slash-create with Cloudflare Workers template


/create with Cloudflare Workers

A slash-create template, using Cloudflare Workers.

Getting Started

Cloning the repo

You can either use degit to locally clone this repo without git, or create a new repo from this template and clone that.

npx degit Snazzah/slash-create-worker

After that, make sure to install dependencies using npm or yarn:

npm install
# yarn

Installing and setting up Wrangler

Make sure to sign up for a Cloudflare Workers account in a browser before continuing. Install wrangler with npm or yarn:

npm install -g @cloudflare/wrangler
# yarn global add @cloudflare/wrangler

Read more about installing wrangler.

Afterwards, run wrangler login to login to your Cloudflare account with OAuth:

wrangler login

Copy wrangler.example.toml into wrangler.toml. Make sure to fill in your account ID in the config and update the name of the worker. You can find your account ID here towards the right side.

Filling in secrets

You can enter in environment secrets with wrangler secret put, here are the keys that are required to run this:

wrangler secret put DISCORD_APP_ID
wrangler secret put DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY
wrangler secret put DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN

For a development environment, you can also include COMMANDS_DEV_GUILD for commands to be updated in that guild live

wrangler secret put DISCORD_APP_ID -e development
wrangler secret put DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY -e development
wrangler secret put DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN -e development
wrangler secret put COMMANDS_DEV_GUILD -e development

If an error occurs when trying to create a worker to put the secret in, create a worker manually in the dashboard and set the subdomain. It will be overwritten later.


You can run npm run dev to start a development environment and use something like ngrok to tunnel it to a URL. To sync commands, copy .env.example to development.env and fill in the variables, then run npm run sync:dev.

Note: When you create a command, make sure to include it in the array of commands in ./src/commands/index.ts.


To sync to production, copy .env.example to .env and fill in the variables, then run npm run sync. To publish code to a worker, run npm run deploy.

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  • requiredPermissions does not work (hangs command execution)

    requiredPermissions does not work (hangs command execution)

    Attempting to use requiredPermissions in seemingly any form results in the command hanging infinitely and timing out.

    This appears to happen with both 5.4.1 and 5.5.0 of slash-create.

    This does not happen on the plain JavaScript template. I have not tested any templates other this one and a plain JavaScript one.

    Steps followed for repro:

    • Clone or degit clone the repo.
    • Install deps: yarn
    • Add a command that uses requiredPermissions or modify an existing command to use it.
      • I tried both ['MANAGE_ROLES'] for my own command ['MANAGE_GUILD'] for a test command taken from the docs (see below).
    • Run yarn sync:dev
    • Run yarn dev
    • As a user with permission to use it, try to execute the command.

    Expected: image

    Actual result: image

    Environment used: Ubuntu 22.04 in WSL2 with node 16.14.0 from asdf. Also happened on a GitHub Codespace default image with node 16 from nvm.

    The output is kind of uninteresting because it seems to think everything is okay:

    [mf:inf] Build succeeded
    [mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (118.09KiB)
    [mf:inf] Listening on :8787
    [mf:inf] -
    [mf:inf] -
    [mf:inf] -
    POST / 200 OK (2011.30ms, waitUntil: 2011.34ms)

    Command used for repro was taken from docs:

    const { SlashCommand, ApplicationCommandPermissionType } = require('slash-create');
    module.exports = class ExclusivityCommand extends SlashCommand {
      constructor(creator) {
        super(creator, {
          name: 'exclusivity',
          description: 'Only people who manage the guild can use this command.',
          // Whether to enable this command for everyone by default
          defaultPermission: false,
          // This will be an array of permission flag names from here:
          requiredPermissions: ['MANAGE_GUILD']
        this.filePath = __filename;
      async run(ctx) {
        return 'You can manage this guild!';
    opened by Erisa 2
  • Incompatibility with Miniflare

    Incompatibility with Miniflare

    When attempting to use this template with Miniflare, the following error is encountered:

    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    (node:17421) PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 2)
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)

    This occurs once on load, and then subsequently on every request made by Discord (for example the ping test sent when setting the Interactions endpoint) and the bot does not function.

    Steps followed:

    • Clone or degit clone the repo.
    • Install deps: $ yarn
    • Install miniflare: $ npm install -g miniflare
    • Run $ miniflare -e .env

    Environment used: Ubuntu 22.04 Beta in WSL2 with node 16.14.0 from asdf. Also happened on a GitHub Codespace default image last week.

    Click to show full output:
    erisa@Tuturu:~/slash-create-worker$ miniflare -e .env
    > build
    > webpack
    (node:17499) [DEP_WEBPACK_MODULE_ERRORS] DeprecationWarning: Module.errors was removed (use getErrors instead)
    (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
    asset worker.js 115 KiB [emitted] [minimized] (name: main)
    runtime modules 432 bytes 3 modules
    modules by path ./node_modules/ 278 KiB
      modules by path ./node_modules/slash-create/lib/ 157 KiB 37 modules
      + 4 modules
    modules by path ./src/ 9.05 KiB
      modules by path ./src/shim/ 7.33 KiB 5 modules
      modules by path ./src/commands/*.ts 866 bytes 2 modules
      + 1 module
    optional modules 45 bytes [optional]
      express (ignored) 15 bytes [optional] [built] [code generated]
      fastify (ignored) 15 bytes [optional] [built] [code generated]
      fastify/lib/symbols (ignored) 15 bytes [optional] [built] [code generated]
    + 5 modules
    WARNING in ./node_modules/slash-create/lib/command.js 155:27-49
    Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
     @ ./node_modules/slash-create/lib/index.js 29:13-33
     @ ./src/shim/creator.ts 4:23-46
     @ ./src/shim/index.ts 13:13-33
     @ ./src/index.ts 5:15-32
    WARNING in ./node_modules/slash-create/lib/creator.js 131:30-47
    Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression
     @ ./node_modules/slash-create/lib/index.js 30:13-33
     @ ./src/shim/creator.ts 4:23-46
     @ ./src/shim/index.ts 13:13-33
     @ ./src/index.ts 5:15-32
    2 warnings have detailed information that is not shown.
    Use 'stats.errorDetails: true' resp. '--stats-error-details' to show it.
    webpack 5.69.1 compiled with 2 warnings in 2958 ms
    [mf:inf] Build succeeded
    [mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (115.08KiB)
    [mf:inf] Listening on :8787
    [mf:inf] -
    [mf:inf] -
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    [mf:inf] Updated Request cf object cache!
    GET / 405 Method Not Allowed (9.51ms)
    GET /favicon.ico 405 Method Not Allowed (1.88ms)
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    (node:17421) PromiseRejectionHandledWarning: Promise rejection was handled asynchronously (rejection id: 2)
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: SyntaxError: Unsupported key usage for a NODE-ED25519 key
        at verifyAcceptableEcKeyUse (node:internal/crypto/ec:86:11)
        at Object.ecImportKey (node:internal/crypto/ec:411:11)
        at Proxy.importKey (node:internal/crypto/webcrypto:489:10)
        at Object.6205 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:49825)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.936 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:46659)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
        at Object.9569 (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:48060)
        at r (/home/erisa/slash-create-worker/dist/worker.js:7:82488)
    opened by Erisa 1
  • Update this template for wrangler2

    Update this template for wrangler2

    Wrangler 2 released recently. There are some major changes that may be beneficial. Here's a migration guide. wrangler.toml will be much simpler and webpack may no longer be needed!

    opened by kotx 0
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