Generate a zodios (typescript http client with zod validation) from an OpenAPI spec (json/yaml)



Generates a zodios (typescript http client with zod validation) from a (json/yaml) OpenAPI spec (or just use the generated schemas/endpoints/etc !)

  • can be used programmatically (do w/e you want with the computed schemas/endpoints)

  • or used as a CLI (generates a prettier .ts file with deduplicated variables when pointing to the same schema/$ref)

  • client typesafety using zodios

  • tested (using vitest) against official OpenAPI specs samples

Why this exists

sometimes you don't have control on your API, maybe you need to consume APIs from other teams (who might each use a different language/framework), you only have their Open API spec as source of truth, then this might help 😇

you could use openapi-zod-client to automate the API integration part (doesn't matter if you consume it in your front or back-end, zodios is agnostic) on your CI and just import the generated api client

Comparison vs tRPC etc

please just use tRPC or alternatives if you do have control on your API/back-end


with local install:

  • pnpm i -D openapi-zod-client
  • pnpm openapi-zod-client "./input/file.json" -o "./output/client.ts"

or directly

  • pnpx openapi-zod-client "./input/file.yaml" -o "./output/client.ts"


  $ openapi-zod-client <input>

  <input>  path/url to OpenAPI/Swagger document as json/yaml

For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
  $ openapi-zod-client --help

  -o, --output <path>    Output path for the zodios api client ts file (defaults to `<input>.ts`)
  -t, --template <path>  Template path for the handlebars template that will be used to generate the output
  -p, --prettier <path>  Prettier config path that will be used to format the output client file
  -b, --base-url <url>   Base url for the api
  -a, --with-alias       With alias as api client methods
  -v, --version          Display version number
  -h, --help             Display this message


You can pass a custom handlebars template and/or a custom prettier config with something like: pnpm openapi-zod-client ./example/petstore.yaml -o ./example/petstore-schemas.ts -t ./example/schemas-only.hbs -p ./example/prettier-custom.json, there is an example here


  • You can omit the -o (output path) argument if you want and it will default to the input path with a .ts extension: pnpm openapi-zod-client ./input.yaml will generate a ./input.yaml.ts file

  • Since internally we're using swagger-parser, you should be able to use an URL as input like this: pnpx openapi-zod-client -o ./petstore.ts

  • Also, multiple-files-documents ($ref pointing to another file) should work out-of-the-box as well, but if it doesn't, maybe dereferencing your document before passing it to openapi-zod-client could help




openapi: "3.0.0"
    version: 1.0.0
    title: Swagger Petstore
        name: MIT
    - url:
            summary: List all pets
            operationId: listPets
                - pets
                - name: limit
                  in: query
                  description: How many items to return at one time (max 100)
                  required: false
                      type: integer
                      format: int32
                    description: A paged array of pets
                            description: A link to the next page of responses
                                type: string
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pets"
                    description: unexpected error
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
            summary: Create a pet
            operationId: createPets
                - pets
                    description: Null response
                    description: unexpected error
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
            summary: Info for a specific pet
            operationId: showPetById
                - pets
                - name: petId
                  in: path
                  required: true
                  description: The id of the pet to retrieve
                      type: string
                    description: Expected response to a valid request
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
                    description: unexpected error
                                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"
            type: object
                - id
                - name
                    type: integer
                    format: int64
                    type: string
                    type: string
            type: array
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/Pet"
            type: object
                - code
                - message
                    type: integer
                    format: int32
                    type: string


import { Zodios } from "@zodios/core";
import { z } from "zod";

const v7LgRCMpuZ0 = z.object({ id: z.bigint(), name: z.string(), tag: z.string().optional() }).optional();
const vWZd2G8UeSs = z.array(v7LgRCMpuZ0).optional();
const v77smkx5YEB = z.object({ code: z.bigint(), message: z.string() }).optional();

