Cross-platform Linux commands in ES6

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Command Line cash


Cross-platform Linux commands in pure ES6

Build Status Windows Build Status Coverage Status Gitter XO code style

Cash is a cross-platform implementation of Unix shell commands written in straight ES6. No native compiling and no external dependencies.

While young, Cash aims to offer an alternative Linux feel on Windows and to open the door to cross-platform bash scripting in a Javascript environment.

> npm install cash -g
> cash



Yeah. But it gets better.

Let's mix some Windows & Unix commands together:

$ ipconfig | grep IPv4 | sort
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

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But I don't want to type "cash"

No problem. Let's make all commands global on your system:

> npm install cash-global -g
> ls -lah

Learn more

Nice, but I only want certain commands

You're covered!

> npm install cash-ls -g
> npm install cash-grep -g

Learn more

Wow. But I want this programmatically!

Again, you're in business:

const $ = require('cash');
const out = $.ls('.', {l: true});

Not terse enough? How about this:

const out = $('ls -lah');

Not 😎 enough? Try this:

require('cash') `
  cp -R ./src ./dest
  ls | grep *-spec.js | cat
  rm ./specResults.html 

For even better programmatic Unix commands, check out ShellJS.

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Isn't this impossible to do in Node?

It was, before Vorpal.

Made with by dthree.

Love it? Give it a or a tweet to help spread the word!


This is now an OPEN Open Source project. I am not able to invest a significant amount of time into maintaining Cash and so am looking for volunteers who would like to be active maintainers of the project. If you are interested, shoot me a note.



Cash is a project working on a cross-platform implementation of the most used Unix-based commands in pure JavaScript and with no external dependencies.

The goal of Cash is to open up these commands to the massive JavaScript community for the first time, and to provide a cleaner, simpler and flexible alternative to applications like Cygwin for those wanting the Linux feel on Windows.

Cash was built with strict attention to nearly exact implementations and excellent test coverage of over 200 unit tests.

Supported commands

The following commands are currently implemented:

  • alias
  • cat
  • clear
  • cd
  • cp
  • echo
  • export
  • false
  • grep
  • head
  • kill
  • less
  • ls
  • mkdir
  • mv
  • pwd
  • rm
  • sort
  • source
  • tail
  • touch
  • true
  • unalias

Want more commands?


Want to configure things to your heart's content? Just add your configurations in a .cashrc file (_cashrc also works, for Windows folk) and put that in your home directory. This supports anything you can do inside a cash command prompt (exporting environmental variables, aliases, etc.).


We are currently looking for Core Team members who can push forward Cash at a rapid rate. Are you an awesome developer up to the challenge? Send me a ping.

Awesome contributors

  • @nfischer: Added source, export, true and false commands, among several other contributions.
  • @safinn: Added clear and tail commands.
  • @legien: Added head command.
  • @cspotcode: Implemented template literal execution.


Why Cash?

In its very essence, Cash replaces the Windows CLI prompt (>) with the Unix one ($), the dollar symbol.

Cash was most fitting in this sense:

Ask and ye shall receive

> cash

Cash is also a play on the word bash, and is actually[1] a recursive acronym for Cash Shell.

Shout out to @aseemk for donating the name.

Doesn't ShellJS do this?


For those who don't know, ShellJS is an awesome Node package that implements UNIX shell commands programatically in JavaScript. Check it out - really. While ShellJS was tremendously helpful in figuring out how to accomplish Cash, the two do not really conflict.

ShellJS gives the feel of UNIX commands in a code environment, but aims to implement the commands in a way that makes sense for a JavaScript library. This means that many commands return JavaScript objects, and some of the rougher and more dangerous edges of bash have been softened a bit.

For example, with cash:

$('ls'); // 'node_modules\n'

$('echo foo > foo.txt');

With ShellJS:

ls(); // ['node_modules'];



David Caccavella Nate Fischer
David Caccavella Nate Fischer

Want to join the team? Let us know.


