The AMP web component framework.

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AMP is a web component framework for easily creating user-first websites, stories, ads, emails and more.

AMP is an open source project, and we'd love your help making it better!

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  • amp-list: Support dynamic resizing

    amp-list: Support dynamic resizing

    I think this is not currently possible, but would be worth double-checking

    /cc @choumx — WDYT about this as a feature for amp-list + amp-bind?

    EDIT: attempting to summarize the discussion below into specifications for this feature request.

    Dynamic resizing needs to cover the following cases:

    1. Users interacting with the content inside the list can cause the contents to change size: a) Opening / closing an <amp-accordion>. b) Class toggles from <amp-bind>.
    2. Using amp-bind to change the src attribute of <amp-list> can cause us to fetch contents that will have a different height from <amp-list>'s current height.
    3. It is possible for <amp-list> to contain elements that will be loaded later. E.g. collapsible ads. <amp-list> should intelligently adjust its height based on the actual height of its contents.
    4. After applying filters, <amp-list> might contain fewer elements and would hence need to resize.

    Caveats to note:

    1. Should not resize list when list bottom is in viewport for UX reasons.
    2. Should make sure to test <amp-list> in <amp-sidebar> use case.
    3. Should not resize if we scrolled past the <amp-list>.

    Tentative proposed solution(s):

    1. Set <amp-list> to behave like layout CONTAINER after first load.
    2. Allow automatic resizing when [state] or [src] bindings change, perhaps toggled via a new boolean attribute resizeOnChange.
    P1: High Priority Type: Feature Request 
    opened by ericlindley-g 117
  • AMPHTML Email

    AMPHTML Email


    Email is a cornerstone of many consumer and enterprise workflows. However the content that is sent in an email message is still limited — messages are static, can become out of date, and are not actionable without opening a browser.

    Our goal is to enhance and modernize the email experience through added support for dynamic content and interactivity while keeping users safe. We propose to do this by allowing email publishers to embed AMP directly in a message body as a new MIME part—text-x-amphtml—which will be rendered by email clients (with graceful fallback to non-AMP content). Our proposed name for this project is “AMPHTML Email”.

    Compared to websites, email is a different user context with different models of privacy and security. For example, phishing is a major concern for email. To maintain users’ expectations of security and privacy, we’ll only allow a conservative subset of AMP functionality. To enforce this, we propose adding a new AMPHTML email validation spec identified by a new attribute on the document element: amp4email. This is similar to the technique used by the AMPHTML Ads project which introduced its own spec that uses the attribute amp4ads .


    • Supports modern phishing and spam mitigation strategies
    • Supports preserving privacy expectations of modern email providers

    Proposed design

    A minimal document:

    <!doctype html>
    <html ⚡4email> <!-- `amp4email` also accepted. -->
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <style amp4email-boilerplate>body{visibility:hidden}</style>
      <script async src=""></script>
    Hello, world.

    Note the lack of a <link rel=canonical> element compared to the traditional AMP spec. This is because an AMP email doesn’t have a canonical email. The boilerplate CSS is also simpler.

    After a security review, the components below have been found to be secure in an email context:

    Dynamic content

    • amp-form
    • amp-selector
    • amp-bind & amp-state
    • amp-list
    • amp-mustache


    • amp-accordion
    • amp-carousel
    • amp-sidebar
    • amp-image-lightbox
    • amp-lightbox
    • amp-fit-text
    • amp-timeago


    • amp-img
    • amp-anim


    1. All fetchable attributes like src and href must be static (i.e. cannot be mutated by amp-bind) so they can be inspected by spam/phishing filters
    2. All network requests must be proxy-able to prevent leaking of users' IP address, setting cookies, etc.

    /cc @raywainman @zhangsu @jasti

    INTENT TO IMPLEMENT Type: Feature Request P2: Soon WG: amp4email 
    opened by dreamofabear 113
  • Template ads integration for Dianomi

    Template ads integration for Dianomi

    What's the issue?

    We have been serving AMP ads via Firebolt from Cloudflare and they've told us that they are closing this service down. So we're looking to sign them ourselves.

    How do we reproduce the issue?

    Here's an example of how we are integrated


    You can see

    Thank you

    Type: Discussion/Question 
    opened by dianomi-mjs 98
  • I2I: Support CMP Integration with <amp-consent>

    I2I: Support CMP Integration with

    To #15653


    The following sections will try to answer these questions:

    • What to include in the prompt dialog and how to allow CMP to customize it?
    • What is the blocking behavior with CMP?
    • What the data flow looks like between different parties?
    • What the CMP needs to do to integrate with AMP?
    • What does a publisher need to do to include a CMP solution on their AMP page?


    <amp-consent> provides a solution for publishers to collect user consent and block or unblock any AMP component in an AMP page. Currently, this solution only allows the publisher to collect a boolean consent for all vendors in the consent UI.

    To support per purpose and per vendor based consents and allow for third party integration from Consent Management Platforms (CMP) with publisher AMP pages, AMP will enhance <amp-consent>. It will allow for richer interaction between the publisher page, vendors, CMP and ad extensions on AMP pages that need to know about the consent status. AMP must make such an API for CMPs because AMP doesn’t allow custom JavaScript to run on the page and therefore a CMP must integrate with the AMP framework to integrate with a publishers page.

    Data Flow Desing


    The following section explains each step in terms of data structure and API.

    Read data from localStorage (Step 1)

    Data includes the stored consent string and CMP stored information.

