State management that tailored for react, it is simple, predictable, progressive and efficient.


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⚡️ State management that tailored for react, it is simple, predictable, progressive and efficient.

🐮 Introduction

Concent is an amazing state management tool, supported by a healthy middleware ecosystem and excellent devtools. It is a predictable, zero-invasive, progressive, high-performance react development framework!

Concent encourages simplicity. It saves you the hassle of creating boilerplate code and gives powerful tools with a moderate learning curve, suitable for both experienced and inexperienced developers alike.


💻 Playground


Install by npx command

$ npx create-react-app my-app --template concent-ts

or clone its source code by git command

$ git clone

A best practise project building by concent & typescript.

$ git clone        (dev with webpack)
$ git clone   (dev with vite)

Key features snippet

Online case


Visit official website to learn more.

📦 Quick start

Make sure you have installed nodejs


$ npm i --save concent

or yarn command

$ yarn add concent

Minimal example

See how easy it is to use concent to manage react state.

import { run, register, useConcent } from 'concent';

// 1️⃣ Configure models
  counter: {// declare a moudle named 'counter'
    state: { num: 1, numBig: 100 }, // define state
  // you can also put another module here.

// 2️⃣  Now the react component can work with concent
@register('counter') // 👈 decorate your component with register
class DemoCls extends React.Component{
  // commit state to store and broadcast to other refs which also belong to counter module
  inc = ()=> this.setState({num: this.state.num + 1})
    // here if read num, it means current ins render dep keys is ['num']
    return <button onClick={}>{this.state.num}</button>
function DemoFn(){
  const { state, setState } = useConcent('counter'); // 👈 call useConcent hook in fn component
  const inc = ()=> setState({num: state.num + 1});
  return <button onClick={inc}>{state.num}</button>

Complete example

Move logic to reducer and define computed,watch,lifecycle
try edit this demo 👉 better js demo 👉 better ts demo

import { run, register, useConcent, defWatch } from 'concent';

  counter: {
    state: { num: 1, numBig: 100 },
    computed: {
      numx2: ({ num }) => num * 2, // only num changed will trigger this fn
      numx2plusBig: ({ numBig }, o, f) => f.cuVal.numx2 + numBig // reuse computed reslult
    reducer: {
      initState: () => ({ num: 8, numBig: 800 }),
      add: (payload, moduleState, actionCtx) => ({ num: moduleState.num + 1 }),
      addBig: (p, m, ac) => ({ numBig: m.numBig + 100 }),
      asyncAdd: async (p, m, ac) => {
        await delay(1000);
        return { num: m.num + 1 };
      addSmallAndBig: async (p, m, ac) => {
        // hate string literal? see
        await ac.dispatch("add"); 
        await ac.dispatch("addBig");
    watch: {
      numChange: defWatch(({ num }, o) => console.log(`from ${o.num} to ${num}`), {immediate:true}),
      numChangeWithoutImmediate: ({ num }, o) => console.log(`from ${o.num} to ${num}`),
    lifecycle: {
      // loaded: (dispatch) => dispatch("initState"), // [optional] triggered when module loaded
      // initState: async (moduleState) => {/** async logic */ return{num:666}}, // [optional] allow user load state async
      // initStateDone: (dispatch) => dispatch("addSmallAndBig"), // [optional] call any reducer fn after initState done
      mounted: (dispatch) => dispatch("initState"), // [optional] triggered when the first ins of counter module mounted
      willUnmount: (dispatch) => dispatch("initState") // [optional] triggered when the last ins of counter module unmount

class DemoCls extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // mr is short of moduleReducer, now you can call counter module's all reducer fns by mr
    return <button onClick={}>{this.state.num}</button>;

function DemoFn() {
  const { moduleComputed, mr } = useConcent("counter");
  return <button onClick={mr.add}>numx2plusBig: {moduleComputed.numx2plusBig}</button>;

🎲 Eco-lib examples

Use with react router

Details see here react-router-concent,expose history,you can call it anywhere in your app to enjoy the imperative navigation jump.

react-router-concent online demo

Use with redux-dev-tool

Details see here concent-plugin-redux-devtool,track your state changing history。 redux-dev-tool

Use with plugin-loading

Details see here concent-plugin-loading,control all your reducer function's loading status easily。

concent-plugin-loading online demo

🐚 Who is using it



👅 License

concent is released under the MIT License.