const variables = {
    Error: v77smkx5YEB,
    Pet: v7LgRCMpuZ0,
    Pets: vWZd2G8UeSs,
    createPets: v77smkx5YEB,
    listPets: v77smkx5YEB,
    showPetById: v77smkx5YEB,

const endpoints = [
        method: "get",
        path: "/pets",
        requestFormat: "json",
        parameters: [
                name: "limit",
                type: "Query",
                schema: z.bigint().optional(),
        response: variables["Pets"],
        method: "post",
        path: "/pets",
        requestFormat: "json",
        response: variables["Error"],
        method: "get",
        path: "/pets/:petId",
        requestFormat: "json",
        response: variables["Pet"],
] as const;

export const api = new Zodios(endpoints);


  • handle default values (output z.default(xxx))
  • handle OA spec format: date-time -> output / preprocess ?
  • handle string/number constraints -> output z.min max length email url uuid startsWith endsWith regex trim nonempty gt gte lt lte int positive nonnegative negative nonpositive multipleOf
  • handle OA prefixItems -> output z.tuple
  • handle recursive schemas -> output z.lazy()
  • add an argument to control which response should be added (currently by status code === "200" or when there is a "default")
  • rm unused (=never referenced) variables from output


NOT tested/expected to work with OpenAPI before v3, please migrate your specs to v3+ if you want to use this


  • pnpm i && pnpm gen

if you fix an edge case please make a dedicated minimal reproduction test in the tests folder so that it doesn't break in future versions

  • Numerical enum support (and some others)

    Numerical enum support (and some others)


    In v1.4.5, numerical enums convert to a union of string literals. However, Zod officially says that numerical enums should be a union of numeric literals. (ref: And an unnecessary .int() is added if the type is an integer.

    openapi: 3.0.0
      version: 1.0.0
      title: Numerical enums
            - in: query
              name: foo
                type: integer
                  - 1
                  - -2
                  - 3
            - in: query
              name: bar
                type: number
                  - 1.2
                  - 34
                  - -56.789
              description: resoponse
    parameters: [
            name: "foo",
            type: "Query",
            schema: z
                .union([z.literal("1"), z.literal("-2"), z.literal("3")])
                .int() // should remove
            name: "bar",
            type: "Query",
            schema: z.union([z.literal("1.2"), z.literal("34"), z.literal("-56.789")]).optional(),

    I expected as following:

    parameters: [
            name: "foo",
            type: "Query",
            schema: z.union([z.literal(1), z.literal(-2), z.literal(3)]).optional(),
            name: "bar",
            type: "Query",
            schema: z.union([z.literal(1.2), z.literal(34), z.literal(-56.789)]).optional(),
    opened by macropygia 21
  • feat(error): add support for default error

    feat(error): add support for default error

    Hello Alex,

    With this pull request i'm adding support for default errors. indeed zodios also has default errors.

    This also seems to fix a bug where only other than '200' ok code would not emit response type.

    now the /samples/3.0/petstore.yaml convertion will output correct zodios api definition.

    I added a handlebar helper to handle this use case. tell me if it's ok for you.

    opened by ecyrbe 10
  • Unhashed Schema Names?

    Unhashed Schema Names?

    Is there a way to generate all OpenApi component schemas and export them (without hashed names)?

    In the Pet Store example, there are 8 component schemas.

    Only 4 of them are added to export const schemas {...}.

    opened by robotkutya 5
  • TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')


    getting the following error on openapi-zod-client <file> -a --export-schemas --group-strategy 'tag'. (any group-strategy seems to fail)

    if (schemaName.startsWith("z.")) return;
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'startsWith')
        at addDependencyIfNeeded (node_modules/openapi-zod-client/dist/
        at node_modules/openapi-zod-client/dist/
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    for the same payload as here

    opened by andreas-soroko 3
  • [Question] Why is response z.void() ?

    [Question] Why is response z.void() ?

