A bookstore app that allows a user add a book, displays added book with reviews and rating for each book and allows a user delete a book.



A bookstore app that allows a user add a book, displays added book with reviews and rating for each book and allows a user delete a book.

Built With

  • React.js and CSS3
  • Frameworks
  • Netlify, Webpack, big.js, jest, Git and Babel.

Live Demo

Live Demo

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.




To get a local copy up and running you'll need to have NodeJS installed on your local machine.


After installing NodeJS please follow the next steps...


npm i

-- for installing dev dependecies.

npm run build

-- to run the project.


npm run start


npm run deploy



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Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse Inc
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πŸ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • Styling


    Hey There πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    In this PR, you can find that I:

    • [x] Styled the different components
    • [x] Styled the redux components
    • [x] added transitions and effects

    Happy Reviewing

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 1
  • Components


    Hey There πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    In this PR, you will find that I:

    • [x] Initialised React app.
    • [x] Created a directory for your components.
    • [x] Added React Router and set two <Route>s and <Link>s for the app's navigation
    • [x] Created a component called Book for displaying a single book (receive a title and an author as prop) and reused it in a component that displays a list of books.
    • [x] Created a separate component for this form (with inputs for a title and an author
    • [x] Styled the project
    • [x] Checked for linters
    • [x] Committed and pushed changes

    Happy Reviewing...

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 1
  • Connect to api

    Connect to api

    Hey There πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    In this PR, you can find:

    • [x] Used Bookstore API documentation API.
    • [x] Used fetch or axios with createAsyncThunk for making API calls.
    • [x] Fetched book list from Bookstore API on Books page load.
    • [x] Added an Action Creator, that returns a function.
    • [x] Fetched list of books.
    • [x] Dispatched another action (add an action type) that will pass API response to reducer and update the state.
    • [x] Refactored your add book and remove book features to persist your changes in the server.
    • [x] Changed the existing Action Creators, so they return functions.
    • [x] Made changes by using API.
    • [x] Dispatched an action (action type that existed before refactor) that will updates the state accordingly.
    • [x] Add book and remove book work in the same way after the refactor.
    • [x] Checked for linter errors
    • [x] committed and pushed changes

    Happy Reviewing

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • React redux

    React redux

    Hello πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    In this PR, you can find that I:

    • [x] First of all - made sure that I keptstate immutable in reducers!
    • [x] Secondly, changed the default state in your books reducer from an empty array to an array with a few books.
    • [x] Imported Redux Provider and store in the main component of React app.
    • [x] Connected the app to the Redux store.
    • [x] Made sure that list of books displays books from Redux store.
    • [x] Used useSelector to consume the state.
    • [x] In the React component responsible for adding new books, added functionality for the "Add new" button click:
    • [x] Imported Redux useDispatch.
    • [x] Set the data inputs in the local React state (set title and author
    • [x] Takes the inputs from the state and generate a unique id and add them to an object.
    • [x] In the React component responsible for removing books, added a functionality for "Remove" button click:
    • [x] Imported Redux useDispatch.
    • [x] Dispatched a corresponding action
    • [x] In React component responsible for categories, added a functionality for "Check status" button click:
    • [x] Imported Redux useDispatch.
    • [x] Dispatched a corresponding action (import Action Creator that you created before and use it here).

    Happy Reviewing

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • Reducers actions

    Reducers actions

    Hey There πŸ‘‹πŸ»

    In this PR, you can find that I:

    • [x] Defined action types for adding and removing a book.
    • [x] Set the initial state of being an empty array of books.
    • [x] Exported Action Creators for your actions.
    • [x] Wrote your reducer and exported it as default.
    • [x] Defined state changes for the actions that you created.
    • [x] And in the case of unknown action - returned the current state.
    • [x] Define an action type for checking the status.
    • [x] Set the initial state as an empty array of categories.
    • [x] Exported Action Creators for your actions.
    • [x] Wrote your reducer and exported it as default.
    • [x] For the check status action returned a string "Under construction".
    • [x] In case of unknown action - returned the current state.
    • [x] Configured the Redux Store in ConfigureStore.js
    • [x] Imported the necessary methods from Redux Toolkit.
    • [x] Combined both reducers into a root reducer by using configureStore.js function.

    Happy Reviewing

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
Promise Okechukwu
- Software Engineering student and Mentor at @microverseinc - Journey to Full-stack Developer: HTML-CSS-JS-RUBY-RAILS--Node.JS-PHP - Open to new opportunities
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