tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator.



tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator and nothing else. It is streams2 and operates purely using streams which means you can easily extract/parse tarballs without ever hitting the file system.

Note that you still need to gunzip your data if you have a .tar.gz. We recommend using gunzip-maybe in conjunction with this.

npm install tar-stream

build status License


tar-stream exposes two streams, pack which creates tarballs and extract which extracts tarballs. To modify an existing tarball use both.

It implementes USTAR with additional support for pax extended headers. It should be compatible with all popular tar distributions out there (gnutar, bsdtar etc)


If you want to pack/unpack directories on the file system check out tar-fs which provides file system bindings to this module.


To create a pack stream use tar.pack() and call pack.entry(header, [callback]) to add tar entries.

var tar = require('tar-stream')
var pack = tar.pack() // pack is a streams2 stream

// add a file called my-test.txt with the content "Hello World!"
pack.entry({ name: 'my-test.txt' }, 'Hello World!')

// add a file called my-stream-test.txt from a stream
var entry = pack.entry({ name: 'my-stream-test.txt', size: 11 }, function(err) {
  // the stream was added
  // no more entries

entry.write(' ')

// pipe the pack stream somewhere


To extract a stream use tar.extract() and listen for extract.on('entry', (header, stream, next) )

var extract = tar.extract()

extract.on('entry', function(header, stream, next) {
  // header is the tar header
  // stream is the content body (might be an empty stream)
  // call next when you are done with this entry

  stream.on('end', function() {
    next() // ready for next entry

  stream.resume() // just auto drain the stream

extract.on('finish', function() {
  // all entries read


The tar archive is streamed sequentially, meaning you must drain each entry's stream as you get them or else the main extract stream will receive backpressure and stop reading.


The header object using in entry should contain the following properties. Most of these values can be found by stat'ing a file.

  name: 'path/to/this/entry.txt',
  size: 1314,        // entry size. defaults to 0
  mode: 0o644,       // entry mode. defaults to to 0o755 for dirs and 0o644 otherwise
  mtime: new Date(), // last modified date for entry. defaults to now.
  type: 'file',      // type of entry. defaults to file. can be:
                     // file | link | symlink | directory | block-device
                     // character-device | fifo | contiguous-file
  linkname: 'path',  // linked file name
  uid: 0,            // uid of entry owner. defaults to 0
  gid: 0,            // gid of entry owner. defaults to 0
  uname: 'maf',      // uname of entry owner. defaults to null
  gname: 'staff',    // gname of entry owner. defaults to null
  devmajor: 0,       // device major version. defaults to 0
  devminor: 0        // device minor version. defaults to 0

Modifying existing tarballs

Using tar-stream it is easy to rewrite paths / change modes etc in an existing tarball.

var extract = tar.extract()
var pack = tar.pack()
var path = require('path')

extract.on('entry', function(header, stream, callback) {
  // let's prefix all names with 'tmp'
  header.name = path.join('tmp', header.name)
  // write the new entry to the pack stream
  stream.pipe(pack.entry(header, callback))

extract.on('finish', function() {
  // all entries done - lets finalize it

// pipe the old tarball to the extractor

// pipe the new tarball the another stream

Saving tarball to fs

var fs = require('fs')
var tar = require('tar-stream')

var pack = tar.pack() // pack is a streams2 stream
var path = 'YourTarBall.tar'
var yourTarball = fs.createWriteStream(path)

// add a file called YourFile.txt with the content "Hello World!"
pack.entry({name: 'YourFile.txt'}, 'Hello World!', function (err) {
  if (err) throw err

// pipe the pack stream to your file

yourTarball.on('close', function () {
  console.log(path + ' has been written')
  fs.stat(path, function(err, stats) {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log('Got file info successfully!')


See tar-fs for a performance comparison with node-tar



  • "Invalid tar header" error on Docker

    As shown on this pull-request I'm converting a cpio file generated with the get_init_cpio tool of the Linux kernel to a tar file. The generated tar file works correctly with vagga, but it crash on Docker with a "Invalid tar header" error, and the same file makes file-roller (Ubuntu/Gnome compressed files manager) to core dump.

    Inspecting the content of the generated file directly with the tar command I get the next output:

     (vagga) > tar -tvf node_modules/nodeos-barebones/out/latest
    tar: Sustituyendo `.' por un nombre miembro vacío
    d--x--x--x 0/0               0 2015-10-28 12:05 
    -r-xr-xr-x 0/0          651800 2015-10-28 12:05 lib/libc.so
    lr-xr-xr-x 0/0               8 2015-10-28 12:05 lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1 -> libc.so
    tar: Saltando a la siguiente cabecera
    -r--r--r-- 0/0         1250352 2015-10-28 12:05 lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.17
    lr--r--r-- 0/0              20 2015-10-28 12:05 lib/libstdc++.so.6 -> libstdc++.so.6.0.17
    tar: Saltando a la siguiente cabecera
    l--x------ 0/0               9 2015-10-28 12:05 init -> bin/node
    tar: Un bloque de ceros aislado en 25824
    tar: Saliendo con fallos debido a errores anteriores
     (vagga) > echo $?

