Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for coc.nvim



fork from a vscode-tailwindcss

Intelligent Tailwind CSS tooling for coc.nvim.



There are two coc.nvim extensions to "tailwindcss". Unfortunately, neither is currently maintained and will not work with "tailwindcss3"...

I have created @yaegassy/coc-tailwindcss3 which supports "tailwindcss3".



:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-tailwindcss3

scoped packages


Plug 'yaegassy/coc-tailwindcss3', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}


Create tailwindCSS configuration in your project.

this extension need the configuration exists in your project

npx tailwindcss init

Configuration options

  • tailwindCSS.enable: Enable coc-tailwindcss3 extension, default: true
  • tailwindCSS.trace.server: Trace level of tailwindCSS language server, default: off
  • tailwindCSS.custom.serverPath: Custom path to server module. If there is no setting, the built-in module will be used, default: ""
  • tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions: Enable class name completions when using Emmet-style syntax, for example, default: false
  • tailwindCSS.includeLanguages: Enable features in languages that are not supported by default. Add a mapping here between the new language and an already supported language. E.g.: {"plaintext": "html"}, default: { "eelixir": "html", "elixir": "html", "eruby": "html", "htmldjango": "html", "html.twig": "html" }
  • tailwindCSS.files.exclude: Configure glob patterns to exclude from all IntelliSense features. Inherits all glob patterns from the #files.exclude# setting, default: ["/.git/", "/node_modules/", "/.hg/"]
  • tailwindCSS.classAttributes: The HTML attributes for which to provide class completions, hover previews, linting etc, default: ["class", "className", "ngClass"]
  • tailwindCSS.validate: Enable linting. Rules can be configured individually using the tailwindcss.lint.* settings, default: true
  • tailwindCSS.lint.cssConflict: Class names on the same HTML element which apply the same CSS property or properties, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: warning
  • tailwindCSS.lint.invalidApply: Unsupported use of the @apply directive, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.lint.invalidScreen: Unknown screen name used with the @screen directive, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.lint.invalidVariant: Unknown variant name used with the @variants directive, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.lint.invalidConfigPath: Unknown or invalid path used with the theme helper, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.lint.invalidTailwindDirective: Unknown value used with the @tailwind directive, valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.lint.recommendedVariantOrder: Class variants not in the recommended order (applies in JIT mode only), valid option ["ignore", "warning", "error"], default: error
  • tailwindCSS.inspectPort: Enable the Node.js inspector agent for the language server and listen on the specified port, default: null


  • tailwindCSS.showOutput: Tailwind CSS: Show Output

Custom Server Path

tailwindCSS.custom.serverPath: Custom path to server module. If there is no setting, the built-in module will be used, default: ""

This setting allows you to use the tailwind's language server module installed in any location.

Usage Example 1 (vsix)


mkdir -p /tmp/tailwindcss-language-server
cd /tmp/tailwindcss-language-server
curl -LO
unzip vscode-tailwindcss-0.8.1.vsix


  "tailwindCSS.custom.serverPath": "/tmp/tailwindcss-language-server/extension/dist/server/tailwindServer.js"

Usage Example 2 (Use extensions installed in VSCode)


  "tailwindCSS.custom.serverPath": "/path/to/.vscode/extensions/bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss-0.8.1/dist/tailwindServer.js

Usage Example 3 (npm)


npm i -g @tailwindcss/[email protected]


  "tailwindCSS.custom.serverPath": "/path/to/.nvm/versions/node/v16.14.2/bin/tailwindcss-language-server"




This extension is built with create-coc-extension

  • Adding another className regex (PureScript)

    Adding another className regex (PureScript)

    Hi there, I would like to give coc-tailwindcss3 a shot with PureScript (React).

    I didn't get it to work yet. Once it's working I would like to open a pull request to add it to the list of class regexes (similar to reason and elm).


    Classes look like this:

    element progress { className: "w-56 flex" }

    The coc-config is this: Is the regex fine? Do I need to set a different value? Escaping okay?

