Bitburner source code.



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Bitburner is a programming-based incremental game that revolves around hacking and cyberpunk themes. The game can be played at or installed through Steam.

See the frequently asked questions for more information . To discuss the game or get help, join the official Discord server.


The game's official documentation can be found on Read The Docs. Please note that this is still a work-in-progress.

The in-game documentation is generated from the TypeScript definitions.

Anyone is welcome to contribute to the documentation by editing the source files and then making a pull request with your contributions. For further guidance, please refer to the "As A Documenter" section of CONTRIBUTING.


There are many ways to contribute to the game. It can be as simple as fixing a typo, correcting a bug, or improving the UI. For guidance on doing so, please refer to the CONTRIBUTING document.

You will retain all ownership of the Copyright of any contributions you make, and will have the same rights to use or license your contributions. By submitting a pull request you agree to grant me perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, and irrevocable rights to use, publish, and distribute your contributions to the project. A formal Contributor's License Agreement will be drawn up in the future.

If you would like to make significant contributions to the project as a collaborator, please reach out to @danielyxie to help coordinate the effort.

  • Work formulas are broken

    Work formulas are broken

    1.,"algorithms","Summit University") throws Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'earnings')
    2.,"field",1) throws Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hackExp')
    3."DRUGS") does not require owning Formulas.exe (also crime types are case sensitive ALL CAPS while courses, locations, universities, and work types are all case insensitive / lower case (Faction names, however, are case sensitive CamelCase, just to buck trend as well)).
    • [x] Minimal scripts to reproduce the issue
    • [x] Steps to reproduce
    • [x] Version of the game, e.g. Bitburner v2.1.0 (8f4636cb)
    opened by Draco18s 11
  • MISC: Significantly improve the speed of script creation

    MISC: Significantly improve the speed of script creation

    In my browser (Chrome 107.0.5304.107 Windows 10) this improves noop script execution from 8281.063/sec to 13942.606/sec - a 68% speedup!

    The 'ns' API has to be wrapped, so that functions can access the context (primarily the WorkerScript) without leaking it to the player. Before, this happened by walking the whole API tree and creating new wrapping functions for every script, which is understandably expensive.

    Now we take advantage of class #private fields to securely hold the context, allowing the wrapping functions to exist on the prototype and only need to be created once. These are widely available (>93% according to caniuse) and work with Electron.



    /** @param {NS} ns */
    export async function main(ns) {
        const resolved = Promise.resolve();
        const perf = globalThis.performance;
        let speedMax = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < Number(ns.args[0]); ++i) {
            const start =;
            let end, cycles;
            for (cycles = 0; (end = - start < 1000; cycles++) {
                ns.exec("/lib/noop.js", "home");
                await resolved;
            const speed = (cycles * 1000) / (end - start);
            speedMax = speed > speedMax ? speed : speedMax;
            ns.tprintf("Iter %2d: %.3f/sec", i, speed);
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
        ns.tprintf("Best: %.3f/sec", speedMax);


    /** @param {NS} ns */
    export function main(ns) {}



    [home ~/]> run benchmark.js 30
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 128630 and args: [30].
    Iter  0: 7246.000/sec
    Iter  1: 7737.905/sec
    Iter  2: 6598.361/sec
    Iter  3: 6433.427/sec
    Iter  4: 7428.571/sec
    Iter  5: 7370.000/sec
    Iter  6: 7113.155/sec
    Iter  7: 7682.927/sec
    Iter  8: 8137.167/sec
    Iter  9: 7428.029/sec
    Iter 10: 7266.000/sec
    Iter 11: 7976.000/sec
    Iter 12: 7094.581/sec
    Iter 13: 7966.000/sec
    Iter 14: 7235.018/sec
    Iter 15: 7076.754/sec
    Iter 16: 7199.560/sec
    Iter 17: 7373.051/sec
    Iter 18: 7654.469/sec
    Iter 19: 7538.738/sec
    Iter 20: 8281.063/sec
    Iter 21: 7820.218/sec
    Iter 22: 7871.554/sec
    Iter 23: 6979.604/sec
    Iter 24: 6813.956/sec
    Iter 25: 7170.283/sec
    Iter 26: 7546.000/sec
    Iter 27: 7093.872/sec
    Iter 28: 7173.848/sec
    Iter 29: 7616.099/sec
    Best: 8281.063/sec


