Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter packed with useful development features


πŸ”‹ ts-nextjs-tailwind-starter

Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter packed with useful development features.

Made by Theodorus Clarence

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This repository is πŸ”‹ battery packed with:

  • ⚑️ Next.js 12
  • βš›οΈ React 17
  • ✨ TypeScript
  • πŸ’¨ Tailwind CSS 3 β€” Configured with CSS Variables to extend the primary color
  • πŸ’Ž Pre-built Components β€” Components that will automatically adapt with your brand color, check here for the demo
  • πŸƒ Jest β€” Configured for unit testing
  • πŸ“ˆ Absolute Import and Path Alias β€” Import components using @/ prefix
  • πŸ“ ESLint β€” Find and fix problems in your code, also will auto sort your imports
  • πŸ’– Prettier β€” Format your code consistently
  • 🐢 Husky & Lint Staged β€” Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
  • πŸ€– Conventional Commit Lint β€” Make sure you & your teammates follow conventional commit
  • ⏰ Standard Version Changelog β€” Generate your changelog using yarn release
  • πŸ‘· Github Actions β€” Lint your code on PR
  • 🚘 Automatic Branch and Issue Autolink β€” Branch will be automatically created on issue assign, and auto linked on PR
  • πŸ”₯ Snippets β€” A collection of useful snippets
  • πŸ‘€ Default Open Graph β€” Awesome open graph generated using, fork it and deploy!
  • πŸ—Ί Site Map β€” Automatically generate sitemap.xml
  • πŸ“¦ Expansion Pack β€” Easily install common libraries, additional components, and configs

See the πŸ‘‰ feature details and changelog πŸ‘ˆ for more.

You can also check all of the details and demos on my blog post:

Getting Started

1. Clone this template using one of the three ways:

  1. Use this repository as template

    Disclosure: by using this repository as a template, there will be an attribution on your repository.

    I'll appreciate if you do, so this template can be known by others too πŸ˜„

    Use as template

  2. Using create-next-app

    npx create-next-app -e project-name
  3. Deploy to Vercel

    Deploy with Vercel

2. Run the development server

It is encouraged to use yarn so the husky hooks can work properly.

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.tsx.

3. Change defaults

There are some things you need to change including title, urls, favicons, etc.

Find all comments with !STARTERCONF, then follow the guide.

Don't forget to change the package name in package.json

4. Commit Message Convention

This starter is using conventional commits, it is mandatory to use it to commit changes.

Expansion Pack πŸ“¦

This starter is now equipped with an expansion pack.

You can easily add expansion such as React Hook Form + Components, Storybook, and more just using a single command line.

Check out the expansion pack repository for the commands

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  • Default photo for players with no photo

    Default photo for players with no photo


    For a split second some crown image shows, before disappearing. I suppose that should be the default profile photo.

    image Since the table has no vertical lines, a missing profile picture is irritating.

    A default profil photo should be used here.

    opened by hey-nicolasklein 0
  • Recommendations for next game based on previous games

    Recommendations for next game based on previous games

    Similar to a full game plan, we could show recommendations of who should play the next game. This should consider the players of the night and try to choose players that have not yet played against each other. It could also be more sophisticated and consider the win rate of the day to match two players of similar capability.

    This feature should enable itself once the first few games (3-4) have been played, so that it knows who are the players of the night for generating a player pool to choose from automatically. (In contrast to a game plan that has a manually filled player pool given by users)

    Before implementing, have a look at past games to find a good threshold for when it is possible to reliably choose the player pool from the first few games.

    If extended to public games, this again needs to consider connections between people before making a suggestion.

    opened by Karterano 0
  • Locations improvement

    Locations improvement

    Instead of using ISP provided locations, that are only accurate up to some kilometers, use pre-defined locations. These can be the three usual playing locations and maybe an 'away game' fourth location. Maybe then have a dropdown, that shows these location options.

    Ideas for further enhancement:

    • Support for public games. This needs some thought, so that the dropdown only shows useful locations. Or maybe the this could then still be combined with the current location feature for location recommendations.
    • Recommendation feature for every game after the first game of a night: Based on the location of the first game, the dropdown could autofill the last location, as it is likely that the location does not change during the night.

    More fine-grained locations should only be implemented once there is authentication support for the platform #42 and we properly support connecting players. Otherwise this might show home addresses to the public.

    opened by Karterano 0
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