      "tailwindCSS.headwind.classRegex": {
        "purescript": "\\bclassName\\s*:\\s*\\\"([_a-zA-Z0-9\\s\\-\\:\\/]+)\\\""

    What I tried so far

    • Different regexes
    • Using purs (the extension name) instead of purescript
    • Made sure the project setup is working because in index.html the extension is working fine
    • Made sure coc-settings.json is recognized because I can disable the language server (and html stops working)
    • Ran CocCommand tailwindCSS.forceActivate in case the file wouldn't be recognized
    • Check that regex works, but could still be an issue (escaping or other mistake)


    HTML :heavy_check_mark:


    PureScript :-1:


    Regex on


    help wanted 
    opened by andys8 7
  • Support twind

    Support twind

    Hi, thank you for this amazing coc extension. Do you have plans to allow this extension be compatible with the ?!

    Another ref:

    opened by igorbrasileiro 6
  • Headwind integration

    Headwind integration

    First off, thank you for creating this extension! I'd like to know if there are any plans to re-integrate Headwind with this, and if not, if you have any pointers on how one could integrate it themselves.

    opened by zachschultz 5
  • It doesn't recognize SvelteKit project

    It doesn't recognize SvelteKit project

    Hi, the extension is not working on my SvelteKit project.

    TailwindCSS is properly installed and the IntelliSense works perfectly on VSCode.

    Here's my project's structure: Screenshot_145

    Here's everything I've tried so far:

    • Opening nvim in the root folder and in the src folder
    • Using tailwindCSS.forceActivate
    • Opening my tailwind.config.cjs file
    • Renaming it to tailwind.config.js
    • Reinstalling the extension and the COC plugin
    • Creating an index.html file to see if it works with basic html files

    Nothing works, so I really don't know what to do, thanks for reading.

    opened by pepperoni21 4
  • Support autocompletion in `tw` tag function from twin.macro

    Support autocompletion in `tw` tag function from twin.macro

    This is not so much an issue as a question.

    I understand there is a way to add additional attributes that support auto-completion with tailwindCSS.classAttributes, but I don't know if it's possible to use that mechanism to autocomplete when using tw from twin.macro.

    Examples from the twin.macro documentation:

    import tw from 'twin.macro'
    const Input = ({ hasHover }) => (
      <input css={[tw`border`, hasHover && tw`hover:border-black`]} />
    import tw, { css } from 'twin.macro'
    const hoverStyles = css`
      &:hover {
        border-color: black;
    const Input = ({ hasHover }) => (
      <input css={[tw`border`, hasHover && hoverStyles]} />
    help wanted 
    opened by tupton 3
  • Question: enable for typescriptreact

    Question: enable for typescriptreact

    Hi, when I work on typescriptreact files this extension doesn't seem to enable itself. Is that intentional? I tried to check the options and set tailwindCSS.includedLanguages but that didn't seem to do much.

    How does one enable this extension for typescriptreact files?

    opened by alextes 3
  • Clojure/ClojureScript support?

    Clojure/ClojureScript support?

    I realize this is probably going to be too big of an ask and wishful thinking but I was wondering if you knew how I could get the tailwind autocompletion working with Clojure and Clojurescript, particularly when using the reagent and/or hiccup libraries which allows for a great Clojure-ish way of writing html that looks like:

    (defn simple-component []
       [:p "Classes can be added in a traditional manner using a clojure hashmap with a :class keyword like:"]
       [:p {:class "text-2xl font-extrabold mt-6"}]
       [:p "or can be added using a shortcut syntax of just a '.' after an html element like:"]

    If it's even possible I imagine the traditional way would be the only way to make it happen. I haven't wrapped my head around how you actually identify when to trigger the autocompletion but I imagine you recognize an eligible file and then look for the 'class' keyword as a trigger?

