the last carousel you'll ever need

Related tags

Sliders slick


the last carousel you'll ever need



To start working with Slick right away, there's a couple of CDN choices availabile to serve the files as close, and fast as possible to your users:

Example using jsDelivr

Just add a link to the css file in your <head>:

<!-- Add the slick-theme.css if you want default styling -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//[email protected]/slick/slick.css"/>
<!-- Add the slick-theme.css if you want default styling -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//[email protected]/slick/slick-theme.css"/>

Then, before your closing <body> tag add:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//[email protected]/slick/slick.min.js"></script>

Package Managers

# Bower
bower install --save slick-carousel

npm install slick-carousel


PLEASE review CONTRIBUTING.markdown prior to requesting a feature, filing a pull request or filing an issue.

Data Attribute Settings

In slick 1.5 you can now add settings using the data-slick attribute. You still need to call $(element).slick() to initialize slick on the element.


<div data-slick='{"slidesToShow": 4, "slidesToScroll": 4}'>


Option Type Default Description
accessibility boolean true Enables tabbing and arrow key navigation. Unless autoplay: true, sets browser focus to current slide (or first of current slide set, if multiple slidesToShow) after slide change. For full a11y compliance enable focusOnChange in addition to this.
adaptiveHeight boolean false Adapts slider height to the current slide
appendArrows string $(element) Change where the navigation arrows are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object)
appendDots string $(element) Change where the navigation dots are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object)
arrows boolean true Enable Next/Prev arrows
asNavFor string $(element) Enables syncing of multiple sliders
autoplay boolean false Enables auto play of slides
autoplaySpeed int 3000 Auto play change interval
centerMode boolean false Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts.
centerPadding string '50px' Side padding when in center mode. (px or %)
cssEase string 'ease' CSS3 easing
customPaging function n/a Custom paging templates. See source for use example.
dots boolean false Current slide indicator dots
dotsClass string 'slick-dots' Class for slide indicator dots container
draggable boolean true Enables desktop dragging
easing string 'linear' animate() fallback easing
edgeFriction integer 0.15 Resistance when swiping edges of non-infinite carousels
fade boolean false Enables fade
focusOnSelect boolean false Enable focus on selected element (click)
focusOnChange boolean false Puts focus on slide after change
infinite boolean true Infinite looping
initialSlide integer 0 Slide to start on
lazyLoad string 'ondemand' Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive' for lazy load technique. 'ondemand' will load the image as soon as you slide to it, 'progressive' loads one image after the other when the page loads.
mobileFirst boolean false Responsive settings use mobile first calculation
nextArrow string (html | jQuery selector) | object (DOM node | jQuery object) <button type="button" class="slick-next">Next</button> Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Next" arrow.
pauseOnDotsHover boolean false Pauses autoplay when a dot is hovered
pauseOnFocus boolean true Pauses autoplay when slider is focussed
pauseOnHover boolean true Pauses autoplay on hover
prevArrow string (html | jQuery selector) | object (DOM node | jQuery object) <button type="button" class="slick-prev">Previous</button> Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Previous" arrow.
respondTo string 'window' Width that responsive object responds to. Can be 'window', 'slider' or 'min' (the smaller of the two).
responsive array null Array of objects containing breakpoints and settings objects (see example). Enables settings at given breakpoint. Set settings to "unslick" instead of an object to disable slick at a given breakpoint.
rows int 1 Setting this to more than 1 initializes grid mode. Use slidesPerRow to set how many slides should be in each row.
rtl boolean false Change the slider's direction to become right-to-left
slide string '' Slide element query
slidesPerRow int 1 With grid mode initialized via the rows option, this sets how many slides are in each grid row.
slidesToScroll int 1 # of slides to scroll at a time
slidesToShow int 1 # of slides to show at a time
speed int 300 Transition speed
swipe boolean true Enables touch swipe
swipeToSlide boolean false Swipe to slide irrespective of slidesToScroll
touchMove boolean true Enables slide moving with touch
touchThreshold int 5 To advance slides, the user must swipe a length of (1/touchThreshold) * the width of the slider.
useCSS boolean true Enable/Disable CSS Transitions
useTransform boolean true Enable/Disable CSS Transforms
variableWidth boolean false Disables automatic slide width calculation
vertical boolean false Vertical slide direction
verticalSwiping boolean false Changes swipe direction to vertical
waitForAnimate boolean true Ignores requests to advance the slide while animating
zIndex number 1000 Set the zIndex values for slides, useful for IE9 and lower
Responsive Option Example

