BookStore is a website that allows a given user to view a list of books, to add a new book and remove a given book.


Project Name : BookStore CMS

BookStore is a website that allows a given user to view a list of books, to add a new book and remove a given book.

In order to achieve this project I used some resources and technologies listed below :

Project view


Built With

  • Major languages : JavaScript , JSX and CSS
  • Frameworks : none
  • Toolchain : Babel
  • Library : React.js
  • Technologies used : Github, Git, Gitflow and Linters

Live Demo (not available yet)

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Prerequisites ♻️

  • A personal computer connected to the internet;
  • Have a working and updated browser.
  • Have a local version control like git installed on your computer
  • Have an account on Github, as an online/remote Version Control System
  • Code editor (Visual studio code, sublime text, notepad++, ...) installed on your computer;
  • To be okay with javaScript ES6
  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Setup 🎰

  • Click the me and you'll land on the pure repository;
  • click on the green ( 🟒 ) button with Code Inscription;
  • You can choose to download the project or just clone it if you are familiar with Git and Github;
  • Follow normal step once download in your computer and use it as it's yours.


  • If you are familiar with git, Run npm install to get all dependencies required to run the linters checks, otherwise use the downloaded project on your computer without testing files

Run test πŸ§ͺ

Run the command bellow inside your git bash or command line interface..

  • npm run start : to run the project in your default web Browser
  • npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" : for the css codebase and use of best practices. you can add
  • npx eslint . : for the JavaScript codebase and use of best practices
  • Note that you can add --fix keyword to the command for Css and/or JavaScript to make sure that you avoid all errors coming from your code editor


πŸ‘€ Chris Siku

🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

  • Milestone 5: Deploy project on Netlify

    Milestone 5: Deploy project on Netlify

    What I add to the project

    [Note: In this project's milestone] I was supposed to add styling to the project but as add styling in the Milestone 1 and noticed that on the submission of the project on Milestone 4 I just deploy the project on Netlify so that the styling can be visible.

    Click here to view the live demo and styling

    opened by Chrissiku 2
  • MIlestone 3 :  Use Redux in React components.

    MIlestone 3 : Use Redux in React components.

    What I add to the project πŸ’»

    In this project's milestone, I use the Redux store to display books. I also add some UI elements to my components and made them dispatch actions.

    What I use πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

    • [x] React-redux.
    • [x] Readux-toolkit
    • [x] Provider,
    • [x] useSelector,
    • [x] useDispatch
    • [x] React Components

    What I implement ♻️

    • I keep state immutable in reducers!
    • I change the default state in my books reducer from an empty array to an array with a few books
    • I import Redux Provider and your store in the main component of your React app
    • I connect my app to the Redux store
    • I make sure that list of books displays books from the Redux store.
    • I add functionality for the "Add new" button click
    • I add functionality for the "Remove" button click

    Technology used πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

    • Language : JavaScript(ES6), JSX and CSS3
    • Framework: None
    • state container : Redux
    • Library: Reactjs
    • Module bundler : Babel
    • Technology: Gitflow, Github Workflow, Linters
    opened by Chrissiku 1
  • Milestone 1 : Initialize project with components (React only).

    Milestone 1 : Initialize project with components (React only).

    What I add to the project πŸ’»

    in this project's Milestone I lay foundations of the Bookstore website. I create the React part of the app and I also set up routing using React Router.

    What I use πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

    • [x] React Router.
    • [x] React Components

    What I implement ♻️

    • Initialise React app.
    • Set as re-usable components
    • Add React Router and set two <Route>s and <Link>s for the app's navigation

    Technology used πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

    • Language : JavaScript(ES6), JSX and CSS3
    • Framework: None
    • Library: Reactjs
    • Module bundler : Babel
    • Technology: Gitflow, Github Workflow, Linters

    Project New Overview


    opened by Chrissiku 1
  • Milestone 4 : Connect React-redux ap to api

    Milestone 4 : Connect React-redux ap to api

    What I add to the project πŸ’»

    In this project's milestone, I connect my React-Redux application to an existing API to create and remove books on a remote server.

    What I use πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

    • [x] Use fetch or axios with createAsyncThunk for making API calls.
    • [x] Readux-toolkit
    • [x] Provider,
    • [x] useSelector,
    • [x] useDispatch
    • [x] React Components
    • [ ] Use store, actions and reducers in React.

    What I implement ♻️

    • Fetch book list from Bookstore API on Books page load
    • I Refactor my add book and remove book features to persist your changes in the server
    • Make sure that the Add book and remove book are working in the same way after the refactor.
    • Also Implement some styling to the project

    Technology used πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

    • Language : JavaScript(ES6), JSX and CSS3
    • Framework: None
    • promised-based HTTP : axios
    • state container : Redux
    • Library: Reactjs
    • Module bundler : Babel
    • Technology: Gitflow, Github Workflow, Linters
    opened by Chrissiku 0
  • Install redux-thunk

    Install redux-thunk

    What I add to the project πŸ’»

    In this project's milestone, I configure your Redux Store and write actions and reducer for adding and removing books. NOTE: editing an existing book and updating the progress is not part of this step. Neither is the styling of the application's components but adding and removing actions need to be implemented

    What I use πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

    • [x] React-redux.
    • [x] React Components

    What I implement ♻️

    • Add Redux Toolkit
    • Structure application files using a "feature folder
    • Write the book's actions and reducer
    • Write categories actions and reducer
    • Configure the Redux Store

    Technology used πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

    • Language : JavaScript(ES6), JSX and CSS3
    • Framework: None
    • state container : Redux
    • Library: Reactjs
    • Module bundler : Babel
    • Technology: Gitflow, Github Workflow, Linters
    opened by Chrissiku 0
Chris Siku
πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m Chris πŸ‘€ I'm a JavaScript Software Engineer 🌱 I’m currently practicing Backend development with NodeJs but also open to new opportunities
Chris Siku
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