Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript

Related tags

String domurl

domurl 2.x (former jsurl)

Build Status GitHub license

Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript for both DOM and server JavaScript.


To have a convenient way working with URLs in JavaScript. From time to time there are usual tasks when it is required to add or remove some parameters to some basic URL or change some other URL parts.

There is no easy standard way to do it in JavaScript.

This small library intended to fix that problem

Supported Browsers

This library was tested under:

  • IE 7+
  • Chrome 25+
  • Opera 12.15+
  • Firefox 20+
  • Android browser 2.3+
  • NodeJS 0.10+

Theoretically it should work fine with newer or older versions of these browsers, but it was not fully tested yet. If you'll find any compatibility issues, please, let me know by leaving a bug report here:

You can run basic tests for your browser here: or run test.html from this repository locally. If any test has not been passed, please, open a bug report as described above providing browser and OS version on each test which has been failed.

How To Use

First of all it is required to include Url class on the page. It can be simply done as

<script src="url.min.js"></script>

Then any time it's required to do some work over the URL string, it's just required to instantiate the Url object and work with that object instead of initial string. See API description below to get a clue.

Install with JAM

It is possible also to install domurl via JAM repository ( Could be simply done as:

$ jam install domurl

Install with Bower

It is also possible now to install domurl using Bower package repository. Could be done simply as:

$ bower install domurl

Install with NPM

Domurl is available on NPM and is now works well for both server and browser:

$ npm install domurl



Url({string} [url], {boolean} [noTransform]) -> {Url}

Constructor. If url argument is not passed, current document URL will be used. If second argument bypassed as true value it will try to do no transforms on a given source URL to keep it form as it was initially given. Otherwise, by default, it will try to resolve given URL to an absolute form.

Url.toString() -> {string}

Converts URL to string representation. As far as it's special method, any time string operations is performed over Url objects this method is automatically called

Url.paths({Array} [pathStrings])

Returns Url.path representation as array or sets it via array representation if optional array of pathStrings was provided.

Url.encode({string} urlPart) -> {string}

Performs URI-compatible encoding of the given urlPart component. It works not the same as native encodeURIComponent()!

Url.decode({string} encUrlPart) -> {string}

Performs decoding of URI-encoded component. It works not the same as native decodeURIComponent()!

Url.clearQuery() -> {Url}

Removes all query string parameters from the URL

Url.queryLength() -> {Number}

Returns total count of the query string parameters.

Url.isEmptyQuery() -> {boolean}

Returns true if query string contains no parameters, false otherwise.


Url.protocol - protocol part of URL, everything between the beginning of the URL string and "://" delimiter (if specified)

Url.user - auth user name (if specified)

Url.pass - auth user password (if specified) - host name (if specified)

Url.port - port number (if specified)

Url.path - document path

Url.query - QueryString object. It's a simple Javascript object with automatic string mapping. String representation contains everything after "?" and to the end of QueryString

Url.hash - Anchor part of the URL. Everything after "#" and to the end of anchor

Usage Examples

var u  = new Url; // current document URL will be used
// or we can instantiate as
var u2 = new Url( "");
// it should support relative URLs also
var u3 = new Url( "/my/site/doc/path?foo=bar#baz");

// get the value of some query string parameter
alert( u2.query.a);
// or
alert( u3.query["foo"]);

// Manupulating query string parameters
u.query.a = [1, 2, 3]; // adds/replaces in query string params a=1&a=2&a=3
u.query.b = 'woohoo';  // adds/replaces in query string param b=woohoo

if (u.query.a instanceof Array) { // the way to add a parameter
  u.query.a.push(4); // now it's "a=1&a=2&a=3&a=4&b=woohoo"

else { // if not an array but scalar value here is a way how to convert to array
  u.query.a = [u.query.a];

// The way to remove the parameter:
delete u.query.a
// or:
delete u.query["a"]

// If you need to remove all query string params:
alert( u);

