FileAPI — a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation by EXIF.



A set of JavaScript tools for working with files.

Get started

Download the files from the dist directory, and then:

		<!-- "js-fileapi-wrapper" -- required class -->
		<div class="js-fileapi-wrapper upload-btn">
			<div class="upload-btn__txt">Choose files</div>
			<input id="choose" name="files" type="file" multiple />
		<div id="images"><!-- previews --></div>

	<script>window.FileAPI = { staticPath: '/js/FileAPI/dist/' };</script>
	<script src="/js/FileAPI/dist/FileAPI.min.js"></script>
		var choose = document.getElementById('choose');
		FileAPI.event.on(choose, 'change', function (evt){
			var files = FileAPI.getFiles(evt); // Retrieve file list

			FileAPI.filterFiles(files, function (file, info/**Object*/){
				if( /^image/.test(file.type) ){
					return	info.width >= 320 && info.height >= 240;
				return	false;
			}, function (files/**Array*/, rejected/**Array*/){
				if( files.length ){
					// Make preview 100x100
					FileAPI.each(files, function (file){
						FileAPI.Image(file).preview(100).get(function (err, img){

					// Uploading Files
						url: './ctrl.php',
						files: { images: files },
						progress: function (evt){ /* ... */ },
						complete: function (err, xhr){ /* ... */ }

Setup options

Edit the file crossdomain.xml and place it to the root of the domain to which files will be uploaded.

		window.FileAPI = {
			  debug: false   // debug mode, see Console
			, cors: false    // if used CORS, set `true`
			, media: false   // if used WebCam, set `true`
			, staticPath: '/js/FileAPI/dist/' // path to '*.swf'
			, postNameConcat: function (name, idx){
				// Default: object[foo]=1&object[bar][baz]=2
				// .NET:
				return	name + (idx != null ? '['+ idx +']' : '');
	<script src="/js/FileAPI/dist/FileAPI.min.js"></script>

	<!-- OR -->

		window.FileAPI = { /* options */ };
		require(['FileAPI'], function (FileAPI){
			// ...


Retrieve file list from input element or event object, also support jQuery.

  • input — HTMLInputElement, change and drop event, jQuery collection or jQuery.Event
var el = document.getElement('my-input');
FileAPI.event.on(el, 'change', function (evt/**Event*/){
	// Retrieve file list
	var files = FileAPI.getFiles(el);

	// or event
	var files = FileAPI.getFiles(evt);

getInfo(file:Object, callback:Function):void

Get info of file (see also: FileAPI.addInfoReader).

// Get info of image file (FileAPI.exif.js included)
FileAPI.getInfo(file, function (err/**String*/, info/**Object*/){
	if( !err ){
		console.log(info); // { width: 800, height: 600, exif: {..} }

// Get info of mp3 file (FileAPI.id3.js included)
FileAPI.getInfo(file, function (err/**String*/, info/**Object*/){
	if( !err ){
		console.log(info); // { title: "...", album: "...", artists: "...", ... }

filterFiles(files:Array, filter:Function, callback:Function):void

Filtering the list of files, with additional information about files. See also: FileAPI.getInfo and FileAPI.addInfoReader.

  • files — original list of files
  • filter — function, takes two arguments: file — the file itself, info — additional information.
  • callback — function: list — files that match the condition, other — all the rest.
// Get list of file
var files = FileAPI.getFiles(input);

// Filter the List
FileAPI.filterFiles(files, function (file/**Object*/, info/**Object*/){
	if( /^image/.test(file.type) && info ){
		return	info.width > 320 && info.height > 240;
	} else {
		return	file.size < 20 * FileAPI.MB;
}, function (list/**Array*/, other/**Array*/){
	if( list.length ){
		// ..

getDropFiles(evt:Event|$.Event, callback:Function):void

Get a list of files, including directories.

  • evt — drop event
  • callback — function, takes one argument, a list of files
FileAPI.event.on(document, 'drop', function (evt/**Event*/){

	// Get a list of files
	FileAPI.getDropFiles(evt, function (files/**Array*/){
		// ...


