An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js and Browser



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node-casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control library for Node.JS projects. It provides support for enforcing authorization based on various access control models.

All the languages supported by Casbin:

golang java nodejs php
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python dotnet c++ rust
PyCasbin Casbin.NET Casbin-CPP Casbin-RS
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npm install casbin --save

# Yarn
yarn add casbin

Get started

New a node-casbin enforcer with a model file and a policy file, see Model section for details:

// For Node.js:
const { newEnforcer } = require('casbin');
// For browser:
// import { newEnforcer } from 'casbin';

const enforcer = await newEnforcer('basic_model.conf', 'basic_policy.csv');

Note: you can also initialize an enforcer with policy in DB instead of file, see Persistence section for details.

Add an enforcement hook into your code right before the access happens:

const sub = 'alice'; // the user that wants to access a resource.
const obj = 'data1'; // the resource that is going to be accessed.
const act = 'read'; // the operation that the user performs on the resource.

// Async:
const res = await enforcer.enforce(sub, obj, act);
// Sync:
// const res = enforcer.enforceSync(sub, obj, act);

if (res) {
  // permit alice to read data1
} else {
  // deny the request, show an error

Besides the static policy file, node-casbin also provides API for permission management at run-time. For example, You can get all the roles assigned to a user as below:

const roles = await enforcer.getRolesForUser('alice');

See Policy management APIs for more usage.

Policy management

Casbin provides two sets of APIs to manage permissions:

  • Management API: the primitive API that provides full support for Casbin policy management.
  • RBAC API: a more friendly API for RBAC. This API is a subset of Management API. The RBAC users could use this API to simplify the code.

Official Model

Policy persistence

Policy consistence between multiple nodes

Role manager


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


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This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


If you have any issues or feature requests, please contact us. PR is welcomed.

  • Database transactions similar api `addPolicies`, `removePolicies`

    Database transactions similar api `addPolicies`, `removePolicies`

    Hello, recently I'm having another issue, while creating a new user/role, I would like to assign some default rights for it.

    We can definitly call multiple times addPolicy but it cannot guarantee that all the default policies have been added, I'm risking having an invalid user in that case.

    So I'm thinking if we could have some wrappers like addPolicies, removePolicies.

    addPolicies returns Promise<true> only if all the policies have been added, if one of them fails then it cancels this operation (remove the ones have been added)

    removePolicies is similar.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by GopherJ 34
  • Extract file handling out (as a plugin?) to enable casbin to be used on React Native

    Extract file handling out (as a plugin?) to enable casbin to be used on React Native


    firstly thanks for this awesome library!

    I noticed that the frontend casbin library uses this under-the-hood, so I'm using this library on both microservice and Frontend.

    However, I'd love to be able to use this library on React Native - which would work, but because the model loading from file uses the fs library, I can't.

    How likely/possible would it be to extract out model loading from a file/file handling to be a plugin/adapter to remove the need for fs? (I load the model and policy dynamically from the microservice).


    opened by harveyappleton 29
  • Am using casbin-sequelize-adapter to load the policy from database

    Am using casbin-sequelize-adapter to load the policy from database

    By default, the adapter is creating id, ptype, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4 columns if not exist Can I add more columns to handle the application policies Like application_id as v5, group_id as v6,... etc

    I tried to add the columns but during the retrieval, it's returning only the columns which is created by the adapter.

    opened by kowthalganesh 27
  • Performance issues with ~20k policies

    Performance issues with ~20k policies

    Was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a slow down even with a relatively low number of policies.

    For our ~20k policies we notice it takes around 5 seconds to evaluate them.

    Here is our conf.

    r = type, resourceId, userId, action
    p = type, resourceId, userId, action
    e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
    m = r.type == p.type && r.resourceId == p.resourceId && r.userId == p.userId && r.action == p.action

    We have seemed to narrowed it down to this line in coreEnforcer.ts

    Switching from compileAsync to compile and removing the await brought us down to around 40ms with the same amount of policies.

    opened by MPiccinato 27
  • Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null

    Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null

    When importing casbin in a typescript project for Angular I get this error: image

    For the Model class I've solved by importing like this:

    import { Model } from "casbin/lib/esm/model";

    But for newEnforcer there is no way to work around that issue. Am I missing something?

    opened by giovanni-bertoncelli 26
  • Module parse failed: Unexpected token (158:32) with create-react-app

    Module parse failed: Unexpected token (158:32) with create-react-app

    getting this error working in react typescript application. Please fix it

    Module parse failed: Unexpected token (158:32) File was processed with these loaders:

    • ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders. | async buildIncrementalRoleLinks(rm, op, sec, ptype, rules) { | if (sec === 'g') {
      await this.model.get(sec)?.get(ptype)?.buildIncrementalRoleLinks(rm, op, rules);

    | } | } // buildRoleLinks initializes the roles in RBAC.