// Lookup URL parts:
    'protocol = ' + u.protocol + '\n' +
    'user = ' + u.user + '\n' +
    'pass = ' + u.pass + '\n' +
    'host = ' + + '\n' +
    'port = ' + u.port + '\n' +
    'path = ' + u.path + '\n' +
    'query = ' + u.query + '\n' +
    'hash = ' + u.hash

// Manipulating URL parts
u.path = '/some/new/path'; // the way to change URL path
u.paths(['some', 'new', 'path']); // change path by array of strings
u.protocol = 'https' // the way to force https protocol on the source URL

// inject into string
var str = '<a href="' + u + '">My Cool Link</a>';

// or use in DOM context
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = u;
a.innerHTML = 'test';
document.body.appendChild( a);

// Stringify
u += '';
// NOTE, that usually it will be done automatically, so only in special
//       cases direct stringify is required


This code is available under MIT license. Feel free to do what you want.

  • Incorrect URL encoding

    Incorrect URL encoding

    When init with url like this new Url(' world here.jpg').toString()


    expected result: ''

    Not sure why the space got encoded into %2520

    When remove the protocol it works correctly:

    new Url(' world here.jpg').toString() => ''

    opened by zipme 9
  • Support TypeScript

    Support TypeScript

    Hello! You didn't think about language support for TypeScript? I could write a file jsurl.d.ts, and push it to the DefinitelyTyped repository which would be a description of the library functions.

    opened by agorshkov23 6
  • TypeError thrown when used inside a srcdoc iframe

    TypeError thrown when used inside a srcdoc iframe


    I've found an issue when one of our scripts that use domurl was injected inside a srcdoc iframe.

    That is an strange case, but I though It may be worth mentioning it.

    Here there is a minimal example:

    <!doctype html>
    <iframe srcdoc='<script src="[email protected]/url.js" integrity="sha256-4NOatzFOPdRvADrRwu+TbGMS2LQNQ0ZEseTjM1sdFj4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script>var url = new Url("/robots.txt");</script>'></iframe>


    TypeError: getCurrUrl(...).match(...) is null

    What do you think? It feels like something that should be "gracefully" handled? A bit difficult may be.


    opened by esroyo 5
  • Small issues in encoding URLs with param values null and undefined

    Small issues in encoding URLs with param values null and undefined

    Looks like the changes in 1a605a573e4e205c00336463a82a77fac910cad5 have made some of the decoding and encoding behaviors asymmetric.

    First, a loop on a valid URL causes value-less params to get lost. So, this doesn't pass:

    const urlString1 = "/?alice=123&bob=&carol";
    const url1 = new Url(urlString1);

    with error:

        Expected: "/?alice=123&bob=&carol"
        Received: "/?alice=123&bob="

    After decoding, this does pass:

    const urlString1 = "/?alice=123&bob=&carol";
    const url1 = new Url(urlString1);

    So, the problem lays on the encoding side. With changing the encoding logic to:

    • drop param if value is undefined, and
    • keep param without value if the value is null, then we can make sure using values returned from .query to reconstruct the URL would result in the original URL, hence passing the initial test.

    What do you think?

    opened by besfahbod 4
  • queryLength() and isEmptyQuery() returning incorrect values

    queryLength() and isEmptyQuery() returning incorrect values


    queryLength is not searching the query, but is searching the whole URL object instead. This is also causing isEmptyQuery to return an incorrect value.

    This should be an easy fix, but I wanted to confirm that this is indeed a bug before going ahead and making a PR for it.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by dudeOFprosper 4
  • Consider adding tags for the repo.

    Consider adding tags for the repo.

    Hi @Mikhus

    Your great work had been recommend being added in CDNJS. However, we need tags for repo to specify points in history and mark release points. It's helpful for users to know the version and status of repository, and would enable wider distribution of the library. Would you please consider on using tags?