The responsive option, and value, is quite unique and powerful. You can use it like so:


  // normal options...
  infinite: false,

  // the magic
  responsive: [{

      breakpoint: 1024,
      settings: {
        slidesToShow: 3,
        infinite: true

    }, {

      breakpoint: 600,
      settings: {
        slidesToShow: 2,
        dots: true

    }, {

      breakpoint: 300,
      settings: "unslick" // destroys slick



In slick 1.4, callback methods were deprecated and replaced with events. Use them before the initialization of slick as shown below:

// On swipe event
$('.your-element').on('swipe', function(event, slick, direction){
  // left

// On edge hit
$('.your-element').on('edge', function(event, slick, direction){
  console.log('edge was hit')

// On before slide change
$('.your-element').on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){
Event Params Description
afterChange event, slick, currentSlide After slide change callback
beforeChange event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide Before slide change callback
breakpoint event, slick, breakpoint Fires after a breakpoint is hit
destroy event, slick When slider is destroyed, or unslicked.
edge event, slick, direction Fires when an edge is overscrolled in non-infinite mode.
init event, slick When Slick initializes for the first time callback. Note that this event should be defined before initializing the slider.
reInit event, slick Every time Slick (re-)initializes callback
setPosition event, slick Every time Slick recalculates position
swipe event, slick, direction Fires after swipe/drag
lazyLoaded event, slick, image, imageSource Fires after image loads lazily
lazyLoadError event, slick, image, imageSource Fires after image fails to load


Methods are called on slick instances through the slick method itself in version 1.4, see below:

// Add a slide

// Get the current slide
var currentSlide = $('.your-element').slick('slickCurrentSlide');

This new syntax allows you to call any internal slick method as well:

// Manually refresh positioning of slick
Method Argument Description
slick options : object Initializes Slick
unslick Destroys Slick
slickNext Triggers next slide
slickPrev Triggers previous slide
slickPause Pause Autoplay
slickPlay Start Autoplay (will also set autoplay option to true)
slickGoTo index : int, dontAnimate : bool Goes to slide by index, skipping animation if second parameter is set to true
slickCurrentSlide Returns the current slide index
slickAdd element : html or DOM object, index: int, addBefore: bool Add a slide. If an index is provided, will add at that index, or before if addBefore is set. If no index is provided, add to the end or to the beginning if addBefore is set. Accepts HTML String
slickRemove index: int, removeBefore: bool Remove slide by index. If removeBefore is set true, remove slide preceding index, or the first slide if no index is specified. If removeBefore is set to false, remove the slide following index, or the last slide if no index is set.
slickFilter filter : selector or function Filters slides using jQuery .filter syntax
slickUnfilter Removes applied filter
slickGetOption option : string(option name) Gets an option value.
slickSetOption change an option, refresh is always boolean and will update UI changes...
option, value, refresh change a single option to given value; refresh is optional.
"responsive", [{ breakpoint: n, settings: {} }, ... ], refresh change or add whole sets of responsive options
{ option: value, option: value, ... }, refresh change multiple options to corresponding values.


Initialize with:

  dots: true,
  speed: 500

Change the speed with:

$(element).slick('slickSetOption', 'speed', 5000, true);

Destroy with:


Sass Variables

Variable Type Default Description
$slick-font-path string "./fonts/" Directory path for the slick icon font
$slick-font-family string "slick" Font-family for slick icon font
$slick-loader-path string "./" Directory path for the loader image
$slick-arrow-color color white Color of the left/right arrow icons
$slick-dot-color color black Color of the navigation dots
$slick-dot-color-active color $slick-dot-color Color of the active navigation dot
$slick-prev-character string '\2190' Unicode character code for the previous arrow icon
$slick-next-character string '\2192' Unicode character code for the next arrow icon
$slick-dot-character string '\2022' Unicode character code for the navigation dot icon
$slick-dot-size pixels 6px Size of the navigation dots

Browser support

Slick works on IE8+ in addition to other modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


jQuery 1.7


Copyright (c) 2017 Ken Wheeler

Licensed under the MIT license.

