Show multiple entity states, attributes and icons in a single card in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI



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Show multiple entity states, attributes and icons in a single card in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI

NOTE: This card is base on the multiple-entities-card

NOTE: This is not a standalone lovelace card, but a row element for the entities card.


Manually add room-card.js to your /www/ folder and add the following to the configuration.yaml file:

    - url: /local/room-card.js
      type: module

OR install using HACS and add this (if in YAML mode):

    - url: /hacsfiles/room-card/room-card.js
      type: module

The above configuration can be managed directly in the Configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards -> Resources panel when not using YAML mode, or added by clicking the "Add to lovelace" button on the HACS dashboard after installing the plugin.


This card produces an room-card and must therefore be configured as an entity in an entities card.

Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:room-card
entity string Required Entity ID (domain.my_entity_id)
attribute string Show an attribute instead of the state value
name string/bool friendly_name Override entity friendly name
unit string/bool unit_of_measurement Override entity unit of measurement
icon string icon Override entity icon or image
image string Show an image instead of icon
toggle bool false Display a toggle (if supported) instead of state
show_state bool true Set to false to hide the main entity
state_color bool false Enable colored icon when entity is active
column bool false Show entities in a column instead of a row
styles object Add custom CSS styles to the state element
format string Formatting Format main state/attribute value
entities list Entity Objects Additional entity IDs or entity object(s)
info_entities list Entity Objects Custom info_entities entity
tap_action object Actions Custom tap action on entity row and state value
hold_action object Custom hold action on entity row
double_tap_action object Custom double tap action on entity row

Entity Objects

Similarly as the default HA entities card, each entity can be specified by an entity ID string, or by an object which allows more customization and configuration.

If you define entities as objects, either entity, attribute or icon needs to be specified. entity is only required if you want to display data from another entity than the main entity specified above. attribute is necessary if you want to display an entity attribute value instead of the state value. icon lets you display an icon instead of a state or attribute value (works well together with a custom tap_action).

Name Type Default Description
entity string A valid entity_id (or skip to use main entity)
attribute string A valid attribute key for the entity
name string/bool friendly_name Override entity friendly name (or false to hide)
unit string/bool unit_of_measurement Override entity unit of measurement (or false to hide)
toggle bool false Display a toggle if supported by domain
icon string/bool false Display default or custom icon instead of state or attribute value
state_color bool false Enable colored icon when entity is active
hide_unavailable bool false Hide entity if unavailable or not found
hide_if object/any Hiding Hide entity if its value matches specified value or criteria
styles object Add custom CSS styles to the entity element
format string Formatting Format entity value
tap_action object Actions Custom entity tap action

Note that hold_action and double_tap_action are currently not supported on additional entities.


This card supports all the default HA actions. See Lovelace Actions for more detailed descriptions and examples.

Name Type Default Description
action string Required more-info, toggle, call-service, url, navigate, fire-dom-event, none
entity string Override entity-id when action is more-info
service string Service to call when action is call-service
service_data object Optional data to include when action is call-service
url_path string URL to open when action is url
navigation_path string Path to navigate to when action is navigate
confirmation bool/object false Enable confirmation dialog
haptic string none Haptic feedback (success, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selection)


The format option supports the following values:

Value Type Description
relative timestamp Convert value to relative time (5 minutes ago)
total timestamp Convert value to relative time (5 minutes)
date timestamp Convert timestamp value to date
time timestamp Convert timestamp value to time
datetime timestamp Convert timestamp value to date and time
brightness number Convert brightness value to percentage
duration number Convert number of seconds to duration (5:38:50)
duration-m number Convert number of milliseconds to duration (5:38:50)
invert number Convert number from positive to negative or vice versa
kilo number Divide number value by 1000 (ex. 1500 W -> 1.5 kW)
position number Reverses a position percentage (ex. 70% open -> 30% closed)
precision<0-9> number Set decimal precision of number value (precision3 -> 18.123)


The hide_if option can be used to hide an entity if its state or attribute value matches the specified criteria. It can be used directly with a string, number or boolean value (i.e. hide_if: 'off'), as a list with several values, or as an object with one or more of the options listed below.

