generate pages from markdown files with dynamic routes, 0 effort, 0 boilerplate.



Markdown Pages for Next.js

Dynamic Routes. Blog Aware. Design Your Layout

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Made for people

  • having a nextjs project
  • in ❤️ with markdown
  • who want to generate boring (but very necessary!) pages like /about, /terms, /blog or /whatever/other/route from markdown files with 0 effort (eg., whatever/other/
  • (optional) who want these .md files to be hosted on a separate git repo

Currently in use in

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Get Started

In your nextjs project, run

npm install next-markdown

Add the following [...nextmd].jsx file in the pages/ folder

import NextMarkdown from "next-markdown";

const nextmd = NextMarkdown({ pathToContent: "./pages-markdown" });

export const getStaticPaths = nextmd.getStaticPaths;
export const getStaticProps = nextmd.getStaticProps;

export default function MarkdownPage({ frontMatter, html, files }) {
  return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} /> 👈 design your own layout 🧑‍🎨

Usage 👋

At the root of your project create a folder pages-markdown/, add the following file

# Hello World

This is **awesome**

That's it. Open http://localhost:3000/hello page and see the magic.


nextmd demo

Features 🚀

Dynamic Routes for Markdown Files

Just like nextjs does with pages/.

next-markdown generates paths based on the path of your markdown files.

For example, the following project structure will result into creating the following pages:

├ index.jsx    ......... ➡️ /
├ caveat.jsx   ......... ➡️ /caveat
├ [...nextmd].jsx

├     ......... ➡️ /about
├    ......... ➡️ ❌ because `pages/caveat.jsx` takes precedence over [...nextmd] cf.
├ hello/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /hello
  ├   ......... ➡️ /hello/world
  ├ jurassic/
    ├  ......... ➡️ /hello/jurassic/park
├ blog/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog with `props.files` all the files within its directory
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog/hello
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog/world
├ docs/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /docs with `props.files` all the files within its directory
  ├   ... ➡️ /docs/get-started
  ├   ...... ➡️ /docs/features
  ├   .... ➡️ /docs/contribute

See the example.

Blog Aware

next-markdown is blog-aware, docs-aware, etc.:

  • list all files
  • easy to calculate the estimated reading time
  • etc.

See the example.

Table of Contents

For each page you'll receive the Table of Contents based on headings in your markdown.

See the example.

MDX Support

You can mix .md and .mdx files.

See the example.

Configure custom remark and rehype plugins

next-markdown comes with some default remark and rehype plugins to ensure its basic functionality.

In some cases you might want to specify additional plugins to enrich your page with extra features.

You can pass custom remark and rehype plugins via the next-markdown initializer config:

import NextMarkdown from "next-markdown";

const nextmd = NextMarkdown({
  remarkPlugins: [],
  rehypePlugins: [],

See the example.

Host Your .md Files in Another Repo

For many good reasons you may want to host your content in another GIT repo.

See the example.


By default, next-markdown ignores files and files whose name starts with an underscore (eg.

This can be overriden by implementing the include function in the config object.

Examples 🖥

Feel free to browse the examples to see next-markdown in action.

Contributing 🏗️

Thanks for your interest in next-markdown! You are very welcome to contribute. If you are proposing a new feature, please open an issue to make sure it is inline with the project goals.

1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and clone it to your local device

git clone
cd next-markdown

2. Install the dependencies and run dev script

npm install
npm run dev

terminal 1

3. Open another terminal, pick an example in the examples/ folder, install dependencies and run dev

cd examples/blogging # or dynamic-routes, or remote-content
npm install
npm run dev

terminal 2

4. Start coding

  • edit files in src/, save: http://localhost:3000 gets updated automatically (aka hot-reloading)
  • add tests in src/__tests__/. Run tests with npm test command.


5. Submitting a PR

Before you make your pull request, make sure to run:

  • npm test to make sure nothing is broken
  • npm run format to make sure the code looks consistent
  • npm run lint to make sure there is no problem in the code

Contributors 🙏

  • feat: allow building docs style pages

    feat: allow building docs style pages


    Allow developers to build such a page with next-markdown:




    List all files (done #5)

    List every files when rendering Props should look like:

      html: string,
      nextmd: [...],
      files: [
           html: string,
           nextmd: [..., ...],

    List previous / next files (won't do, not necessary)

    This can be actually achieved with files[n-1] and files[n+1].

    Table of Contents (done #8)

    List markdown content headings + add anchors

    Provide an example

    Please provide an example in examples/.


    [x] Maybe we should rename posts attribute. It is misleading since it's not asked to be a "blog post" (as we can see, it can also achieve documentation purpose) => done, posts has been renamed to files, cf. #5

    enhancement wip 
    opened by frouo 5
  • Setup the project so it's easy to develop and test this nextjs library

    Setup the project so it's easy to develop and test this nextjs library

    Please, help.


