JavaScript library for object-based canvas drawing


oCanvas - Object-based canvas drawing

FOSSA Status

oCanvas makes canvas development easier to understand and do, by creating a bridge between the native pixel drawing approach and objects that are created and added to canvas. It is now possible to very easily create objects, change properties of these objects and add events to them — and everything just works because oCanvas handles the background stuff for you.

Building your own oCanvas

The git repo contains a build directory with a build script. That will combine all modules specified in the config file and output one file with the full source and one file with the minified source.

The script uses Node, so you need to install that first. The minification is done by UglifyJS which is included in the repo.

First you need to get your own copy of the source files, by running the following in the terminal: git clone git://

Then navigate to the build directory by running: cd ocanvas/build

Finally run the build command: node build.js

You will now have two source files in the build/dev/ directory: ocanvas-x.x.x.js and ocanvas-x.x.x.min.js


All the documentation can be found at the website,

Issue reporting

Issues should be reported on GitHub, and every good issue should contain a good description, details about oCanvas version, operating system and browser. A test case of some sorts is also very much appreciated.


oCanvas is an open source project created and maintained by me (Johannes Koggdal). It would be great to get some more developers working on it, since I can't possibly make everything on my spare time. If you want to help out—reach out to me, so we can sync up to avoid double work. Then just send a pull request to get it in.

I have two main branches, master and develop, where develop is the branch where everything happens. When a new version is about to be released, it gets merged to master, where the version number is updated. So if you want to help out, make sure you're working on top of develop.


FOSSA Status

  • Use of getters/setters removes any chance of compatibility with IE

    Use of getters/setters removes any chance of compatibility with IE

    First off, great job on this library. Next time I need a scene graph, I may put this thing through the ringer with some game dev.

    I was evaluating using oCanvas in a project for work, where, unfortunately, the requirements are >= IE6. I hoped that with a canvas shim everything would be ok (I'm using FlashCanvas)...

    GAH! Getters and setters! Foiled!

    I know it's a long shot that you'd even consider removing them, but I figured I'd at least report this in the event that others are wondering... and to save them some time.

    I realize it's non-trivial and would break the current API. Also, I suppose it's sort of trivial in difficulty to remove getters/setters and replace them with function calls, but would still take time (which I don't believe I have enough for this work project).

    Let's say I got really motivated, and replaced all the getters/setters... what would you think of that?

    opened by kirbysayshi 13
  • Added clipping feature to Arc, Ellipse, Image, Polygon, Rectangle and Sprite

    Added clipping feature to Arc, Ellipse, Image, Polygon, Rectangle and Sprite

    I deleted last commits from develop-patch-clipping then the previous pull request was automatically closed.

    My branch is in a good state now. I think you can do the merge! :grinning:

    Thanks for teaching me something more about using git :smiley:

    opened by nestorrente 12
  • Event problem when associating 2 oCanvas objects on same <canvas>

    Event problem when associating 2 oCanvas objects on same


    I have special use case, when I want to define 2 or more oCanvas objects on single (same) html canvas element. Then I get events mixed. I think that problem occurs because 2 or more oCanvas objects mix object events because of children object ID-s which are same in both oCanvas objects.

    For example:

    1. define 2 oCanvas objects on single canvas
    2. add rectangle children on both oCanvas objects
    3. add dragDrop events on those 2 rectangles
    4. show only one oCanvas object, events work
    5. show second oCanvas, events don't work
    6. Switch back to first oCanvas object, events work

    Here is code example. You'll notice that second black rectangle events don't work.

        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <title>oCanvas Example</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:88/ocanvas-2.1.1.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" >
        var canvas;
        var canvas2;
        var rectangle;
        var rectangle2;
        var p1,p2;
        function load()
            //1st oCanvas
            canvas = oCanvas.create({
                canvas: "#canvas"
                ,background: "#ccc"
            rectangle = canvas.display.rectangle({
                x: 277,
                y: 100,
                width: 100,
                height: 100,
                fill: "#000"
            //2nd oCanvas
            canvas2 = oCanvas.create({
                canvas: "#canvas"
                ,background: "#ccf"
            rectangle2 = canvas2.display.rectangle({
                x: 77,
                y: 100,
                width: 100,
                height: 100,
                fill: "#00f"
        function klik()
   = false;
   = true;        
        function klik2()
   = false;
   = true;
    <body onload="load()">
        <input type=button value="Klik" onclick="klik()" />
        <input type=button value="Klik2" onclick="klik2()" />
        <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>
    opened by jongo 11
  • Preloading Image

    Preloading Image

    I need the ability to preload images before drawing them to the canvas. I have done this before in javascript but the framework does not currently allow for this.

    opened by josh-oiknine 7
  • Google chrome

    Google chrome


    Sorry for my bad english.