Uploading files to the server (successively). Returns XHR-like object. It is important to remember to correctly worked flash-transport server response body must not be empty, for example, you can pass, just text "ok".

var el = document.getElementById('my-input');
FileAPI.event.on(el, 'change', function (evt/**Event*/){
	var files = FileAPI.getFiles(evt);
	var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
		url: '',
		files: { file: files[0] },
		complete: function (err, xhr){
			if( !err ){
				var result = xhr.responseText;
				// ...

addInfoReader(mime:RegExp, handler:Function):void

Adds a handler for the collection of information about a file. See also: FileAPI.getInfo and FileAPI.filterFiles.

  • mime — pattern of mime-type
  • handler — takes two arguments: file object and complete function callback
FileAPI.addInfoReader(/^image/, function (file/**File*/, callback/**Function*/){
	FileAPI.readAsBinaryString(file, function (evt/**Object*/){
		if( evt.type == 'load' ){
			var binaryString = evt.result;
			var oFile = new BinaryFile(binaryString, 0, file.size);
			var exif  = EXIF.readFromBinaryFile(oFile);
			callback(false, { 'exif': exif || {} });
		else if( evt.type == 'error' ){
		else if( evt.type == 'progress' ){
			// ...

readAsDataURL(file:Object, callback:Function):void

Reading the contents of the specified File as dataURL.

  • file — file object
  • callback — function, receives a result
FileAPI.readAsDataURL(file, function (evt/**Object*/){
	if( evt.type == 'load' ){
		// Success
	 	var dataURL = evt.result;
	} else if( evt.type =='progress' ){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;
	} else {
		// Error

readAsBinaryString(file:Object, callback:Function):void

Reading the contents of the specified File as BinaryString.

  • file — file object
  • callback — function, receives a result
FileAPI.readAsBinaryString(file, function (evt/**Object*/){
	if( evt.type == 'load' ){
		// Success
	 	var binaryString = evt.result;
	} else if( evt.type =='progress' ){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;
	} else {
		// Error

readAsArrayBuffer(file:Object, callback:Function):void

Reading the contents of the specified File as ArrayBuffer.

  • file — file object
  • callback — function, receives a result
FileAPI.readAsArrayBuffer(file, function (evt/**Object*/){
	if( evt.type == 'load' ){
		// Success
	 	var arrayBuffer = evt.result;
	} else if( evt.type =='progress' ){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;
	} else {
		// Error

readAsText(file:Object, callback:Function):void

Reading the contents of the specified File as text.

  • file — file object
  • callback — function, receives a result
FileAPI.readAsText(file, function (evt/**Object*/){
	if( evt.type == 'load' ){
		// Success
	 	var text = evt.result;
	} else if( evt.type =='progress' ){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;
	} else {
		// Error

readAsText(file:Object, encoding:String, callback:Function):void

Reading the contents of the specified File as text.

  • encoding — a string indicating the encoding to use for the returned data. By default, UTF-8.
FileAPI.readAsText(file, "utf-8", function (evt/**Object*/){
	if( evt.type == 'load' ){
		// Success
	 	var text = evt.result;
	} else if( evt.type =='progress' ){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;
	} else {
		// Error

Upload options


A string containing the URL to which the request is sent.


Additional post data to be sent along with the file uploads.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	data: { 'session-id': 123 },
	files: { ... },


Request method, HTML5 only.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	uploadMethod: 'PUT',
	files: { .. },


Pass credentials to upload request, HTML5 only.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	uploadCredentials: false,
	files: { .. },


Additional request headers, HTML5 only.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	headers: { 'x-upload': 'fileapi' },
	files: { .. },


Setting to true removes the default timestamp URL parameter.