    Pass information to CMP endpoint (Step 2)

    The following data with be passed through a POST request

         'consentInstanceId': string,
         'consentStr': string,
         'pubConfig': object,
         'cmpStoredData': string,

    CMP endpoint response (Step 3)

    Endpoint returns a JSON object

         'promptIfUnknown': boolean,
         'sharedData': object,
         'forcePrompt': boolean, //optional

    Initiate the UI iframe (Step 4)

    Data will be stringified and passed via the iframe name attribute

         'publicConfig': object,
         'cmpStoredData': string,
         'consentStr': string,

    Iframe returns user decision (Step 5)

    UI iframe will pass the consent information back to <amp-consent> via postMessage

     type: 'consent-response',
     cmpStoredData: '',
     consentStr: '',
     action: 'accept/reject/dismiss'
    }, '*');

    consentStr is required to pass the value to vendors.

    action is optional. When specified, it instructs components that don’t understand consent string to load or not based on the publisher’s configurations.

    cmpStoredData value will be stored per the CMP request

    Store consent information (Step 6)

    Store the consentStr and the cmpStoredData to localStorage

    Pass consent information (Step 7)

    AMP components on the AMP page (vendors in the format <amp-ad type=${vendorName})> can access consent information with function call

    getConsentPolicySharedData(ampdoc, policyId)

    Where the function returns an object that merge the value of consentStr and sharedData

         'consentStr': string,
         'sharedData': object

    Blocking Behaviors

    Default Blocking Behaviors

    When a CMP is present on the page, AMP runtime behavior will default to:

    • Block all <amp-ad> components on the page from rendering
    • Send request to the CMP endpoint to ask whether consent is required
      • If no -> Stop here
    • Check if there’s a response stored in the AMP runtime, or the CMP endpoint returned with a response
      • If yes -> Unblock <amp-ad> and pass the response to them
      • If no -> Prompt the consent collect dialog in a foreign iframe
    • Get the response from the prompted iframe Store the response as instructed.
    • Unblock all <amp-ad> components (unless the publisher specifies not to by adding the data-block-on-consent attribute) and passesthe response to them.

    Special Cases

    Publishers can override the default behavior and customize the blocking behaviors by tagging the components manually.

    • If a publisher wants to avoid ad blocking with a CMP,: Use <amp-ad data-block-on-consent=”_never”>
    • If the publisher wishes to block a component other than <amp-ad>: Use the existing data-block-on-consent attribute. However, the value of the returned action (accept/reject/dismiss), depends on the agreement between the publisher and the CMP.

    Prompt Window

    External Iframe

    AMP consent will load and render the CMP’s prompt UI in a cross domain iframe, where the CMP will have full control. However, AMP runtime will control the life cycle of the iframe, dictating when to load or unload it.

    • The iframe will be loaded if a user consent is required but missing, or if a user wants to manage their consent at any point.
    • The iframe will be unloaded once a user decision has been made and the prompt UI needs to be hidden.

    Default placeholder

    AMP will apply a placeholder before the CMP iframe loads to improve user experience. The placeholder will not block the user from interacting with the rest of the page. UX design will be added once ready.

    Iframe Size and Placement

    AMP will make the prompt UI interstitial by default. CMP and publishers will NOT be able to customize the size and the placement of the iframe. AMP will create a modal layer and place the iframe with default aspect width and height ratio in the center.

    Consent String

    Consent string contains the user decision and will be stored and passed to vendors. Vendors will interpret the consent string and respond accordingly.


    Because different CMPs want to store different consent strings for customized vendors in addition to the IAB consent string, AMP will not enforce format on the consent string, or attempt to interpret the consent string before passing the information to vendors. AMP would require CMP to indicate their string as IAB so that vendors can understand. Please note in MVP, not API will be provided to vendors, and vendors need to interpret consent string themselves.

    Storage Limit

    When the cached AMP page is served from the All information will be stored under the domain. Because of it, AMP consent has to be very cautious of the storage usage.

    In order to be space efficient, AMP restricts the size of total stored value to an upper limit of 300 bytes. That includes the consent string and the CMP private stored string, if one exists. CMPs should work with their partner vendors to compress their consent string.

    In the case that a CMP asks AMP to store information that exceeds the size limit, AMP will:

    • Erase the current stored value
    • Log an error
    • Unblock <amp-ad> components and make the consent string information globally accessible to all AMP components the consent string information but w/o storing the value for next visit.


    The consent string is made available to all AMP components on the page and to the CMP.

    • To AMP components and vendors

      AMP components can call where the policyId can be interpreted from the data attribute.

      getConsentPolicySharedData(ampdoc, policyId)

      3P ad that integrate with AMP can find the string at (similar to supported sharedData)

    • To CMP

      • CMP will have access to the consent string. Per their request a CMP will also have access to the CMP stored data. Note that passing CMP stored data is not in scope with the initial implementation.

      • The stored value will be divided into two parts.

        • Standard Consent string
        • Private CMP stored string

        Where consent string can be shared to all components, stored string will only be shared with the CMP.

    CMP Integration

    A CMP named foo_bar will integrate with AMP in the following way.

    Check in configuration

    Add the configuration as part of the <amp-consent> codebase. This will allow AMP to recognize the CMP, perform steps to check if consent is necessary, handle storage and UI.

     'foo_bar': {
       ‘storageKey’: ‘cmp_foo_bar’,
       'checkConsentHref': '',
       'promptUISrc': '',

    storageKey instructs AMP runtime to store the consent information under this unique key name. Note: AMP will append prefix to the key. If not specified, AMP will assume CMP does not require consent string to be stored client side.

    Unlike the current DIY approach with <amp-consent>, CMP will be able to specify the storage key value instead of publishers. This is easier for CMP to bump up versions because they have control of the storageKey.

    checkConsentHref is a field AMP consent already supports. It allows the AMP consent component to ask the CMP if consent is required for a user. This field is required, as it is the key to instruct AMP runtime to ask for consent and block other components on the page. For more details, please refer to the section here

    Note:the existing promptIfUnknowForGeoGroup for CMP integration won’t be provided as AMP expects CMP to host their own endpoint instead of depending on publishers configuration on the <amp-geo> component.

    src is the source for the foreign iframe. It is also a required field. Once AMP consent decides to prompt, it will create a foreign iframe with the src given.

