A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source



Demo    Documentation

vex is a modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily stylable, and gets out of the way. You'll love vex because it's tiny (5.6kb minified and gzipped), has a clear and simple API, works on mobile devices, and can be customized to match your style in seconds.


  • Drop-in replacement for alert, confirm, and prompt
  • Easily configurable animations which are smooth as butter
  • Lightweight with no external dependencies
  • Looks and behaves great on mobile devices
  • Open multiple dialogs at once and close them individually or all at once
  • Built in CSS spinner for asynchronous dialogs (TODO)
  • UMD support



  • Remove jQuery and CoffeeScript, add plugin system

    Remove jQuery and CoffeeScript, add plugin system

    @adamschwartz here is a PR to merge my vex2 library back into vex as a major version release.

    I had to copy my changes from vex2 back into my fork of vex, in order to make the PR, and lost the commit history - if you're interested in seeing the gritty details of how these changes came to life, you can check out vex2.

    For a list of breaking changes, see UPGRADING.md in the root of the project.

    In summary:

    1. All of the examples in the original vex documentation are forward compatible with this fork (win!)
    2. vex.dialog got split off and rewritten as a plugin, which I maintain here and use in the docs.
    3. I stuck with ES5/Grunt/Browserify because I didn't feel like vex was complicated enough to warrant switching to newer tech

    My biggest question is if my documentation changes are compatible with the HubSpot vex docs at http://github.hubspot.com/vex. Look at the changes I made and let me know!


    opened by bbatliner 45
  • Animation end broken

    Animation end broken

    The latest commit (648c677eba441907d00a6ec4f855c583b49ffcf3) introduced a check for hasAnimation which prevents the closing animation from happening. The logic looks inverted:

        hasAnimation = $vex.css('animationName') != 'none' && $vex.css('animationDuration') != '0s'
        if animationEndSupport && hasAnimation
           unless beforeClose() is false
                    .unbind(vex.animationEndEvent).bind(vex.animationEndEvent, -> close())
            unless beforeClose() is false

    As far as I can understand, the intent is to animate the close if no current animation is running. Otherwise just close it without interrupting the existing animation. However the logic is inverted such that it won't animate if no current animation is running. The fix:

        if animationEndSupport && !hasAnimation
            unless beforeClose() is false
    opened by peacechen 16
  • Need help including and setup

    Need help including and setup

    Great library, Demo's are looking awesome. I want to implement in nodeJS/Express/Jade project but i always get ReferenceError can't find variable 'vex' I have include vex.dialog.js and vex.js, vex.css and vex-themse-os.css in my layout jade and in my Jade for the home page i wanna show a simple alert to get started like this

    extends  layouts/layout
    block content
                    h2 Home
                message: 'Are you absolutely sure you want to destroy the alien planet?'

    It will give always the reference error Please give instructions what am I doing wrong here?

    opened by yourdeveloper 12
  • Dialog closing flickers in IE

    Dialog closing flickers in IE

    So in IE 11 the dialog seems to flick when you close it. I tried looking into the source files a bit, but wasn't able to figure it out.

    See here: http://jsfiddle.net/Yottabyte/ka7kutz2/5/

    It doesn't do it every time, so keep clicking the "click" and you'll eventually see it. As it's fading out, it'll reappear in its completed state for a split second. It happens to me once every 4 tries or something. Sometimes it'll happen every time I do it.

    opened by NoorKhan 11
  • vex.close() undefined under CommonJS/Browserify

    vex.close() undefined under CommonJS/Browserify

    I’m creating a new issue about this because I notice that adamschwartz just merged hugomrdias’ PR 71, making NPM distribution a possibility…which is great. Thank you!

    But… it doesn’t appear that folks realize that using vex.dialog.js with CommonJS/Browserify won’t work in the case of (by my count) about 60% of all Vex examples posted by Adam over date because of CommonJS namespacing.