Free as in Bacon.

  • Slick w/ vanilla JS

    Slick w/ vanilla JS

    Hi Ken. Thanks for this awesome slider, I really like it. But this time I would really like to use it w/o jQuery. Do you think it is possible to port it to vanilla JS?


    Feature Request 
    opened by raphaelokon 103
  • Miscalculated width of slides track on variableWidth with progressive lazy load

    Miscalculated width of slides track on variableWidth with progressive lazy load

    Hi Ken, First of all - great plugin, fantastic work, respect!

    However, with the new feature "variableWidth" combined with progressive lazy load and centerMode, I encountered problems when having higher amount of image slides in the slick (ca 100+).

    The width of "slick-track" element on first few calls to setDimensions seems to be miscalculated - track is slightly shorter than it should be, as the images while initializing do not give correct slide width to the slick.

    The effect of this issue is fairly bad: slide-track expands for two rows (as the fully loaded images can not fit within miscalculated track width).

    After while (when all progressive images are fully initialized), all is getting back OK, f.e. after first slide change all gets finally calculated correctly and slick is looking fine.

    I did not have a time to dive deeper in your code, so i just created kind a dirty hack to fix it (see bellow), but I think this issue shall be addressed and get resolved more elegant way.

    The merit of my hack is simple:

    1. it simply checks the slick-track width on every call to setDimensions, and compares previously calculated width with the newly calculated. if it differs (width changes as the lazy loading images still continue initializing), it sets the track width manually for INSANE value, e.g. 500000 (to surely accommodate all slides).

    2. Once slick-track width stabilizes (previously calculated width equals to new), all returns to normal and manually setting the insane width is bypassed. Track has correct width, and looks good.

    As the process is quite quick, the hack does not have any bad influence on initial display, the slick simply starts "fixed" as it would normally, but it is really dirty hack. ;-)


    First, I created new var for storing the slick-track width (at line ca 144): _.lastTrackWidth = 0;

    Than, I modified the setDimensions method, inside >variableWidth === true< condition (line ca 1335):

        } else if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
            var trackWidth = 0;
            // *** edit
            // *** HACK for miscalculated track width while progressive lazyLoad (wrong slide widths)
            if (_.options.lazyLoad == "progressive" && _.$slideTrack.width() !== _.lastTrackWidth ) {
                trackWidth = 500000;
            // *** END edit
            _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth / _.options.slidesToShow);
                trackWidth += Math.ceil($(this).outerWidth(true));
            _.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil(trackWidth) + 1);
            // *** edit
            // *** HACK for miscalculated track width while progressive lazyLoad (wrong slide widths)
            _.lastTrackWidth = Math.ceil(trackWidth) + 1;
            // *** END edit
        } else {

    Please, I am sure you will have better idea, and I hope in a mean time the above may help somebody to resolve this issue in a dirty way, before fixed in source.


    Bug: Confirmed 
    opened by NinjaBCN 92
  • Smooth continuous scrolling?

    Smooth continuous scrolling?

    Any plans to offer a smooth and continuous scrolling option? Sometimes one doesn't want an arrow for interaction, but just to have everything scroll by like a ticker tape.

    Invalid: Not Under Consideration 
    opened by EricWarnke 78
  • Images display with a height of 1px on Chrome-y browsers

    Images display with a height of 1px on Chrome-y browsers

    I use Slick on and it works like a charm except for one weird bug on Chrome (or Chromium). For some reason, subsequent slides render at 1px high, making them essentially invisible. This is probably a Chrome bug since it works wonderfully on Safari & Firefox, but I still wanted to see if anyone has a way to avoid this.

    Here's how I configure Slick:

    $(document).ready(function () {
        dots: true,
        slide: 'img',
        lazyLoad: 'progressive',
        responsive: [
            breakpoint: 760,
            settings: {
              arrows: false

    Anyone seen this before? Is there a fix?

