catbot-9000 is a javascript market-loser bot running on node.js.



catbot-9000 is a Chia bot framework running on node.js. It was used during the CATMOS launch event on Hashgreen.

If you are looking for the simpler "hello world" version of catbot-9000 that was actually used for the Hashgreen launch, change the branch to 0.1-hello-world.

It uses custom client libraries for the following APIs:

It also uses the following libraries:

  • For Discord integration, it uses the excellent Discord.js client library.
  • For parsing emojis from text, it uses the emoji-translate library.

The credit behind the Chia RPC javascript library goes to OfferPool. This code was instrumental for me to understand how to connect securely to the RPC endpoint using the wallet's SSL certificates.

└───  .......................................................  You are here
└─── .env.example  ....................................................  copy/rename to .env and upate your settings
└─── catbot
	└─── server.js  ...................................................  Main start code
	└─── api-clients
	|   └─── ChiaWalletRpcClient.js  ..................................  Chia Wallet RPC API
	│   └─── HashgreenClient.js  ......................................  Hashgreen API
	│   └─── ICanHazDadJokeClient.js  .................................  ICanHazDadJoke API
	│   └─── SpacescanClient.js  ......................................  Spacescan API
	│   └─── TailDatabaseClient.js  ...................................  TailDatabase API
	│   └─── XchTokenClient.js  .......................................  XchToken API
	|   └─── TokenController.js  ......................................  token syncing and aggregation logic
	|   └─── Token.js  ................................................  token data structures
	└───workers  ......................................................  each worker is a different bot
	    └─── discord  .................................................  all logic for discord bot
	    |   └─── DeployCommands.js  ...................................  deploys commands to Discord servers
	    |   └─── DiscordBot.js  .......................................  start code for Discord bot
	    |   |		
	    |   └─── commands  ............................................  command interation
	    |   |   └─── Cat.js  ..........................................  handles /cat command
	    |   |   └─── Config.js  .......................................  handles /config command
	    |   |   └─── Prove.js  ........................................  handles /prove command
	    |   |		
	    |   └─── events  ..............................................  event interation
	    |   |   └─── CatAutoCompleteInteraction.js  ...................  handles autocomplete for /cat
	    |   |   └─── CatSelectMenuInteraction.js  .....................  handles select menu for /cat
	    |   |   └─── ClientReady.js  ..................................  handles main Discord client events
	    |   |   └─── CommandInteractionRouter.js  .....................  routes all command events
	    |   |   └─── ProveButtonInteraction.js  .......................  handles buttons for /prove
	    |   |   └─── UploadOfferFileMessage.js  .......................  handles offer upload messages
	    |   |		
	    |   └─── templates  ...........................................  templates for embeds/components
	    |       └─── CatConfigureComponents.js  .......................  configures /cat components
	    |       └─── CatConfigureEmbeds.js  ...........................  configures /cat embeds
	    |       └─── OfferConfigureEmbeds.js  .........................  configures offer upload embeds
	    └─── market-maker  ............................................  market maker bot
	    	└─── MarketMakerBot.js  ...................................  all logic for market maker bot


  1. Copy .env.example and rename it .env. Update this new .env file with your settings.
  2. npm install
  3. node app.js


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Apache License, Version 2.0

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