This is an example application that provides a multi-stage Docker Discord Bot that runs in shards.



This is an example application that makes it possible to create a fully Docker supported Discord Bot that runs in shards. You can run this application in multiple ways:

  • Local development without Docker
  • Local develepment with Docker Compose
  • Docker CLI Run
  • Run with Docker Compose
  • Run with Docker Swarm Stack
  • Run all shards in one service
  • Spread or split shards over multiple services

You can also create your own Docker image using Docker CLI or Docker compose.

It's all documented in this readme file.

This project provides a microservice that updates your TopGG statistics on an hourly basis. Sharding is supported. It's possible to run all shards (one or multiple) on one service or make each shard run on its own service (see README).

This project uses Docker, DiscordJS and TopGG and more.

Development server without Docker

Create file nodemon.json from template nodemon.json.example and fill in the TOKEN and TOPGG environment variables.

Run npm start for a dev server. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Building with Docker CLI

Run docker build --rm -t <image> . to build the Docker image for production.


If you plan on deploying your image to another machine, make sure to push your image to a repo. Check out the Docker docs here if you want to use Docker Hub. (recommended)

Building and running the app with Docker Compose for development

Run docker-compose build to build the dev image.


You can skip build if you plan on using composer up to run it, because up is setup to automatically build it for you.

Create file .env from template .env.example and fill in the TOKEN and TOPGG environment variables.

Run docker-compose up to build and run the dev image.

Running the app with Docker Run

Run docker run --env TOKEN=<discord_token> --env TOPGG=<topgg_token> <image> to run the docker image.

Make sure to assign the following .env variables:


Make sure to use the same image you used when building your image.

Building the app with Docker Compose for production

Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f build to build the docker image for production.


If you plan on deploying your image to another machine, make sure to push your image to a repo. Check out the Docker docs here if you want to use Docker Hub. (recommended)


Composer is not meant to run in production. It is only meant for development or building images. Make sure to read Getting started with swarm mode and check this if you want to use run your build image on a proper environment. (recommended)

Running the app with Docker Swarm

Create Swarm stack file

Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f config to combine base and production compose file.

Suffix with > prod.yaml to output it in a file.

Copy this prod.yaml file to your production machine to run your stack on production.

Creating secrets

On the machine you're planning to run your Swarm stack on do:

Run echo <discord_token> | docker secret create TOKEN_FILE - to create TOKEN secret.

Run echo <topgg_token> | docker secret create TOPGG_FILE - to create TOPGG secret.

Make sure to change the following variables without <> to your personal keys:

  • discord_token
  • topgg_token


Creating secrets can be done in multiple ways and may differ depending on your OS. Make sure to read the Docker Documentation to find the best way on creating a secret in your situation.

Create file .env from template .env.example and leave TOKEN_FILE and TOPGG_FILE environment variables as they are.

Run Swarm stack file

Run docker stack up -c prod.yaml app --with-registry-auth to run the stack.

Split shards into multiple services

By default this app runs all shards on a single service. It can be changed so that every service runs its own separate shard.

This can be done with Swarm and Compose (dev and prod).

Change .env file from template .env.example and set SHARD_SPLITTED to 1 and TOTAL_SHARDS to the number of services/shards

Assign the amount of services in the docker-compose.yaml, docker-compose.override.yaml and and change the SHARD_ID environment in docker-compose.yaml accordingly, like in the example. The stack in this repo has four shards as example.

Either remove or add services to decrease or increase the amount of services/shards. Each service can only have one shard if splitting is active.


For your convenience, these following parts are commented out in the codebase, so you only have to remove the comment-symbols to make it work.

Replace services from docker-compose.yaml to the following:

    <<: *discord-bot
    container_name: shard-0
      SHARD_ID: 0
    <<: *discord-bot
    container_name: shard-1
      SHARD_ID: 1
    <<: *discord-bot
    container_name: shard-2
      SHARD_ID: 2
    <<: *discord-bot
    container_name: shard-3
      SHARD_ID: 3


Replace services from docker-compose.override.yaml if you to apply it on your Docker Compose to the following:

    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot


Replace services from if you to apply it on your Docker Swarm stack to the following:

    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot
    <<: *discord-bot


  • The amount of services must be equal to TOTAL_SHARDS in your .env file.

  • Make sure to start SHARD_ID from 0 and count up 1 each service.

  • If this is not configured properly, some shards will be skipped.

Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f config > prod_splitted.yaml to create a new stack file and copy it to your production similarly done before like here.

Run docker stack up -c prod_splitted.yaml app --with-registry-auth to run the new split stack similarly done before like here.

Optional .env variables

DEBUG_MODE=0 Specify debug mode on or off.

restWsBridgeTimeout=5000 Maximum time permitted between REST responses and their corresponding websocket events - default 5000.

restTimeOffset=500 Extra time in milliseconds to wait before continuing to make REST requests (higher values will reduce rate-limiting errors on bad connections) - Default 500.

restRequestTimeout=15000 Time to wait before cancelling a REST request, in milliseconds - Default 15000.

restSweepInterval=60 How frequently to delete inactive request buckets, in seconds (or 0 for never) - Default 60.

retryLimit=1 How many times to retry on 5XX errors (Infinity for indefinite amount of retries) - Default 1.


Few resources used:

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    For the lack of good examples on the internet I've made this Git Repo for my own example bot.

    This is an example application that makes it possible to create a fully Docker supported Discord Bot that runs in shards. It's multi-stage and you can run this application in multiple ways:

    • Local development without Docker
    • Local develepment with Docker Compose
    • Docker CLI Run
    • Run with Docker Compose
    • Run with Docker Swarm Stack
    • Run all shards in one service
    • Spread or split shards over multiple services
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