    Host endpoint

    AMP consent will rely on the host endpoint to determine if the prompt is required with the checkConsentHref request.

    Consent Dialog

    The CMP will need to modify their prompt logic to function in a cross domain iframe. And communicate with the parent host AMP page through the proposed communication APIs.

    Publisher’s Configuration

    To work with a CMP, publisher’s configuration will need to stay minimal.

       <amp-consent id="ABC" type="foo-bar" layout="nodisplay">
         <script type="application/json">{
           “cmp”: {
             “token”: xxx

    Type Attribute

    A type attribute with a valid CMP name value instructs the <amp-consent> component to load the CMP config.

    CMP Object

    All configuration within the cmp object will be passed to the CMP, both with checkConsentHref and iframe (added to the name attribute).


    CMP’s support to postPromptUI has not been discussed yet. Right now publishers can still put their own postPromptUI element on the page and reference the element.

       <amp-consent id="ABC" type="foo-bar" layout="nodisplay">
         <script type="application/json">{
           "postPromptUI": "postPromptUI"
         <div id="postPromptUI">
           Post Prompt UI
           <button on="tap:ABC.prompt" role="button">Manage</button>

    Other topics

    Below is a list of topics we have talked about but not covered in the current design. We may look into supporting it in the future. Allow publishers to still use the <amp-geo> component to reduce one roundtrip of latency Provide support for CMP to store consent server side but not client side

    INTENT TO IMPLEMENT WG: analytics P1: High Priority Component: amp-consent Stale 
    opened by zhouyx 93
  • Cloudflare (and maybe other) CDN breaking AMP pages

    Cloudflare (and maybe other) CDN breaking AMP pages

    Hi, After this discussion,!msg/webmasters/_EFTDi1koJo/EAoRom0fIQAJ, Tomo T suggested we open an issue here.

    It's a known issue (#1662) that Cloudflare (and maybe other) are breaking AMP pages by inserting on the fly some javascript that do not comply with AMP specs.

    Tomo T mentioned you guys are in touch with cloudflare, so maybe resolution is on its way, but in our wbAMP plugin for Joomla, we did the following: 1 - added no-cache headers 2 - Added a X-amphtml: wbAMP header, so that users can setup rules to bypass those pages in their CDN control panel for instance.

    Is there any merit to this?


    Type: Bug 
    opened by weeblr 84
  • Allow CSS larger than 50k if 90% used

    Allow CSS larger than 50k if 90% used

    We'd like to see the CSS limit increased from the current 50K to 100K.

    Background - we're automatically converting sites, including all their look and feel to AMP. Many sites have 3-400k of CSS which we prune down to only the rules that are used on the page. This Typically yields between 30 and 80k of CSS.

    This means that on the larger files we need to very aggressively optimize the CSS size by rewriting extensively which is a) computationally expensive, b) tends to break things in unexpected ways and c) means we're dropping /*! comments containing rights info which puts us out of license compliance. Increasing the limit to 100K would make all those issues go away for many publishers who are converting existing templates.

    Here is an example page that's right up against the current limit

    P3: When Possible Type: Feature Request WG: caching 
    opened by jpettitt 77
  • collapse ad space issues

    collapse ad space issues

    Let me start by saying that I know if an ad is not in view, no ad loads, and there's no fallback that the ad space will collapse. But we have the need to run blank ads for reporting and for ad bundle purchasing and we need these blank ads to collapse the ad space. So then I recently learned of the context.noContentAvailable() function which collapses the ad space but kills the content of the iframe which doesn't allow the impression to load so there is no tracking. So how can I kill the ad space but still have an impression load. I'm trying to specifically solve for the "sticky" ad space, but my question applies to any ad space. I have also tried window.context.requestResize(0,0); but it wasn't executing (and strangely I wasn't seeing the onResizeSuccess or onResizeDenied listeners fire).

    Here's a test url where currently I am using context.noContentAvailable(). You can see the view?xai=... in the network tab is cancelled - that's the impression failing to load.

    Type: Discussion/Question WG: monetization 
    opened by coreybyrnes 71
  • Intent to implement: partially drop restriction on `style` attributes

    Intent to implement: partially drop restriction on `style` attributes

    Some restrictions have to be preserved, but most can be dropped at this time, I believe.

    Some considerations:

    1. !important should be prohibited as with stylesheets (should be done already for SVG).
    2. url() values (e.g. for background-image, etc) should be rewritable by cache (should be done already for SVG).
    3. The only allowed values of position are static, relative (and absolute?).
    4. Based on some future optimizations we want to do, we should probably also disallow top:X, left:X, right:X, bottom:X. Though we may be able to remove this restriction.
    5. SSR should be able to work with publisher-authored style attributes.

    The only real restrictions comparing to the current state of things are position and top/bottom/etc restrictions. The question is whether, given these restrictions, this is still a good idea to implement.

    /cc @Gregable @honeybadgerdontcare @jpettitt

    Type: Bug INTENT TO IMPLEMENT P1: High Priority WG: runtime WG: caching 
    opened by dvoytenko 70
  • [Master feature] Enable user choice using <amp-consent> component

    [Master feature] Enable user choice using component


    A new <amp-consent> component that enables publisher to get consents from readers and manage their consents.


