Slidebars is a jQuery Framework for Off-Canvas Menus and Sidebars into your website or web app.

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Menu Slidebars


Slidebars is a jQuery Framework for Off-Canvas Menus and Sidebars into your website or web app.

Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite which features clean and discreet markup, permits an unlimited number of off-canvas instances on any side and is equipped with a full API, callbacks and events for ultimate control.

It is not compatible with previous versions, so check out the Slidebars website for information on getting started, usage documentation and compatibility tables.

Previous versions of Slidebars are no longer supported.

How to Contribute to Slidebars Using GitHub

Raising Issues

If you're having problems with Slidebars, please read through the usage documentation first. Make sure your running the latest version of Slidebars and jQuery 1.8 or higher.

There are a few common issues and fixes which can be found on the Slidebars website. Please check there and the closed issues list to see if your problem has previously been answered.

If the issue is being caused by your own markup, styling, scripts or a conflicting plugin, I won't be able to help. But if you've found an issue, that's great, I'd like to hear as I'm always looking to improve Slidebars.

Please provide as much information about the bug as possible. Include a url which demonstrates the issue, or if you don't want to public reveal your url, create a JSFiddle.

Pull Requests

Pull request are welcome, please make sure your modifications are to the development version of Slidebars and they are well tested!

  • Print issue in chrome

    Print issue in chrome

    I have a print css that sets .sb-left to display:none. This works fine in firefox but in chrome if you print a page with the left slidebar open the slidebar still prints.

    I also have this in my print css

    sb-site {min-height:0 !important;transform:none !important;box-shadow:none !important;}

    Have you come across this before? Have any suggestions?

    opened by barbmc 23
  • Having custom width issue with off canvace

    Having custom width issue with off canvace

    I am trying to set custom width (no matter in pixel or percentage) but it is adding fixed negative margin. Because of this the sidebar doesn't fits with the width but leaving empty part.

    Any idea or resolution?

    I think something wrong happening here

    // Set off-canvas margins for Slidebars with push and overlay animations.
    if ($left && ($left.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $left.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $left.css('marginLeft', '-' + $left.css('width'));
    if ($right && ($right.hasClass('sb-style-push') || $right.hasClass('sb-style-overlay'))) $right.css('marginRight', '-' + $right.css('width'));
    // Custom Slidebar Widths
    if ($left && $left.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $left.css('width', $left.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.
    if ($right && $right.hasClass('sb-width-custom')) $right.css('width', $right.attr('data-sb-width')); // Set user custom width.

    May be it is still adding negative margin if using off-canvas.

    Bug JS 
    opened by q2amarket 23
  • Push and Overlay styles not initally appearing on iOS7

    Push and Overlay styles not initally appearing on iOS7

    I have found a bug involving 0.9's new animation styles 'push' and 'overlay' when using iOS 7 (it works fine on iOS 3 - 6).

    There are new modifier classes that can be added to your Slidebars .sb-style-push and .sb-style-overlay which alter the animation style. You can see an example at the Slidebars website, open the right one.

    I've done a little searching and it seems iOS 7 has some errors involving z-indexes, I have tried some suggestions of using translateZ, but had no luck.

    The interesting part is when you plug in your iOS device, and use Safari to debug it. If you open a Slidebar, there is no visual change and looks like it hasn't opened. However the markup has, the Slidebar has been translated and is in the correct place. Using the developer tools to turn off the z-index and then clicking it back on again, for some reason makes it work.

    The issue seems to be on elements that have been translated, have a z-index, and possibly when fixed, as this doesn't occur when the standard reveal animation is used.

    Any suggestions or solutions would be really appreciated.

    Thanks, Adam

    Bug CSS Compatibility 
    opened by adchsm 22
  • Update slidebars.js - sb-style-overlay init error

    Update slidebars.js - sb-style-overlay init error

    PROBLEM: When page load, the Slidebars with "sb-style-overlay" class take a right margin when "sb-right" and a left margin when "sb-left". After open one first time, the error dead and the slidebars are correted.

    SOLUTION: Apply the margin-[right/left] in the "transform: translate([value])" value.

    TEST: Only in Chrome 37.0.2n m

    Thanks for the plugin! :D

    opened by afilho 18
  • Extra unwanted space after page content

    Extra unwanted space after page content

    I'm having an extra space after all my contents/footer. I think its because of the calculating its min-height giving a big white space after the footer.

    Bug JS 
    opened by francisceril 18
  • Slidebars toggle disappears on older iPad?

    Slidebars toggle disappears on older iPad?

    Hi Adam, I was just testing my prototype page-- which you can see here-- on an older iPad running iOS 5.1.1 and I'm noticing that while loading the page, the slidebars toggle control at the upper left flashes briefly and then disappears; do you have any idea why this might be happening?

    Thanks, Nick

    opened by nickpish 17
  • Slidebars will not work with Totomo Wordpress theme

    Slidebars will not work with Totomo Wordpress theme

    I am using the Totomo Wordpress theme as a base theme to expand upon on a site I am creating.

    I have checked and confirmed there are no unclosed div tags or extra closing div tags.