    Since few times oCanvas not working in Google chrome.

    Events (mousedown, mouseup) are not recognize.

    What is the problem ?

    Thank you for your help.

    opened by Aleski17 7
  • Object events aren't triggered properly when the page is scrolled

    Object events aren't triggered properly when the page is scrolled

    I'm getting fairly consistent bugs when a canvas is further down the page. I've tried re-drawing it on window.scroll, just in case that was the issue, but still no luck.

    Events are triggered properly when applied to the base; it's just on display objects, such as Arcs or Ellipsis.

    I've had a look at the transformPointerPosition and isObjectInside methods, and can't see anything to do with a window.scrollY offset?

    Any ideas?

    opened by joecritch 7
  • Rectangle: new borderRadius property

    Rectangle: new borderRadius property

    This PR adds the feature discussed in issue #158.

    @koggdal if you want me to rearrange the code in another way, let me know :) I didn't know where could be the best place to put the "private methods".

    I had to set strokePosition to "black". The reason for doing that is because black is the default color when invoking stroke() method, but when the stroke is simulated using a path (as in rectangles with a borderRadius) a default strokeColor is needed. Otherwise, the stroke is painted with the same color as the fill.

    opened by nestorrente 6
  • core not finding canvas

    core not finding canvas

    I had to modify this code to find the canvas element: // Set canvas to the element specified using a selector else if (typeof this.settings.canvas === "string") { this.canvasElement = document.querySelector(this.settings.canvas); } if (this.canvasElement == undefined) this.canvasElement = document.getElementById(this.settings.canvas)

    document.querySelector didn't work.

    Is this library still active and supported/

    opened by QuinDennis 6
  • Added clipping feature

    Added clipping feature

    Now an object can "clip" its childs into its shape.

    Before this change, the drawObject function restored the canvas before draw object's children. In that way, clipping feature was not possible.

    Instead of restoring canvas and making again all parent's transformations, now the canvas is restored after children were drawn. This allows us to use the clip() function before draw the object's children.

    I realized that the fillRect() function doesn't work fine with clip() -it paints the object above its children. That's the reason why I wrote the function fillRectClipping. This function executes a rect() then a fill() instead of a fillRect(). Using rect()+fill(), the object is painted below its children as expected.

    Now the trick begins: when an object has a "clipChildren" property with a truthly value, the following happens:

    1. canvas.fillRect() function is replaced by fillRectClipping function (line 159).
    2. object's draw() function is invoked (line 160).
    3. canvas.fillRect() function is restored (line 161).
    4. canvas.clip() function is invoked (line 162).

    When "clipChildren" property is not defined or it has a falsy value, only "obj.draw()" is invoked.

    Here its an example of this clipping feature:


    opened by nestorrente 6
  • Custom easing function error

    Custom easing function error

    When I define a custom easing function, oCanvas breaks. The error is "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined".

    I think that the error comes from the function "parseEasingOption". The code of the function is:

    parseEasingOption: function (easing) { if (typeof easing === "string") { // The cubic-bezier() syntax is now deprecated (though it was never really public) if (~easing.indexOf("cubic-bezier")) { return this.getCustomCubicBezier(easing) || this.easing[this.defaults.easing]; } else { return this.easing[easing] || this.easing[this.defaults.easing]; } } else if (typeof easing !== "function") { return this.easing[this.defaults.easing]; } },

    I think that the error is because an "else" statement is missing. Adding an "else return easing;" solves the problem.

    opened by nestorrente 6
  • Background does not redraw properly on resized canvases

    Background does not redraw properly on resized canvases

    If I resize my canvas after initializing the Core module, and then call redraw() on either the Core module or the Draw module, the background doesn't redraw to fill the canvas. Calling reset() on the Core module doesn't work either, nor does using the set() method on the Background module. If I were to guess, I think it's due to the drawing function not checking for canvas size changes after the initialization.