       <script type='application/json'>{
         “consents”: {
            “consentInstanceABC”: {
               “checkConsentHref”: “”,
               “promptUI”: “template1”
            “consentInstanceDEF”: {
               “checkConsentHref”: “”,
               “promptUI”: “template2”
         “policy”: {
             “policyABC”: {
                 “waitFor”: {
                    “consentInstanceABC”: [],
       <div id=”template1”>
         Collect consent for instance ABC
         <button on="tap:consentInstanceABC.dismiss">Dismiss</button>
         <button on="tap:consentInstanceABC.accept">Accept</button>
         <button on="tap:consentInstanceABC.decline">Decline</button>
       <div id=”template2”>
         Can we use your cookie?
         <button on="tap:consentInstanceDEF.accept">Accept</button>

    Consent instance


    Each unique consent instance keeps a list of endpoints to get and update consent states. Initially, the configuration is simple:

    • checkConsentHref: An endpoint to use to check the consent status
    • promptUI: An ID corresponding to the UI container to display that's meant to collect this consent.

    In the future, configuration options may be expanded for more functionality:

      checkConsentHref: (required)
      promptUI: (required)
      disableLocalStorage: (optional) true/false. Default to false - controls whether state does not get kept in local storage (see below)
      acceptHref: (optional) - an endpoint that is requested when the consent is accepted
      rejectHref: (optional) - an endpoint that is requested when the consent is rejected
      dismissHref: (optional) -  - an endpoint that is requested when the consent is dimissed


    Make a POST request:

      consentInstanceId // string for the consent ID being asked about

    In the future, this may be expanded to include:

      consentInstanceId // string for the consent ID being asked about
      ampUserId // For server to identify the user
      timestamp // value stored on client side, can be empty


    Expect a response with an boolean value:

      'promptIfUnknown': boolean (true/false)

    Consent Policy

    A default consent policy will be auto generated to wait for every consent instance. One can overwrite the default consent policy by declaring a new consent policy instance with id "default". Or add other consent policy instances to the <amp-consent> config.

    Consent Policy Instance Config

    Each unique consent policy instance creates a consent blocking behavior unit that instruct other components on the page. It keeps a list of consent instances to wait for. Initially, the configuration is simple:

    • waitFor: A JSON object that declare the list of consents to wait.
    'waitFor': {
      'ABC': [] // Only empty array accept now.  

    In the future, configuration options may be expanded for more functionality:

      'waitFor': {
        'consentId': [] // Array of items that's associated with that consent instance
      'timeout': timeout in case user never respond


    All consent instance state will be stored and handled client side. For each consent instance. LocalStorage looks like

    • Key: amp-consent:${consentInstanceId}
    • Value: true/false (won’t store anything for unknown state)

    Blocking Components

    Use data-block-on-consent=consent-policy-id to block AMP components with consents. If no consent-policy-id is specified, "default" consent policy instance will be used.

    Individual AMP component can override default blocking behaviors and implement blocking logic itself.


    UI Restrictions

    Prompt UI

    • Only a single UI can be shown at a time.
    • Position fixed and stick to the bottom of the page

    Revocation button

    • Will only be displayed after consent state is determined
    • Can overlap when there are multiple consent instances.


    • All text will be static inlined. No template replacing will be supported
    Revocation Button Design

    Coming soon, we will support the ability to specify a UI container that will be displayed once the prompt has been handled. This can be used optionally to enable a persistent UI affordance to be displayed that allows the end user to revoke their previous choice and pick a new choice.

    INTENT TO IMPLEMENT WG: monetization WG: analytics P1: High Priority Type: Feature Request 
    opened by zhouyx 63
  • [Master feature] Element-level infinite scroll

    [Master feature] Element-level infinite scroll

    Feature description:

    Support element-level infinite scroll, such that when the user reaches the end of a list of items (search results, product cards, etc), a call can be made to an arbitrary endpoint to populate the list with more items. For the best user experience, users should never see a loading spinner, but instead should either be presented with already-loaded results, or a button to tap to load more.


    This feature is available for origin trial per as of release

    Related demos

    Basic demos Pretty Demo TODO: Add animation (slide up / slide in / fade in) TODO: Variable heights Example with a finite number of pages Example with bad URL Example with slow loading URL Use Slow 3G network tab option or 2g poor on any of the examples Manual load more Example with finite number of pages Example with bad URL Example with slow loading URL

    Related issues


    Related PRs

    P1: High Priority Type: Feature Request 
    opened by ericlindley-g 61
  • amp-bind: Expression complexity limit reached

    amp-bind: Expression complexity limit reached

    What's the issue?

    We need to perform over 50 expressions in unique AMP page, how can we do it?

    How do we reproduce the issue?

    Below a demo AMP product page with the errors.

    What browsers are affected?

    All browsers

    Which AMP version is affected?


    P1: High Priority Type: Feature Request 
    opened by Gigliocom 61
  • 📦 Update dependency json5 [SECURITY]

    📦 Update dependency json5 [SECURITY]

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Package file | |---|---|---| | json5 | 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 | package.json | | json5 | 2.2.0 -> 2.2.2 | package.json |

    See all other Renovate PRs on the Dependency Dashboard

    How to resolve breaking changes

    This PR may introduce breaking changes that require manual intervention. In such cases, you will need to check out this branch, fix the cause of the breakage, and commit the fix to ensure a green CI build. To check out and update this PR, follow the steps below:

    # Check out the PR branch
    git checkout -b renovate/npm-json5-vulnerability main
    git pull renovate/npm-json5-vulnerability
    # Directly make fixes and commit them
    amp lint --fix # For lint errors in JS files
    amp prettify --fix # For prettier errors in non-JS files
    # Edit source code in case of new compiler warnings / errors
    # Push the changes to the branch
    git push [email protected]:ampproject/amphtml.git renovate/npm-json5-vulnerability:renovate/npm-json5-vulnerability

    GitHub Vulnerability Alerts


    The parse method of the JSON5 library before and including version 2.2.1 does not restrict parsing of keys named __proto__, allowing specially crafted strings to pollute the prototype of the resulting object.

