A NWScript LSP.



NWScript: EE Language Server is a Visual Studio Code extension LSP for the NWScript language.

While it seems to work well, even in bigger and older code bases, it is still an early project and there might be some unintended behaviours.





Simply open a project with nss files and the extension installed. The extension will index your files and you will be ready to go - it can currently take up to 10-15 seconds to index big projects.


  • The files are indexed in background processes, which means it will not block other features of the LSP like formatting, and a file's local definitions generated on the fly will be available.
  • The files are indexed incrementally, which means a file's global definitions become available as soon as it has been indexed.


    "files.associations": {
      "*.nss": "nwscript"
    "[nwscript]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "PhilippeChab.nwscript-ee-language-server"
    "nwscript-ee-lsp.formatter": {
      "enabled": true,
      "executable": "clang-format",
      "ignoredGlobs": ["/folder/to/ignore/*.nss", "file/to/ignore/filename.nss"],
      "style": {
        "BasedOnStyle": "Google",
        "AlignTrailingComments": true,
        "AlignConsecutiveAssignments": true,
        "ColumnLimit": 250,
        "BreakBeforeBraces": "Allman",
        "AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft": true,
        "AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings": true,
        "MaxEmptyLinesToKeep": 1,
        "TabWidth": 4,
        "IndentWidth": 4,
        "UseTab": "Always"


  • The executable setting must either bet set to you path executable's identifer, or its absolute path.
  • The style object must respect clang-format rules.


Enhanced syntax highlighting:


Hover information:

Goto definition:


  • Formatting
  • Range formatting
  • Signature help


Please report any issues on the github repository.

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