A DOM-merging algorithm



Idiomorph is a javascript library for morphing one DOM tree to another. It is inspired by other libraries that pioneered this functionality:

  • morphdom - the original DOM morphing library
  • nanomorph - an updated take on morphdom

Both morphdom and nanomorph use the id property of a node to match up elements within a given set of sibling nodes. When an id match is found, the existing element is not removed from the DOM, but is instead morphed in place to the new content. This preserves the node in the DOM, and allows state (such as focus) to be retained.

However, in both these algorithms, the structure of the children of sibling nodes is not considered when morphing two nodes: only the ids of the nodes are considered. This is due to performance: it is not feasible to recurse through all the children of siblings when matching things up.

id sets

Idiomorph takes a different approach: before node-matching occurs, both the new content and the old content are processed to create id sets, a mapping of elements to a set of all ids found within that element. That is, the set of all ids in all children of the element, plus the element's id, if any.

Id sets can be computed relatively efficiently via a query selector + a bottom up algorithm.

Given an id set, you can now adopt a broader sense of "matching" than simply using id matching: if the intersection between the id sets of element 1 and element 2 is non-empty, they match. This allows Idiomorph to relatively quickly match elements based on structural information from children, who contribute to a parent's id set, which allows for better overall matching when compared with simple id-based matching.


Idiomorph is a small (1.7k min/gz'd), dependency free JavaScript library, and can be installed via NPM or your favorite dependency management system under the Idiomorph dependency name. You can also include it via a CDN like unpkg to load it directly in a browser:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/idiomorph"></script>

Or you can download the source to your local project.

Idiomorph has a very simple usage:

  Idiomorph.morph(existingNode, newNode);

This will morph the existingNode to have the same structure as the newNode. Note that this is a destructive operation with respect to both the existingNode and the newNode.

You can also pass string content in:

  Idiomorph.morph(existingNode, "<div>New Content</div>");

And it will be parsed and merged into the new content.

If you wish to target the innerHTML rather than the outerHTML of the content, you can pass in a morphStyle in a third config argument:

  Idiomorph.morph(existingNode, "<div>New Content</div>", {morphStyle:'innerHTML'});

This will replace the inner content of the existing node with the new content.


Idiomorph was created to integrate with htmx and can be used as a swapping mechanism by including the Idiomorph-ext file in your HTML:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/idiomorph/dist/idiomorph-ext.min.js"></script>
<div hx-ext="morph">
    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph:innerHTML">
        Morph My Inner HTML

    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph:outerHTML">
        Morph My Outer HTML
    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph">
        Morph My Outer HTML


Idiomorph is not designed to be as fast as either morphdom or nanomorph. Rather, its goals are:

  • Better DOM tree matching
  • Relatively simple code

Performance is a consideration, but better matching is the reason Idiomorph was created. Initial tests indicate that it is approximately equal to 10% slower than morphdom for large DOM morphs, and equal to or faster than morphdom for smaller morphs.

Example Morph

Here is a simple example of some HTML in which Idiomorph does a better job of matching up than morphdom:

Initial HTML

        <p id="p1">A</p>
        <p id="p2">B</p>

Final HTML

        <p id="p2">B</p>
        <p id="p1">A</p>

Here we have a common situation: a parent div, with children divs and grand-children divs that have ids on them. This is a common situation when laying out code in HTML: parent divs often do not have ids on them (rather they have classes, for layout reasons) and the "leaf" nodes have ids associated with them.

Given this example, morphdom will detach both #p1 and #p2 from the DOM because, when it is considering the order of the children, it does not see that the #p2 grandchild is now within the first child.

Idiomorph, on the other hand, has an id set for the (id-less) children, which includes the ids of the grandchildren. Therefore, it is able to detect the fact that the #p2 grandchild is now a child of the first id-less child. Because of this information it is able to only move/detach one grandchild node, #p1. (This is unavoidable, since they changed order)

So, you can see, by computing id sets for nodes, idiomoroph is able to achieve better DOM matching, with fewer node detachments.


You can see a practical demo of Idiomorph out-performing morphdom (with respect to DOM stability, not performance) here:


For both algorithms, this HTML:

        <iframe id="video" width="422" height="240" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ"
                title="Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)" frameborder="0"
                allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

is moprhed into this HTML:

        <iframe id="video" width="422" height="240" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dQw4w9WgXcQ"
                title="Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)" frameborder="0"
                allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"

Note that the iframe has an id on it, but the first-level divs do not have ids on them. This means that morphdom is unable to tell that the video element has moved up, and the first div should be discarded, rather than morphed into, to preserve the video element.

Idiomorph, however, has an id-set for the top level divs, which includes the id of the embedded child, and can see that the video has moved to be a child of the first element in the top level children, so it correctly discards the first div and merges the video content with the second node.

You can see visually that idiomoroph is able to keep the video running because of this, whereas morphdom is not:

Rick Roll Demo

To keep things stable with morphdom, you would need to add ids to at least one of the top level divs.

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  • open to callbacks?

    open to callbacks?

    StimulusReflex folks here. This is a really exciting vision, kudos for your approach.

    I happen to agree that sacrificing a bit of performance for much more reliable outcomes is a win. We actually keep a checklist of weird morphdom shit and boy, would I love to be able to delete it.

    We're considering jumping ship for a few reasons beyond edge case gotchas, mostly relating to callbacks. There is a onBeforeElUpdated callback, but they don't have anything for text nodes, or text <-> element conversions with incompatible types. We use onBeforeElUpdated to allow SR developers to mark elements as "permanent" via a data-reflex-permanent attribute. It works for element nodes, but people are constantly asking us why morphing a string can't be prevented.

    Are you open to providing a callback that would halt all morphing for an element and its children if it returns false?

    The other thing is a nice-to-have, and that's a callback for when all nodes have been processed. This has been extensively discussed but nothing seems to have solidified.

    Finally, as a bonus round question: are you open to implementing the equivalent to morphdom's childrenOnly option?

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  • Full page morphing

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    Will morphing whole pages be supported? I'd love a library where you can throw anything at it, and it would "just work". Even including the head tag.

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  • Might want to look at isEqualNode and isSameNode for a possible performance bump

    Might want to look at isEqualNode and isSameNode for a possible performance bump

    Stoked to see someone else working on this problem 🙌 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/isEqualNode https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/isSameNode

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