    Thank you! Piicksarn #6428

    opened by Piicksarn 4
  • Bower: no versions available

    Bower: no versions available

    Some tools that use Bower expect a package to have versions associated with it. Bower can't find any versions for the jsurl package because there are no git tags pushed for this repo. See: screen shot 2014-07-17 at 10 24 41 am

    Please push a git tag for this project. See here for more information:

    opened by AdamFrey 4
  • Current url, once initialized, is cached forever and never reflects changes to window.location.href

    Current url, once initialized, is cached forever and never reflects changes to window.location.href

    When initializing with new Url(), this module uses the current window.location.href by default, and then caches it forever in the module's closure/namespace. After that, even when the window.location.href changes, the module will still use the old/incorrect cached value on new Url() invocations:

    var url = new Url();
    url.hash = "somehash";
    window.location.href = url.toString()
    var url2 = new Url();
    url2.hash // empty, should be "somehash"

    Also note that in apps using pushState (i.e. most SPAs these days), much more than the hash will change. The above is just one way to demonstrate the bug in a non-pushState navigation without causing a page reload.

    opened by jwhiting 3
  • When passing a relative url into Url() and converting to string, the current pages path is included

    When passing a relative url into Url() and converting to string, the current pages path is included

    I've written a simple function that cleans some query strings out of any provide url string: function sanitizeURL(url) { var url = new Url(url); if(url.query["reload"]) { delete url.query["reload"] } if(url.query["forceReload"]) { delete url.query["forceReload"] } if(url.query["device"]) { delete url.query["device"] } if(url.query["testwebid"]) { delete url.query["testwebid"] } if(url.query["testWebId"]) { delete url.query["testWebId"] } if(url.query["testWebID"]) { delete url.query["testWebID"] } if(url.query["timetravel"]) { delete url.query["timetravel"] } return url.toString(); } but when I add run with a relative url string the whole pages path is returned: sanitizeURL("SearchResults?search=new&make=Buick&year=2016&forceReload=true")

    What's returned: "file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/Users/brooksg/SearchResults?search=new&make=Buick&year=2016"

    Expecting: "SearchResults?search=new&make=Buick&year=2016"

    Is there anyway around this or is this a bug?

    opened by brookscom4580 3
  • structured parameters not decoded

    structured parameters not decoded

    var a={q:1, w:"w2", e:{ea:"123qwe", eb:"345asd"}, f:["qw", "er", 12], g:[{zx:123, vv:345}, {zxc:1234, cvb:3455}] }; var u=new Url("https://us:[email protected]/path1/path2?" + decodeURIComponent($.param(a)) );

    u.query.e should return {ea:"123qwe", eb:"345asd"}

    question wontfix 
    opened by hawajrambo 3
  • Problem with full URL

    Problem with full URL

    Attempt to parse the following URL causes the wrong result

    var feed = new Url(''); feed.toString() ->> returns ""

    There are two problems:

    • missing '/' after the host name
    • default port is present in the result url (not nice)

    I have fixed it by changing toString() function to the following. Haven't tested it in all scenarios, by with full URL works fine

    this.toString = function () { return ( (this.protocol && (this.protocol + '://')) + (this.user && (this.user + (this.pass && (':' + this.pass)) + '@')) + ( && + ((this.port && !(this.port == 443 && this.protocol == 'https') && !(this.port == 80 && this.protocol == 'http')) ? this.port : '') + (this.path && ('/' + this.path)) + (this.query.toString() && ('?' + this.query)) + (this.hash && ('#' + this.hash)) ); };