    There are two missing entries (the ones with the tar: Saltando a la siguiente cabecera message) corresponding to the lib/libgcc_s.so.1 and the bin/node files. Their stat object as given by cpio-stream are:

    { ino: 724,
      mode: 33060,
      uid: 0,
      gid: 0,
      nlink: 1,
      mtime: Wed Oct 28 2015 12:05:19 GMT+0100 (CET),
      size: 96712,
      devmajor: 3,
      devminor: 1,
      rdevmajor: 0,
      rdevminor: 0,
      _nameLength: 18,
      _sizeStrike: 96712,
      _nameStrike: 18,
      name: 'lib/libgcc_s.so.1' }
    { ino: 727,
      mode: 33133,
      uid: 0,
      gid: 0,
      nlink: 1,
      mtime: Wed Oct 28 2015 01:40:48 GMT+0100 (CET),
      size: 11216736,
      devmajor: 3,
      devminor: 1,
      rdevmajor: 0,
      rdevminor: 0,
      _nameLength: 9,
      _sizeStrike: 11216736,
      _nameStrike: 10,
      name: 'bin/node' }

    I'm not sure what could be the reason for this problem, since seems it's not related with file name length or file size or permissions or being binary ones... :-/ You can find the tar file if you want to inspect it yourself at https://dropfile.to/gWBaf

    opened by piranna 20
  • Generated tar fails to be unpacked including a unicode directory with some specific pattern

    Generated tar fails to be unpacked including a unicode directory with some specific pattern

    The result.tar generated by the following codes fails to be unpacked,

    const tar = require('tar-stream');
    const writeStream = require('fs').createWriteStream('result.tar');
    const pack = tar.pack();
    // the specific pattern I found:
    // here, a '0' represents an ASCII character and a '哈' represents a unicode character
    const directory = './0000000哈哈000哈哈0000哈哈00哈00哈0哈哈哈哈哈0哈/0000哈哈哈/';
    const name = directory + 'somefile.txt';
    const entry = pack.entry({ name }, 'any text', (...args) => console.log(args));

    showing this after executing tar -xf result.tar on terminal

    tar: Ignoring malformed pax extended attribute tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

    or something like this when double-clicked on Mac OS

    Error 1: Operation not allowed

    I'm working on Mac OS and have tried the codes on node of both version 6.9.1 and 7.5.0, producing the same result.

    tar-stream works perfectly with almost all other unicode patterns so I think there might be a bug?

    opened by Mensu 15
  • FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory

    FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory

    when doing


    where the contents of folder-a is over roughly 1GB

    I get FATAL ERROR: JS Allocation failed - process out of memory

    opened by maxogden 12
  • pack backpressure

    pack backpressure


    I'm using this amazing lib to pack GBs of geographic data and then pipe it on to bzip2 for compression. Unfortunately bzip2 is sloooow, so those GBs I packed end up being buffered in nodejs memory waiting for bzip2 to ask for more.

    The source of my memory woes seems to be that the return variable from this.push() isn't being checked which results in pack._readableState.buffer.length growing uncontrolled until I run out of RAM 😭

    Looking at the source code there is already a this._drain variable which is perfect for implementing backpressure:

    diff --git a/pack.js b/pack.js
    index ba4eece..f1da3b7 100644
    --- a/pack.js
    +++ b/pack.js
    @@ -128,9 +128,10 @@ Pack.prototype.entry = function (header, buffer, callback) {
       if (Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) {
         header.size = buffer.length
    -    this.push(buffer)
    +    var ok = this.push(buffer)
         overflow(self, header.size)
    -    process.nextTick(callback)
    +    if (ok) process.nextTick(callback)
    +    else this._drain = callback
         return new Void()

    I've added a simple test case which I'm happy to clean up if this PR is acceptable?

    The difference you'll notice in how the test displays are:

    • without this PR all 24 items are queued in memory
    • with this PR only the first 16 are initially queued and the remaining items are only added as requested.

    Please let me know if you think this is something you would consider including 🙇

    opened by missinglink 11
  • adding missing readable stream dependency

    adding missing readable stream dependency

    • although only used for node < 0.10, it still is required in the code
    • for node 0.8 it just breaks when trying to find that module

    Actually @rvagg will tell you to always use readable stream to get the same stream interface regardless of your node version. I can send another PR with that change if you so desire.

