🌍📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript



🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript

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Internationalization is the design and development of a product, application or document content that enables easy localization for target audiences that vary in culture, region, or language.

--- W3C Web Internationalization FAQ

Lingui is an easy yet powerful internationalization framework for global projects.

  • Clean and readable - Keep your code clean and readable, while the library uses battle-tested and powerful ICU MessageFormat under the hood.

  • Universal - Use it everywhere. @lingui/core provides the essential intl functionality which works in any JavaScript project while @lingui/react offers components to leverage React rendering.

  • Full rich-text support - Use React components inside localized messages without any limitation. Writing rich-text messages is as easy as writing JSX.

  • Powerful tooling - Manage the whole intl workflow using Lingui CLI. It extracts messages from source code, validates messages coming from translators and checks that all messages are translated before shipping to production.

  • Unopinionated - Integrate Lingui into your existing workflow. It supports message keys as well as auto generated messages. Translations are stored either in JSON or standard PO file, which is supported in almost all translation tools.

  • Lightweight and optimized - Core library is only 1.9 kB gzipped, React components are additional 3.1 kBs gzipped. That's less than Redux for a full-featured intl library.

  • Active community - Join us on Spectrum to discuss the latest development. At the moment, Lingui is the most active intl project on GitHub.

  • Compatible with react-intl - Low-level React API is very similar to react-intl and the message format is the same. It's easy to migrate an existing project.




If you're a react-intl user, checkout comparison of react-intl and Lingui.


Short example how i18n looks with JSX:

import { Trans } from "@lingui/macro"

function App() {
  return (
   <Trans id="msg.docs" /* id is optional */>
     Read the <a href="https://lingui.js.org">documentation</a>
     for more info.

Message from this component will be extracted in following format:

msgid "msg.docs"
msgstr "Read the <0>documentation</0> for more info."

For more example see the React tutorial.


If you are having issues, please let us know.

  • Join us at Gitter to get almost instant feedback.
  • Ask question on StackOverflow and mark it with Lingui tag.
  • If something doesn't work as documented, documentation is missing or if you just want to suggest a new feature, create an issue.


Contribution to open-source project is everything from spreading a word, writing documentation to implementing features and fixing bugs.

  • Do you use Lingui in production site? Let us know!
  • Have you seen interesting talk or article about i18n? Share it!
  • Have you found a bug or do you want to suggest a new feature? Create an issue!
  • Do you want to improve the docs and write some code? Read the contributors guide and send a PR!


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].



Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]



Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]


The project is licensed under the MIT license.

  • [Epic] Road to LinguiJS v3

    [Epic] Road to LinguiJS v3

    CircleCI npm@next

    Documentation Migration guide


    Note: Original roadmap was deleted because it wasn't updated.

    Breaking changes

    • [x] #657 Refactor pseudolocale - Migrate existing functionality to support multiple catalogs
    • [ ] Release RC 🎉


    • [ ] Review tutorial
    • [x] Review API references, especially macros
    • [x] Review migration guide

    Nice to have (might be released after v3)

    • [x] #656 Refactor catalog stats
    • [x] #577 Detect locale from URL, window.navigator or cookies
    • [ ] #406 Adds extractId option to conf
    • [x] #569 Feature: Merge compiled catalogs into one (feature is finished, it just requires merge latest next branch and resolve conflicts)

    If you want to get involved

    • [x] #634 Add formatOptions.origin to PO format (copy existing feature from one catalog format to another)
    • [x] Review/proofread Configuration reference
    ⚠️breaking change 
    opened by tricoder42 229
  • Cannot extract using i18n.plural : undefined is not iterable!

    Cannot extract using i18n.plural : undefined is not iterable!

    Hello, we use lingui v2.9.2 and we got issue extracting using i18n.plural:

    This works:

    export function _(
      id: MessageDescriptor | string,
      values?: Record<string, unknown>,
      messageOptions?: MessageOptions
    ): string {
      if (typeof id === 'string') {
        return i18n._(id, values, messageOptions)
      return i18n._(id)

    This fail:

    export function _(id: MessageDescriptor | PluralProps): string {
      return !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(id, 'one')
        ? i18n._(id as MessageDescriptor)
        : i18n.plural(id as PluralProps)

    It fails when we run lingui extract --clean, with the following error:

    TypeError: src/libs/i18n.ts: undefined is not iterable!
        at module.exports.require.getIterator (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/core-js/library/modules/core.get-iterator.js:5:42)
        at Transformer.transformChoiceMethod (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/@lingui/babel-plugin-transform-js/transformer.js:199:56)
        at Transformer.transformMethod (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/@lingui/babel-plugin-transform-js/transformer.js:393:21)
        at PluginPass.Transformer.transform (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/@lingui/babel-plugin-transform-js/transformer.js:69:25)
        at newFn (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/visitors.js:276:21)
        at NodePath._call (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/path/context.js:76:18)
        at NodePath.call (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/path/context.js:48:17)
        at NodePath.visit (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/path/context.js:105:12)
        at TraversalContext.visitQueue (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/context.js:150:16)
        at TraversalContext.visitSingle (/home/dka/workspace/github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native/node_modules/babel-traverse/lib/context.js:108:19) {
      _babel: true

    We rather use the synthax of i18n.plural instead of i18n._, how can this be fixed ?


    git clone https://github.com/pass-culture/pass-culture-app-native.git
    cd pass-culture-app-native
    nvm use
    yarn run translations:extract

    Related issues

    • https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/issues/1020
    opened by kopax-polyconseil 74
  • Per-locale bundles

    Per-locale bundles

    Discussion for RFC 003: https://lingui.js.org/rfc/003_per_locale_bundles.html

    Introduction from RFC

    Per-locale bundles are another build time optimization to reduce size of internationalized JavaScript applications.

    Consider this example - we have an internationalized app which loads translation from external file:

    // src/Notifications.js
    import * as React from "react"
    import { setupI18n } from "@lingui/core"
    import { I18nProvider } from "@lingui/react"
    import { Trans, Plural, date } from "@lingui/macro"
    const i18n = setupI18n()
    i18n.load("cs", import("./locale/cs/messages.json"))
    const Notifications = ({ now, count }) => (
       <I18nProvider i18n={i18n}>
          <p><Trans>Today is {date(now)}</Trans></p>
                one={<>You have <strong>#</strong> unread notification</>}
                other={<>You have <strong>#</strong> unread notifications</>}

    If we generate the production bundle in Engish locale, it will roughly look like this - components are removed and formatting components ( and date()) are replaced with runtime versions:

    // build/Notifications.en.js
    import * as React from "react"
    import { Plural, date } from "@lingui/react"
    const Notifications = ({ now, count }) => (
          <p>Today is {date(now)}</p>
                one={<>You have <strong>#</strong> unread notification</>}
                other={<>You have <strong>#</strong> unread notifications</>}

    So far the code looks very similar to the original one except the loading of message catalogs is removed completely.

    Let’s take a look on other than source locale, for example Czech. The message catalog might look similar to this:

    msgid "Notifications"
    msgstr "Upozornění"
    msgid "Today is {now, date}"
    msgstr "Dnes je {now, date}"
    msgid ""
    "{count, plural, "
    "one {You have <0>#</0> unread notification} "
    "other {You have <0>#</0> unread notification}}"
    msgstr ""
    "{count, plural, "
    "one {Máte <0>#</0> nepřečtenou zprávu} "
    "few {Máte <0>#</0> nepřečtené zprávy} "
    "other {Máte <0>#</0> nepřečtených zpráv}}"

    If we generate the production bundle for Czech locale, it will look roughly like this - translations are applied at build time. Also, has all locale specific plural rules:

    // build/Notifications.cs.js
    import * as React from "react"
    import { Plural, date } from "@lingui/react"
    const Notifications = ({ now, count }) => (
          <p>Dnes je {date(now)}</p>
                one={<>Máte <strong>#</strong> nepřečtenou zprávu</>}
                few={<>Máte <strong>#</strong> nepřečtené zprávy</>}
                other={<>Máte <strong>#</strong> nepřečtené zprávy</>}

    Per-locale bundles has zero footprint of internatinalization library - the code looks exactly the same have it would look like when no internationalization was used at all. The remaining runtime layer are utilities for formatting like plurals, dates and number formatting. There’s also no extra request to fetch locale files and no runtime parsing.

    💡new feature wontfix 📦 macro 
    opened by tricoder42 47
  • No messages extracted outside of react

    No messages extracted outside of react

    No messages get extracted when using:

    import i18n from './utils/i18n'
    import {t} from '@lingui/macro';

    They get extracted when using it like:


    They also get extracted as expected when using a react component:

    import {Trans} from '@lingui/react';

    any ideas?