    The issue I am having is the hamburger menu's don't appear and there is no way to slide open the right or left menus. This is with the latest version of Slidebars.

    I have also tested it on the latest 2.0 beta you have published as well. In this case the above remains the same, but now the page becomes unscrollable. I have tracked down that what ever is preventing the page from being able to scroll is located in slidebars.min.css.

    I have spent all day trying to figure this out and get it to work, and everything I have tried has resulted in the same result.

    opened by RenegadeMonster 16
  • Problem with Min-Height

    Problem with Min-Height

    Once I added along with slidebars the plugin began miscalculating the height of the page by about 150px. Any suggestions or possible solutions?

    Bug CSS JS 
    opened by clarose098-zz 14
  • More than one Slidebar content/same side

    More than one Slidebar content/same side

    Hi Adam,

    Is it possible to have two different contents on the same slidebar area? I mean, supposing I want to display X content selecting the X button and another content if Y button is selected, all on the right slidebar. It would be great.

    opened by cezaraugusto 14
  • Strange behaviour using link to jump down to a href on the page

    Strange behaviour using link to jump down to a href on the page

    I have a link to jump to another section of the page. When I click this with the left slidebar open (NB I have set siteClose: false on the page) the page moves to the left and is no longer in line with the header.

    To see this in action go to and login with user demo p/w demo99

    On the landing page open the left slidebar and click the "Add a Comment" link near the top of the page.

    Bug HTML 
    opened by barbmc 13
  • Bootstrap modal.js for browser confirm box.

    Bootstrap modal.js for browser confirm box.

    Hello. Thank you for your cool plugin!

    I have a problem in below env.

    I tried use in rails project. Normal modal is works well by this link

    but, when I use "twitter-bootstrap-rails-confirm". I found problem. (sorry, it may not this plugin's problem.)

    The gem (twitter-bootstrap-rails-confirm) generate confirm box like a BS modal by JS. When click the cancel button in confirm box. Gray shadow appears. and won't operate.

    I attach images. ex1 ex2 ex3

    raw code is below.

    <button class="btn btn-default btn-block" data-target="#modal-example" data-toggle="modal" name="button" type="submit">show modal
    <!-- Modal -->
    <div aria-hidden='true' aria-labelledby='periodModal' class='modal fade' id='modal-example' role='dialog' tabindex='-1'>
      <div class='modal-dialog'>
        <div class='modal-content'>
          <div class='modal-header'>
            <button area-hidden='true' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' type='button'>&times;</button>
            <h3 class='modal-title' id='periodModal'>title</h3>
          <div class='modal-body'>
              <a data-confirm="sure?" href="/">root</a>
          <div class='modal-footer'>
            <button class='btn btn-default' data-dismiss='modal' type='button'>close</button>

    HTML generate by twitter-bootstrap-rails-confirm

    <div xmlns="" class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
        <h4 class="modal-title"> </h4>
      <div class="modal-body">sure?</div>
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn cancel btn-default">キャンセル</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn proceed btn-danger btn-primary">OK</a>

    sorry my english.

    opened by kntmrkm 13
  • problem in laravel-mix

    problem in laravel-mix

    I'm trying to import this library to my project in laravel. have installed with NPM:

    npm install slidebars --save-dev

    Then I'm trying to import this library to my app.js file which has the following structure:

    import jquery from 'jquery';
    import popper from "popper.js";
    try {
        window.$ = window.jQuery = jquery;
        window.Popper = popper.default;
    } catch (exception) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
        let constructor = new slidebars();

    run npm run watch but then in my browser I get the following error in the console:

    ReferenceError: slidebars is not defined

    Please, if you could help me, I have searched in different places, but I can not find a solution for it. Thank you very much in advance.

    opened by phpxtreme 1
  • Opacity in Slidebars 2

    Opacity in Slidebars 2

    Hello, is it possible to add opacity to the main page when slidebars is open? I followed the answer to a similar question but it doesn't work, I'm thinking maybe it's because I'm using slidebars 2. Thanks.

    opened by GitRDone5 0
  • Two canvases in the same body, is it possible only to push on of them based on a canvas name?

    Two canvases in the same body, is it possible only to push on of them based on a canvas name?

    I have some javascript for button that toggles an off-canvas . I have two containers with non identiacal names My experience is that both of the canvases is pushed. Is it possible to select a canvas, based on the canvas name and only push a specific canvas in the javascript using the Slidebars API?

    opened by christofferlanghoff 1
  • Transition bug in Firefox affects slidebars

    Transition bug in Firefox affects slidebars

    Filed a bug report here:

    If you check with Firefox version 57 (not sure how far back this goes but apparently it's fine on version 47) even the demo on your website is severely affected due to CSS transitions on the menubar items.

    Workaround is to remove or override overflow properties from [off-canvas] and apply them to a wrapper <div> inside for your content:

    [off-canvas] > .slidebar-scroll-container {
        height: 100%;
        overflow: hidden;
        overflow-auto: auto;
    opened by billynoah 0
Adam Smith
I’m a driven frontend engineer with a background in React, Angular and Ionic, TypeScript and JavaScript.
Adam Smith
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