    In particular, if you require under CommonJS vex.dialog.js,the key methodvex.close() is undefined. (There is no such thing as vex.dialog.close(),of course.) To reproduce the problem, try Browserify'ing some of Adam's JSFiddle examples, such as:



    http://jsfiddle.net/adamschwartz/r27K5/show/light/ which is described in depth here https://github.com/HubSpot/vex/issues/59

    Vex currently offers:


    As a solution to this namespacing problem, my personal taste would NOT be to make vex.close() available to the vex.dialog object, but rather to create a new method named vex.dialog.close(). But I'll be happy for any fix that will allow me to Browserify my existing Vex dialogs, which are dependent on vex.close()

    opened by ngault 11
  • vex.combined and AMD

    vex.combined and AMD

    I can't make vex.combined work with requireJS. It seems to only work when using the separate vex.js and vex.diaolog.js ( like in the AMD exemple). I was hoping to just load the vex.combined and be able to use vex.dialog. Possible?

    opened by m4nuC 11
  • Fix for broken scrolling on tall modals.

    Fix for broken scrolling on tall modals.

    Modified dom layout to insert the overlay div in the body instead of inside element root. Modified css to account for this change. Reason for change is that scrolling is absolutely broken on the existing structure so I changed it. You can now scroll properly when the vex modal is taller than the viewport.

    opened by RickKukiela 10
  • Check if animation properties are set on close

    Check if animation properties are set on close


    I'm proposing a check if the $vex object has any animation properties set to find out whether or not we need to listen to animationEndEvent. If animation properties are not set, animationEndEvent doesn't fire and the dialog doesn't close.

    This has been discussed in a different PR: https://github.com/HubSpot/vex/pull/70

    opened by mishakorablin 10
  • Removed Compass mixin dependencies and added grunt-sass task.

    Removed Compass mixin dependencies and added grunt-sass task.

    I didn't remove the grunt-contrib-compass task, in case you'd like to keep using it.

    I diffed all the output files and they are the same as before (apart from comments) when building with Compass.

    When building with grunt-sass it's a bit harder to diff the files due to difference in output style, but I believe the output is the same.

    opened by MartijnR 10
  • Is it possible to use this inside electronjs?

    Is it possible to use this inside electronjs?

    Is it possible to use this inside electronjs apps? since window.prompt is not an option inside electronjs?

    apparently not all the methods in the object are available inside electronjs

    screen shot 2017-08-10 at 10 12 52 pm

    opened by solancer 9
  • Make dialogs more accessible

    Make dialogs more accessible

    Via aria attributes and trapping the tab key inside the dialogs

    It introduces three options:

        - ariaMainContent e.g. '#main-content'
        - trapTabKey e.g. true
        - focusFirstInput e.g. true

    Hi all,

    We're using this code in one of our projects and I wanted to get some feedback here as well. Pls let me know if you think this is not a proper approach or if there's any other tweaks you'd like to address? We're looking forward to have this as a built in feature.

    I left out the focus "toggle" before opening and after closing the dialogs. Mostly because I'm not sure yet we should do it. Currently it looks something like this:

    // before open
    focusedElementBeforeModal = jQuery(':focus')
    // bind on vexClose with

    Let me know if you think it's a good fit and I can add it here too. The implementation here is pretty much the same as the incredible accessible modal article which was based on some w3c pseudo code.


    opened by huoxito 9
  • Make buttons respond to Enter and Esc keys

    Make buttons respond to Enter and Esc keys

    Found nothing in the documentation about this. I want to be able to bind the Enter and Esc keys to the different buttons in the various Vex pop-up variants. Example Code (which doesn’t work): vex.dialog.buttons.YES.text = 'Continue'; vex.dialog.buttons.NO.text = 'Cancel'; vex.dialog.confirm({ message: 'Any kind of question', callback: function(value) { if (value) { console.log('confirm clicked'); function2invoke(param1, param2); } else { console.log('cancel clicked'); differentFunction2invoke(param1, param2); } } }) // make OK button respond to enter key and cancel button respond to escape key $(document).bind("keyup.key13", function(event) { var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which); console.log('keycode clicked: ' + keycode); if (keycode == '13') { console.log('confirm clicked'); function2invoke(param1, param2); } }); $(document).bind("keyup.key27", function(event) { var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which); console.log('keycode clicked: ' + keycode); if (keycode == '27') { console.log('cancel clicked'); differentFunction2invoke(param1, param2); } });

    opened by cfcoderatcodefactory 0
  • Animations required for close

    Animations required for close

    For one reason and another we had a vex dialog without any animation around close. There is code to handle this in vex:

      // Detect if the content el has any CSS animations defined
      var style = window.getComputedStyle(this.contentEl)
      function hasAnimationPre (prefix) {
        return style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-name') !== 'none' && style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-duration') !== '0s'
      var hasAnimation = hasAnimationPre('') || hasAnimationPre('-webkit-') || hasAnimationPre('-moz-') || hasAnimationPre('-o-')

    That (I guess) checks to see if the open has an animation and assumes there is one for close - but that seems ~reasonable I guess. What is not working is that: getPropertyValue('-moz-animation-name') returns "" and not 'none' on Google Chrome - and same for '-o-animation-name'. So this code-path can't possibly work.

    hasAnimationPre(prefix) should be extended to check for empty / undefined states and bail out - as an example:

        return style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-name') !== 'none' &&
                  style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-name') !== '' &&
                  style.getPropertyValue(prefix + 'animation-duration') !== '0s'

    Would be wonderful to have a test for that too I guess.

    opened by mmeeks 0
  • Unsafe assignment to innerHTML

    Unsafe assignment to innerHTML

    I'm a happy user of Vex for a browser extension. When I submit a new version of my extension to the Firefox add-on store, I get these warnings:

    Unsafe assignment to innerHTML Warning: Due to both security and performance concerns, this may not be set using dynamic values which have not been adequately sanitized. This can lead to security issues or fairly serious performance degradation.

    It lists these instances:

    vex/vex.min.js line 2 column 3333
    vex/vex.min.js line 2 column 3447
    vex/vex.combined.min.js line 2 column 3339
    vex/vex.combined.min.js line 2 column 3453
    vex/vex.combined.min.js line 2 column 7671
    vex/vex.combined.min.js line 2 column 7785

    Sorry it's for the minified version, but I suppose you can just grep through the codebase anyway.

    The idea is that the extension is at risk of being taken off the store because of this sort of thing. My extension has been out for a year and a half now and I've never heard a peep from Mozilla about this, plus it's only a "warning", it doesn't stop you from uploading the version. So I doubt it's something I really need to worry about. Still, I thought it would be worth having on the issue tracker, as it may discourage people from using Vex in browser extensions.

    opened by geajack 0
  • button click opens and closes dialog at the same time

    button click opens and closes dialog at the same time

    The following code opens and closes the dialog almost at the same time. So there is no time to click OK or Close or interact with the dialog in any kind.

    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="#" onclick="myFunction()">
    Click here
    function myFunction() {
        vex.defaultOptions.className = 'vex-theme-flat-attack'
        vex.dialog.alert('Thanks for checking out vex!')
    opened by baermathias 2
  • demos in documentation don't work

    demos in documentation don't work

    When clicking the RUN button within the following links, the demos don't work!!


    https://github.hubspot.com/vex/api/basic/#buttons (both buttons don't work in this section)

    opened by baermathias 0
  • vex.close could cover submission

    vex.close could cover submission


    "vex-dialog": {
          "version": "1.1.0"
    "vex-js": {
          "version": "4.1.0"

    There could be an easy alternative to vex.close() that would gather the form data before closing the pop-up, either a separate method like vex.submit(), or vex.close(bool shouldSubmit), that wouldn't count as cancel.

    Currently, programmatically, I can only do

    el.dispatchEvent(new Event('submit'));

    with el being the form, in order for the onSubmit handler to run and the provided callback to work properly.

    opened by Raven0us 0
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