    📖 documentation 
    opened by diegolacarta 47
  • Cannot process file /<path>.tsx: Duplicate declaration

    Cannot process file /.tsx: Duplicate declaration "Trans"

    Describe the bug When running lingui extract I get the error Duplicate declaration "Trans" ("t" seems to be OK).

    To Reproduce

    Cannot process file /<path>.tsx: Duplicate declaration "Trans"
      15 | // i18n
      16 | import { useI18N, Locale } from 'i18n';
    > 17 | import { t, Trans } from '@lingui/macro';

    Expected behavior No error on lingui extract

    Additional context

    • Tried v3.4.0 and still had issues
    • CLI version v3.2.1 repros the issue
    • CLI version v3.1.0 does not repro the issue
    • @babel/[email protected]
    • Using Lingui in a NextJS project
    • Looked at the diff (https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/compare/v3.1.0...v3.2.1) and there are two changes that jump out, but I don't understand the code enough to troubleshoot part this point. (https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/pull/846 and https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/pull/854) (cc @semoal and @Bertg in case they have any ideas)
    • .babelrc
      "presets": ["next/babel"],
      "plugins": ["macros"],
      "env": {
        "test": {
          "plugins": ["dynamic-import-node"]
    bug wontfix triage: accepted 
    opened by ericvera 35
  • Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'C:/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-18' when running lingui extract

    Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'C:/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-18' when running lingui extract

    Describe the bug Running lingui extract results in error

    Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, scandir 'C:/$Recycle.Bin/S-1-5-18'

    To Reproduce Use next-js example, and run lingui extract

    Expected behavior The command should run successfully.

    • jsLingui version 3.0
    • Babel version @babel/[email protected]
    • Your Babel config (e.g. .babelrc):
        "presets": ["next/babel"],
        "plugins": [
              "libraryName": "@geist-ui/react",
              "libraryDirectory": "esm"
    bug 🌱 windows triage: accepted 
    opened by revskill10 28
  • feat: Implement gettext plurals for PO files

    feat: Implement gettext plurals for PO files

    Hi & thanks for your work on this project! While looking for a new localization solutions for our React frontend, we found this project and liked the approach. Our goal is to use po files to leverage comments for providing context for translators (and our future selves…). We started with the @next branch since that's the natual way to go forward. Despite some rough edges regarding the documentation and typescript typings, we were very happy with the functionality of this solution.


    Our only major pain point (besides the removal of the /* i18n: Comment */t("id")`Translated string`; syntax from version 2.x ;)) is that the po file format does not support the "native" plurals with msgstr[0], msgstr[1] etc. Unfortunately, we were not able to find an online translation service that was able to handle ICU plural strings when embedded in po files. The situation may be different with JSON documents, but then we'd loose comment functionality.

    We noticed that other user have already encountered the same problem, unfortunately without an obvious solution: #595 & #82 (where it is mentioned that there are services that understand ICU, but as I said, we weren't able to find any that support ICU in PO)


    After some experimenting, we decided to give a try at implementing rudimentary ICU -> PO -> ICU transformation for the po format. This PR shows the modifications that were required. In short, the new code transforms the following ICU into the corresponding PO plurals (and back):

        "message_id": {
            "message": "{count, plural, one {Singular Case} two {Case for two} other {Case for {count} other}}"
    msgctxt "pluralize_on=count"
    msgid "message_id"
    msgid_plural "message_id"
    msgstr[0] "Singular Case"
    msgstr[1] "Case for two"
    msgstr[2] "Case for {count} other"

    To be discussed

    1. What to use as msgid_plural?

    Currently, the code uses msgid_plural to tell the world that a message is pluralized. When a custom ID is used, it uses the same ID as msgid_plural.

    As of right now, for automatic IDs (where the message is also its ID), the last plural case taken from the ICU message format is used as msgid_plural, but I don't know if that's the right decision as it reads somewhat strange when the regular msgid is the full ICU message and the msgid_plural is only an excerpt from that.

    2. Is msgctxt the right place to store pluralization key?

    Since the ICU format is more powerful than PO plurals, we need to somehow remember the placeholder used to pluralize the message to transform the message back to the ICU format. It might be possible to parse it from the translations, but not in all cases. (Might not be used in all/any translation, multiple placeholders might be used but we can't know which is the one for localization...)