    This vulnerability pollutes the prototype of the object returned by JSON5.parse and not the global Object prototype, which is the commonly understood definition of Prototype Pollution. However, polluting the prototype of a single object can have significant security impact for an application if the object is later used in trusted operations.


    This vulnerability could allow an attacker to set arbitrary and unexpected keys on the object returned from JSON5.parse. The actual impact will depend on how applications utilize the returned object and how they filter unwanted keys, but could include denial of service, cross-site scripting, elevation of privilege, and in extreme cases, remote code execution.


    This vulnerability is patched in json5 v2.2.2 and later. A patch has also been backported for json5 v1 in versions v1.0.2 and later.


    Suppose a developer wants to allow users and admins to perform some risky operation, but they want to restrict what non-admins can do. To accomplish this, they accept a JSON blob from the user, parse it using JSON5.parse, confirm that the provided data does not set some sensitive keys, and then performs the risky operation using the validated data:

    const JSON5 = require('json5');
    const doSomethingDangerous = (props) => {
     if (props.isAdmin) {
     console.log('Doing dangerous thing as admin.');
     } else {
     console.log('Doing dangerous thing as user.');
    const secCheckKeysSet = (obj, searchKeys) => {
     let searchKeyFound = false;
     Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
     if (searchKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
     searchKeyFound = true;
     return searchKeyFound;
    const props = JSON5.parse('{\"foo\": \"bar\"}');
    if (!secCheckKeysSet(props, ['isAdmin', 'isMod'])) {
     doSomethingDangerous(props); // \"Doing dangerous thing as user.\"
    } else {
     throw new Error('Forbidden...');

    If an attacker attempts to set the isAdmin key, their request will be rejected:

    const props = JSON5.parse('{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"isAdmin\": true}');
    if (!secCheckKeysSet(props, ['isAdmin', 'isMod'])) {
    } else {
     throw new Error('Forbidden...'); // Error: Forbidden...

    However, attackers can instead set the __proto__ key to {\"isAdmin\": true}. JSON5 will parse this key and will set the isAdmin key on the prototype of the returned object, allowing the attacker to bypass the security check and run their request as an admin:

    const props = JSON5.parse('{\"foo\": \"bar\", \"__proto__\": {\"isAdmin\": true}}');
    if (!secCheckKeysSet(props, ['isAdmin', 'isMod'])) {
     doSomethingDangerous(props); // \"Doing dangerous thing as admin.\"
    } else {
     throw new Error('Forbidden...');


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "" in timezone America/Los_Angeles, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • 🌸 Cherry-pick request for #38552 into #2212151632001 (Beta/Experimental)

    🌸 Cherry-pick request for #38552 into #2212151632001 (Beta/Experimental)

    Issue (P0 Bug)


    Pull Request(s)


    AMP Version(s)



    Beta / Experimental




    Currently XDomain ads are not clickable on stories, which can affect monetization options for story publishers that get served with 3P ads. This can be categorized as:

    • cause an outage or critical production issue
    • cause a significant harm to AMP's reputation if left unresolved

    Verification Steps

    Trigger a XDomain ad (eg: here) and click on it. It should open the ad website.


    XDomain story ads are not clickable due to another fix not being tested on XDomain ads. We didn't have example/amp-story websites to test locally with XDomain ads so we should add an example for XDomain ads if possible (added this as action item). Xdomain ads get renders differently from 1P ads, which contributed to the difficulty of testing this behavior in the repo.


    No response

    Action Items

    • Add XDomain ad story in examples/amp-story
    • If possible, write integration test with XDomain ad clicked


    /cc @ampproject/release-on-duty @ampproject/wg-approvers @ampproject/cherry-pick-approvers

    Type: Release Cherry-pick: Beta 
    opened by mszylkowski 3
  •  Unskip `validator-cpp` tests

    Unskip `validator-cpp` tests

    Tests started failing on main after bazel released a new stable version. We should either

    • fix tests to use bazel v6
    • install bazel v5

    logs from

    validator-tests.js Running amp validator-cpp...
    [16:24:35] Using task file project/amp.js
    [16:24:35] Starting 'validator-cpp'...
    Extracting Bazel installation...
    Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
    INFO: Elapsed time: 6.456s
    INFO: 0 processes.
    Exited with code exit status 1

    related - cc/ @ampproject/wg-caching

    Type: Bug 
    opened by estherkim 0
  • Design Review 2023-01-18 16:30 UTC (Africa/Europe/western Asia)

    Design Review 2023-01-18 16:30 UTC (Africa/Europe/western Asia)

    Time: 16:30 UTC (add to Google Calendar) Location: Video conference via Google Meet

    The AMP community holds weekly engineering design reviews. We encourage everyone in the community to participate in these design reviews.

    If you are interested in bringing your design to design review, read the design review documentation and add a link to your design doc or issue by the Monday before your design review.

    When attending a design review please read through the designs before the design review starts. This allows us to spend more time on discussion of the design.

    We rotate our design review between times that work better for different parts of the world as described in our design review documentation, but you are welcome to attend any design review. If you cannot make any of the design reviews but have a design to discuss please let us know in the #contributing channel on Slack and we will find a time that works for you.

    Type: Design Review 
    opened by github-actions[bot] 0
  • This isn't in AMP but on the AMP Start and Building Tutorials

    This isn't in AMP but on the AMP Start and Building Tutorials


    On this page: - the javascript that is displayed and to be copied <script async custom-element="amp-script" src=""></script> is incorrect ans should be <script async custom-element="amp-script" src=""></script>. Very minor. But For Newbs such as me, it was a little confusing that I was getting errors when there should be none.

