Lightweight universal Cloudflare API client library for Node.js, Browser, and CF Workers


Cloudflare API Client

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Lightweight universal HTTP client for Cloudflare API based on Fetch API that works in Node.js, browser, and CF Workers environment. Optimized for a good developer experience and minimal code with zero dependencies supporting tree-shaking.

Getting Started

# Install using NPM
$ npm install cloudflare-client --save

# Install using Yarn
$ yarn add cloudflare-client

Once the library is installed, you can cherry pick and configure individual Cloudflare API endpoints that you need. If you bundle your code (e.g. with Rollup), only the selected modules will be included into the application bundle.

import * as Cloudflare from "cloudflare-client";

//   Initialize an HTTP client for managing Cloudflare DNS
//   records using API token for authentication
const dnsRecords = Cloudflare.dnsRecords({
  accessToken: "<CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN>",

//   Initialize an HTTP client for managing Cloudflare Workers
//   KV store using API key and email for authentication
const kv = Cloudflare.kv({
  accountId: "<CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID>",


// Initialize an HTTP client for the `user` API endpoint
// using an API token for authentication
const user = Cloudflare.user({ accessToken: "xxx" });

// Fetch the currently logged in / authenticated user details
const userDetails = await user.get();
// => {
//   id: "7c5dae5552338874e5053f2534d2767a",
//   email: "[email protected]",
//   ...
// }

User Tokens

// Initialize an HTTP client for the `userTokens` API endpoint
// using an API token for authentication
const userTokens = Cloudflare.userTokens({ accessToken: "xxx" });

// Verify the user's token
const token = await userTokens.verify();
// => {
//   id: "ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0",
//   status: "active"
// }
// Initialize an HTTP client for the `userTokens` API endpoint
// using an auth key and email
const userTokens = Cloudflare.userTokens({ authKey: "xxx", authEmail: "xxx" });

// Get token details
const token = await userTokens.get("ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0");
// => {
//   id: "ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0",
//   name: "My Token",
//   status: "active",
//   policies: [...],
//   ...
// }

DNS Records

// Initialize an HTTP client for managing DNS records
// within the target zone using API token for authentication
const dnsRecords = Cloudflare.dnsRecords({ zoneId: "xxx", accessToken: "xxx" });
// Find all DNS records of type "A"
const records = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A" }).all();

// Find the first DNS record with the specified name
const record = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A", name: "test" }).first();
// => {
//  id: "372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59",
//  type: "A",
//  name: "",
//  content: "",
//  ...
// }
// Fetch the list of DNS records and iterate through the result set using `for await`
const records = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A" });

for await (const record of records) {
// Get a specific DNS record by its ID
const record = await dnsRecords.get("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59");

// Create a new DNS record
const record = await dnsRecords.create({
  type: "A",
  name: "",
  content: "",
  proxied: true,

// Replace DNS record
const record = await dnsRecords.replace("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59", {
  type: "A",
  name: "",
  content: "",
  proxied: true,

// Update DNS record
const record = await dnsRecords.update("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59", {
  proxied: false,

// Delete DNS record
await dnsRecords.delete("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59");

Workers KV

// Initialize an HTTP client for managing CF Workers KV store
const kv = Cloudflare.kv({
  accountId: "xxx",
  authKey: "xxx",
  authEmail: "xxx",

KV Namespaces

// Fetch the list of all KV namespaces
const namespaces = await kv.find().all();

// Create a new namespace named "Example"
const ns = await kv.create("Example");
// => {
//   id: "0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279",
//   title: "Example",
//   supports_url_encoding: true
// }

// Update/rename a namespace
await kv.update("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279", "New Name");

// Delete a namespace
await kv.delete("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279");

Key-Value Pairs

// Initialize the API endpoint client for managing key-value pairs
const ns = kv.namespace("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279");

// Fetch the list of all the keys
const keys = await ns.keys().all();

// Fetch the list of all the keys prefixed "example"
const keys = await ns.keys({ prefix: "example" }).all();

// Create or update a key-value pair in Cloudflare KV store
// using JSON encoding by default (`JSON.stringify(value)`).
await ns.set("key", { some: "value" });

// Read key-pair value from Cloudflare KV store
const value = await ns.get("key");
// => {
//  some: "name"
// }

// Delete a key-pair
await ns.delete("key");
// Save a key-value pair as plain text (as opposed to JSON-serialized)
await ns.set("όνομα", "José", { encode: false });

// Read a key-value pair as plain text
const value = await ns.get("όνομα", { decode: false });
// => "José"

Source Code

For more information and usage examples check out the source code / tests:

Backers 💰


Related Projects

How to Contribute

You're very welcome to create a PR or send me a message on Discord.

$ git clone
$ cd ./cloudflare-client
$ yarn install
$ yarn test

NOTE: In order to run unit tests locally you will need Node.js v16.15 or newer and Cloudflare API token.


Copyright © 2022-present Kriasoft. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.

Made with by Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya, blog) and contributors.