  • 关于 state 和 moduleState 的疑问

    关于 state 和 moduleState 的疑问

    你好,我有一个定义在reducer中的接口返回函数 userLogin,在实例中调用

    image image

    然后分别打印 state 和 moduleState,发现结果不一样,moduleState 会把我的传参合并至 模块状态中,请问他是符合预期的吗? image

    文档中有以下这段话: 【属于某模块的组件,整个模块state将会合并到实例state上,如果组件没有对state做额外的字段扩展的话,state和 moduleState是一样的,如果做了额外的字段扩展(相当于私有的属性,不会被共享出去),那么只能从实例state上取到这些额外的字段值。】

    我是不是触发了【额外的字段扩展】,怎么理解【额外的字段扩展】呢?希望可以详细了解下 state 和 moduleState 的区别

    opened by Handpear 10
  • lazy导致的两次渲染





    export async function changeTabComplex(
      key: string,
      moduleState: TihaiState,
      actionCtx: IAC,
    ) {
      await actionCtx.dispatch(changeActiveTabKey, key);
      await actionCtx.dispatch(getTableList, { key, current: 1, pageSize: 10 });
      await actionCtx.dispatch(getTableList, { key, current: 2, pageSize: 10 });
    export async function changeTab(
      key: string,
      moduleState: TihaiState,
      actionCtx: IAC,
    ) {
      await actionCtx.lazyDispatch(changeTabComplex, key);



    opened by henryzp 7
  • React Native项目中报错

    React Native项目中报错


    error: Error: Unable to resolve module `react-dom` from `node_modules\concent\src\core\base\append-dispatcher.js`: react-dom could not be found within the project.
    opened by roytan883 7
  • 在当前实例 如何 获取同模块其他实例的state 或 其他模块实例的state 数据呢?

    在当前实例 如何 获取同模块其他实例的state 或 其他模块实例的state 数据呢?

    在当前实例 如何 获取同模块其他实例的state 或 其他模块实例的state 数据呢?

    举个例子:我有个 foo 模块,有 实例 foo1 foo2 foo3 ,和 bar 模块 有实例 bar1 bar2 bar3 现在 在 foo1 实例 获取 foo2 foo3 和 bar1 bar2 的state 数据

    opened by liuxingpluck 6
  • 关于types感应




    import {StateType, ReducerType, ComputedValType, cst, MODULE_VOID, ICtx, IAnyFn} from 'concent';
    import appState from "./state";
    import * as appReducer from './reducer';
    import * as appComputed from './computed';
    export type AppState = StateType<typeof appState>;
    export type AppReducer = ReducerType<typeof appReducer>;
    export type AppComputed = ComputedValType<typeof appComputed>;
    export type RootState = {
        [cst.MODULE_GLOBAL]: {},
        [cst.MODULE_DEFAULT]: {},
        [cst.MODULE_VOID]: {},
        app: AppState,
    export type RootRd = {
        app: AppReducer,
    export type RootCu = {
        app: AppComputed,
    export type ICtxM<P, S, M, Se = {}> = S extends IAnyFn ?
        ICtx<RootState, RootRd, RootCu, P, ReturnType<S>, M, MODULE_VOID, Se> :
        ICtx<RootState, RootRd, RootCu, P, S, M, MODULE_VOID, Se>;


    export function makeNewFirstName({name}, state, ctx) {
      console.log(`reducer-23 name: `, name)
      console.log(`reducer-23 state: `, state)
      console.log(`reducer-23 ctx: `, ctx)
      return {firstName: name}


    appCtx.moduleReducer.makeNewFirstName({name: 'AAA-' +})



    opened by roytan883 6
  • Maximum call stack size exceeded

    Maximum call stack size exceeded

    RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14) at Object.set (make-ob-state.js:14)

    opened by komaedaXnagito 6
  • 一些初次使用的反馈



    在使用this.ctx.state的时候,拿到的是本模块myModule的state,这个没问题很直观 但是同样的用this.ctx.reducer,拿到的却是全局的reducer,里面有 {"$$default":xxx,"$$global": yyy,"myModule": zzz} this.ctx.reducer为什么不是自己模块的reducer?如果需要访问全局的,弄一个this.ctx.rootReducer不是更直观吗?