    As a workaround, I've chosen to store the pluralization key in the PO item's msgctxt. What do you think about that? Should we rather use a special comment line for that purpose?

    3. How to opt in or out of this process?

    While we think that this new way of using PO plurals is "more correct" than embedding ICU messages in PO, it might not be suitable for everyone and brake the workflow for people with functioning translation tools that understand ICU within PO (whatever tools that are).

    What do you think would be good way to integrate this? As a new format (po_with_plurals?) As the default and the old po parsers is then referred to as po_icu?


    If you decide that we can go forward with this I'll gladly add tests for the new warning outputs that have not been automatically tested yet. The transforms themselves are covered in two added test cases as you can see in the diff.

    We'd like to hear what you think about these changes and whether you could see them land in lingui.

    💡new feature 📦 cli triage: accepted 
    opened by iStefo 28
  • Cannot find module 'babel-core'

    Cannot find module 'babel-core'

    Describe the bug I followed the React tutorial instructions to add js-lingui to my Gatsby v1 app (including npm install --global babel-core@^7.0.0-0 @babel/core), but when running lingui extract I get Cannot find module 'babel-core'.

    I'm very rusty with Node development so I might have misunderstood something!

    To Reproduce See this repo. yarn + gatsby develop works, the app runs as expected, but I get the above error when running lingui extract to regenerate the message catalog.

    Expected behavior lingui extract should succeed.

    Additional context lingui --version: 2.4.1

    $ npm list babel-core @babel/core
    [email protected] /Users/sdubois/Repos/lingui-babel-debug
    ├── @babel/[email protected]
    ├─┬ [email protected]
    │ └─┬ [email protected]
    │   └── [email protected]  deduped
    ├─┬ [email protected]
    │ └── [email protected]  deduped
    └─┬ [email protected]
      ├── [email protected]  deduped
      └─┬ [email protected]
        └─┬ [email protected]
          └─┬ [email protected]
            └─┬ [email protected]
              └── [email protected]  deduped
    $ npm list -g babel-core @babel/core
    ├── @babel/[email protected]
    └── [email protected]
    🌱 gatsby 
    opened by sedubois 27
  • Babel throws

    Babel throws "Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions."

    lingui 2.0.4, babel 7.0.0-beta.40

    > lingui extract --clean
    Extracting messages from source files…
        throw new Error("Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions.");
    Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions.
        at createDescriptor (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:158:11)
        at /code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:101:12
        at Array.map (<anonymous>)
        at createDescriptors (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:100:27)
        at createPresetDescriptors (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:92:10)
        at /code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:64:19
        at presets (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:54:25)
        at mergeChainOpts (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:294:68)
        at /code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:247:7
        at buildRootChain (/code/App/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:83:20)

    There's a closed issue mentioning something like this: https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/issues/163

    The difference is that I actually updated to 2.0.4 from 2.0.0 and got this error (while the author of issue#163 had an opposite situation - he was getting this on 2.0.2 and it was "fixed" and updated to 2.0.4)

    Any ideas how to fix that?

    opened by ktunkiewicz 27
  • Compile/extract command doesn't work on Windows

    Compile/extract command doesn't work on Windows

    Getting this error when running command to add a new locale:

    $ lingui add-locale cs
      return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode);
    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\<projectDir>\locale\cs\messages.json'
        at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:653:18)
        at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1300:33)
        at Object.write (C:\<projectDir>\node_modules\lingui-cli\dist\api\formats\lingui.js:60:20)
        at Object.addLocale (C:\<projectDir>\node_modules\lingui-cli\dist\api\formats\lingui.js:162:14)
        at C:\<projectDir>\node_modules\lingui-cli\dist\lingui-add-locale.js:29:36
        at Array.map (<anonymous>)
        at command (C:\<projectDir>\node_modules\lingui-cli\dist\lingui-add-locale.js:28:25)
        at Object.<anonymous> (C:\<projectDir>\node_modules\lingui-cli\dist\lingui-add-locale.js:68:3)
        at Module._compile (module.js:624:30)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:635:10)
    error Command failed with exit code 1.

    lingui-cli 1.3.7 windows 10 (tried both from command prompt and git bash)

    bug 📦 cli 
    opened by kirillku 27
  • i18n._ does not format values in production build

    i18n._ does not format values in production build

    Describe the bug When using i18n._ with the second argument "values" those values are not inserted into the string in production build, but they are inserted into the string in development when running npm run start.