    [home ~/]> run benchmark.js 30
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 65008 and args: [30].
    Iter  0: 13535.525/sec
    Iter  1: 11431.000/sec
    Iter  2: 12362.346/sec
    Iter  3: 10344.966/sec
    Iter  4: 12774.723/sec
    Iter  5: 11089.891/sec
    Iter  6: 12011.000/sec
    Iter  7: 9351.324/sec
    Iter  8: 10857.314/sec
    Iter  9: 10649.000/sec
    Iter 10: 12542.000/sec
    Iter 11: 10861.000/sec
    Iter 12: 12526.000/sec
    Iter 13: 11858.000/sec
    Iter 14: 12429.757/sec
    Iter 15: 13491.000/sec
    Iter 16: 12009.000/sec
    Iter 17: 10983.803/sec
    Iter 18: 11814.819/sec
    Iter 19: 13811.000/sec
    Iter 20: 12753.073/sec
    Iter 21: 12450.000/sec
    Iter 22: 11474.525/sec
    Iter 23: 12557.744/sec
    Iter 24: 13942.606/sec
    Iter 25: 13336.000/sec
    Iter 26: 11866.000/sec
    Iter 27: 12286.000/sec
    Iter 28: 10080.000/sec
    Iter 29: 10176.000/sec
    Best: 13942.606/sec
    opened by d0sboots 8
  • SleeveWorkGains available in documentation, but not in NS scripts

    SleeveWorkGains available in documentation, but not in NS scripts

    This page and type def exist, but there does not appear to be any code that constructs, returns, or otherwise deals with this interface.

    Either the type def (and therefor doc) need to be removed, or a method of obtaining this information needs to be exposed.

    • [x] Version of the game, e.g. Bitburner v2.1.0 (8f4636cb)
    opened by Draco18s 6
  • Ignore `dist` folder from git version contorl

    Ignore `dist` folder from git version contorl

    [Tanimodori] Currently the dist folder is under git version control. The js bundle size of the project is ~17MB (main.bundle.js,, vendor.bundle.js, and the .git folder is ~345MB now which is growing bigger and bigger and leads to performance drop of IDEs. Here is a list of commit numbers and .git folder size of popular project on github for comparisons.

    | project | .git size | #commit | size per commit | |----------------------------------------------------|-------------|---------|-----------------| | vite | ~25MB | ~4800 | ~5KB | | rollup | ~24MB | ~5000 | ~5KB | | electron | ~126MB | ~26800 | ~5KB | | this project | ~345MB | ~7200 | ~48KB |

    This project has roughly 10x size of .git folder compared to other project. I see no benefits put them under git version control so I suggest removing them from git (and history maybe) before this project become unmaintainable.

    opened by TheMas3212 5
  • UI: Sidebar performance optimizations

    UI: Sidebar performance optimizations

    UI: Sidebar performance optimizations


    Not ready for merge. Needs bug fixing (see Added Bugs) and has possible improvements (see Possible future improvements).

    Current optimizations

    • Changed ListItem of type button to ListItemButton . The button value of ListItem is deprecated.
    • Moved some calculated values into useMemo hooks.


    Moving some calculations inside useMemo hooks reduced the scripting time from an average of 4ms to about 1ms. Changing the ListItem to ListItemButton reduced the overall time down to an average of 18ms.

    Possible future improvements

    All of the functions for calling the router functions don't need to be re-defined and could be moved outside of the function. Not sure if that would be a good idea, maybe post your opinion about that

    Added bugs IMPORTANT

    Changing the buttons, added unexpected space around the button. My css is not that great, so I'll leave that to someone else.