    Right now I have no proper solution:

    • I tried to use npm link but, for every changes in next-markdown/src/index.ts, I need to execute cd examples/blogging && rm -rf node_modules/next-markdown && npm link. Very painful.
    • copy/paste next-markdown/src/index.ts and use it locally in an example, so when I am done, I copy/paste back to next-markdown/src. Very painful and ugly...
    • I cannot write tests. I tried exporting a next-markdown function (eg. export getNextmdFromFilePath = (..)=>{..}) but import { getNextmdFromFilePath } from '../'; in file __tests__/index.test.ts failed with error Module '"../index"' has no exported member 'getNextmdFromFilePath'


    I don't have the time (and knowledge yet) to setup properly the project this way:

    • ability to write tests...
    • live test: everytime next-markdown/src/index.ts changes, tests are ran
    • dev mode with lie reloading: having a project where everytime next-markdown/src/index.ts changes, the project updates
    • code splitting. For now if I create for example an utility file next-markdown/src/utility.ts the published npm library does not work (module not found)

    Thank you

    Any help is much than appreciated 🙏

    help wanted 
    opened by frouo 3
  • load page error

    load page error

    hello:1 GET http://localhost:3000/hello 500 (Internal Server Error) index.js?20a9:314 Uncaught at (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/pages/[...nextmd].js:32:1) at webpack_require (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:42) at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/pages/[...nextmd].jsx:8:71) at Function.webpack_require.a (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:106:13) at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/pages/[...nextmd].jsx:1:21) at Object../src/pages/[...nextmd].jsx (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/pages/[...nextmd].js:22:1) at webpack_require (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/webpack-runtime.js:33:42) at webpack_exec (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/pages/[...nextmd].js:52:39) at (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/pages/[...nextmd].js:53:28) at Object. (file:///Users/kr.mao/Workspace/codesdancing/.next/server/pages/[...nextmd].js:56:3) getNodeError @ nodeStackFrames.js?aca3:40 eval @ index.js?20a9:313 setTimeout(异步) _callee$ @ index.js?20a9:301 tryCatch @ runtime.js?96cf:63 invoke @ runtime.js?96cf:294 eval @ runtime.js?96cf:119 asyncGeneratorStep @ index.js?20a9:28 _next @ index.js?20a9:46 Promise.then(异步) asyncGeneratorStep @ index.js?20a9:37 _next @ index.js?20a9:46 eval @ index.js?20a9:51 eval @ index.js?20a9:43 _initNext @ index.js?20a9:363 initNext @ index.js?20a9:366 eval @ next-dev.js?3346:38 ./node_modules/next/dist/client/next-dev.js @ main.js?ts=1646807645629:600 options.factory @ webpack.js?ts=1646807645629:685 webpack_require @ webpack.js?ts=1646807645629:37 webpack_exec @ main.js?ts=1646807645629:1399 (匿名) @ main.js?ts=1646807645629:1400 webpackJsonpCallback @ webpack.js?ts=1646807645629:1268 (匿名) @ main.js?ts=1646807645629:9

    opened by krmao 2
  • feat: optional catch all routes

    feat: optional catch all routes


    At the time of writing, next-markdown support nextjs "catch all routes", meaning you need to add a [...nextmd].js in your pages and create an index.js for the home page.


    We want to create a website (including the home page!) with markdown. To allow creating home page we need to use "optional catch all routes".


    next-markdown should work with [[...nextmd]].js

    opened by frouo 1
  • Better faster strong project setup

    Better faster strong project setup

    Closes #6

    Work in Progress:

    • [x] lib is bundled using parcel
    • [x] lib type: module
    • [x] examples uses the local lib
    • [x] examples hot-reload when lib code base is edited
    • [x] npm install [email protected] works
    • [x] unable to run tests yet :(
    help wanted wip 
    opened by frouo 1
  • [FIX] - Library ESModule build

    [FIX] - Library ESModule build

    Typescript supports .js imports for .ts files. see why here :

    Either that or :

    • use a bundler (IMO overkill for the size of next-markdown)
    • use a post-processor typescript plugin to append .js file extensions to relative imports after compilation
    opened by edvincandon 1
  • feat: enhance blog-aware rules to handle more use cases (blog, docs...)

    feat: enhance blog-aware rules to handle more use cases (blog, docs...)


    Allow to customize the YYYY-MM-DD rule for given folder.

    Thus allowing specified folder to have custom rule to sort content:

    ├ docs/
    ## how to?
    Please take example to the function `include` in the NextMarkdownConfig type, where `include` has a default behavior that can be overridden.
    opened by frouo 1
  • Allow building documentation

    Allow building documentation

    Closes #4 Closes #15 (keep next-markdown simple, getStaticPropsForNextmd can do the job)

    This might be the most simple way to test this PR in your project, run npm install ""

    opened by frouo 0
  • feat (advanced): allow to flatten some directories for docs / blog classification purpose

    feat (advanced): allow to flatten some directories for docs / blog classification purpose


    In some circumstances, you likely want to use subfolders to classify your markdown files. For example when writing docs.

    So you want a way to bypass the default next-markdown dynamic routes.

    Considered solution

    ✋ default dynamic routes MUST remain because it covers 99% of use cases. We all love how nextjs works with /pages. . Eg: path/to/ will match /path/to/project.

    We could have a .nextmd.config.json file at the root of a given folder to bypass how next-markdown will consider this folder's subfolders.

    # .nextmd.config.json
      "flatten": ["examples", "features"]



    Tell me what you think in comment. Thanks

    enhancement help wanted question 
    opened by frouo 0
  • [FIX] - Build output

    [FIX] - Build output

    tsc build output to es2020 modules does not append .js extensions to dist files. Either use a builder to alleviate this or force single file output.

    node ESModule resolution requires .js extensions in imports !

    opened by edvincandon 0
  • feat (advanced): split next-markdown into smaller modules

    feat (advanced): split next-markdown into smaller modules

    Split the lib in several parts

    • npm install @nextmarkdown/core : contains everything but the markdownToHtml logic (commonjs lib)
    • npm install @nextmarkdown/markdown-to-html : will contain all the logic to convert markdown to html with remark / rehype plugins dependencies (esm module lib because rehype-stringify is ESM only).
    • npm install @nextmarkdown/mdx : will contain the next-mdx-remote logic.

    Finally npm install next-markdown would install, by default, both @nextmarkdown/core and @nextmarkdown/markdown-to-html so it is really easy to get started with next-mardown + covers 80% of the usage cases.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by frouo 1
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