Key-value object, key — post name, value — File or FileAPI.Image object.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: {
		audio: files


Chunk size in bytes, HTML5 only.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { images: fileList },
	chunkSize: 0.5 * FileAPI.MB


Number of retries during upload chunks, HTML5 only.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { images: fileList },
	chunkSize: 0.5 * FileAPI.MB,
	chunkUploadRetry: 3



Rules of changes the original image on the client.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { image: imageFiles },
	// Changes the original image
	imageTransform: {
		// resize by max side
		maxWidth: 800,
		maxHeight: 600,
		// Add watermark
		overlay: [{ x: 10, y: 10, src: '/i/watemark.png', rel: FileAPI.Image.RIGHT_BOTTOM }]



Rules of image transformation on the client, for more images.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { image: imageFiles },
	imageTransform: {
		// resize by max side
		'huge': { maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 600 },
		// crop & resize
		'medium': { width: 320, height: 240, preview: true },
		// crop & resize + watemark
		'small': {
			width: 100, height: 100,
			// Add watermark
			overlay: [{ x: 5, y: 5, src: '/i/watemark.png', rel: FileAPI.Image.RIGHT_BOTTOM }]



Convert all images to jpeg or png.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { image: imageFiles },
	imageTransform: {
		type: 'image/jpeg',
		quality: 0.86 // jpeg quality


Sent to the server the original image or not, if defined imageTransform option.



Auto-rotate images on the basis of EXIF.



Prepare options upload for a particular file.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	prepare: function (file/**Object*/, options/**Object*/){ = utils.getSecretKey(;



Start uploading.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	upload: function (xhr/**Object*/, options/**Object*/){
		// ...



Start file uploading.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	fileupload: function (file/**Object*/, xhr/**Object*/, options/**Object*/){
		// ...



Callback for upload progress events.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	progress: function (evt/**Object*/, file/**Object*/, xhr/**Object*/, options/**Object*/){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;



Callback for upload file progress events.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	fileprogress: function (evt/**Object*/, file/**Object*/, xhr/**Object*/, options/**Object*/){
		var pr = evt.loaded/ * 100;



Callback for end upload requests.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	complete: function (err/**String*/, xhr/**Object*/, file/**Object/, options/**Object*/){
		if( !err ){
			// All files successfully uploaded.



Callback for end upload requests.

var xhr = FileAPI.upload({
	url: '...',
	files: { .. }
	filecomplete: function (err/**String*/, xhr/**Object*/, file/**Object/, options/**Object*/){
		if( !err ){
			// File successfully uploaded
			var result = xhr.responseText;

File object


The name of the file referenced by the File object.


The type (MIME type) of the file referenced by the File object.


The size (in bytes) of the file referenced by the File object.


on(el:HTMLElement, events:String, handler:Function):void

Attach an event handler function.

  • el — DOM element
  • events — one or more space-separated event types.
  • handler — A function to execute when the event is triggered.

off(el:HTMLElement, events:String, handler:Function):void

Remove an event handler.

  • el — DOM element
  • events — one or more space-separated event types.
  • handler — a handler function previously attached for the event(s).

one(el:HTMLElement, events:String, handler:Function):void

Attach an event handler function. The handler is executed at most once.

  • el — DOM element
  • events — one or more space-separated event types.
  • handler — a function to execute when the event is triggered.

dnd(el:HTMLElement, hover:Function, handler:Function):void

Attach an drag and drop event handler function.

  • el — drop zone
  • hover — dragenter and dragleave listener
  • handler — drop event handler.
var el = document.getElementById('dropzone');
FileAPI.event.dnd(el, function (over){ = over ? '#f60': '';
}, function (files){
	if( files.length ){
		// Upload their.

// or jQuery
$('#dropzone').dnd(hoverFn, dropFn);, hover:Function, handler:Function):void

Remove an drag and drop event handler function.

  • el — drop zone
  • hover — dragenter and dragleave listener
  • handler — drop event handler.
// Native, hoverFn, dropFn);

// jQuery
$('#dropzone').dndoff(hoverFn, dropFn);



Class for working with images


The constructor takes a single argument, the File object.

  • file — the File object
FileAPI.Image(imageFile).get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){
	if( !err ){
		document.body.appendChild( img );

crop(width:Number, height:Number):FileAPI.Image

Crop image by width and height.

  • width — new image width
  • height — new image height
	.crop(640, 480)
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){


crop(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):FileAPI.Image

Crop image by x, y, width and height.