    Linked issues

    Closes #238


    • [X] lint
    • [X] format
    opened by G4mingJon4s 4
  • DOC: `ns.codingcontract.attempt()`: how to use the optional parameter `opts`

    DOC: `ns.codingcontract.attempt()`: how to use the optional parameter `opts`

    Explain how to use the optional parameter opts of the function ns.codingcontract.attempt(). It is not obvious that an object should be passed in, using the key/value format of the interface CodingAttemptOptions. I have seen players passed in true for this fourth parameter. The Bitburner server of Discord have had many questions about the parameter opts.

    The correct way to use the fourth parameter opts is to pass in an object along the key/value format of CodingAttemptOptions. Also update the documentation of opts and the return value. I have formatted the documentation to use at most 90 characters because it is no fun to scroll across to read a very long line. Others might disagree with this formatting and that's OK. I can change the doc back to very long lines.

    opened by quacksouls 4
  • CORPORATION: Added check to buy amount

    CORPORATION: Added check to buy amount

    CORP: Added check to buy amount

    The code now checks wether or not the given buy amount is a finite number, before changing the buy amount

    Linked issues

    Closes #127

    opened by G4mingJon4s 4
  • NETSCRIPT: Greatly speed scp() and write() of js by deferring RAM calculation

    NETSCRIPT: Greatly speed scp() and write() of js by deferring RAM calculation

    scp() and write() are very slow, because they have to recalculate ram costs.

    In the course of investigating a typo, I realized that there's no need for ns.scp() and ns.write() to calculate ram at all. They can defer the work until when the script is executed. The only visible artifact is that RAM costs will be incorrect until the script is run; however, they were already wrong for scp anyway, when it overwrites files. (Check the diff carefully)


    /** @param {NS} ns */
    export async function main(ns) {
        const perf = globalThis.performance;
        let speedMax = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < Number(ns.args[0]); ++i) {
            const start =;
            let end, cycles;
            for (cycles = 0; (end = - start < 1000; cycles++) {
                ns.write("scpdata.js", "export function main() {}", "w");
            const speed = (cycles * 1000) / (end - start);
            speedMax = speed > speedMax ? speed : speedMax;
            ns.tprintf("Iter %2d: %.3f/sec", i, speed);
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve));
        ns.tprintf("Best: %.3f/sec", speedMax);


    [home ~/]> run benchmark.js 20
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 66553 and args: [20].
    Iter  0: 1464.707/sec
    Iter  1: 1722.828/sec
    Iter  2: 1836.449/sec
    Iter  3: 1989.602/sec
    Iter  4: 2137.359/sec
    Iter  5: 1888.245/sec
    Iter  6: 1694.831/sec
    Iter  7: 1734.480/sec
    Iter  8: 1933.420/sec
    Iter  9: 2327.767/sec
    Iter 10: 2209.779/sec
    Iter 11: 2060.588/sec
    Iter 12: 2266.773/sec
    Iter 13: 1991.000/sec
    Iter 14: 2030.594/sec
    Iter 15: 2214.557/sec
    Iter 16: 2169.915/sec
    Iter 17: 2079.376/sec
    Iter 18: 2131.000/sec
    Iter 19: 2058.794/sec
    Best: 2327.767/sec


    [home ~/]> run benchmark.js 20
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: [20].
    Iter  0: 355124.000/sec
    Iter  1: 360699.000/sec
    Iter  2: 360630.000/sec
    Iter  3: 336384.000/sec
    Iter  4: 367969.000/sec
    Iter  5: 307557.244/sec
    Iter  6: 339932.000/sec
    Iter  7: 335873.000/sec
    Iter  8: 350184.000/sec
    Iter  9: 330100.000/sec
    Iter 10: 349447.276/sec
    Iter 11: 334633.000/sec
    Iter 12: 337402.000/sec
    Iter 13: 333241.000/sec
    Iter 14: 365532.000/sec
    Iter 15: 342055.000/sec
    Iter 16: 305680.000/sec
    Iter 17: 314308.000/sec
    Iter 18: 364318.000/sec
    Iter 19: 304195.000/sec
    Best: 367969.000/sec