    opened by elldritch 6
  • transformPointerPosition gives incorrect coordinates when the context is scaled

    transformPointerPosition gives incorrect coordinates when the context is scaled

    When the 2D rendering context is scaled, (here is a reason for scaling) things like .dragAndDrop() fails. Example setup:

    let ratio = 0.8 // some value other than 1
    let canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS')
    let context = cnv.getContext('2d')
    context.scale(ratio, ratio)
    let oc = oCanvas.create({
    	canvas: canvas

    Since the ratio is different from 1, mouse position in terms of document pixels and mouse position in terms of canvas pixels becomes two separate things, x and y values that transformPointerPosition should be multiplied accordingly, to the context scaling ratio.

    opened by onurkerimov 1
  • rounded rectangle

    rounded rectangle

    What you think about add a rounded rectangle?

    I suggest a property radius, e.g.

    const rectangle = ocanvas.display.rectangle({
      width: 200,
      height: 100,
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      stroke: '1px black',
      radius: 10,

    Maybe a radiusTopLeft, radiusTopRight, etc... can be useful

    opened by darlanmendonca 8
  • I think performance is the biggest problem of ocanvas

    I think performance is the biggest problem of ocanvas

    I tried oCanvas a few days and found its so beautiful and elegant, and have a very small size. But when I run some tests, the FPS makes me so disappointed(already set the fps to 60), especially on android phone.

    Then I forked the project and checked the main loop in source code and found some setTimeout functions may slow down the fps, so I removed the fps setting and did some modification in main loop, sprite and animation, and then the fps looks improved a lot , I add some examples to compare the fps(

    Also, I add loop and update paras to animate(), so I can make some special effect (examples/animation.html)

    I really like oCanvas and hope it used widely, I don't think my work is good enough, so I suggest @koggdal can make some performance improvement , and add unit tests to make it more stable.

    opened by keel 1
  • Request for a new display object

    Request for a new display object "freeform"

    Hi Johannes, I have a request for a new display object "freeform". Freeform is a display object, which wiil be drawn by a an array of points. The point array is drawn with lines, which connects the points. See the image:


    This element isn't neither a rectangle nor a radial element.

    I add some code to give you an idea: var viewportPoints = [{x: 10, y: 20}, {x: 11, y: 22}, ....]; // array of points this.pathLines = this.createPathLines(viewportPoints);

    createPathLines: function(viewportPoints) { var my = this; var pathLines = []; var prev = null; viewportPoints.forEach(function(p){ if (prev) { var pathLine = my.ocanvas.display.line({ start: {x: p.x, y: p.y}, end: {x: prev.x, y: prev.y} }); pathLines.push(pathLine); } prev = p; }); return pathLines; },

    The freeform object should be draggable, scalable and should have the behaviour of all the other display objects.

    E. g. I add my own isPointerInside(x, y) Method, which checks, if a pointer position is inside this shape.

    isPointerInside: function(x, y) { // Example, retrieve canvas context with jQuery var $canvas = $(this.ocanvas.settings.canvas); var canvas = $canvas.get(0); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

    var first = true;
    	if (true === first) {
    		ctx.moveTo(pathPoint.x, pathPoint.y);
    		first = false;
    	} else {
    		ctx.lineTo(pathPoint.x, pathPoint.y);
    var inside = ctx.isPointInPath(x, y);
    return inside;


    But this method only works, if I add an outerBox to my freeform. The outerBox ist light blue, the selected freeform widget has a wider selection stroke in the next image.


    The outerBox is drawn around my freeform. Here is how I create it: this.outerBox = this.createOuterBox(x, y, w, h); // x, y, w, h outerBox geometrie

    createOuterBox: function(x, y, w, h) { var my = this; var box = this.ocanvas.display.rectangle({ x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, fill: "transparent" }); box.setOrigin("left", "top"); box.bind("mousemove", function(){ if (my.isPointerInside(my.ocanvas.pointer.x, mu.ocanvas.pointer.y)) { my.ocanvas.mouse.cursor("move"); } else { my.ocanvas.mouse.cursor("default"); } }); return box; },

    I'd like to use this new element to select an arbitray region in an image, where someone can leave a comment to this region.

    It would be very fine, if you can add this new display object to your wonderful library.

    Thank you very much.

    opened by lionstorke 0
Johannes Koggdal
Web developer focusing mostly on UI in application development.
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