    opened by amrynsky 3
  • Array/object url is encoded/decoded in the wrong way

    Array/object url is encoded/decoded in the wrong way

    This u.query.a = [1, 2, 3]; creates a=1&a=2&a=3 while the correct is a[0]=1&a[1]=2&a[2]=3 The currently generated URL can lead to query overload, which depends on the server (apache, lighttpd or Microsoft) understand differently. While the second one is the correct array GET structure. In languages where associative array exists, the following is also valid: For u.query.a = ['key1' => 1, 'key5' => 2, 'key3' => 3]; represented as a[key1]=1&a[key5]=2&a[key3]=3, this is most probably represented in JS as an object like u.query.a = {"key1": 1, "key5": 2, "key3": 3};. Also, servers support multidimensional array/objects, which's not supported here. u.query.a = [1, [2, 5], 3]; as a[0]=1&a[1][0]=2&a[1][1]=5&a[2]=3 u.query.a = {"key1": 1, "key5": [2, 5], "key3": 3}; as a[key1]=1&a[key5][0]=2&a[key5][1]=5&a[key3]=3 u.query.a = {"key1": 1, "key5": {"key1": 2, "key6": 5}, "key3": 3}; as a[key1]=1&a[key5][key1]=2&a[key5][key6]=5&a[key3]=3

    opened by golddragon007 0
  • URL Path is over-escaped for *special characters* such as SEMICOLON, COLON, EQUALS SIGN

    URL Path is over-escaped for *special characters* such as SEMICOLON, COLON, EQUALS SIGN

    Last paragraph of says:

    Aside from dot-segments in hierarchical paths, a path segment is considered opaque by the generic syntax. URI producing applications often use the reserved characters allowed in a segment to delimit scheme-specific or dereference-handler-specific subcomponents. For example, the semicolon (";") and equals ("=") reserved characters are often used to delimit parameters and parameter values applicable to that segment. The comma (",") reserved character is often used for similar purposes. For example, one URI producer might use a segment such as "name;v=1.1" to indicate a reference to version 1.1 of "name", whereas another might use a segment such as "name,1.1" to indicate the same. Parameter types may be defined by scheme-specific semantics, but in most cases the syntax of a parameter is specific to the implementation of the URI's dereferencing algorithm.

    This means, these special characters can be present in path, carrying special information.

    In other words, they are supposed to be escaped only if they are expected not to carry the special information, like if they appear in a directory name on the file-system.

    On Chrome, these comparisons are all truthful:

    String(new URL("")) == ""
    String(new URL(";bob")) == ";bob"
    String(new URL(",bob")) == ",bob"

    I think domurl should be able to parse and re-gen those values as well. Wdyt?

    opened by besfahbod 0
  • "A security problem occurred" in Edge with @

    In MS Edge, if you pass a malformed url like http://Photo@ to the Url constructor of this library, you get a mysterious exception "A security problem occurred". You can see the same error by just running var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = "http://Photot@"; link["protocol"]; in console. It would be better if domurl caught this and raised a more understandable error.

    opened by JelleZijlstra 0
  • ns.navigator is not a function when importing through webpack

    ns.navigator is not a function when importing through webpack

    I installed the library and imported it to my srcipt by

    import 'domurl';

    however when I load page I get mentioned error in console. Tested on Firefox 75.0 on Windows.

    opened by sabat24 2
  • Plus Sign (`+`) should not be converted to Space outside of GET values

    Plus Sign (`+`) should not be converted to Space outside of GET values

    Traditionally, + sign has been treated as Space, b/c that's how x-www-form-urlencoded prefers to encode a space in its values. (Maybe also names, I'm not sure at the moment.)

    However, the Plus Sign should not be treated as Space outside of Query Params. Doing so would make parsing of URLs such as incorrect.

    opened by besfahbod 0
  • Support Protocol-relative URL (PRL)

    Support Protocol-relative URL (PRL)

    Levels of support can be like:

    1. Parsing PRL strings into an object and then back to the string should work out of the box.
    2. Allow generation of PRL from a relative URL.
    3. Allow downgrading a URL with protocol into a PRL.

    Specifically, (1) is very important when using the library on href values, which can be intentionally kept as PRL, for better client support.



    What do you think?

    opened by besfahbod 2
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