    opened by ravikumarjs-foyernet 20
  • RoleManager interface return type

    RoleManager interface return type

    I see that the return type of function signature in interface RoleManager are not async value. In fact, all functions related to IO operation in JavaScript should be async, for example:

    getRoles(name: string, ...domain: string[]): string[]; Perhaps it will query database So it should be

    getRoles(name: string, ...domain: string[]): Promise<string[]>

    for compatibility, maybe it can be getRoles(name: string, ...domain: string[]): Promise<string[]> | string[]


    @nodece @hsluoyz

    opened by dreamdevil00 20
  • casbinJsGetPermissionForUser is not returning user permission

    casbinJsGetPermissionForUser is not returning user permission

    Hi, I'm using casbin 5.6.1 and wanted to use the function casbinJsGetPermissionForUser to retrieve the list of permissions associated to a user on request, but it returns only a string representation of the model.

    The code doesn't seem to use the user passed in argument.

    I also tried to use await enforcer.getImplicitPermissionsForUser(user); but it returns empty

    this is my model

    r = user, domain, path, method
    p = role, domain, path, method
    # map user, role and domain
    g = _, _, _
    # mapping id to global resource
    g2 = _, _
    e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
    # map user request to correct role, and validte path and method requested are allowed
    m = g(r.user, p.role, r.domain) && g2(r.domain, p.domain) && keyMatch2(r.path, p.path) && regexMatch(r.method, p.method)

    and the policy

    # only correct role can do correct call to these
    p, role:owner, workflow_api, /workflow/:id, (get)|(put)
    p, role:admin, workflow_api, /workflow/:id, get
    # gloabl role hierarchy
    g, role:super_admin, role:owner, *
    # map user roles to WF ids
    g, User1, role:owner, wf1
    g, User2, role:admin, wf1
    g, User3, role:owner, wf2
    # reference the new id to be a valid workflow
    g2, wf1, workflow_api
    g2, wf2, workflow_api

    Enforcer itself works fine.

    How can i get the implicit list of roles of my users ?

    opened by Anthony-Michel 18
  • Can not add role for a user in case g = _, _, _

    Can not add role for a user in case g = _, _, _

    I have the following role definition:

    g = _, _, _

    But, when I am trying to add a role for a user, the function addRoleForUser accepts only two parameters (it is hardcoded), so I can not provide the domain.

    Here is the test-case I wrote to check that:

        it('Should properly add new role to user and remove it from the enforcer', async () => {
            const enforcer = await getEnforcer();
            assert.deepEqual(await enforcer.getGroupingPolicy(), []);
            // here I am trying to add role, but signature for the method accepts only user and role
            assert.isTrue(await enforcer.addRoleForUser('subject', 'role', 'domain'));

    So, as a result, I am getting the following error:

    Error: grouping policy elements do not meet role definition
          at Assertion.buildRoleLinks (node_modules/casbin/lib/model/assertion.js:40:23)
          at astMap.forEach.value (node_modules/casbin/lib/model/model.js:123:19)
          at Map.forEach (<anonymous>)
          at Model.buildRoleLinks (node_modules/casbin/lib/model/model.js:122:16)
          at Enforcer.buildRoleLinks (node_modules/casbin/lib/coreEnforcer.js:246:20)
          at Enforcer.<anonymous> (node_modules/casbin/lib/managementEnforcer.js:339:22)
          at (<anonymous>)
          at fulfilled (node_modules/casbin/lib/managementEnforcer.js:17:58)
    bug enhancement 
    opened by ghaiklor 18
  • [RBAC w/ Domain] Checking for an object/action permission in any domain.

    [RBAC w/ Domain] Checking for an object/action permission in any domain.

    I'm attempting to figure out how to discover if a user has the ability to perform a specific action on an object in any of my domains. Here's basically what I'm working with:


    r = sub, dom, obj, act
    p = sub, dom, obj, act
    g = _, _, _
    e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
    m = g(r.sub, p.sub, r.dom) && r.obj == p.obj && r.act == p.act


    p, admin, tenant1, data1, read
    p, admin, tenant1, data1, write
    p, admin, tenant1, data2, read
    p, admin, tenant1, data2, write
    p, user, tenant1, data1, read
    p, user, tenant1, data2, read
    p, admin, tenant2, data1, read
    p, admin, tenant2, data1, write
    p, admin, tenant2, data2, read
    p, admin, tenant2, data2, write
    p, user, tenant2, data1, read
    p, user, tenant2, data2, read
    g, alice, admin, tenant1
    g, bob, user, tenant2

    I want to check if Alice has the write action on data1 for any domain. What is the best way to do this?

    I can do an enforce and supply a domain to check if the user has data1 write access, but I can't do it for all domains at once.