    Reproduction Steps

    Go to this page: and follow the instructions. You will produce errors because the link to the current CDN javascript is incorrect.

    Relevant Logs

    No response

    Browser(s) Affected


    OS(s) Affected

    No response

    Device(s) Affected

    No response

    AMP Version Affected


    Type: Bug 
    opened by DiBop 1
  • 2212151632002(Jan 3, 2023)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2212151632000 was patched and published as 2212151632002. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2212151632.2

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-connatix-player (1)6754eb8 - ✨ amp-connatix-player: updated connatix domain of iframe
    amp-story (1)16bff17 - Add a 10ms delay when rewinding a media pool video
    build-system (2)9e7a659 - 🐛🏗 Fix `ensureEnvVariable_` function in upload-release.js
    a68414f - 🏗 Upload built releases to Cloudflare R2
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)1a8f941 - 🐛 SwG Release b4808644
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211302304002(Dec 20, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2211302304000 was patched and published as 2211302304002. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2211302304.2

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2212151632001(Dec 20, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2212151632000 was patched and published as 2212151632001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2212151632.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-connatix-player (1)6754eb8 - ✨ amp-connatix-player: updated connatix domain of iframe
    amp-story (1)16bff17 - Add a 10ms delay when rewinding a media pool video
    build-system (2)9e7a659 - 🐛🏗 Fix `ensureEnvVariable_` function in upload-release.js
    a68414f - 🏗 Upload built releases to Cloudflare R2
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)1a8f941 - 🐛 SwG Release b4808644
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2212092023001(Dec 20, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2212092023000 was patched and published as 2212092023001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2212092023.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-story (1)16bff17 - Add a 10ms delay when rewinding a media pool video
    build-system (2)9e7a659 - 🐛🏗 Fix `ensureEnvVariable_` function in upload-release.js
    a68414f - 🏗 Upload built releases to Cloudflare R2
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)1a8f941 - 🐛 SwG Release b4808644
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2212151632000(Dec 20, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2212151632.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-connatix-player (1)6754eb8 - ✨ amp-connatix-player: updated connatix domain of iframe
    amp-story (1)16bff17 - Add a 10ms delay when rewinding a media pool video
    build-system (2)9e7a659 - 🐛🏗 Fix `ensureEnvVariable_` function in upload-release.js
    a68414f - 🏗 Upload built releases to Cloudflare R2
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)1a8f941 - 🐛 SwG Release b4808644
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211302304001(Dec 12, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2211302304000 was patched and published as 2211302304001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2211302304.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-ad-exit (1)8ec16ec - Resolve `ATTRIBUTION_REPORTING_STATUS` in `attributionsrc`
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2212092023000(Dec 13, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2212092023.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-story (1)16bff17 - Add a 10ms delay when rewinding a media pool video
    build-system (2)9e7a659 - 🐛🏗 Fix `ensureEnvVariable_` function in upload-release.js
    a68414f - 🏗 Upload built releases to Cloudflare R2
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)1a8f941 - 🐛 SwG Release b4808644
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211302304000(Dec 6, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2211302304.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)3f47d46 - Adding support for ad vendor Affinity
    amp-ad (1)3f47d46 - Adding support for ad vendor Affinity
    amp-ad-exit (1)8ec16ec - Resolve `ATTRIBUTION_REPORTING_STATUS` in `attributionsrc`
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211250451000(Nov 29, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2211250451.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (3)3f47d46 - Adding support for ad vendor Affinity
    714c2f0 - 🐛 Optimize Relap widget loading
    db41c24 - ✨ Add CognativeX widget to amp-ad - fixes#38545
    amp-a4a (1)f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    amp-ad (2)3f47d46 - Adding support for ad vendor Affinity
    db41c24 - ✨ Add CognativeX widget to amp-ad - fixes#38545
    amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (1)3aa290b - ✨[amp-ad smartadserver] Implement dealing with RTC Amazon response
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (1)f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    third_party (1)d5bdbc6 - SwG Release
    validator (1)714c2f0 - 🐛 Optimize Relap widget loading
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211182146000(Nov 22, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2211182146.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (2)714c2f0 - 🐛 Optimize Relap widget loading
    db41c24 - ✨ Add CognativeX widget to amp-ad - fixes#38545
    amp-a4a (1)f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    amp-ad (1)db41c24 - ✨ Add CognativeX widget to amp-ad - fixes#38545
    amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (1)3aa290b - ✨[amp-ad smartadserver] Implement dealing with RTC Amazon response
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (1)f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    third_party (1)d5bdbc6 - SwG Release
    validator (1)714c2f0 - 🐛 Optimize Relap widget loading
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211111611000(Nov 15, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2211111611.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)592500a - 🧪 Update origin trial token
    amp-a4a (2)592500a - 🧪 Update origin trial token
    f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (1)3aa290b - ✨[amp-ad smartadserver] Implement dealing with RTC Amazon response
    amp-apester-media (1)8570909 - ✨ Apester amp element: added video in-unit logic
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (2)73466b4 - ♻️🐛 [Trusted Types] Make createNode Trusted Types compatible
    f6dce0a - Add improvedigital to RTC callout vendors
    third_party (1)2ac9c1f - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2211042305000(Nov 8, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2211042305.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (2)07d99f8 - ✨ Add Pubfuture to vendor list
    592500a - 🧪 Update origin trial token