  • x — offset from the top corner
  • y — offset from the left corner
	.crop(100, 50, 320, 240)
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){


resize(width:Number, height:Number[, strategy:String]):FileAPI.Image

Resize image.

  • width — new image width
  • height — new image height
  • strategy — enum: min, max, preview, width, height. By default undefined.
	.resize(320, 240)
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){


// Resize image on by max side.
	.resize(320, 240, 'max')
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){


// Resize image on by fixed height.
	.resize(240, 'height')
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){


preview(width:Number[, height:Number]):FileAPI.Image

Crop and resize image.

  • width — new image width
  • height — new image height
	.preview(100, 100)
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){



Rotate image.

  • deg — rotation angle in degrees
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){



Apply filter function. Only HTML5.

  • callback — takes two arguments, canvas element and done method.
	.filter(function (canvas/**HTMLCanvasElement*/, doneFn/**Function*/){
		// bla-bla-lba
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){



Uses CamanJS, include it before FileAPI library.

  • name — CamanJS filter name (custom or preset)
Caman.Filter.register("my-funky-filter", function () {

	.filter("my-funky-filter") // or .filter("vintage")
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){



Add overlay images, eg: watermark.

  • images — array of overlays
		// Left corner.
		{ x: 10, y: 10, w: 100, h: 10, src: '/i/watermark.png' },

		// Right bottom corner.
		{ x: 10, y: 10, src: '/i/watermark.png', rel: FileAPI.Image.RIGHT_BOTTOM }
	.get(function (err/**String*/, img/**HTMLElement*/){



Get the final image.

  • fn — complete callback


To work with a webcam, be sure to set true.

publish(el:HTMLElement, options:Object, callback:Function):void

Publication of the camera.

  • el — target
  • options — { width: 100%, height: 100%, start: true }
  • callback — the first parameter is a possible error, the second instance of FileAPI.Camera
var el = document.getElementById('cam');
FileAPI.Camera.publish(el, { width: 320, height: 240 }, function (err, cam/**FileAPI.Camera*/){
	if( !err ){
		// The webcam is ready, you can use it.


Turn on the camera.

  • callback — will be called when the camera ready
var el = document.getElementById('cam');
FileAPI.Camera.publish(el, { start: false }, function (err, cam/**FileAPI.Camera*/){
	if( !err ){
		// Turn on
		cam.start(function (err){
			if( !err ){
				// The camera is ready for use.


Turn off the camera.


Take a picture with the camera.

var el = document.getElementById('cam');
FileAPI.Camera.publish(el, function (err, cam/**FileAPI.Camera*/){
	if( !err ){
		var shot = cam.shot(); // take a picture

		// create thumbnail 100x100
		shot.preview(100).get(function (err, img){

		// and/or
			url: '...',
			files: { cam: shot



1024 bytes


1048576 bytes


1073741824 bytes


1.0995116e+12 bytes


FileAPI.each(obj:Object|Array, callback:Function[, thisObject:Mixed]):void

Iterate over an object or array, executing a function for each matched element.

  • obj — array or object
  • callback — a function to execute for each element.
  • thisObject — object to use as this when executing callback.


FileAPI.extend(dst:Object, src:Object):Object

Merge the contents of two objects together into the first object.

  • dst — an object that will receive the new properties
  • src — an object containing additional properties to merge in.


FileAPI.filter(array:Array, callback:Function[, thisObject:Mixed):Object

Creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.

  • array — original Array
  • callback — Function to test each element of the array.
  • thisObject — object to use as this when executing callback.


  • Multiupload: all browsers that support HTML5 or Flash
  • Drag'n'Drop upload: files (HTML5) & directories (Chrome 21+)
  • Chunked file upload (HTML5)
  • Upload one file: all browsers
  • Working with Images: IE6+, FF 3.6+, Chrome 10+, Opera 11.1+, Safari 6+
    • crop, resize, preview & rotate (HTML5 or Flash)
    • auto orientation by exif (HTML5, if include FileAPI.exif.js or Flash)

HTML5 browser support

This cross-origin resource sharing is used to enable cross-site HTTP requests.