    To Reproduce I have created a sample repository that can be used to reproduce the problem:


    Relevant code file: https://github.com/nmoinvaz/lingui-values-bug/blob/main/src/App.js

    • npm install
    • npm run start

    In development the strings are properly replaced:


    • npm build
    • serve -s build

    In production the strings are not properly replaced:


    Expected behavior The values object should be inserted into the string. For example {a} should be replaced with 1.

    Additional context

    • ling-ui version 3.9.0
    • Create React App
    opened by nmoinvaz 26
  • fix: Local development not working on Windows

    fix: Local development not working on Windows

    This closes #1326 by implementing a command specific for Windows to do the git update-index marking and unmarking files magic. Furthermore, I had to change the LERNA_COMMAND to plain npx lerna to get it working on Windows.

    opened by Martin005 3
  • Local development not working on Windows

    Local development not working on Windows

    Describe the bug The local development described in CONTRIBUTING.md doesn't work on Windows as the mentioned script verdaccio-release.js is heavily based on Linux platform.

    To Reproduce Clone repository and try to set-up local development environment as described in CONTRIBUTING.md on a Windows platform.

    Expected behavior The local development environment should work on Windows platform.

    bug 🌱 windows 
    opened by Martin005 1
  • Select Macro Documentation Example is wrong

    Select Macro Documentation Example is wrong

    Example from documentation:

    import { Select } from "@lingui/macro"
    // gender == "female"      -> Her book
    // gender == "male"        -> His book
    // gender == "unspecified" -> Their book
        male="His book"
        female="Her book"
        other="Their book"

    Actually, it should be:

    import { Select } from "@lingui/macro"
        _male="His book"
        _female="Her book"
        other="Their book"

    Proof: https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/blob/main/packages/macro/test/jsx-select.ts#L3-L19

    If you write code as in example, macro will produce:

    import { Trans } from "@lingui/react";
    +  male="He"
    +  female={`She`}
      id={"{count, select, male {He} female {She} other {<0>Other</0>}}"}
        count: count,
        0: <strong />,

    Which by the way will work, but unnecessary code would be produced.

    So here we should either fix the macro to not produce this fields and add this to the test case. Or update docs and fix usage with _{option} which would be a breaking change.

    Anyway, action point needed here.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by thekip 1
  • Mess in exported Macro Typescript Typings

    Mess in exported Macro Typescript Typings

    I'm continuing digging into the sourcecode and test suite. Here what i've found:

    According to the exported typings all JSX Macro components (Trans, Plural, etc) have common Trans props, which is following:

    export type TransProps = {
      id?: string
      comment?: string
      values?: Record<string, unknown>
      context?: string
      children?: React.ReactNode
      component?: React.ComponentType<TransRenderProps>
      render?: (props: TransRenderProps) => ReactElement<any, any> | null
      i18n?: I18n
    export type ChoiceProps = {
      value?: string | number
    } & TransProps &
    export type SelectProps = {
      value: string
      other: ReactNode
    } & TransProps & Values
    export const Trans: ComponentType<TransProps>
    export const Plural: ComponentType<ChoiceProps>
    export const Select: ComponentType<SelectProps>
    export const SelectOrdinal: ComponentType<ChoiceProps>

    This is actually wrong, because JSX Macro (from the source code and tests) could accept only this set properties:

    export type TransProps = {
      id?: string
      comment?: string
    -  values?: Record<string, unknown>
      context?: string
    -  children?: React.ReactNode // should be only for Trans, not by any other Choice components
    -  component?: React.ComponentType<TransRenderProps>
      render?: (props: TransRenderProps) => ReactElement<any, any> | null
    -  i18n?: I18n

    So passing any of the properties highlihted in the snippet above will not work. These typings just bring mess and confusing for end users. (it's actually props of original Trans runtime component, not a macro).

    Proofs: https://github.com/lingui/js-lingui/blob/main/packages/macro/src/macroJsx.ts#L179-L194 Other properties would stripped or inlined as choice options in ICU Choice component.