    When i run: pnpx openapi-zod-client '' -o './src/schemas/test.ts'

    It gives { method: 'get', path: '/pet/:petId', description: Returns a single pet, requestFormat: 'json', parameters: [ { name: 'petId', type: 'Path', schema: z.unknown(), }, ], response: z.void(), errors: [ { status: 400, description: Invalid ID supplied, schema: z.void(), }, { status: 404, description: Pet not found, schema: z.void(), }, ], },

    Why is response: z.void() ?

    opened by drexxdk 2
  • fix(#49): escape control characters

    fix(#49): escape control characters

    related to #49 ref

    Targets characters are as follows:

    • TAB, LF and CR
      • \t\n\r
    • C0 Control Codes except for TAB, LF, CR, and Space
      • \x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F
    • C1 Control Codes
      • \x80-\x9F
    • Non-character
      • \uFFFE\uFFFF
    opened by macropygia 2
  • Error: Invalid ref: #/components/schemas/...

    Error: Invalid ref: #/components/schemas/...


    just tried to used it on a existing service and got the error

    Error: Invalid ref: #/components/schemas/NameResolutionType2
      ref: '#/components/schemas/NameResolutionType2',
      fallbackName: 'nameResolutionType',
      result: 'NameResolutionType2.optional().default("AssetName")'

    but don't get it, what is wrong.

    minimal reproduction example:

      "x-generator": "NSwag v13.17.0.0 (NJsonSchema v10.8.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0))",
      "openapi": "3.0.0",
      "info": {
        "title": "title",
        "version": ""
      "paths": {
        "/api/v2/name-resolution/via-id/{assetId}": {
          "get": {
            "tags": [
            "operationId": "api_v2_name-resolution_via-id_{assetid}_get_ResolveNamesForAssetV2",
            "parameters": [
                "name": "nameResolutionType",
                "in": "query",
                "schema": {
                  "default": "AssetName",
                  "oneOf": [
                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NameResolutionType2"
            "responses": {
              "200": {
                "description": "",
                "content": {
                  "application/json": {
                    "schema": {
                      "type": "array",
                      "items": {
                        "type": "string"
              "400": {
                "description": ""
              "401": {
                "description": "Unauthorized"
              "403": {
                "description": "Forbidden"
              "404": {
                "description": ""
              "500": {
                "description": ""
      "components": {
        "schemas": {
          "NameResolutionType2": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "",
            "x-enumNames": [
            "enum": [
    opened by andreas-soroko 2
  • chore(gh-actions): initialize github actions

    chore(gh-actions): initialize github actions

    Hello alex,

    I'm ready to help you. First thing, this PR is just to add github actions to automate your daily process :

    • tests
    • build
    • publish

    Note that publishing requires you to add a github secret named NPM_TOKEN else it wont work. But it's really helpfull to automate this process. You will gain a lot of time by doing this.

    Automatic publish work by just adding a new tag. so just doing :

    npm version <major|minor|patch>
    git push --follow-tags

    will create a new release automatically if the CI succeed.

    Another thing, i propose to add (not this PR) is register a renovate bot. this will do all the maintainance for you. A lot of time gained from it. But it as some consequences, like being spammed to update libs when new versions comes out. So it's your choice

    opened by ecyrbe 1
  • TODO - include errors even if content object is empty (auto-infer as z.void())

    TODO - include errors even if content object is empty (auto-infer as z.void())

    this doesn't include errors 400/401/500 cause no MediaTypeObject is set in the ContentObject this should be included nonetheless as if there was one matching mediaType with a schema: z.void()

            - store_warehouse
          summary: Get the warehouse linked to a store.
            - name: store_id
              in: path
              description: Please fill the store id
              required: true
                type: string
              description: OK
                    $ref: "#/components/schemas/d"
              description: Ressource Not Found
              content: {}
              description: Not Authorized
              content: {}
              description: Methods Not Implemented
              content: {}
    opened by astahmer 1
  • TODO - handle OpenAPI `format`

