to visualize those data.

serve subcommand will start a HTTP server at, open this in your browser to explore.



brew install 1History/onehistory/onehistory


The release page includes precompiled binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows.


cargo install onehistory


  • [ ] Search by title or url


Error code 5: The database file is locked
This error happens if your browser is opened during backup, as SQLite allow only one open connection.

Close the browser is one solution, or you can copy history file to other directory other than default location.


Copyright (c) 2022 Jiacai Liu

1History is distributed under GPL-3.0 license.

  • feat: add {chromium,edge} + browsers flatpak variant

    feat: add {chromium,edge} + browsers flatpak variant

    I tried to verify as much variants as possible

    ❯ cargo run show
       Compiling onehistory v0.2.1 (/home/pj/.dev/github.c/1History/1History)
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 11.27s
         Running `target/debug/onehistory show`
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/com.google.Chrome/config/google-chrome/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/com.google.ChromeDev/config/google-chrome/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.config/chromium/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.config/chromium/System Profile/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/org.chromium.Chromium/config/chromium/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/com.microsoft.Edge/config/microsoft-edge-beta/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.mozilla/firefox/5wdok4ui.default-default/places.sqlite
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/org.mozilla.firefox/.mozilla/firefox/3jjtwaln.default-release/places.sqlite
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] found:/home/pj/.var/app/com.brave.Browser/config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default/History
    [2022-04-26T23:06:55Z INFO  onehistory] Total:9
    opened by panekj 6
  • onehistory backup error

    onehistory backup error

    I download 1History_v0.2.1_x86_64-apple-darwin.zip and run on macOS 12.2 command ./onehistory backup output:

    ➜  1History_v0.2.1_x86_64-apple-darwin ./onehistory backup
    [2022-02-11T04:41:19Z ERROR onehistory] /Users/xxx/Library/Safari/History.db persist failed, err: open
        Caused by:
            0: /Users/xxx/Library/Safari/History.db
            1: unable to open database file: /Users/xxx/Library/Safari/History.db
            2: Error code 14: Unable to open the database file
    [2022-02-11T04:41:24Z ERROR onehistory] /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History persist failed, err: open
        Caused by:
            0: detect /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History
            1: database is locked
            2: Error code 5: The database file is locked
    [2022-02-11T04:41:24Z ERROR onehistory] /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Guest Profile/History persist failed, err: open
        Caused by:
            0: detect /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Guest Profile/History
            1: Query returned no rows
    [2022-02-11T04:41:24Z ERROR onehistory] /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/System Profile/History persist failed, err: open
        Caused by:
            0: detect /Users/xxx/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/System Profile/History
            1: Query returned no rows
    [2022-02-11T04:41:24Z INFO  onehistory] Summary
        Found:0, Imported:0, Duplicated: 0

    when I use ./onehistory serve, Chrome show {"code":500,"message":"min_max_time"}

    opened by Panway 3
  • there is no Microsoft edge history

    there is no Microsoft edge history

    ➜ ~ onehistory show [2022-02-16T13:06:47Z INFO onehistory] found:/Users/ilangge/Library/Safari/History.db [2022-02-16T13:06:47Z INFO onehistory] found:/Users/ilangge/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History [2022-02-16T13:06:47Z INFO onehistory] found:/Users/ilangge/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/dbrjzh8l.dev-edition-default/places.sqlite [2022-02-16T13:06:47Z INFO onehistory] Total:3

    the default browser on my macos is microsoft edge,but there is no history with 1History backup . Why ? there also is no document to info how to backup edge history .

    opened by anuxs 2
  • Can not build project

    Can not build project

    $ cargo run
    error: the 'cargo' binary, normally provided by the 'cargo' component, is not applicable to the '1.58-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' toolchain

    May be change to 1.58.1 toolchain channel?

    opened by balroggg 2
  • Google sheets and docs show way more visits than they should

    Google sheets and docs show way more visits than they should

    I was looking at my data and a spreadsheet I used for an hour had several hundred visits. Im not sure if this is an issue with 1history or the way browsers store page visits from sheets

    opened by Akari202 1
  • v3.0.0 precompiled binaries for Windows have not been released

    v3.0.0 precompiled binaries for Windows have not been released

    opened by sounisi5011 1
  • Can not find firefox db file

    Can not find firefox db file

    On my system I can not find Firefox db file


    May be change glob to ".mozilla/firefox/*.default*/places.sqlite" ?

    opened by balroggg 1
  • Add a progress bar for import

    Add a progress bar for import

    Please add a progress bar for the import step. It took 30 minutes to import "Imported:304535" items (Firefox latest on Linux). I thought the app had crashed or was stuck.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by marcbelmont 0
  • Feature Request: Repopulate charts when you filter out a domain

    Feature Request: Repopulate charts when you filter out a domain

    Current Behavior:

    When you click on a top 10 object it filters it out of the chart leaving it with the top 9

    Desired Behavior:

    When you click on a top 10 object it filters it out of the chart and promotes the 11th ranked object so that their are still 10 in the chart.

    opened by tuxruffian 1
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