Place your Bob-ombs so they surround opposing Bob-ombs. Captured Bob-ombs change color and join your team. The player uith the most Bob-ombs at the end is the Hinner.


Bob-omb Reverse with Arduino MKR 1010 Wifi

🐦 @cbarange & @j-peguet | 5th January 2022


Docs MQTT with Arduino 👉

See how to play a game 👇

Video Presentation

The Game

Place your Bob-ombs so they surround opposing Bob-ombs. Captured Bob-ombs change color and join your team. The player uith the most Bob-ombs at the end is the Hinner.


First Install Arduino IDE

Arduino MKR 1010 Wifi PinOut

Install Board Dependencies

Outils > Type de Cartes > Gestionnaire de carte > Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)

Plug board (plug usb cable)

Outils > Type de Cartes > Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0) > Arduino MKR Wifi 1010

Install Wifi Library

Outils > Gérer les bibliothèques > WifiNINA

Install ArduinoMqttClient Library

Outils > Gérer les bibliothèques > ArduinoMqttClient

Validate installation with Serial Example

Install MQQT Broker

# - Open port between Windows and WSL -
# In Powershell admin
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=3000 listenaddress= connectport=3000 connectaddress= #←WLS IP

# In WSL install mqtt broker
sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients
systemctl status mosquitto

sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
# allow_anonymous false
# listener 1883
systemctl restart mosquitto

mosquitto_pub -h -p 3000 -t sensor/temperature -m 22.5 # -u user -P pass -r r indique au broker de retenir (ou pas) le message
mosquitto_sub -h -p 3000  -t "sensor/temperature"

Install MQTT Fx (MQTT tools, optional)

Download link 👉


Install Nodejs server (Listen MQTT and Send to Front Web UI with Websocket)

cd bob-omb_server_nodejs
yarn install # Install Yarn with sudo apt install nodejs npm && npm i -g yarn
yarn dev

Flash Bob-omb Arduino Client

  1. Open file bob-omb_client_mkr1010wifi/bob-omb_client_mkr1010wifi.ino with Arduino IDE
  2. Edit Wifi SSID and MQTT Broker configuration (ssid[], pass[], broker[], port) arduino_setup.png
  3. Flash board

Install and Run WEB UI

cd bob-omb_graphic_reactjs
yarn install # Install Yarn with sudo apt install nodejs npm && npm i -g yarn
yarn start
# Open web browser on http://localhost:3000


Press RESET button on arduino boards and wait util their LED turn Red,Green,Blue or Yellow

  • If LED is white, arduino try to connect to wifi
  • If LED is pink, arduino try to connect to mqtt broker
  • You can check serial output for debuging

Have fun 🎮 🔴 🔵 👾

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