    Bug: Investigating 
    opened by ajgreenb 73
  • Unslick responsively

    Unslick responsively

    I have a slider with four elements, at a screen size greater than a certain breakpoint, I'd like to disable slick and use CSS to render them as a 2x2 block grid. Is there a way to do this, or can it be added so you can have something like

      dots: true,
      infinite: false,
      speed: 300,
      slidesToShow: 4,
      slidesToScroll: 4,
      responsive: [
          breakpoint: 1024,
          settings: {
            unslick: true
          breakpoint: 600,
          settings: {
            slidesToShow: 2,
            slidesToScroll: 2
          breakpoint: 480,
          settings: {
            slidesToShow: 1,
            slidesToScroll: 1
    Feature Request 
    opened by wldcordeiro 68
  • If content is hidden during Slick bootstrap, Slick refuses to play ball

    If content is hidden during Slick bootstrap, Slick refuses to play ball

    I'm not sure that this is easily fixable but I'm implementing Slick on a Bootstrap website and I have a Slick-based gallery in a set of Bootstrap tabs. If the gallery tab is the active one on page load, the Slick carousel works fine, but if the gallery tab is not the one that's active on page load the Slick carousel seems to break (the tab basically looks empty).

    At a guess this is due to the items being hidden as Slick is set up against the items and so Slick can't calculate the dimensions of the slides, etc.

    A possible non-Slick-based fix is to hook into BS tab event system and only call $.fx.slick() when the tab is first switched to. Of course this only works for JavaScript components that allow a developer to hook into this kind of event system, so maybe there's a way for Slick to get round this limitation without requiring developers to do these hackish bits of code (which they sometimes may not be able to do).

    opened by alexrussell 62
  • Can't destroy slick - unslick function returns error

    Can't destroy slick - unslick function returns error

    I'm unable to destroy a slick instance. Calling $('.your-slider').unslick(); returns Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of null on line 575 of slick.js. It would appear $slides is undefined. Is anyone else seeing this issue?

    opened by simonkitson 59
  • Smooth Scrolling instead of snapping to images

    Smooth Scrolling instead of snapping to images

    I love this slider but I am wondering if it's possible to have smooth scrolling where the slider stops wherever you stop scrolling at, rather than it snapping to certain images. I have tried playing around with the 'SlidesToShow' and 'SlidesToScroll' settings but on mobile devices it still seems to skip or cut off images with the snap function based on the format of images in each slider (I have a bunch of sliders with different format/size images). Is there any way to edit the code so it functions similar to this example - - where it's just a smooth scroll based on the mouse/touch scroll. Thank you.

    Feature Request Feature Proposal 2.0: Coming 
    opened by ljmarkham 52
  • Swiping left and right will also activate HREF link

    Swiping left and right will also activate HREF link

    If the slides are made of up linked images, when swiping through them on the iOS Simulator on OS X Yosemite, when the slider has finished swiping, the link that has been clicked initially will start to load.

    This is an undesired effect, and should require the user to tap again (and not swipe) to activate the link.

    Is this a bug? I know RoyalSlider operates like how I think it should...

    opened by ghost 52
  • Slider content wont snap back when resizing browser (responsive)

    Slider content wont snap back when resizing browser (responsive)

    HI Ken,

    Great Slider, and thanks for sharing :-) although i have some issues that i hope you can help me with.

    Im using the Slick-Slider as part of a responsive website. the problem is when you resize the browser the content panels in the slider will not swipe and gets stuck (this could also happen when going between portrait and landscape on a device). The ideal solution would be for the content panels to reset when resizing the browser to full width again. Do you have a solution for this?

    Also I would like to centre all the content panels without having it in "Centre mode". is there a setting for this?

    Many thanks in advance Matt

    Bug: Investigating Invalid: Needs Fiddle Invalid: Out of Date 
    opened by Mattajames 52
  • Slick carousel doesn't resize correctly within a flexbox grid in Firefox

    Slick carousel doesn't resize correctly within a flexbox grid in Firefox

    Slick is working great for me in the suggested configurations on all of the browsers I've tested, but when I put a slider inside a flexbox grid, Firefox messes it up.

    I traced through the code, and it appears that even though a user might be resizing the browser and making it smaller, Firefox is returning larger and larger values for $list.height() and $list.width() when they're called in setDimensions().