    amp-a4a (1)592500a - 🧪 Update origin trial token
    amp-ad (1)07d99f8 - ✨ Add Pubfuture to vendor list
    amp-analytics (1)2865ff9 - :bug: amp-analytics Piwik PRO: Fix for a bug in vendor integration with AMP project
    amp-apester-media (1)8570909 - ✨ Apester amp element: added video in-unit logic
    amp-story (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-story-360 (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-story-shopping (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-subscriptions (1)9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    amp-subscriptions-google (1)9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (1)73466b4 - ♻️🐛 [Trusted Types] Make createNode Trusted Types compatible
    third_party (3)07d1263 - SwG Release
    2ac9c1f - SwG Release
    9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2210272257000(Nov 1, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2210272257.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)07d99f8 - ✨ Add Pubfuture to vendor list
    amp-ad (1)07d99f8 - ✨ Add Pubfuture to vendor list
    amp-analytics (1)2865ff9 - :bug: amp-analytics Piwik PRO: Fix for a bug in vendor integration with AMP project
    amp-story (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-story-360 (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-story-shopping (1)a1f6650 - 🐛 [Story clicks] Make grid layer content not click shield other elements
    amp-subscriptions (1)9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    amp-subscriptions-google (1)9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (2)07d1263 - SwG Release
    9664ef2 - 🏗 Add ChrisAntaki to owners for amp-subscriptions-* and subscriptions-project
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2210211855000(Oct 26, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2210211855.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-a4a (1)56fbbaf - Bugfix: Remove the ad iframe before creating a new one
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)b2888af - SwG Release
    validator (1)afabb71 - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2210172057000(Oct 19, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2210172057.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (2)7c969ff - 🧪 Update attribution tracking api to match latest spec
    8a0a006 - R9x ad vendor
    amp-a4a (1)7c969ff - 🧪 Update attribution tracking api to match latest spec
    amp-ad (1)8a0a006 - R9x ad vendor
    amp-ad-exit (1)7c969ff - 🧪 Update attribution tracking api to match latest spec
    amp-subscriptions-google (1)1d82bae - 🐛 check swg hash fragment for gaa params
    amp-vimeo (1)4cbbe2b - 🐛 Updates to add the missing do-not-track attribute to validator-amp-vimeo.protoascii
    build-system (1)9e521e7 - 🏗❄️ Make e2e test flakes more lenient in CI
    package updates (0)
    src (1)fde225e - ✨ [PubMatic Openwrap] Add targeting to PubMatic Openwrap callout URL
    third_party (2)86372b9 - SwG Release
    fddebbf - 🏗 SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2210010655000(Oct 4, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2210010655.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (1)b0c5acc - ✨[amp-ad smartadserver] update the smartadserver extension to handle Criteo RTC response
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)318bd3c - SwG Release
    validator (1)9b2cccd - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208242209001(Sep 15, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2208242209000 was patched and published as 2208242209001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2208242209.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2209142312000(Sep 20, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2209142312.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-story (1)b912a39 - ♿ 🐛 [Story a11y] When drawer is open hide content outside of drawer
    amp-story-page-attachment (1)b912a39 - ♿ 🐛 [Story a11y] When drawer is open hide content outside of drawer
    amp-subscriptions (1)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    amp-subscriptions-google (1)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (2)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    a64b6c7 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2209131909000(Sep 20, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2209131909.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-story (1)b912a39 - ♿ 🐛 [Story a11y] When drawer is open hide content outside of drawer
    amp-story-page-attachment (1)b912a39 - ♿ 🐛 [Story a11y] When drawer is open hide content outside of drawer
    amp-subscriptions (1)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    amp-subscriptions-google (1)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (2)7bab33a - Update SwG owners
    b074338 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2209072154000(Sep 13, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2209072154.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)b074338 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208242209000(Aug 30, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2208242209.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)0775e3d - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208172101000(Aug 24, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2208172101.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (2)372d562 - SwG Release
    7352414 - Adding hartmannr76 as subscriptions-project owner
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208121708000(Aug 17, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2208121708.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (1)beb9a33 - ✨ [amp-ad smartadserver] Define type of the call to ad-server(sync or async)
    amp-analytics (1)27820e4 - added pixel. prefix to the domain
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (2)5147b5f - allow ssr-css query param for parseExtensionUrl
    83d345e - 🐛 [History] Wrap `pushState`/`replaceState` calls in `try`/`catch` blocks
    third_party (1)c9c6de0 - SwG Release
    validator (1)fe7cc1d - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208051912001(Aug 11, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2208051912000 was patched and published as 2208051912001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2208051912.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-consent (1)b82b832 - ✨ Add CANONICAL_URL to allowed list of consent iframe replacement variables
    amp-script (1)c882944 - Update CircleCI macOS Xcode version
    amp-story-auto-ads (1)ecf87bf - 🐛 [story-ads] Allow optional `src` attr
    build-system (1)598aa15 - turn on ssr css
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)5f50e49 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2207281718002(Aug 10, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2207281718000 was patched and published as 2207281718002. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2207281718.2