    However this PR is most important since dependencies that are required (even if only in certain circumstances) need to be included. The saved disk space is not worth the headaches when running modules in different environments and see them breaking.

    opened by thlorenz 11
  • [Header.js] Allow attempting of extraction on unknown formats

    [Header.js] Allow attempting of extraction on unknown formats

    Would be nice if headers.js could be updated to not throw an error (only if enabled) on archives that were not packed via the ustar or gnu variants.

    I've received tars from people who appear to be running on Windows, and it appears that the program they were using doesn't include those in the header.

    If I comment out the error being thrown, it appears to extract just fine, so it would be nice if the extract function could be updated with an option like allowUnknownFormat/attemptUnknownFormat, which would be disabled by default.

    opened by kevin-lindsay-1 9
  • Error: Invalid tar header. Maybe the tar is corrupted or it needs to be gunzipped?

    Error: Invalid tar header. Maybe the tar is corrupted or it needs to be gunzipped?


    If header.size is modified for some reason in entry event handler causes this error. For now quick fix is just to avoid modifying the header.size in the event handler but at least it needs to be documented or even better to make and use a copy of the size in local variable.

    opened by palavrov 7
  • Overwrite header.size with pax header size, if present

    Overwrite header.size with pax header size, if present

    This is a fix for https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-stream/issues/75.

    To add a file larger than 8GB into a tar archive, you need to set the size in a pax header, like this:

    var inputfile = '/path/to/some/huge/file';
    var stats = fs.statSync(tmpFile.name);
    var header = {
        name: inputfile,
        size: stats.size,
        mode: stats.mode,
        uid: stats.uid,
        gid: stats.gid,
        mtime: stats.mtime
    // pax headers allow us to include files over 8GB in size
    header.pax = {
        size: stats.size

    Now pass that header into pack.entry()

    The only problem with the existing code was that it wasn't overwriting header.size with header.pax.size. See the doc for the size attribute of the extended pax header at http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695299/utilities/pax.html#tag_04_100_13_03.

    Before this fix, when given a 9GB file, tar-stream would write all 9GB into the tar file, but write the header size as 8589934591 (8GB or octal 77777777777). That resulted in a corrupt tar file.

    All existing tests pass. I don't really want to add a 9GB test fixture, but it's working fine for 9GB files.

    opened by diamondap 7
  • Detect file type from 'mode' field & allow to stream symlinks content

    Detect file type from 'mode' field & allow to stream symlinks content

    This pull-request allow to auto-discover the file type from the header 'mode' field if an explicit 'type' field is not defined, and also allow to set the content of symlinks streaming it's content if the header 'linkname' field is not defined. This allow pipe all the content into a tar package, for example:

    #!/usr/bin/env node
    var cpio = require('cpio-stream')
    var tar  = require('tar-stream')
    var extract = cpio.extract()
    var pack    = tar.pack()
    extract.on('entry', function(header, stream, callback)
      stream.pipe(pack.entry(header, callback))
      stream.resume() // auto drain
    extract.on('finish', function()
    opened by piranna 7
  • make sure to emit error when entry handling is done

    make sure to emit error when entry handling is done

    If the extractor gets destroyed during entry processing and an error is then given to onunlock then the error is not emitted at all.

    In my case this happened when using tar-fs and the 'pump' method encountered an error extracting an entry. The extractor got destroyed through the pump destroyer method without being given the error, and when tar-fs unlocked the entry the extractor was already destroyed, so the error was never emitted.

    To reproduce, create a tar that contains a file with read only permission, and try to extract it twice to the same place. There should be a "EACCES" error emitted when trying to override the read only file during the second extraction.

    opened by fujifish 7
  • Incorrect handling of backpressure

    Incorrect handling of backpressure

    Hello !

    After updating to 2.1.2 I have noticed that my process dies without finishing. What happens is that the node process just ends, as if there was nothing to do anymore. This behaviour does not happen with version <= 2.1.1. Also, it only seems to happen for large files. I have seen this happen on node 12 and node 13.

    After looking at the difference between 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, it seems to me that it is that the _drain is never called.

    My usage of the library is of the form:

      const toPromise = (func) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => func((err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res)))
      const taredStream = tar.pack()
      const stat = await promisify(fs.lstat)(options.input)
      const tarHeader = {
        name: path.basename(options.input),
        mode: stat.mode,
        mtime: stat.mtime,
        size: stat.size,
        uid: stat.uid,
        gid: stat.gid,
        type: 'file'
      console.log('adding tar entry', options.input)
      await toPromise(handler => taredStream.entry(tarHeader, jetpack.read(options.input, 'buffer'), handler))
      console.log('entry added! Finalizing tar...')
      console.log('Tar finalized. Writing it to disk: ', outputPath)

    After being finalized, the tarStream is then sinked with an .on('data') listener.