    I've set up a jsfiddle reproducing the problem. The first slider "main" is outside of the flexboxes, and works fine on all browsers. The second slider "nestedSlider" is inside the flexbox grid and displays correctly for me in Chrome and Safari (on OSX) and on my iPhone - and resizing the browser results in a properly resized slider. However, in Firefox, when you resize the browser, the slider just gets larger and larger.

    Is there any way to work around this?


    opened by neutronron 46
  • Release a new GIT tag with fixes already in master branch

    Release a new GIT tag with fixes already in master branch

    short description of the bug / issue, provide more detail below.


    The issue has been solved in master branch but there is no new tag with the fixes.


    Steps to reproduce the problem

    1. In the latest tag v1.8.1 minified js version, the single dot appears if there is only one slide.
    opened by neelam-chaudhary10 0
  • Synced slider - when you click on the last time in the list the vertical slider move to the top and become disappear

    Synced slider - when you click on the last time in the list the vertical slider move to the top and become disappear

    short description of the bug / issue, provide more detail below. when you click on the last time in the list the vertical slider move to the top and become disappear


    [ paste your jsfiddle link here ]

    use this jsfiddle to reproduce your bug: we will likely close your issue without it.


    Steps to reproduce the problem

    1. Click on 2023
    2. Then you will see the whole slider moves to the top and hidden


    What is the expected behaviour?

    When you click on a year it should move to the center vertically ...


    What is observed behaviour?



    More Details

    • Which browsers/versions does it happen on?
    • Which jQuery/Slick version are you using?
    • Did this work before?
    opened by aneesm 0
  • Responsive Query is not Working.

    Responsive Query is not Working.

    short description of the bug / issue, provide more detail below.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//[email protected]/slick/slick.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//[email protected]/slick/slick.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//[email protected]/slick/slick-theme.css"/>
      infinite: true,
      slidesToShow: 4,
      slidesToScroll: 4,
      arrows: false,
      autoplay: true,
      autoplaySpeed: 3000,
      responsive: [
          breakpoint: 768,
          settings: {
            slidesToShow: 1,
            slidesToScroll: 1

    I made this code but, the responsive is not working on my end.

    opened by yousafblogger 1
  • Is there a way to make the carousel work when i'm showing all slides?

    Is there a way to make the carousel work when i'm showing all slides?

    I have a carousel with 5 slides, i need to show all 5 with center mode ON and for them to slide, because i display something only on the center slide.

    Is there a way to do that?

    opened by borbollabaroni 0
  • Event issue on mobile

    Event issue on mobile

    short description of the bug / issue, provide more detail below. Hey. I've element inside the slider slider element that has click event that is not working on mobile. Do you know what is the issue? I'm trying to add a tooltip inside the slick slider ====================================================================

    [ paste your jsfiddle link here ]

    use this jsfiddle to reproduce your bug: we will likely close your issue without it.


    Steps to reproduce the problem

    1. ...
    2. ...


    What is the expected behaviour?



    What is observed behaviour?



    More Details

    • Which browsers/versions does it happen on?
    • Which jQuery/Slick version are you using?
    • Did this work before?
    opened by sorwarh 0
  • Mobile view">

    "unable to preventdefault inside passive event listener invocation" console message in Chrome Dev Tools -> Mobile view

    Getting "unable to preventdefault inside passive event listener invocation" alert on Chrome Dev Tools console when swipping the Caroussel in Mobile / Device mode / view

    What is the expected behaviour?

    ... Swapping slicks without any console alerts.


    What is observed behaviour?

    ... Caroussel works as intended except I'm getting that error message on swipe.


