SupremeFolio - Happy New Year. Celebrate this day with a awesome new portfolio




NodeJS NPM Made With React Author Opensource JS Maintenance Website


[~] Description :

A clean, beautiful, responsive and 100% customizable portfolio template for Software Developers! Beautify your portfolio to the peak!

[~] Quick Guide

Install primary dependencies (git and nodejs)

  • For Debian
    • sudo apt install git nodejs -y
  • For Arch
    • sudo pacman -S git nodejs --noconfirm
  • For Fedora
    • sudo yum install git nodejs -y
  • For Termux
    • pkg install git nodejs -y

Clone this repository

  • git clone

Enter the directory

  • cd supremeFolio

Install npm dependencies

  • npm i

SetUp Portfolio

  • Just tweak src/portfolio.js

Start local server in port 3000

  • npm start

Docker Commands

1) BUILD IMAGE : docker build -t supremeFolio:latest .
2) RUN IMAGE: docker run -t -p 3000:3000 supremeFolio:latest

Now preview your site in http://localhost:3000


  • Show your github open source contributions(pull requests and issues)
  • Display your pinned projects of github and publications
  • Enrich your portfolio with skills and skillbars
  • Easy to tweak
  • Support for environment variable or hardcoded values
  • Show your achivements and certifications
  • Display your experiences
  • Dark Mode
  • Multiple themes


Sections 📚

✔️ Summary and About me
✔️ Skills
✔️ Your Own Projects
✔️ Open Source Projects Connected with Github
✔️ Experience
✔️ Certifications 🏆
✔️ Blogs(live from medium or hardcoded)
✔️ Talks
✔️ PodCasts
✔️ Twitter Tweets
✔️ Education
✔️ Contact me\

To view a live example, click here

Clone And Use 📋

  • The website is completely built on react-js library of javascript and that's why we need nodejs and npm installed.
  • While installing nodejs, npm should be installed automatically. Try to install versions which are equal or greater than the versions mentioned in badges above.
  • After the successful installation of nodejs clone the repository into your local system using below command:
    •  git clone
    • This will clone the whole repository in your system.
  • To download required dependencies to your system, navigate to the directory where the cloned repository resides and execute following command:
    • npm install
  • Now, the project is ready to use.
  • You can check it using npm start, it will open the website locally on your browser.

Customize it to make your own portfolio ✏️

In this project, there are basically 4 things that you need to change to customize this to anyone else's portfolio: package.json, Personal Information, Github Information and Splash Logo.


Open this file, which is in the main cloned directory. Choose any "name". If you are publishing website in github you need to change the value of homepage from . to https://<your-github-username> Do not forget the https://, otherwise fonts will not load. If you are using any other hosting service, use that url in homepage.

Personal Information

You will find src/portfolio.js file which contains the complete information about the user. The file looks something like below:

// Home Page
const greeting = {

// Social Media
const socialMediaLinks = {


You can change the personal information, experience, education, social media, certifications, blog information, contact information, podcasts, talks etc. in src/portfolio.js to directly reflect them in portfolio website.

Github Information

You need to use your github username and a github token to fetch and show your information about opensource contributions

You can get a github token as described here. The token we need, requires no permission. So you don't need to check any box while generating token. But make sure your token do not expire very soon.

Now, you've 2 options.

  • If you are using vercel or netlify or similar site for your site's build, you can use environment variables. That environment variables are GITHUB_TOKEN and GITHUB_USERNAME. You can also use environment variables locally. You need to create a .env file or use our template by cp env.example .env. Then apply your username and token in that.
  • You will find fetcher.mjs file in the main directory of the repository. This file is used to fetch the data (Pull requests, Issues, Organizations, Pinned projects etc.) from your github. If you open the file, you will see below component at the top of the file. You need to change only that component.
const githubConvertedToken: "Your Github Token Here.",
const githubUserName: "Your Github Username Here.",

If you are only using static builds and do not contribute frequently in github you can use your name and tokens directly in fetcher.mjs.

node fetcher.mjs

Warning: Treat your tokens like passwords and keep them secret. When working with the API, use tokens as environment variables instead of hardcoding them into your programs. If you've used your token in fetcher.mjs make sure not to upload that.