MIT © David Caccavella

  • [Windows 10] npm install cash-global -g does not work

    [Windows 10] npm install cash-global -g does not work

    1. npm install cash-global -g
    2. Restart pc
    3. 'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

    However when I do cash it works as before. Am I missing something?

    C:\Users\stani>node -v
    C:\Users\stani>npm -v
    opened by stanislavromanov 23
  • New command: source

    New command: source

    This adds source as requested in the roadmap.

    This executes any given cash script in the current environment, allowing it to modify variables, aliases, current directory, etc.

    I also added in code to check for an initialization file, as requested in #20. This file is named .cashrc on Linux/unix systems (following the common convention), and is named _cashrc for Windows (this is consistent with how vim looks for _vimrc, _gvimrc, etc. This file must be located in the user's home folder.

    I tried allowing this to be an external command, so deps and such should be double checked for that.

    opened by nfischer 12
  • ls with both directory and file arguments still isn't quite right

    ls with both directory and file arguments still isn't quite right

    Just tried this after #60 got merged. The output still doesn't seem quite right. Here's the output I'm seeing from cash:

    bash $ ./bin/cash.js
    nate@lenovoyoga:~/programming/cash$ ls bin/
    README.mdalias.js    cash.js     cat.js      cd.js       clear.js
    cp.js       echo.js     export.js   false.js    grep.js
    head.js     kill.js     less.js     ls.js       mkdir.js
    mv.js       parser.js   pwd.js      rm.js       sort.js
    source.js   tail.js     touch.js    true.js     unalias.js
    nate@lenovoyoga:~/programming/cash$ exit
    bash $ ls bin/
    alias.js  cp.js      head.js   mv.js      source.js
    cash.js   echo.js    kill.js   parser.js  tail.js
    cat.js    export.js  less.js   pwd.js     touch.js
    cd.js     false.js   ls.js     rm.js      true.js
    clear.js  grep.js    mkdir.js  sort.js    unalias.js

    If multiple arguments are passed, directories should be displayed with the directory name above, followed by a colon (ex. bin/:). I couldn't find this issue if only directory arguments are used, only when both file and directory arguments are used.

    opened by nfischer 11
  • Support for globbing?

    Support for globbing?

    Just tried this out with npm install -g cash on my Ubuntu box with node 5.3. It seems pretty cool! I couldn't get any support for globbing, however. Not sure if this is a bug, or if it hasn't been implemented yet. I saw that you're using the glob module in package.json, but I was surprised that the CLI didn't offer support for it.

    opened by nfischer 11
  • Adding export command

    Adding export command

    This adds the export command (man page) into the mix.

    Similar to how cash $ alias foo ls succeeds (when it wouldn't succeed in bash), cash $ export FOO $PATH also succeeds in redefining FOO to be $PATH.

    This exports to process.env, which is case insensitive on Windows (even for the new attributes I'm adding). So, on Windows, you can do things like:

    cash $ export FOO='hello'
    cash $ echo $foo

    I don't think there's any good way to avoid this behavior, so until it's a problem, I suggest it be kept.

    This doesn't replace regular assignment. In bash, you can do non-exported assignment of the form: foo=bar, creating a variable named foo with the value "bar". I couldn't figure out a way to write the syntax for regular assignment (posted issue #42 for this).

    @dthree do you have any suggestions for additional tests? I modeled unit tests off the ones for alias.

    opened by nfischer 10
  • Replace lodash with ESX equivalents

    Replace lodash with ESX equivalents

    Typically I avoid bring up the tired discussion of "you might not need underscore," but this project boasts being "written in pure ES6." That being said, when searching through some of the source code I discovered some basic usages of lodash. Curiosity got the best of me so I grepped this directory for usages of lodash and found the following unique cases


    Usages of extend, filter, isArray, map, remove, and toArray can be replaced by built-in features of JavaScript (some much older than ES6). The others (isString and isObject) have simple, one line equivalents. Are you opposed to removing lodash and using the builtin features? If you're okay with it, I'd can submit a PR.

    opened by blockloop 10
  • Update CI for Node v7

    Update CI for Node v7

    This should be done on both:

    • [x] Travis CI
    • [x] Appveyor

    This should be a very easy change, and it's pretty low-priority. I can knock this out next week, but if anyone else would like to handle it, I can review. I'm self-assigning so I don't forget about it, but ping this thread if you'd like to take it on.

    help wanted 
    opened by nfischer 9
  • Trying to open vim hangs cash

    Trying to open vim hangs cash

    When I type $ vim or $ vim filename, the shell hangs for a few seconds then the window title changes to [NO NAME] - VIM or filename - VIM but vim doesn't open and I can't enter anything into the shell, ctrl+c does nothing. Have I done something wrong or is there an issue here? Possibly related to the node modules hanging to?

    opened by viv-4 9
  • Add support for Environment variables for Unix

    Add support for Environment variables for Unix

    This is related to #22. I noticed that ced6ce6233ebeaa6fa3a82248df83547991fb665 adds support for Windows environment variables, but not for Unix environment variables. This should add that support (although it's not perfect).

    On Unix, if you reference a variable that doesn't exist, it usually defaults to the empty string. So echo $FOO would normally print the empty string. I wrote this to parse similarly.

    This supports the syntax echo $PATH and echo ${PATH}. It doesn't do any of the tricky string manipulation syntax bash offers though.

    I didn't add any tests because I wasn't sure where to add them. If you could point me toward the right spot, I can add those back in. Also, if there's any other issues, I'll gladly do my best to address them.

    opened by nfischer 9
  • feat: add ability to run scripts, and add '-c' flag

    feat: add ability to run scripts, and add '-c' flag

    Fixes #51 and #69 (since they were related).

    Run commands with the -c option:

    > cash -c 'echo hello world'
    hello world

    Run scripts like so:

    > cash
    Hello world!

    Also, this adds in the beginning of local variables. This sets the $0, $1, etc. variables as local variables. These variables still aren't exposed to the user, but I can add that functionality in pretty easily by refactoring the preparser a little bit.

    opened by nfischer 8
  • Execute inline command?

    Execute inline command?

    Not sure how to describe it, so subject might be incorrect.

    Basically what I'm thinking is somewhat like below

    > cash ls
    execute ls, then exit to original shell
    > cash cp src dest

    let allow invoke specific command. Is there way without installing as global viacash-global?

    opened by kwonoj 8
  • feat: allow external commands on unix

    feat: allow external commands on unix

    External commands were previously limited to Windows. There's no good reason for this, so this adds support for Linux as well.

    Fixes #122 Test: manually tried whoami and git status Test: manually tried a not-found command, verified output looks good

    opened by nfischer 0
  • touch Help screen not showing

    touch Help screen not showing

    When installing cash-touch

    sudo npm install cash-touch -g -force

    and running

    > touch --help

    I get this error:

    Missing required argument. Showing Help:
    sage: touch [options] <files...>
        --help                  output usage information
        -a                      change only the access time
        -c, --no-create         do not create any files
        -d, --date [STRING]     parse STRING and use it instead of current time
        -m                      change only the modification time
        -r, --reference [FILE]  use this file's times instead of current time
        --time [WORD]           change the specified time: WORD is access, atime, or use: equivalent to -a WORD is modify or mtime: equivalent to -m

    and it shows the help that is not the /dist/help/touch.js file.

    This error only affects touch, from what I can tell

    opened by ItsJamie9494 0
  • Help screen errors

    Help screen errors

    When running cat --help, I get a Node.js error.

    This error appears on all cash programs, and seems to be related to the parser.


    (node:13969) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: undefined
    (node:13969) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)
    (node:13969) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
    opened by ItsJamie9494 4
  • Introducing bash-parser dependency

    Introducing bash-parser dependency

    This is an investigatory PR to study the introduction of a POSIX compliant shell code parser using bash-parser.

    I studied the cash workflow, and I think the majority of changes in source code would concern Vorpal.

    They could be implemented directly there (in vorpal core) or we could patch vorpal and implement it only for cash.

    opened by parro-it 1
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