    More Details

    • Which browsers/versions does it happen on? Google Chrome
    • Which jQuery/Slick version are you using? 3.6.0 // 1.8.0
    opened by MrFacundo 0
  • 1.8.0(Sep 12, 2017)

  • 1.7.1(Jul 30, 2017)

    • Added lazyLoad support for secret/sizes attributes and option ‘anticipated’ to preload n images #2681 #2456 #2981 #2942 #2843
    • Added semicolon before wrapping IIFE to prevent collision with wayward libraries #2852
    • Added LESS conditioning for @font-face #2969
    • Added Centering of slides if slideCount < slidesToShow #2966 #2605
    • Fixed Case of white space with variable width and infinite true
    • Fixed jQuery syntax to be compliant with version 3 #2848 #2750 #2690
    • Fixed drag scrolling on touch devices #2521
    • Fixed centerMode display issues when slideCount is even #2118
    • Fixed issues with dots #2346
    • Fixed style bug with RTL #2691
    • Fixed bug with breakpoint #2647
    • Fixed issue with events when slideCount >= slidesToShow #2822
    • Fixed some a11y issues #2119 #2893 #2932
    • Deprecated bower version #2557

    Thanks to everyone who helped!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.9(Nov 30, 2015)

  • 1.5.8(Jul 24, 2015)

  • 1.5.7(Jul 23, 2015)

  • 1.5.6(Jul 11, 2015)

    Accessibility updates

    PR from @msrafi #1467 notes: due to tabindex property, some browsers may include default styling to highlight the slide which has focus. You can override this with .slick-slide:focus { outline:0 } or even better to make the slide appear highlighted in some way for your users with poor sight.

    slide option fixed

    PR from @simeydotme #1357 notes: fixes #1517 and #1353 regarding the slide option not filtering the carousel properly (at all).

    Enhancing the arrow states

    PR from @simeydotme #1331 notes: default and custom arrows should now hide correctly, also there is a new css class slick-hidden which will default hide the arrows when there's not enough slides to slide, where as slick-disabled can be used to indicate when the slider has reached the end of a non-infinite carousel.

    Setting Responsive Options in setOption method

    PR from @simeydotme #1334 notes: fixing #327 and closing #335 this should now allow setting of n * breakpoint responsive settings with the setOption method using code like: , .slick("setOption", "responsive", [{ ... }]); .. for an example you can see the new syntax working here:

    Vertical Margin fix

    PR from @nyusaf #1499 notes: Fixes a bug whereby the vertical margins on a vertical slider were incorrectly calculated by .outerHeight() method as described in #1498

    Bower package name fixed

    PR from @sindhus notes: Bower package name was out of date. Sorted.

    currentSlide option fixed

    PR from @janrode #1376 notes: the initialSlide option was being used during breakpoints, instead of currentSlide causing the slide to reset back to initial value. Fixed.

    lazy loaded images fixed

    PR from @simeydotme #1360 notes: fixing #1354 where the images were not being given the correct opacity after loading. It was to do with a race condition. Fixed.

    z-index improvement

    PR from @nominalaeon notes: closes #896 regarding the z-indexes being really crazy. New option set in the slider: zIndex.

    fade option improvement

    PR from @ethanclevenger91 notes: closes many issues regarding the fading of slides.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.5(May 13, 2015)

  • 1.5.4(May 12, 2015)

  • 1.5.3(May 6, 2015)

  • 1.5.2(Apr 24, 2015)

    Somebody forgot to rebaaaaaaase.

    Serious though, adding back in the fixes for autoplay.

    Also replacing the use of .bind with $.proxy, because IE8

    Thanks guys!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.1(Apr 23, 2015)

    Emergency hotfix release for my boy Sam

    • Fixes issue with dot counts
    • Fixes responsive options killing events
    • Fixes autoplay hover triggers
    • visibility bug
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.0(Apr 4, 2015)

    Well, you asked for it enough, now you have it.

    • Vertical swiping. Thats right, VERTICAL SWIPING, via the verticalSwiping option. Use it responsibly.
    • Grid mode. Yup. Grid mode. Use the rows option to specify rows and slidesPerRow to set how many slides per row
    • Bug Fixes
    • data-attr setting slick instances aren't automatically initialized anymore. It presented a security vulnerability.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.1(Feb 6, 2015)

  • 1.4.0(Jan 29, 2015)

    Whats up guys! Sorry I took a month off there for the holidays. I wanted to make it up to you, so lets check out whats new in Slick 1.4:


    A few new settings have been added:

    • edgeFriction - This is an integer value for non-infinite carousels that adds resistance to edge drags. If you don't want resistance, set it to 1.
    • mobileFirst - When set to true, this setting makes your responsive breakpoints evaluate mobile first.
    • responsive - The responsive setting has been updated to accept a string value of "unslick" for the settings portion of a breakpoint declaration. This makes slick unslick at the given breakpoint. Note, you can't window shrink this, once you unslick, you are unslicked.
    • slide - The default value of the slide option has been changed to blank. This means that slick will use any direct children as slides, without having to specify which tag or selector to target.