    TODO - handle OpenAPI `format`

    zod implementation:

    To write a schema that accepts either a Date or a date string, use z.preprocess.

    const dateSchema = z.preprocess((arg) => {
      if (typeof arg == "string" || arg instanceof Date) return new Date(arg);
    type DateSchema = z.infer<typeof dateSchema>;
    // type DateSchema = Date
    dateSchema.safeParse(new Date("1/12/22")); // success: true
    dateSchema.safeParse("2022-01-12T00:00:00.000Z"); // success: true

    open api spec description:

    opened by astahmer 1
  • Unable to run with yarn

    Unable to run with yarn

    Hi, am I doing anything wrong here?

    $ yarn openapi-zod-client plugin-redoc-0.yaml
    yarn run v1.22.19
    Retrieving OpenAPI document from plugin-redoc-0.yaml
                triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
    [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './src/template.hbs'] {
      errno: -2,
      code: 'ENOENT',
      syscall: 'open',
      path: './src/template.hbs'
    Node.js v18.0.0
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit for documentation about this command.
    opened by 1oglop1 1
  • [Question] Whitelist / Blacklist endpoints?

    [Question] Whitelist / Blacklist endpoints?

    Hi! I was wondering if there was a way to whitelist / blacklist some endpoints / endpoint aliases using regular expressions, and if it made sense in this project. My use case would be the following:

    Say you have to build a small webpage that connects to a really big, old, monolithic API with hundreds of endpoints, but you only had to consume a small subsection of those, say, auth* and analytics. If we had the ability to whitelist and/blacklist, we could run:

    yarn run openapi-zod-client --w "^\/api\/v1\/auth.*$" --w "^\/api\/v1\/analytics.*$"
    yarn run openapi-zod-client --wa "^apiV1Auth.*$" --w "^apiV1Analytics.*$"

    (Just a proposal of syntax, regex expresiones may not work)

    To generate a 1000 lines of code instead of 50000 lines, thus making the typescript language server run way faster and reducing out bundle size

    opened by rmortes 1
  • [Question] Inline Enums?

    [Question] Inline Enums?

    Hi! I've just recently started to work with this library, and I'm loving it so far. I have a question about enums.

    I have an endpoint with two GET params:

          - in: query
            name: type
              type: string
              - One
              - Two
              - Three
          - in: query
            name: o
              type: array
                type: string
                - (A - Z)
                - (Z - A)

    The type param comes from a Django model with an enum that gets exported to the schema as well:

          - ONE
          - TWO
          - THREE
          type: string

    As you can see, the enum in typed with the DB values, which are all caps, while the values the API will accept are capitalized. I'm trying to set up a mostly code generated codebase, so I'd love to somehow get api.thatEndPoint.parameters.type.schema.options, but AFAIK this is not a trivial matter.

    I've been somewhat successful .finding my way around api.api to get to the type.schema.options, but this is not typed, so my beautifully typed requests complain of [string, ...string[]] not being of type One | Two | Three, so this is a no go.

    My question is: Is it possible to somehow get the inline enum schema defined in the makeAPi function while retaining typings? And if not, would it be possible to generate and export a zod type for inline enums in the schema?


    opened by rmortes 5
  • fix(#49): missing zod chains on body/responses

    fix(#49): missing zod chains on body/responses

    EDIT: I misunderstood the problem and solved another instead, idk if this is needed so i'll leave this PR as it is for now until someone asks for it

    opened by astahmer 1
  • TODO - CI changelog + fix readme on npm

    TODO - CI changelog + fix readme on npm

    opened by astahmer 2
  • TODO - add missing tests for the last patches

    TODO - add missing tests for the last patches

    i'm a bit in a rush atm, havent had the time to had test for this and tried to deliver fixes asap for these:

    opened by astahmer 0
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