Drag'n'drop events support.

Availability Flash plugin.

Canvas support.

Support dataURI as src for image.

Support chunked upload.


Flash is very "buggy" thing :] The server response can not be empty. Therefore, in the event of a successful uploading http status should be only 200 OK.


Flash settings. It is advisable to place flash on the same server where the files will be uploaded.

	var FileAPI = {
	 	// @default: "./dist/"
		staticPath: '/js/',

		 // @default: FileAPI.staticPath + "FileAPI.flash.swf"
		flashUrl: '/statics/FileAPI.flash.swf',

		// @default: FileAPI.staticPath + "FileAPI.flash.image.swf"
		flashImageUrl: '/statics/FileAPI.flash.image.swf'
<script src="/js/FileAPI.min.js"></script>


Necessarily make this file on the server. Do not forget to replace on the name of your domain.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
	<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
	<allow-access-from domain="" secure="false"/>
	<allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false"/>
	<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*" secure="false"/>


The following sample HTTP POST request is sent from Flash Player to a server-side script if no parameters are specified:

POST /server/ctrl.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/*
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
User-Agent: Shockwave Flash
Content-Length: 421
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Filename"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Filedata"; filename="MyFile.jpg"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Upload"

Submit Query


By default FileAPI.flash.swf allows access from any domain via Security.allowDomain("*"). This can lead to same origin bypass vulnerability if swf is loaded from the same domain as your critical data. To prevent this, allow only your domains here and rebuild flash.

Server settings


(function (ctx, jsonp){
	'use strict';
	var status = {{httpStatus}}, statusText = "{{httpStatusText}}", response = "{{responseBody}}";
	try {
		ctx[jsonp](status, statusText, response);
	} catch (e){
		var data = "{\"id\":\""+jsonp+"\",\"status\":"+status+",\"statusText\":\""+statusText+"\",\"response\":\""+response.replace(/\"/g, '\\\\\"')+"\"}";
		try {
			ctx.postMessage(data, document.referrer);
		} catch (e){}
})(window.parent, '{{request_param_callback}}');

<!-- or -->

	include './FileAPI.class.php';

	if( strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'POST' ){
		// Retrieve File List
		$files	= FileAPI::getFiles();

		// ... your logic

		// JSONP callback name
		$jsonp	= isset($_REQUEST['callback']) ? trim($_REQUEST['callback']) : null;

		// Server response: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
			  'status' => FileAPI::OK
			, 'statusText' => 'OK'
			, 'body' => array('count' => sizeof($files))
		), $jsonp);


Enable CORS.

	// Permitted types of request
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS');

    // Describe custom headers
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Range, Content-Disposition, Content-Type');

    // A comma-separated list of domains
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']);

	// Allow cookie
	header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');


    if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ){
        // ...

Chunked file upload

Client and server communicate to each other using the following HTTP headers and status codes.
Client explicitly sets the following headers:

  • Content-Range: bytes <start-offset>-<end-offset>/<total>
  • Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=<file-name>
Any other headers are set by a target browser and are not used by client. Library does not provide any facilities to track a file uniqueness across requests, it's left on developer's consideration.
Response codes:
  • 200 - last chunk is uploaded
  • 201 - chunk is successfully saved
  • 416 - range is not acceptable error, recoverable
  • 500 - server error, recoverable
For recoverable errors server tries to resend chunk `chunkUploadRetry` times then fails.
  • X-Last-Known-Byte: int, library tries to resend chunk from the given offset. Applicable to response codes 200 and 416
  • All the other codes - fatal error, user's involvement is recommended.

    Buttons examples


    Simple input[type="file"]

    <span class="js-fileapi-wrapper" style="position: relative; display: inline-block;">
        <input name="files" type="file" multiple/>


    Stylized button.

