Run Node.js on Android by rewrite Node.js in Java



Android CI

Run Node.js on Android by rewrite Node.js in Java with the compatible API.

third-party: libuvpp, libuv-java JNI code by Oracle.


Clone the code, open Android Studio (1.*) and import the project.

For Eclipse ADT user, refer to ADT branch

Javascript code injection

> adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n com.iwebpp.nodeandroid/.MainActivity -e js "var run = function () { return 'hello world'; } run();"


JS runtime

  • Rhino supported
  • Exposed node-android packages: com.iwebpp.node.http,,, etc
  • Exposed node-android classes: com.iwebpp.node.EventEmitter2, com.iwebpp.node.Dns, com.iwebpp.node.Url, etc
  • Exposed node-android native context in JS standard scope as NodeCurrentContext alias NCC
  • Exposed Android API: android.util.Log
  • NodeJS compatible internal modules are available in JS standard scope
  • Exposed WebSocket classes: com.iwebpp.wspp.WebSocket, com.iwebpp.wspp.WebSocketServer

JS usage

  • In case Rhino, create class 'MyScript' extends from com.iwebpp.node.js.rhino.Host
  • Implement 'public String content()' in 'MyScript' to return user script
  • Execute JS engine in a separate Java Thread with 'MyScript.execute()'
  • When authoring script, please use NodeCurrentContext(alias NCC) in node-android API
  • JS API usages details


  • API doc, more demos
  • JS runtime CommonJS/AMD compliance

Support us

  • Welcome contributing on document, codes, tests and issues

### License

(see LICENSE file)

Copyright (c) 2014-present Tom Zhou([email protected])

  • run JS engine on node-android

    run JS engine on node-android

    some people asked about run overall node.js npm, etc.

    But, Android framework does provide most of device capability. I am still wonder if make sense to run JS engine on JVM.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by sequoiar 15
  • Error:Cause:,


    Hi, I use Android Studio to create apk file from this source. From some reason, I get Error:Cause:, What is the problem? How to fix it?

    Thanks H.L

    opened by Asscobara 3
  • Add `android` module to access its API

    Add `android` module to access its API

    node-android could have its platform specific module, allowing to access Android API like:

    var android = require('android'),
        Canvas =,
        Service =,
        ViewGroup = android.view.ViewGroup;
        myView = new ViewGroup(context);
    opened by aurium 2
  • 'ARMV7A_FILTER' is missing an input or output annotation

    'ARMV7A_FILTER' is missing an input or output annotation

    Hello 👋🏻 am try to compile this project using Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 and am getting this error below, how can I solve this ? thanks.

    Some problems were found with the configuration of task ':app:resolveNativeDependencies' (type 'NativeDependenciesResolverTask').

    • In plugin 'android-native-dependencies' type 'com.nabilhachicha.nativedependencies.task.NativeDependenciesResolverTask' property 'ARMV7A_FILTER' is missing an input or output annotation.
    opened by delltrak 1
  • Can't find method com.iwebpp.node.http.http.createServer

    Can't find method com.iwebpp.node.http.http.createServer

    hi, i'm trying to run simply code from the editor:

    var http = require('http'); var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); response.end("Hello World\n"); }); server.listen(8000);

    but i have error: Can't find method com.iwebpp.node.http.http.createServer Which is strange because i see the method in the code. I do not know what to do. The whole log:

    D/MainActivity( 1240): start test D/dalvikvm( 1240): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.iwebpp.nodeandroid-1/ 0xb1d79098 D/dalvikvm( 1240): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/com.iwebpp.nodeandroid-1/ 0xb1d79098 D/dalvikvm( 1240): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/com.iwebpp.nodeandroid-1/ 0xb1d79098, skipping init D/dalvikvm( 1240): GC_CONCURRENT freed 259K, 9% free 3292K/3612K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 51ms D/dalvikvm( 1240): GC_CONCURRENT freed 226K, 8% free 3501K/3792K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 44ms D/dalvikvm( 1240): GC_CONCURRENT freed 242K, 8% free 3719K/4028K, paused 19ms+15ms, total 77ms D/dalvikvm( 1240): GC_CONCURRENT freed 253K, 7% free 3927K/4208K, paused 4ms+4ms, total 59ms E/RhinoHost( 1240): org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Can't find method com.iwebpp.node.http.http.createServer(function). (UserContent#8) W/System.err( 1240): java.lang.Exception: Rhino runtime exception: org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Can't find method com.iwebpp.node.http.http.createServer(function). (UserContent#8) W/System.err( 1240): at com.iwebpp.node.js.rhino.Host.execute( W/System.err( 1240): at com.iwebpp.nodeandroid.MainActivity$ W/System.err( 1240): at D/MainActivity( 1240): exit test

    opened by gar1388 1
  • Tests -> Android Unit Tests

    Tests -> Android Unit Tests



    I did the following things:

    • added javascript injection ability via adb like this:
    > adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -n com.iwebpp.nodeandroid/.MainActivity -e js "var run = function () { return 'hello world'; } run();"
    • changed the package name to com.iwebpp.nodeandroid
    • cleaned up the code;
    • converted all the test code into proper unit tests;
    • the MainActivity is now a live Node.js interpreter;
    • added a global js function called "toast", you may guess what it does.


    I still want to do the following things:

    • check if all the tests are actually failing or succeeding, since exceptions are being caught like this:
    public void testSomething()
            // something complicated
        }catch (Throwable t)
           // hide the error
        // ... the test succeeds anyhow
    • add an Adapter to the interactive Node.js Activity for the rhino output, like RunScript;
    • add a DrawerLayout; upgrade ActionBar to Toolbar/App bar (api 21);
    • tweak Host, so multiple nodes or a singleton can be spawned (e.g. multiple websocket clients on one machine... etc. one websocket server...), right now a new Host (rhino context) is created for each run.

    In the future I would like to run feross / webtorrent on this project.

    Merge it if you like the changes.

    I have a really bad experience with supporting api level 21 for Eclipse, but I have a feeling you might want to keep on supporting that.

    Thank you for the code! 谢谢.

    opened by Buggaboo 1
  • Merge android studio

    Merge android studio

    The project builds with Android Studio 1.0.*

    The native C/C++ code must be manually compiled with ndk-build. NDK Support has been deprecated by Android Studio.

    opened by Buggaboo 1
  • cant build/run

    cant build/run

    i get the following error using android studio on mac

    Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug]

    Configuration on demand is an incubating feature. :app:preBuild :app:compileDebugNdk /Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/src/main/jni/async.cpp:31:16: fatal error: uv.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [/Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/build/intermediates/ndk/debug/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/uvpp-prebuilt//Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/src/main/jni/async.o] Error 1


    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'. Failed to run command: /Users/bornfree/ndk-r10b/ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=/Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/build/intermediates/ndk/debug/ APP_PLATFORM=android-19 NDK_OUT=/Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/build/intermediates/ndk/debug/obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=/Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/build/intermediates/ndk/debug/lib APP_ABI=all Error Code: 2 Output: /Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/src/main/jni/async.cpp:31:16: fatal error: uv.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [/Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/build/intermediates/ndk/debug/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/uvpp-prebuilt//Users/bornfree/AndroidstudioProjects/node-android-httpp/app/src/main/jni/async.o] Error 1

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 1.803 secs

    opened by pa6lo 1
  • Request: code review of unit tests

    Request: code review of unit tests

    I converted any remaining tests to proper android unit tests.

    I left the libuvpp unit tests alone for now; I'll try to convert those to proper unit tests, once the other tests are working correctly.

    @sequoiar , could you take a look at those tests?

    GPL and MIT are not compatible licences. GPL makes everything it touches GPL, it's viral. I don't know if you realize this.

    opened by Buggaboo 0
  • Merge android studio

    Merge android studio

    The project builds with Android Studio 1.0.*

    The native C/C++ code must be manually compiled with ndk-build. NDK Support has been deprecated by Android Studio.

    opened by Buggaboo 0
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