AWS Lambda router for NodeJS


AWS Lambda Router for NodeJS

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A collection of tools to handle ApiGateway requests and direct function invocation calls on AWS Lambda. Use it as a stand-alone lib in a Lambda function or plugged-in to Apex or any other serverless framework on NodeJS. I'd recommend deploying and managing your Lambda functions with Apex and LambdaReq since they play nicely together.


npm install lambda-req --save

Deploy it with Apex

import LambdaReq from 'lambda-req'

const lambda = new LambdaReq()

// set APIGateway handlers
lambda.get('/lreqex_hello', (req, router)=> {
  const { params } = req
  return { message: 'hello world!', params }
})'/lreqex_hello', (req, router)=> {
  const { params } = req
  return { message: 'hello world!', params }

// set direct invocation handlers
lambda.proxy('hello', (req, router)=> {
  const { params } = req
  return { message: 'hello world!', params }

export default lambda.invoke

Use it stand-alone on Lambda

import LambdaReq from 'lambda-req'

// initialize Lambda with no params, pass them later from handler
const lambda = new LambdaReq()

// set handlers
lambda.get('/v1/test', (req, router)=> {})
lambda.proxy('migrate', (req, router)=> Promise.resolve({}))

// export the handler
// pass the event params on invocation time
export { handler: lambda.invoke }

Invoke other Lambdas

import LambdaReq, { LambdaProxy, LambdaReqError } from 'lambda-req'

const lambda = new LambdaReq()

// set APIGateway handlers
lambda.get('/lreqex_proxy', (req, router)=> {
  const { params } = req
  const proxy = new LambdaProxy()
  // Invoke another Lambda in the same AWS VPC
  return proxy.invoke('lreqex_hello', 'hello', params)
  .then((response)=> {
    return { message: 'Proxy response from lreqex_hello', response }
  .catch((err)=> {
    throw new LambdaReqError({
      message: {
        error: {
          code: 'lambdaInvocationError',
          message: 'lreqex_hello Lambda is unresponsive.'

export default lambda.invoke

See more examples.



This is the Lambda router object. It binds routes and proxies events for a Lambda handler.

.constructor([event = Object], [context = Object], [callback = function])

Pass in the lambda handler event, context and callback on object initialization. However, this is optional since they can be sent diectly on hanlder invocation.

Node 4.3:

const LambdaReq = require('lambda-req').default

function handler (event, context, callback) {
  const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

module.exports = { handler }

With Babel:

import LambdaReq from 'lambda-req'

function handler (event, context, callback) {
  const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

export { handler }

.get|.post|.put|.delete|.options(path = String, handler = function)

Shorthand methods for binding APIGateway route handlers. ALL APIGateway params (path, query, body) are passed through the params key on the req argument. A router instance is passed as the second handler arg. router._event and router._context are mapped to the original handler params.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

lambda.get('/test', handler)'/test', handler)
lambda.put('/test', handler)
lambda.delete('/test', handler)


async function handler (req, router) {
  const { params, headers } = req
  return {}

A request to will fire up the GET handler on the /test route.

.proxy(name = String, handler = function)

Shorthand method for binding Lambda direct invocation handlers. Used for maintenance tasks (i.e. db migrations, cronjobs) and internal Lambda calls. Each proxy handler has a unique name, passed as a command key on the Lambda event. A direct call, proxies all the event data to the handler.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

lambda.proxy('db_migrate', handler)


async function handler (req, router) {
  const { params } = req
  return {}

Invoke this functions from command line with aws-cli:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name myFunction \
  --payload $PAYLOAD \

or through aws-sdk:

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const config = {
  FunctionName: 'myFunction',
  Payload: JSON.stringify({ command: 'db_migrate', params: { name: 'users' } })
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda()
lambda.invoke(config).promise().then(response => JSON.parse(response.Payload))

.invoke([event = Object], [context = Object], [callback = function])

Invokes the handlers that match the current Lambda route from APIGateway or by a direct invocation call. Optionally, Lambda handler params will be passed along. It's recommended to export this method as a Lambda handler.