    Test script showing the typo issue, and new behavior:

    /** @param {NS} ns */
    export async function main(ns) {
        ns.write("scpdata.js", `export function main(ns) {}`, "w");
        ns.tprint("Size of base scpdata: " + ns.getScriptRam("scpdata.js"));
        ns.rm("scpdata.js", "n00dles");
        ns.scp("scpdata.js", "n00dles");
        ns.write("scpdata.js", `export function main(ns) {
            ns.tprint("I like " + ns.getServer("n00dles").hostname);
        }`, "w");
        ns.tprint("Size of new scpdata: " + ns.getScriptRam("scpdata.js"));
        ns.scp("scpdata.js", "n00dles");
        ns.tprint("Size of new on n00dles: " + ns.getScriptRam("scpdata.js", "n00dles"));
        ns.exec("scpdata.js", "n00dles");
        await ns.sleep(0);
        ns.tprint("Size on n00dles after exec: " + ns.getScriptRam("scpdata.js", "n00dles"));


    [home ~/]> run scp.js
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 66558 and args: [].
    scp.js: Size of base scpdata: 1.6
    scp.js: Size of new scpdata: 3.6
    scp.js: Size of new on n00dles: 1.6
    scp.js: Size on n00dles after exec: 3.6
    scpdata.js: I like n00dles


    [home ~/]> run scp.js 
    Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 2 and args: [].
    scp.js: Size of base scpdata: 0
    scp.js: Size of new scpdata: 0
    scp.js: Size of new on n00dles: 0
    scp.js: Size on n00dles after exec: 3.6
    scpdata.js: I like n00dles
    opened by d0sboots 3
  • UI: Fix keyboard shortcuts for other keyboard layouts

    UI: Fix keyboard shortcuts for other keyboard layouts

    A prior change changed from event.key to event.code. I'm not sure why this commit was made, since there's no further explanation in the commit message. But using event.code breaks non-QWERTY keyboard layouts, so reverting improves my (Dvorak) experience greatly. Also, it's strongly warned against at MDN:

    This also fixes ScriptEditorRoot.tsx, where some code snuck in that wasn't using any of the constants.

    This reverts commit 016a9a873fba71388bdbaa1423134fd1f2335a15.


    Tried the various hotkeys, they work correctly for Dvorak now. In particular, Ctrl-X (which is physically Ctrl-B) now cuts text instead of exiting to the terminal in the script editor.

    Switching to Qwerty, the hotkeys match their "usual" behavior. I didn't detect any weird cases, and I tried a bunch in both layouts.

    opened by d0sboots 3
  • Close/open game causes current in game scripts to be used, not originals from when first run.

    Close/open game causes current in game scripts to be used, not originals from when first run.

    To reproduce: Run a script on a server Change the source code of the script to use different arguments or print something new Close the game Open the game

    Result: The supposedly still running process uses the updated script, not the old script from when it was run the first time (before game close)

    Expected: That the overwritten file would be saved in the background, until all processes using it are gone. And that old version of the script would be used when the Steam game opens.

    Steam's Bitburner v2.1.0 (8f4636cb)

    opened by OneOfMany07 3
  • DOC: `ns.singularity.workForFaction()`: update doc and examples

    DOC: `ns.singularity.workForFaction()`: update doc and examples

    Fixes #166. Since v2.0, while working for a faction the player immediately gets their rewards, e.g. faction reputation and XP. Update the documentation of ns.singularity.workForFaction() to reflect this immediate gain. Update the examples accordingly.

    opened by quacksouls 3
  • Rep gained with SOA Does not match UI

    Rep gained with SOA Does not match UI

    Listed rep gain is exactly half of the actual gain. See screenshots: image image image

    Rep gain is shown as 3550.67 actual gain is 7102 ±1. This is irrespective of faction favor, the WKS harmonizer, and other multipliers.