    In this case, maybe if someone puts something like "tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": { "clojure": "html"} (which would be for files that end in .clj, .cljs, or .cljc) in the coc config file you can search for the :class keyword, or maybe anything that starts with a :<anything>. as anything after that . would be a css class, and then trigger the tailwind autocompletion.

    opened by Chase-Lambert 3
  • TypeError: import_coc2.RelativePattern is not a constructor

    TypeError: import_coc2.RelativePattern is not a constructor

    After installing this extension, I get the following error after nvim startup: (output of :CocInfo)

    22-04-25T17:08:47.389 ERROR (pid:2806) [server] - unhandledRejection  Promise {                                                                                                                                                    
         <rejected> TypeError: import_coc2.RelativePattern is not a constructor
             at didOpenTextDocument (/home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc-tailwindcss3/lib/index.js:1036:64)
             at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)                                                                                                                                                                         
             at Object.activate (/home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc-tailwindcss3/lib/index.js:1042:39)
             at /home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:231:1411                                                                                                                             
             at new Promise (<anonymous>)                                                                                                                                                                           
             at Object.activate (/home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:231:1369)
             at i5.activate (/home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:228:7366)
             at /home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:230:283
             at new Promise (<anonymous>)
            at s (/home/stefan/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build/index.js:230:45)

    And the plugin is not usable for me :-(

    opened by stfnwp 2
  • Adding a hyphen breaks autocomplete

    Adding a hyphen breaks autocomplete

    When I start typing, I get autocomplete suggestions. Here I'm going to add a padding, px:

    Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 14 32 01

    But, when I add hyphen (-) the px styles disappear:

    Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 14 32 07

    The current example is in Vue, but I've also got the same behavior in React.

    opened by believer 1
  • feat: dash force completions feature

    feat: dash force completions feature

    There are a number of tailwindcss completion items that contain "dash" (-).

    When you type a "dash", the completion menu disappears, so you can avoid this problem by adding a "dash" with vim's iskeyword option

    However, Since coc.nvim v0.0.82, the iskeyword option in vim does not seem to be respected in completion.

    Added the feature to "force completion" when entering "dash".

    opened by yaegassy 1
  • feat: add regex match log for headwind in showOutput

    feat: add regex match log for headwind in showOutput

    DEMO (mp4)

    Related issue

    opened by yaegassy 0
  • feat: add document colorizer for tailwindcss

    feat: add document colorizer for tailwindcss

    Hi, recently I saw that document-color.nvim implements the document colorizer feature. I think it is very cool and useful. So I try to implements the some feature in coc-tailwindcss3.

    opened by PHSix 2
  • feat: css language mode server integration for TailwindCSS

    feat: css language mode server integration for TailwindCSS


    To edit css-related files, it is convenient to use coc-css. A language server with vscode-css-languageservice feature is started.

    However, this language server has some minor problems, such as issuing warnings for TailwindCSS-specific syntax, etc. e.g. @tailwind, @apply, @screen, @layer and more.

    To solve these problems, tailwindcss-intellisense seems to provide a dedicated css language server for TailwindCSS.






    the language server module for this css requires v0.8.0 or later of vscode-tailwindcss. Please check here for an example of using the server module installed with vsix.


    The npm package @tailwindcss/language-server does not yet include this server module.

    Note: To be published in npm in the near future.


    Add the g:coc_filetype_map setting to your ".vimrc/init.vim". Add a configuration entry mapping the file type named *.tailwindcss to tailwindcss.

    This is an example of the css.tailwindcss filetype. Of course, you can also use another css-related filetype, such as scss.tailwindcss.

    let g:coc_filetype_map = {
     \ 'css.tailwindcss': 'tailwindcss',
     \ }


    Add tailwindCSS.custom.cssModeServerPath to coc-settings.json. The file path of the css server module must be set correctly for your environment.

      "tailwindCSS.custom.cssModeServerPath": "/path/to/tailwindcss-language-server/extension/dist/tailwindModeServer.js",


    1. Open the css-related file.
    2. Change the filetype to css.tailwindcss.
      • :set filetype=css.tailwindcss
      • The css mode server provided by tailwindcss-intellisense starts up.
    opened by yaegassy 0
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