import LambdaReq from 'lambda-req'

const lambda = new LambdaReq()

lambda.get('/test', ()=> {})
lambda.proxy('db_migrate', ()=> {})

export { handler: lambda.invoke }

or with Apex and WebPack

import LambdaReq from 'lambda-req'

const lambda = new LambdaReq()

lambda.get('/test', ()=> {})
lambda.proxy('db_migrate', ()=> {})

export default lambda.invoke

.isApiGateway Bool

It returns true if the request was an APIGateway invocation. Internally, checks if an HTTP method is set on the Lambda event.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

if (lambda.isApiGateway) {
  // it's a HTTP call

.isProxy Bool

It return true if the request was a direct Lambda invocation. Internally, checks if a property command is set on the Lambda event.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

if (lambda.isProxy) {
  // it's a direct invocation

.params Object

Has all the params coming from event.queryStringParameters, event.pathParameters and event.body for an APIGateway call. Stores all the params coming from event.params for a direct invocation. Referenced through req.params on a handler.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

lambda.get('/test', (req)=> {
  const { params } = req
  // process APIGateway data
lambda.proxy('db_migrate', (req)=> {
  const { params } = req
  // process direct invocation data

if (lambda.params) {
  // process data

.headers Object

Stores the HTTP headers from an APIGateway call.

const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback)

lambda.get('/test', (req)=> {
  const { headers } = req
  if (headers['x-auth']) {
    // process user authentication

.currentRoute String

Returns the current invocation route.


A wrapper for direct Lambda invocation calls. Sets the command and parameters on internal calls.

.constructor([client = Object = AWS.Lambda])

.invoke(functionName = String, command = String, [params = Object])

Call a Lambda internally, pass in the command and params.

import { LambdaProxy } from 'lambda-req'

const proxy = new LambdaProxy()
proxy.invoke('myFunction', 'db_migrate', { name: 'users' })
.then((response)=> {
  return { message: 'Proxy response from myFunction', response }
.catch((err)=> {
  console.error('myFunction Lambda is unresponsive', err)


A tiny wrapper for Lambda request errors.

.constructor({ message, status })

The error has a message and a status that will be passed along to the APIGateway.

lambda.get('/users', (req, router)=> {
  const { params } = req
  if (! {
    throw new LambdaReqError({
      message: {
        error: {
          code: 'userNotFound',
          message: 'User not found.'
      status: 404
  } else {
    const user = await dbConnection.findUser(
    return { user }

See more examples.

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  • Support for x-www-form-urlencoded / Multipart

    Support for x-www-form-urlencoded / Multipart

    If the content-type header is set to x-www-form-urlencoded it tries to parse the data as a string such as one=val&two=someothervalue and returns the object:

      one: 'val',
      two: 'someothervalue'

    Previously this broke because it always tried to parse as json.

    Secondly if the content type is multipart im using busboy and returning the .on method on the req variable ((req, router) => {}). You would then use a promise to access to the for data as such:

      const lambda = new LambdaReq(event, context, callback);'/message',  (req, router) => {
            const fields = {};
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                req.on('field', (fieldname, val, fieldnameTruncated, valTruncated, encoding, mimetype) => {
                    console.log('Field [' + fieldname + ']: value: ' + inspect(val));
                    fields[fieldname] = val;
            req.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) {
                console.log('File [' + fieldname + ']: filename: ' + filename + ', encoding: ' + encoding + ', mimetype: ' + mimetype);
                file.on('data', function(data) {
                    console.log('File [' + fieldname + '] got ' + data.length + ' bytes');
                req.on('end', function() {
                    console.log('File [' + fieldname + '] Finished');
            req.on('error', (err) => {
            req.on('finish', () =>{
                resolve({test: 'some value'});
            }).catch(e => {
    opened by jamescharlesworth 2
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded not supported?

    application/x-www-form-urlencoded not supported?

    Looks like form uploads are not supported, is that correct. Meaning the library only supports post json/querystring parameters. Or, am i using the library incorrectly? If i try to parse a application/x-www-form-urlencoded body, the code does not look at a content-type header and parse accordingly, right? It throws an error when you do this.

    opened by jamescharlesworth 2
  • Sets a default statusCode of 200 for all API Gateway requests

    Sets a default statusCode of 200 for all API Gateway requests


    For all API Gateway requests, a statusCode is currently only sent if it's an error. This is because the only thing developers have access to when handling a route is the response body (which is stringified and placed on the response here).

    Proposed Solution

    Given that any error sets the statusCode accordingly, it should be safe to assume a default statusCode of 200.

    This PR does the following

    • Sets a default value for the statusCode of 200 when handling API Gateway requests
    • Updates the corresponding unit tests to ensure that the response also includes the statusCode
    opened by mattbeattie 2
  • adds support for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart

    adds support for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart

    will parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded properly and not attempt to parse multipart with JSON.parse. the req object now contains the raw body and the consuming application can choose how to process multipart requests.

    opened by jamescharlesworth 1
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