This will fetch all the data from your github and it will automatically replace my data with yours. Whenever you want to update the github related information on the website you need to run this command.

Note: Github Projects section only show pinned items of your GitHub. If you are seeing something as shown below, follow these instructions.


If the above solution still doesn't work, visit the wiki page.

Splash Logo

Note here that if you click my portfolio, you can see animated loading at the beginning. That is collected from developerFolio. This loading screen is universal and you can use it. But if you want to change it, you have below two alternatives:

  • If you want to design your own logo, then you can design it using Figma or Adobe XD or Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. If you want to animate it, you can refer to ./src/components/Loader directory which contains js and css files which animates the logo.

  • If you don't want Splash screen or you don't know how to design logo, then this option is for you.

    • You can open src/portfolio.js file and at the top of this file you will see pageEnabled component as below:
    • // Website related settings
      const pageEnabled = {
        splash: true,
    • Change splash from true to false.
    • Now, if you see your website using npm start, it will directly open home rather than animating logo splash screen.
    • If you design your logo in future, then edit the files in ./src/components/Loader and then revert splash to true in src/portfolio.js.


  • You need to change the website title and other descriptions in public/index.html

  • You can define your own favicon in public/icons directory. If you don't have a favicon, you can generate favicons from Favicon Generator and Favicon IO

  • Also you can edit your website preview known as description image. Run your site locally, take a screenshot and replace with public/icons/desc.png. Note that your screenshot should be 1280x640 for better preview

Choose Theme 🌈

  • You can take a look at src/theme.js file where all available themes are mentioned with respective color codes.

  • At the bottom of this file you will see the below code:

    • const Theme = blueTheme;
    • You need to change the name from Theme to whatever theme you want to set your website to.
    • You can also change the values in darkTheme to change dark mode colors.
    • You can define new theme similarly as other themes and you can assign name of that new defined theme to Theme.
  • That's it. You just need to change the theme name and the code will take care of everything else.

    Run npm start to check if everything is ok.

Deployment 📦

  • Once you are done with your setup and have successfully completed all steps above, you need to put your website online!
  • I highly recommend using Github Pages to achieve this the EASIEST WAY.
  • To deploy your website, you have two options. First you need to create a github repository with the name <your-github-username> Please don't give it any other name.
  • Now, you need to generate a production build and deploy the website.

Option 1:

  • Run npm run build to generate the production build folder.
  • Enter the build folder, git init and push the generated code to the main/master branch of your new repository. That's it. Done. You may need to git init and force push at every new build.

Option 2 (will not work with user pages):

  • Run npm run deploy to build and create a branch called gh-pages. It will push the build files to that branch.
  • The last step in deploying is to enable Github Pages in settings of the repository and select gh-pages branch.

Now, your website is successfully deployed and you can visit it at <your-github-username>

Option 3

  • Create a repository in github/gitlab/bitbucket.
  • Commit and push the source code to that repository. Then connect your github/gitlab/bitbucket account with vercel or netlify.
  • Choose that repository from vercel or netlify. Use their services to build and publish your site. I prefer this more because in this method our changes in source code and commit and push results in live changes of wesbite without manual build.

Deploying to Netlify

You could also host directly with Netlify by linking your own repository.

Deploy To Netlify

For more information, read hosting on Netlify.

Deploying to Vercel

Deploy to Vercel

For more information, read hosting on vercel.

Deploying to Heroku

Deploy to Heroku

For more information, read hosting on heroku.


Technologies used 🛠️

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Contributing 💡

If you can help us with these, please don't hesitate to open an pull request or issue.

This repository is open source to help others. So if you wish to copy, consider giving credit!


This project is based on masterPortfolio and some implementations are from developerFolio

[~] Find Me on :

  • Github

  • Gmail

  • Facebook

  • Messenger

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