    I have attempted to add a custom domain matching function using the following code, but the wildCardDomainMatch doesn't seem to ever be called.


        this._permissionEnforcer = await newEnforcer(this._model, this._adapter);
        const rm = new DefaultRoleManager(10);
        await rm.addDomainMatchingFunc(this.wildCardDomainMatch);
        await this._permissionEnforcer.setRoleManager(rm);
        await this._permissionEnforcer.loadPolicy();

    Domain Match Function

    private wildCardDomainMatch = (requestDomain: string, policyDomain: string): boolean => {
      if (requestDomain === "*") {
          return true;
      return requestDomain === policyDomain;
    opened by ShawnPavel 17
  • using both grouping and keyMatch2 in a matcher

    using both grouping and keyMatch2 in a matcher

    im new to casbin and recently using it with nodejs and came across this probably frequent need to use both grouping and keyMatching on a policy , wraping a keyMatch func with g identifier or viseversa doesnt seem to be valid syntax for serving those policies containing resource with pattern

    Screenshot from 2020-04-25 11-02-29

    help wanted question released 
    opened by ghaedi1993 17
  • Add grouping policy for casbinJsGetPermissionForUser

    Add grouping policy for casbinJsGetPermissionForUser

    Previously the casbinJsGetPermissionForUser function would not include the grouping policy in the generated result, I have now added this missing part.

    opened by Gk0Wk 5
  • does the node-casbin support `subjectPriority`?

    does the node-casbin support `subjectPriority`?

    This is the doc: Then I place the demo code to the online editor: When I click RUN THE TEST button, it throw unsupported effect!

    opened by vaseala 3
  • add flag for errors from adapter in internal api

    add flag for errors from adapter in internal api

    @nodece has suggested to add a flag for getting a not-implemented error from the adapter.

    I have a suggestion, add a flag for receiving all errors, meas if true we will throw errors even if it's a not-implemented error.

    need a discussion on this.

    Originally posted by @nodece in

    opened by Shivansh-yadav13 1
  • using with react (vite)

    using with react (vite)

    I have problem when using node-casbin with react

    import { newModel, Enforcer, newEnforcer } from 'casbin'
    import { AuthActionVerb, AuthPossession, CustomAuthActionVerb } from 'constants/enum/auth'
    import { ExecutionContext } from 'graphql/execution/execute'
    import storage from './storage'
    export type Permission = {
      resource: string
      action: AuthActionVerb | CustomAuthActionVerb
      possession?: AuthPossession
    export const loadModel = () => {
      // rbac model
      const model = `
    	r = sub, obj, act
    	p = sub, obj, act
    	g = _, _
    	e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
    	m = g(r.sub, p.sub) && r.obj == p.obj && r.act == p.act`
      const m = newModel()
      return m
    export const loadPermissions = async (enforcer: Enforcer) => {
      const permissions = storage.getPermissions()
      await Promise.all([ any) => {
          return enforcer.addPolicy(permission[0], permission[1], permission[2])
    export const initEnforcer = async (): Promise<Enforcer | null> => {
      const m = loadModel()
      const enforcer = await newEnforcer(m)
      await loadPermissions(enforcer)
      return enforcer

    Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 4 18 16 PM

    opened by meodemsao 16
  • [Question] Performance issue with wildcard rbac, is there a better way to do this?

    [Question] Performance issue with wildcard rbac, is there a better way to do this?

    Want to prioritize this issue? Try:


    What's your scenario? What do you want to achieve?

    I want to find a better way to implement this setup, as performance is really really bad as is.

    Your model:

    r = sub, obj, act
    p = sub, obj, act
    g = _, _
    e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
    m = g(r.sub, p.sub) && keyMatch2(r.obj, p.obj) && r.act == p.act

    Your policy:

    p | ["program-manager-438", "/program/438", "delete"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/program/438", "read_mappings"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/audit/438/:auditId", "create"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/audit/438/:auditId", "delete_attachment"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/audit/438/:auditId", "Treatment.Completed"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/audit/438/:auditId", "Archived.Completed"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/vendor/438/:vendorId", "upload_attachment"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/requirement/438/:frameworkOrAuditId/:requirementId", "download_attachment"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/requirement/438/:frameworkOrAuditId/:requirementId", "Draft.In-scope"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/assessment/438/:auditId/:assessmentId", "delete_mappings"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/evidence-request/438/:auditId/:assessmentId/:evidenceRequestId", "read"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/evidence-request/438/:auditId/:assessmentId/:evidenceRequestId", "read_mappings"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/evidence-request/438/:auditId/:assessmentId/:evidenceRequestId", "Archived.Draft"]
    p | ["program-manager-438", "/finding/438/:auditId/:assessmentId/:findingId", "delete"]
    g | john, program-manager-438

    Your request(s):

    john, finding/438/33/44/3, read ---> true

    Essentially the goal is to have roles that have wildcard rules like this. But also roles that are more specific that use exact ids instead. This works with the implementation above, but has atrocious performance.

    Currently, if you have around 40000 rules, this takes ~500ms to check 10 permissions, and ~1000ms to check 20 permissions...that makes me think that the enforcer is checking them synchronously?

    FYI: My setup is nodejs with postgres adapter.

    opened by jjh-reciprocity 4
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