    .upload-btn {
        width: 130px;
        height: 25px;
        overflow: hidden;
        position: relative;
        border: 3px solid #06c;
        border-radius: 5px;
        background: #0cf;
        .upload-btn:hover {
            background: #09f;
        .upload-btn__txt {
            z-index: 1;
            position: relative;
            color: #fff;
            font-size: 18px;
            font-family: "Helvetica Neue";
            line-height: 24px;
            text-align: center;
            text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #000;
        .upload-btn input {
            top: -10px;
            right: -40px;
            z-index: 2;
            position: absolute;
            cursor: pointer;
            opacity: 0;
            filter: alpha(opacity=0);
            font-size: 50px;
    <div class="js-fileapi-wrapper upload-btn">
        <div class="upload-btn__txt">Upload files</div>
        <input name="files" type="file" multiple />


    Button like link.

    .upload-link {
        color: #36c;
        display: inline-block;
        *zoom: 1;
        *display: inline;
        overflow: hidden;
        position: relative;
        padding-bottom: 2px;
        text-decoration: none;
        .upload-link__txt {
            z-index: 1;
            position: relative;
            border-bottom: 1px dotted #36c;
            .upload-link:hover .upload-link__txt {
                color: #f00;
                border-bottom-color: #f00;
        .upload-link input {
            top: -10px;
            right: -40px;
            z-index: 2;
            position: absolute;
            cursor: pointer;
            opacity: 0;
            filter: alpha(opacity=0);
            font-size: 50px;
    <a class="js-fileapi-wrapper upload-link">
        <span class="upload-link__txt">Upload photo</span>
        <input name="photo" type="file" accept="image/*" />

    Installation, testing, assembling

    npm install fileapi
    cd fileapi
    npm install



    • #369: * IEMobile


    • #367: * [flash] allow gif and bmp to resize


    • #364: * Camera#stop
    • #363: * support `Blob` in `FileAPI.getInfo`
    • #361: + upload zero-files


    • #353: debug mode vs. IE
    • #352: correct filename via flash-uploading

    2.0.12-2.0.15 (!)

    • #346, #342, #344: fixes for XSS into Flash-transport


    • #322, #308: dnd & safari + $.fn.dnd (store all dropped items)
    • #319: NodeJS tesing
    • #317, #313: fixed "malformed (OSX Unicode NFD)"
    • #311: fixed "Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits"


    • #289: * WebCam & html5 == false
    • #199, #265: flash fix 2015 error with BitmapData
    • #177: IE9, IE11 remembered settigns
    • #254: check 'onLoadFnName' before call
    • #272: fixed `entry.createReader().readEntries`


    • #253: fixed `proxyXHR.loaded`
    • #250: + check `disabled`-attr


    • Two new resize strategies `width` and `height`


    • #214: iframe transport under IE8
    • Fixed iframe-transport (remove `disabled`-attr for input)


    • #240: Fixed ``


    • + #228: check callbacks with regexp
    • * Updated devDepending
    • + #207: support EXIF.Orientation == 4, 5 & 7


    • + #176: Add params to the beginning of form
    • + #190: Add 204 as a successful response
    • + #192: many bugfixes; + `retry` & `multipass` options; + QUnit-tests for BigSizeImage


    • + QUnit-tests for iframe-transport
    • + `postMessage` for iframe-transport
    • + `jsonp: "callback"` option
    • * resize: `imageTransform.type` rename to `imageTransform.strategy` (!!!)
    • + (#140: fix)


    • + test: upload headers
    • + test: upload + camanjs
    • + test: upload + autoOrientation
    • FileAPI.class.php: + HTTP header Content-Type: application/json
    • #143: + `FileAPI.flashWebcamUrl` option
    • * merge v1.2.7
    • + `FileAPI.formData: true` option


    • + support 'filter' prop in imageTransform












    • first release
    • Remove '_'

      Remove '_'

      Why Form.prototype.toFormData appends '_'

      When upload request body looks like:

      ------WebKitFormBoundary13nJwlOAdYFVK3qi Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="949A0453.JPG" Content-Type: image/jpeg

      ------WebKitFormBoundary13nJwlOAdYFVK3qi Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_file"

      949A0453.JPG ------WebKitFormBoundary13nJwlOAdYFVK3qi--

      opened by lenarakhmadeev 7
    • Consider phantomjs and casperjs headless browser as html5 compatible

      Consider phantomjs and casperjs headless browser as html5 compatible

      phantomjs is webkit based and should be considered as html5 compliant.