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2208051912000(Aug 10, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2208051912.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-consent (1)b82b832 - ✨ Add CANONICAL_URL to allowed list of consent iframe replacement variables
    amp-script (1)c882944 - Update CircleCI macOS Xcode version
    amp-story-auto-ads (1)ecf87bf - 🐛 [story-ads] Allow optional `src` attr
    build-system (1)598aa15 - turn on ssr css
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (1)5f50e49 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2207281718001(Aug 4, 2022)

    🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

    2207281718000 was patched and published as 2207281718001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



    npm packages @ 1.2207281718.1

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)5e3f3ee - ✨ Geozo: new ad vendor
    amp-ad (1)5e3f3ee - ✨ Geozo: new ad vendor
    amp-story (1)766dbc1 - ♿ [Story interactive] Make slider keyboard a11y and valid
    amp-story-interactive (1)766dbc1 - ♿ [Story interactive] Make slider keyboard a11y and valid
    amp-video (1)b73520d - 🐛 [Story Preview] Remove Android poster image from playing videos in preview mode
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2207281718000(Aug 3, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2207281718.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)5e3f3ee - ✨ Geozo: new ad vendor
    amp-ad (1)5e3f3ee - ✨ Geozo: new ad vendor
    amp-story (1)766dbc1 - ♿ [Story interactive] Make slider keyboard a11y and valid
    amp-story-interactive (1)766dbc1 - ♿ [Story interactive] Make slider keyboard a11y and valid
    amp-video (1)b73520d - 🐛 [Story Preview] Remove Android poster image from playing videos in preview mode
    build-system (0)
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2207221643000(Jul 27, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2207221643.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (1)62d8621 - Integrate Clever ad
    amp-access-fewcents (1)8aa8737 - 🖍 CSS / Styling for component: [amp-access-fewcents] Aligns the look and feel to redesigned Fewcents plugin
    amp-ad (1)62d8621 - Integrate Clever ad
    amp-analytics (1)7859421 - 🐛 [Moengage analytics] Implements data center support
    amp-story (2)352a59a - add an additional suffix instead of a rename
    7636eb2 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Validator changes to launch amp-story-subscriptions
    amp-story-subscriptions (2)7636eb2 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Validator changes to launch amp-story-subscriptions
    b75d2d7 - 📖 [AMP Story Paywall] amp-story-subscriptions documentation
    build-system (4)352a59a - add an additional suffix instead of a rename
    54d4e38 - prefer dashes to underscore for file naming consistency for ssr css filenames
    679cf2c - Use new codecov uploader
    78802d8 - ✨ Add amp-story-subscriptions experiment and turn it to 100%
    package updates (0)
    src (2)128d9f7 - ✨ Add Referer to RTC Yieldlab Callout URL
    352a59a - add an additional suffix instead of a rename
    third_party (1)83270c8 - SwG Release
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2207181727000(Jul 20, 2022)



    npm packages @ 1.2207181727.0

    Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

    Changes by component

    ads (0)
    amp-analytics (1)7859421 - 🐛 [Moengage analytics] Implements data center support
    amp-story (1)7636eb2 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Validator changes to launch amp-story-subscriptions
    amp-story-subscriptions (2)7636eb2 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Validator changes to launch amp-story-subscriptions
    b75d2d7 - 📖 [AMP Story Paywall] amp-story-subscriptions documentation
    build-system (2)679cf2c - Use new codecov uploader
    78802d8 - ✨ Add amp-story-subscriptions experiment and turn it to 100%
    package updates (0)
    src (0)
    third_party (0)
    validator (0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
A Web Component compiler for building fast, reusable UI components and static site generated Progressive Web Apps

Stencil: A Compiler for Web Components and PWAs npm init stencil Stencil is a simple compiler for generating Web Components and static site generated

Ionic 11.3k Jan 4, 2023
Our original Web Component library.

Polymer ℹ️ Note: This is the current stable version of the Polymer library. At Google I/O 2018 we announced a new Web Component base class, LitElement

Polymer Project 21.9k Jan 3, 2023
Web component server-side rendering

?? Ocean Web component HTML rendering that includes: Rendering to Declarative Shadow DOM, requiring no JavaScript in the client. Automatic inclusion o

Matthew Phillips 163 Dec 16, 2022
📓 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more!

Build bulletproof UI components faster Storybook is a development environment for UI components. It allows you to browse a component library, view the

Storybook 75.9k Jan 9, 2023
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

Supporting Vue.js Vue.js is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of these awesome ba

vuejs 201.6k Jan 7, 2023
Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications

Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that greatly reduces the time, effort and resources needed to build any web application. It is focused on making yo

Ember.js 22.4k Jan 4, 2023
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

vue-next This is the repository for Vue 3.0. Quickstart Via CDN: <script src=""></script> In-browser playground on Codepen S

vuejs 34.6k Jan 4, 2023
CrossUI is a free Cross-Browser Javascript framework with cutting-edge functionality for rich web application

CrossUI is a free Cross-Browser Javascript framework with cutting-edge functionality for rich web application

Jack Li 1.4k Jan 3, 2023
Simple and elegant component-based UI library

Simple and elegant component-based UI library Custom components • Concise syntax • Simple API • Tiny Size Riot brings custom components to all modern

Riot.js 14.7k Jan 4, 2023
One framework. Mobile & desktop.

Angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop. Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScr

Angular 85.6k Dec 31, 2022
The tiny framework for building hypertext applications.

Hyperapp The tiny framework for building hypertext applications. Do more with less—We have minimized the concepts you need to learn to get stuff done.

Jorge Bucaran 18.9k Jan 1, 2023
🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo)

English | 简体中文 dva Lightweight front-end framework based on redux, redux-saga and react-router. (Inspired by elm and choo) Features Easy to learn, eas

null 16.1k Jan 4, 2023
Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

Relay · Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications. Declarative: Never again communicate with your data store using a

Facebook 17.5k Jan 1, 2023
A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.

Alpine.js Alpine.js offers you the reactive and declarative nature of big frameworks like Vue or React at a much lower cost. You get to keep your DOM,

Alpine.js 22.5k Jan 2, 2023
A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications

mithril.js What is Mithril? Installation Documentation Getting Help Contributing What is Mithril? A modern client-side JavaScript framework for buildi

null 13.5k Dec 28, 2022
Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework - 前端跨框架跨平台框架

English | 简体中文 Omi - Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework Merge Web Components, JSX, Virtual DOM, Functional style, observe or Proxy into one framewor

Tencent 12.5k Dec 31, 2022
The Aurelia 1 framework entry point, bringing together all the required sub-modules of Aurelia.

aurelia-framework Aurelia is a modern, front-end JavaScript framework for building browser, mobile, and desktop applications. It focuses on aligning c

aurelia 11.7k Jan 7, 2023
A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have

Stimulus A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesn't seek to take

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