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  • v0.3.2(Jul 2, 2022)

    Allow to manage custom hostnames (a.k.a. Cloudflare for SaaS)

    import * as Cloudflare from "cloudflare-client";
    // Initialize an HTTP client for interacting with Cloudflare API
    const hostnames = Cloudflare.customHostnames({
      zoneId: env.CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID,
      accessToken: env.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN,
    // Create a new custom hostname
    const hostname = await hostnames.create({ hostname: "" });
    // => { id: "xxx", hostname: "xxx", ownership_verification: ..., ... }
    // Update hostname
    await hostnames.update(, { ssl: { ... } });
    // Delete hostname
    await hostnames.delete(;
    // Find hostnames
    const records = await hostnames.find({ ... }).all();
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Jun 25, 2022)

    Getting Started

    import * as Cloudflare from "cloudflare-client";
    // EXAMPLE 1:
    //   Initialize an HTTP client for managing Cloudflare DNS
    //   records using API token for authentication
    const dnsRecords = Cloudflare.dnsRecords({
      zoneId: "<CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID>",
      accessToken: "<CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN>",
    // EXAMPLE 2:
    //   Initialize an HTTP client for managing Cloudflare Workers
    //   KV store using API key and email for authentication
    const kv = Cloudflare.kv({
      accountId: "<CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID>",
      authKey: "<CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_KEY>",
      authEmail: "<CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_EMAIL>",


    // Initialize an HTTP client for the `user` API endpoint
    // using an API token for authentication
    const user = Cloudflare.user({ accessToken: "xxx" });
    // Fetch the currently logged in / authenticated user details
    const userDetails = await user.get();
    // => {
    //   id: "7c5dae5552338874e5053f2534d2767a",
    //   email: "[email protected]",
    //   ...
    // }

    User Tokens

    // Initialize an HTTP client for the `userTokens` API endpoint
    // using an API token for authentication
    const userTokens = Cloudflare.userTokens({ accessToken: "xxx" });
    // Verify the user's token
    const token = await userTokens.verify();
    // => {
    //   id: "ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0",
    //   status: "active"
    // }
    // Initialize an HTTP client for the `userTokens` API endpoint
    // using an auth key and email
    const userTokens = Cloudflare.userTokens({ authKey: "xxx", authEmail: "xxx" });
    // Get token details
    const token = await userTokens.get("ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0");
    // => {
    //   id: "ed17574386854bf78a67040be0a770b0",
    //   name: "My Token",
    //   status: "active",
    //   policies: [...],
    //   ...
    // }

    DNS Records

    // Initialize an HTTP client for managing DNS records
    // within the target zone using API token for authentication
    const dnsRecords = Cloudflare.dnsRecords({ zoneId: "xxx", accessToken: "xxx" });
    // Find all DNS records of type "A"
    const records = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A" }).all();
    // Find the first DNS record with the specified name
    const record = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A", name: "test" }).first();
    // => {
    //  id: "372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59",
    //  type: "A",
    //  name: "",
    //  content: "",
    //  ...
    // }
    // Fetch the list of DNS records and iterate through the result set using `for await`
    const records = await dnsRecords.find({ type: "A" });
    for await (const record of records) {
    // Get a specific DNS record by its ID
    const record = await dnsRecords.get("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59");
    // Create a new DNS record
    const record = await dnsRecords.create({
      type: "A",
      name: "",
      content: "",
      proxied: true,
    // Replace DNS record
    const record = await dnsRecords.replace("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59", {
      type: "A",
      name: "",
      content: "",
      proxied: true,
    // Update DNS record
    const record = await dnsRecords.update("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59", {
      proxied: false,
    // Delete DNS record
    await dnsRecords.delete("372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59");

    Workers KV

    // Initialize an HTTP client for managing CF Workers KV store
    const kv = Cloudflare.kv({
      accountId: "xxx",
      authKey: "xxx",
      authEmail: "xxx",

    KV Namespaces

    // Fetch the list of all KV namespaces
    const namespaces = await kv.find().all();
    // Create a new namespace named "Example"
    const ns = await kv.create("Example");
    // => {
    //   id: "0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279",
    //   title: "Example",
    //   supports_url_encoding: true
    // }
    // Update/rename a namespace
    await kv.update("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279", "New Name");
    // Delete a namespace
    await kv.delete("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279");

    Key-Value Pairs

    // Initialize the API endpoint client for managing key-value pairs
    const ns = kv.namespace("0f2ac74b498b48028cb68387c421e279");
    // Fetch the list of all the keys
    const keys = await ns.keys().all();
    // Fetch the list of all the keys prefixed "example"
    const keys = await ns.keys({ prefix: "example" }).all();
    // Create or update a key-value pair in Cloudflare KV store
    // using JSON encoding by default (`JSON.stringify(value)`).
    await ns.set("key", { some: "value" });
    // Read key-pair value from Cloudflare KV store
    const value = await ns.get("key");
    // => {
    //  some: "name"
    // }
    // Delete a key-pair
    await ns.delete("key");
    // Save a key-value pair as plain text (as opposed to JSON-serialized)
    await ns.set("όνομα", "José", { encode: false });
    // Read a key-value pair as plain text
    const value = await ns.get("όνομα", { decode: false });
    // => "José"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jun 22, 2022)

    An HTTP client for Cloudflare API that works in Node.js, browser, and CF Workers environment.

    # Install using NPM
    $ npm install cloudflare-client --save
    # Install using Yarn
    $ yarn add cloudflare-client

    Usage Example

    import * as cf from "cloudflare-client";
    const settings = { zoneId: "xxx", accessToken: "<CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN>" };
    // Get the currently logged in / authenticated user
    await cf.user(settings).get();
    // Verify the user's token
    await cf.userTokens(settings).verify();
    // Find a single DNS Record matching the search parameters
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).find({ type: "A" });
    // Get the list of DNS Records for the target zone
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).findMany({ type: "A" });
    // Get DNS Record details
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).get("xxx");
    // Create DNS record
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).create({ type: "A", content: "", ... });
    // Update DNS record
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).update({ id: "xxx", content: "", ... });
    // Patch DNS record
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).patch({ id: "xxx", content: "", ... });
    // Delete DNS record
    await cf.dnsRecords(settings).delete(id);
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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