      Not sure if exception in user agent html5 control should be added like that, specially as you can choose agent in those headless browser but i tought maybe someone would like that fix

      opened by fadomire 5
    • Added experimental webgl resizing

      Added experimental webgl resizing

      Hey! After fronttalks I decided to play with webgl resizing of images.

      Few of drawbacks:

      • Textures is limited by width and height
      • It's slower than canvas
      opened by floatdrop 4
    • Node.js test server

      Node.js test server

      Начало тестового сервака. Использует express 4. Работает на node.js 0.10 (ну и выше).

      1. запускается на 8000 порту
      2. умеет раздавать статику
      3. отвечает json и jsonp (jsonp встроенный, а не как в php)
      4. работают все примеры, кроме watermark.html
      5. умеет выставлять заголовки, но их не тестил

      Для начала вот так. Жду обратной связи, готов доделывать)

      opened by arusakov 3
    • Fix transform with serial: false

      Fix transform with serial: false

      I am trying to use serial: false from dev branch and it only transform properly the first image. Here is the code I am using.

      FileAPI.upload('./upload', files, {
        serial: false,
        imageTransform: {
          type: 'image/jpeg',
          quality: 0.86, // jpeg quality
          maxWidth: 100
        progress: function (evt){ /* ... */ },
        complete: function (err, xhr){ /* ... */ }

      After take a look to the code I found this block:

      if( isOrignTrans ){
          // Convert to array for transform function
          trans = [trans];

      It is inside of an each so we modify trans every iteration and finally we get something similar to [[[trans]]], it causes transformation errors. I hope I fix it properly.

      opened by jrdi 3
    • Add params to the beginning of form.

      Add params to the beginning of form.

      Добавлять параметры загрузки (params) на начало формы.

      Зачем это нужно!? Например на стороне сервера у нас есть stream обработчик формы, допустим для загрузки файла нужно указать ключ/токен (в params) или что то еще.

      Потом когда начало формы прилетит на сервер мы сможем получить параметры и продолжить загрузку файла в противном случае нам нужно будет закачать файл (а это ресурсы и время работы скриптов) и только потом сделать проверку.

      Да, есть QueryString и Headers, но думаю еще один способ не помешает.

      opened by korzhyk 3
    • Link to final files

      Link to final files


      This seems like a great lib and the docs seems comprehensive and easy to follow.

      However, it doesn't look like they answer the crucial question: where do I download the final library files from? :)

      opened by scribu 2
    • Fallback to flash camera capture in case of insecure origin in Chromium

      Fallback to flash camera capture in case of insecure origin in Chromium

      In Chromium version 47 a group of features were disabled on insecure origins, including getUserMedia. This fix checks for that case and falls back to flash capture if the origin is insecure.

      opened by anton-evseev 1
    • Add error handling to image parsing & filename fix for multipart data

      Add error handling to image parsing & filename fix for multipart data

      I found that there was no good handling for corrupt or unreadable image files, (like a text file mislabled as a .jpg), so this handling seems to work well, assuming the client can catch the errors gracefully. (my project worked with no changes, since I already had error handling in the complete() function)

      In my testing, I also found that the filename would sometimes come through as undefined, the cause appeared to be due to uploading preview images that had been scaled and cropped. (Lost metadata?) This patch fixed my uploads to Amazon S3.

      opened by mix3d 1
    • fix mailru/FileAPI#314 malformed (OSX Unicode NFD)

      fix mailru/FileAPI#314 malformed (OSX Unicode NFD)

      Загрузку папок с Unicode NFD именами победить не удалось, но это не работает ни в Dropbox, ни в Google Drive.

      Принцип фикса в следующем: вместо того чтобы итерировать конкретные массивы dataTransfer.items или dataTransfer.files, пытаем составить новый массив из этих двух. Если entry является файлом и его имя в формате Unicode NFC или entry – папка, значит кладем в новый массив dataTransfer.items[i], иначе dataTransfer.files[i].

      opened by Octane 1
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