    Data Attribute Settings

    Slick now has the ability to initialize via a data attribute. Provide a valid json object in the data-slick attribute, and you don't even need to initialize slick, it will initialize and apply the provided settings.


    All methods are now called via the slick method. So you create slick with $.slick(options), but then you can also run $.slick('method', arguments). Check the docs for more detail.


    All callback methods are now deprecated. They have been replaced with event triggers. I added a few helpful ones too. So onAfterChange is now:

    $('.your-element').on('afterChange', function(){
        // do stuff


    slick.css has been forked into two different files. slick.css is now the core functional slick css file, while slick-theme.css and slick-theme.scss are the default styling.

    Wrap up

    So I've added some cool new shit, and I'm sorry about the breaking changes, but they are absolutely for the better moving forward. Like any set of new features, I'm sure somebody will find the perfect combination of settings to make this thing shit the bed, so I'll make sure I'm around to get 1.4.1 out the door when they do. I'm looking forward to adding some cool new, non-breaking stuff in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for some optimizations and improvements. Thanks so much!

    aww yeah

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.15(Nov 11, 2014)

  • 1.3.14(Nov 9, 2014)

    • Added respondTo, giving the ability to respond to slider width or window width, or the smaller of the two
    • Fixed the locked center mode slidesToShow
    • Resolved scrolling issues with uneven slide counts / slides to scroll
    • Removed demo from repo
    • Bumped the speed default to 500
    • Fixed RTL
    • Fixed a lazy load issue
    • Added slickRemoveAll()
    • Added onSetPosition()
    • Fixed IE8 issue with .bind()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.13(Oct 27, 2014)

  • 1.3.12(Oct 26, 2014)

  • 1.3.11(Oct 7, 2014)

    This is a hotfix. A previous approach to allowing draggability with an image in Firefox and Safari ended up preventing touch users from binding click events to slides. It has been replaced with pointer-events: none.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.10(Oct 7, 2014)

  • 1.3.9(Oct 5, 2014)

  • 1.3.8(Oct 1, 2014)

    Boy oh boy is this release a treat. Let's dig in:

    • variableWidth option
    • adaptiveHeight option
    • swipeToSlide option
    • commonJS support
    • appendDots option
    • waitForAnimate option
    • asNavFor refactor
    • focusOnSelect fix
    • lazyLoad fixes
    • Chrome mobile scrolling fix
    • A shit ton of smaller less notable fixes

    Note: There is some stuff I wanted to get in here, but couldn't. I will be releasing a patch in the near future that deals with things like domNode prevArrow getting killed on resize. I also want to clean up the code a bit, set some guidelines for bug reporting, PR's and get some community feedback on what 1.4 should look like.

    Also, if anyone has any suggestions on what they would like 2.0 to look like, please share.

    Thanks guys!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.7(Aug 9, 2014)

    • Bug Fixes
    • RTL Mode
    • Tons of new options/settings
    • I'll update this changelog later, I'm going to be attacked by a pregnant woman if i don't go get her breakfast.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.6(May 7, 2014)

  • 1.3.5(Apr 22, 2014)

    • FIxed various IE9 issues with lazy loading and infinite:false
    • Made slick.scss a bit more flexible
    • Fixed an android scrolling issue
    • Updated unicode characters in webfont
    • Resolved some accessibility issues
    • Added custom paging templates
    • Fixed a slide cache issue
    • Removed window.load requirement
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.4(Apr 9, 2014)

    • Removed placeholders. Adding fluid uneven counts for all modes.
    • Refactored paging. So much better now.
    • Refactored add/remove
    • Refactored element build
    • Made centerPadding flexible to allow percentages/other units
    • Dollar prefixed cached query variables
    • Added vendor specific transition constraints
    • Fixed lazy load index bug
    • Android browser bug fixes
    • Weight reduction

    TLDR: It’s better, faster, cleaner & smoother

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.3(Apr 6, 2014)

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