    问题2: 通过dispatch传入字符串函数名的用法感觉很古老,不好用: this.ctx.dispatch('doLogin', { userName: xxx, password: yyy }); 连参数都还要手动再把名字写一次{name:xxx, password:yyy}), 最方便不应该是this.ctx.reducer.doLogin(xxx, yyy)这样吗?

    问题3: 目前使用起来最痛苦的是对于模块(因为模块models代码在ui之外的其它目录,仅仅是run的时候注册进去的,ide无感),因为没法ide智能感知代码,state和reducer使用的时候全靠手动写。不像平时用this.state或者hooks里面,都可以直接感知到,敲代码很方便

    opened by roytan883 5
  • 无法与 Next 12.1.0 一起使用

    无法与 Next 12.1.0 一起使用

    版本: "concent": "^2.17.5", "next": "^12.1.0",

    问题描述: Next 开发模式下,启动可以不报错但是无法显示页面,刷新页面后控制台报 document is not defined

    此 demo 可以复现该问题

    看了一下next 在 ssr 的时候拿到了 concent 挂载的 window 对象, 导致 next 内部判断 isBrowser 为 true

    lQLPDhtBG-hVOpHNAxbNBOKwnXPV2kX8DJwCO1kIVYBJAA_1250_790 0921327D-6762-4F2E-851A-5439585E6467
    opened by Shunjun 4
  • concent 文档修改建议

    concent 文档修改建议

    因为 我们的系统 ,是有很多 tab控件的,每个tab控件在点击生成的时候,会去生成一个界面,常规上来说,这个界面 是 固定基于某种模块生成界面的, 但有些 是特殊 tab界面,是动态 请求一个 react 控件 所属的js,该 界面 可能得模块是 :dynamic

    那么 在 最开始 run的时候,这个 dynamic 模块 是还没有注册的,因为这种 dynamic 模块还是挺多的,估计有二十多个,要是 每个都写好在 store里,就太繁琐啦

    所以 希望最好 提供一个 多次调用 run 的api 功能

    opened by liuxingpluck 4
  • How to get state in setup function

    How to get state in setup function

    I want to update state via setState in my custom function, but previous state is need.

    export default function setup(ctx) {
      const { initState, computed, watch, setState, sync, invoke } = ctx
        judgedMap: {},
      const judge = (id, v) => {
          judgedMap: {
            [id]: v,
     return {
    setState((pre) => {
          return pre

    is not work!

    opened by AnzerWall 4
  • watch timing

    watch timing

    const state = {
      isLogin: false,
    export default state
    import { history, } from 'react-router-concent';
    const watch = {
      isLoginChange: {
        fn: (newState, oldState, fnCtx) => {
          newState ? history.replace('/') : history.replace('/login')
        depKeys: ["isLogin"],
    export default watch
    import {run, configure} from 'concent';
    import {configureRoute} from 'react-router-concent';
    import state from './state'
    import watch from './state'
    import * as reducer from './reducer';
      app: {

    get those error:

    ------------ CC WARNING ------------ 0.chunk.js:245584:20
    retKey[isLogin] item type error 0.chunk.js:245584:20
    opened by roytan883 4
  • 使用中感到难受疑惑的点


    实例中的computed及watch由于签名为字符串数组,是否可以支持props呢,在使用setup中又想监听某些props的变化,而这个限制貌似只有将监听通过内置hook写在组件内部,给人一种很不优雅的感觉。本质上都是监听,却又要通过组件内部来触发settings更新state达到效果。 虽然对于模块的状态在实例中监听可能会多次触发,但某些情况下的衍生数据对于写入模块显得有些小题大做。 理想状态: computed监听state、props、refComputed、moduleState、moduleComputed watch监听state、props、refComputed、moduleState、moduleComputed

    opened by itmanyong 6
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