    • [x ] Steps to reproduce
      • check SOA rep
      • do an infiltration
      • compare new SOA rep with amount gained in rewards screen
    • [x ] Version of the game, e.g. Bitburner v2.1.0 (0133945c)
    opened by Draco18s 0
  • Hospital Unusable after BitNode Reset

    Hospital Unusable after BitNode Reset

    After starting BitNode 2 for the first time, the health stat does not appear to increase as expected (either by leveling up defense or by using a hospital).

    Version: Bitburner 2.1.0 release Possibly related to

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Load attached save file,
    2. Connect to w0r1d_d43m0n,
    3. Install backdoor,
    4. Select and enter BitNode2,
    5. Notice, health shows 17/10,
    6. Fail an infiltration mini-game at joesguns,
    7. Cancel infiltration,
    8. Attempt to heal at Hospital,
    9. Observe, no health is returned and the debug panel shows the error below.

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getCost') at getHealed (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/main.bundle.js:21:1023391) at Object.He (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:16072) at Ke (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:16226) at file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:34213 at Or (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:34307) at Mr (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:34721) at file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:40369 at Be (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:116040) at file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:36180 at Ar (file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Bitburner/resources/app/dist/vendor.bundle.js:247:36210)

    opened by koenenalexander 0
  • NETSCRIPT: level parameter of getActionRepGain is not really optional

    NETSCRIPT: level parameter of getActionRepGain is not really optional

    On line 148, it seems the intention is make level parameter optional; if level parameter is not given, use current level of given action.

    However, on line 144, if level parameter is not given properly, runtime error is thrown.

    opened by bupjae 0
  • [Balance] Infiltration SOA Rewards don't account for infiltration length

    [Balance] Infiltration SOA Rewards don't account for infiltration length

    As it is right now I can either infiltrate Rho Constrution (Maximum Level: 5) and get 3509.28 reputation for Shadows of Anarchy, or I can infiltrate Bachman and Associates (Maximum Level: 15) and get 5725.30

    I can do the first one about three times in the same time it takes me to do the second with the same likelihood of success on each challenge (99% as both are trivial 0/100 difficulty). Oh and if I run out of HP on the 15th challenge doing B&A I'm out the full 5700 whereas if I was 15 deep in Rho, I'd be out 3500 (of 10500), keeping 7000.

    The code only takes into account the starting security level of the targeted company (485 for Rho and 1350 for B&A) and the difficulty of the infiltration (so....0) with all other factors even (whether or not I have the WKS Harmonizer, my favor with SOA, etc).

    So why would I ever infiltrate a place other than Joe's Guns if I want to get the most faction rep possible for the least amount of time and effort?

    I mean sure I suppose I could infiltrate Megacorp's 50 levels deep, but my expected payout is on the order of 10,000 rep, which I can get by infiltrating Rho three times. I don't even see this being any better when automated with sleeves/singularity/etc: wouldn't it still be more efficient to go after the weaker targets forever?

    For comparison, Clarke Inc has a (ui displayed) difficulty of 36 and a depth of 18 and the reward is... a whopping 6,676.02--still less than double Rho Construction.

    • [x] Steps to reproduce
    • [x] Version of the game, e.g. Bitburner v2.1.0 (8f4636cb)
    opened by Draco18s 0
  • A way to find sleeve remaining cycles/bonus time

    A way to find sleeve remaining cycles/bonus time

    • [ ] Version of the game v2.2.0

    Could we get an api function that returns the remaining cycles/bonus time a given sleeve has? Could be in sleeve skills or its own function call. Right now there is no way outside of exploits to get these values. Hopefully easy to add, but would be very useful for many.

    opened by Zelow79 0
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