    Am i missing something or it's here by historical reasons and a just need to be cleaned up wisely?

    bug good first issue 
    opened by thekip 0
  • Macro docs lack examples of arg() macro

    Macro docs lack examples of arg() macro

    While writing SWC Macro plugin and reading babel macro source code found this in tests:

    export default [
        name: "Arg macro should be exluded from values",
        input: `
            import { t, arg } from '@lingui/macro';
            const a = t\`Hello $\{arg('name')\}\`;
        expected: `
            import { i18n } from "@lingui/core";
            const a = 
              i18n._("Hello {name}")

    Which is not described anywhere. Or if it's outdated - should be removed from codebase.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by thekip 1
A JavaScript Internationalization Framework

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react-i18next IMPORTANT: Master Branch is the new v10 using hooks. $ v10.0.0 npm i react-i18next react-native: To use hooks within react-native, you m

i18next 7.9k Dec 30, 2022
:globe_with_meridians: Internationalization plugin for Vue.js

vue-i18n Internationalization plugin for Vue.js ?? Gold Sponsors ?? Silver Sponsors ?? Bronze Sponsors ⚠️ NOTICE This repository is for Vue I18n v8.x.

kazuya kawaguchi 6.9k Dec 29, 2022
A general purpose internationalization library in 292 bytes

A general purpose internationalization library in 298 bytes! Features Simple and Familiar API Unobstrusive and Unopinionated Less than 300 bytes – inc

Luke Edwards 713 Dec 21, 2022
The alternative internationalization (i18n) library for Angular

NGX Locutus The alternative Angular Translation Library used for large scale microfrontend translations. No more worrying about shared translation ass

Stefan Haas 9 May 31, 2022
Type-safe internationalization (i18n) for Next.js

Type-safe internationalization (i18n) for Next.js Features Usage Examples Scoped translations Change current locale Use JSON files instead of TS for l

Tom Lienard 251 Dec 22, 2022
ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages

messageformat The experience and subtlety of your program's text can be important. Messageformat is a mechanism for handling both pluralization and ge

null 1.6k Dec 23, 2022
ICU MessageFormat for Javascript - i18n Plural and Gender Capable Messages

messageformat The experience and subtlety of your program's text can be important. Messageformat is a mechanism for handling both pluralization and ge

null 1.6k Dec 23, 2022
Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages.

Polyglot.js Polyglot.js is a tiny I18n helper library written in JavaScript, made to work both in the browser and in CommonJS environments (Node). It

Airbnb 3.6k Jan 2, 2023
human friendly i18n for javascript (node.js + browser)

BabelFish - human friendly i18n for JS Internationalisation with easy syntax for node.js and browser. Classic solutions use multiple phrases for plura

Nodeca 246 Nov 20, 2022
:orange_book: simple approach for javascript localization

ttag ⚠️ This project was previously named c-3po. Some of the talks, presentations, and documentation may reference it with both names. Modern javascri

ttag 307 Jan 2, 2023
Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps

Jed Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps For more info

null 879 Dec 14, 2022
Extract and merge i18n xliff translation files for angular projects.

Angular extract i18n and merge This extends Angular CLI to improve the i18n extraction and merge workflow. New/removed translations are added/removed

Daniel Schreiber 86 Jan 5, 2023
Powerful, intelligent and easy to use Figma internationalisation scripts

Powerful, intelligent and easy to use Figma internationalisation scripts English | 中文 ?? Script Installation Before installing the Figma I18n script,

Afeyer 138 Dec 10, 2022
Grupprojekt för kurserna 'Javascript med Ramverk' och 'Agil Utveckling'

JavaScript-med-Ramverk-Laboration-3 Grupprojektet för kurserna Javascript med Ramverk och Agil Utveckling. Utvecklingsguide För information om hur utv

Svante Jonsson IT-Högskolan 3 May 18, 2022
Hemsida för personer i Sverige som kan och vill erbjuda boende till människor på flykt

Getting Started with Create React App This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: np

null 4 May 3, 2022
Kurs-repo för kursen Webbserver och Databaser

Webbserver och databaser This repository is meant for CME students to access exercises and codealongs that happen throughout the course. I hope you wi

null 14 Jan 3, 2023
A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.

?? typesafe-i18n A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects. Advantages ?? lightwe

Hofer Ivan 1.3k Jan 4, 2023
parses human-readable strings for JavaScript's Temporal API

?? temporal-parse What is the temporal-parse? Temporal is the next generation of JavaScript's standard Date API. It's currently proposed to TC39 (see:

Eser Ozvataf 22 Jan 2, 2023