    What happens more precisely is that, for large files, the toPromise call never finishes.

    opened by arantes555 6
  • skipping  on entry, header errors

    skipping on entry, header errors

    I am getting an error but not really sure how to debug because I think it may skip tarStreamExtract.on("entry" function that shows the headers, any advice on how to investigate/debug the headers? I saw another poster said they needed to set the header size to 0.

      'Error: Invalid tar header. Maybe the tar is corrupted or it needs to be gunzipped?\n    
      at exports.decode (test/node_modules/tar-stream/headers.js:262:43)\n 
      at Extract.onheader (test/node_modules/tar-stream/extract.js:123:39)\n    
      at Extract._write (test/node_modules/tar-stream/extract.js:24…e_modules/tar-stream/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:398:5)\n    
      at Writable.write (test/node_modules/tar-stream/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:307:11)\n    
      at PassThroughExt.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:766:22)\n    
      at PassThroughExt.emit (node:events:537:28)\n    
      at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12)\n    
      at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:297:9)'
        layerStream.pipe(gunzip()) // uncompress if necessary, will pass thru if it's not gziped
               .pipe(digester) // compute hash and forward
               .pipe(tarStreamExtract) // extract from the tar
        tarStreamExtract.on("entry", function (header, stream, callback) {
          // moving to the right folder in tarball
          header.name = headerNewName
          // write to the tar
          stream.pipe(pack.entry(header, callback))
    opened by zoobot 0
  • doesn't work with

    doesn't work with

    I'm trying to use this with NestJS

    I have an import on top and init this as const pack = tar.pack() inside async function. and this line literally stops executing everything.

    Any suggestions?

    opened by GreatEarl 2
  • unable to use stream.pipeline()

    unable to use stream.pipeline()

    minimal example:

    const pipeline = require('stream').pipeline;
    const fs = require('fs');
    const tar = require('tar-stream');
    const extractor = tar.extract();
    const repacker = tar.pack();
    extractor.on('entry', (header, s, next) => {
        header.name = header.name.replace('rootfs', '.');
        s.pipe(repacker.entry(header, next))
    extractor.on('finish', function () {
        fs.createWriteStream('./res.tar'), console.log

    Actual output:

    $ node ./tar-stream-example.js 
      return from.pipe(to);
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'pipe' of undefined
        at pipe (internal/streams/pipeline.js:54:15)
        at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
        at pipeline (internal/streams/pipeline.js:94:18)
        at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/aol/develop/lotes-local/bootstrap.js/tar-stream-example.js:17:1)
        at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:999:30)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1027:10)
        at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:863:32)
        at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:708:14)
        at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:60:12)
        at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47

    Does not work either. How come? Any workarounds? Why am I forced to create two separate pipes (in -> extract and repack -> out)? Please, help!


    opened by aol-nnov 0
  • File corrupted when combining extract with gzip

    File corrupted when combining extract with gzip

    I have to extract a .tar.gz archive. My solution was to pipe a tar-stream extract to gunzip in this way:

        const fs = require('fs');
        const os = require('os');
        const zlib = require('zlib');
        const tar = require('tar-stream');
        const { promisify } = require('util');
        const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile);
        const extract = tar.extract();
        const gunzip = zlib.createGunzip();
        const { Duplex } = require('stream'); // Native Node Module 
        function bufferToStream(myBuffer) {
            let tmp = new Duplex();
            return tmp;
        var chunks = [];
        extract.on('entry', function (header, stream, next) {
                stream.on('data', function (chunk) {
            stream.on('end', function () {
        extract.on('finish', async function () {
            if (chunks && chunks.length) {
                const myReadableStream = bufferToStream(Buffer.from(chunks));
                    .on('close', async function () {
                        consoleLogger.info("wrote %s", destPath);
                    .on('error', (error) => {
                        consoleLogger.warn("gunzip error:%@", error.toString());
            .on('error', (error) => {
                consoleLogger.warn("gunzip error:%@", error.toString());

    but the resulting file size is less than 200KB, while the source file was 900MB (3GB when extracted).

    opened by loretoparisi 2
  • Packing files at the root

    Packing files at the root

    Is it possible to add entries that appear at the root? As in when the tar is extracted, they are not in a folder but extracted in the current directory.

    opened by gee4vee 0
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