Name Type Description
above number Hidden if entity number value is above the specified value
below number Hidden if entity number value is below the specified value
value list/any Hidden if value matches specified value or any value in a list



- type: custom:room-card
  title: Mancave
  entity: group.mancave_lights
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
    action: toggle
    - entity: light.mancave
      name: Ceiling
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.desk
      name: Desk
      icon: mdi:desk
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.wardrobe
      name: Wardrobe
      icon: mdi:wardrobe-outline
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.monitor
      name: Monitor
      icon: mdi:monitor-shimmer
        action: toggle
    - entity: climate.radiator
      name: Radiator
        action: toggle
    - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor
      show_icon: true
    - entity: binary_sensor.window
      show_icon: true
      icon: mdi:window-closed
    - sensor.motion_sensor_illuminance
    - sensor.motion_sensor_temperature
    - type: custom:simple-thermostat
      entity: climate.radiator_mancave
        - heat
      name: Radiator
      title: Mancave
        _headings: true
        _icons: true
        _names: true
            icon: mdi:fire
            name: On
            icon: mdi:power
            name: Off

- type: custom:room-card
  title: Living
  entity: group.living_lights
    action: toggle
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
    - entity: light.couch
      name: Couch
      icon: mdi:sofa-outline
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.table
      name: Table
      icon: mdi:table-chair
        action: toggle
    - entity:
      name: TV
      icon: mdi:television
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.living_ceiling
      name: Ceiling
      icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat
        action: toggle
    - entity: media_player.chromecast_living
      name: Chromecast
    - entity: media_player.stb_arris_uhd
      name: Ziggo
    - entity: media_player.googlehome
      show_icon: true
      icon: mdi:google-home
    - entity: binary_sensor.smoke_sensor
      show_icon: true
    - sensor.smoke_sensor_air_temperature
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.chromecast_living
        - playing
        - paused
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.stb_arris_uhd
        - playing
        - paused
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.googlehome
        - playing
        - paused

- type: custom:room-card
  title: Hall
  icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat
  entity: light.lamp_overloop
    action: toggle
    - entity: binary_sensor.smoke_sensor
      show_icon: true
    - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor
      show_icon: true
    - sensor.motion_sensor_illuminance_2
    - sensor.motion_sensor_air_temperature_2
- type: custom:room-card
  title: Bedroom
  entity: group.bedroom_lights
  icon: mdi:floor-lamp-outline
    action: toggle
    - entity: light.left
      name: Left
      icon: mdi:floor-lamp-outline
        action: toggle
    - entity: light.right
      name: Right
      icon: mdi:floor-lamp-outline
        action: toggle
    - entity: media_player.chromecast
      name: Chromecast
    - entity: media_player.google_home
      icon: mdi:google-home
      name: Google
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.chromecast
        - playing
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.google_home
        - playing
        - paused
    - title: null
      type: glance
      entity: binary_sensor.hp_printer_connectivity
        - entity: binary_sensor.hp_printer_connectivity
          name: Connected
        - entity: sensor.hp_printer_status
          name: Status
        - entity: sensor.hp_printer_inkcartridge_black
          name: Black
        - entity: sensor.hp_printer_inkcartridge_cyanmagentayellow
          name: Color

- type: custom:room-card
  title: Attic + Garden
  entity: light.attic
  icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
    action: toggle
    - entity: light.attic
      icon: mdi:wall-sconce-flat
      show_icon: true
        action: toggle
    - entity:
      icon: mdi:outdoor-lamp
      show_icon: true
        action: toggle
  • horizontal scrolling

    horizontal scrolling

    hi again me :)

    i got horizontal scrolling issue in app on mobile , when your card is in dashboard i am able to move horizontally screen

    2022-09-18 14 13 51


    type: custom:room-card title: Livingroom rows:

    • entities:
      • entity: light.livingroom_ceiling name: Livingroom ceiling icon: mdi:ceiling-light tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.0x00124b0022727206 name: Livingroom Ambient icon: mdi:led-strip tap_action: action: more-info
      • entity: light.livingroomspotlight name: Livingroom Spot icon: mdi:track-light tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.wc_pathway name: WC Pathway icon: mdi:lightbulb tap_action: action: toggle
    • entities:
      • entity: light.kitchen_spot_1 name: Kitchen Spot 1 icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.kitchen_spot_2 name: Kitchen Spot 2 icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.kitchen_led name: Kitchen Led icon: mdi:led-strip tap_action: action: toggle
    • entities:
      • entity: light.wc_ceiling name: WC Ceiling icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.wc_mirror name: WC Mirror light icon: mdi:led-strip-variant tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: switch.0x5c0272fffe1cae01_l1 name: WC Ventilation icon: mdi:fan state_color: true tap_action: action: toggle
    • entities:
      • entity: light.doorwaygrouplight name: Doorway icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.hallway name: Hallway icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple tap_action: action: toggle
    • entities:
      • entity: cover.0xa4c13862a3c38fec name: Shade tap_action: action: toggle state_color: true
      • entity: fan.0xb4e3f9fffe2b20e6 name: Airpurifier icon: mdi:air-filter tap_action: action: more-info state_color: true info_entities:
    • entity: sensor.livingroomsensor_temperature
    • entity: sensor.livingroomsensor_humidity
    • entity: sensor.0xb4e3f9fffe2b20e6_pm25
    opened by Polimac 28
  • Different formatting

    Different formatting

    I've encountered a difference in the card display on my mobile phone in the HA app and the web browser on my laptop. On the laptop all entities are left aligned but in the mobile app they are centered. Is this correct and if so can you advise me how to align them to the center in the mobile app as well? Thank you

    opened by Jindra-git 25
  • Main entity still required

    Main entity still required

    Describe the bug I read in the release notes that a main entity is not required anymore, but i'm still getting an error when i don't set "entity" I'm using v1.4.1

    Screenshots Captura de Tela 2022-09-21 às 14 48 59

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: macOS
    • Browser: chrome
    • Version: 105

    This is the yaml:

    type: custom:room-card
    title: Quarto
      - entity: light.quarto
        state_color: true
        show_name: false
      - entity:
        show_name: false
      - entity: switch.velocidade_1
        icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
        show_icon: true
        show_name: false
      - entity: switch.velocidade_2
        icon: mdi:fan-speed-2
        show_icon: true
        show_name: false
      - entity: switch.velocidade_3
        icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
        show_icon: true
        show_name: false
    opened by usernein 21
  • Using attributes in icon conditionals doesn't seem to work

    Using attributes in icon conditionals doesn't seem to work

    Describe the bug

    Using attributes in icon conditionals doesn't seem to work

    To Reproduce

    type: custom:room-card
    title: Tester
      - entity: update.home_assistant_core_update
            - icon: mdi:radiator
              attribute: supported_features
              condition: above
              value: 0

    the update.home_assistant_core_update attributes should look something similar to:

    auto_update: false
    installed_version: 2022.9.2
    in_progress: false
    latest_version: 2022.9.2
    release_summary: null
    skipped_version: null
    title: Home Assistant Core
    friendly_name: Home Assistant Core Update
    supported_features: 11

    Expected behavior The icon to be an mdi:radiator as we check the supported_features attribute for a value greater than 0

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: linux
    • Browser: firefox
    • Version: 104.0.2

    Additional context 1, this card is great and exactly the kind of card that HA should be offering by default 2, setting an entity value in the conditional doesn't make any difference

    opened by gordallott 21
  • Values not refreshing on the Dashboard

    Values not refreshing on the Dashboard

    It looks like there is an issue with refreshing the values, for example I have provided luminosity

    I've attached the picture of entity card and room-card. The values is refreshed on entity card but not on room-card.


    I'm also attaching the config of room-card:

    type: custom:room-card
    title: Living room
      - entity: binary_sensor.living_room_balcony_doors
        show_icon: true
          state_on: mdi:window-open-variant
          state_off: mdi:window-closed-variant
      - entity: binary_sensor.living_room_sensor
        show_icon: true
          entity: binary_sensor.living_room_sensor_unavailable
          state: true
      - entity: media_player.living_room_group
        icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
        show_icon: true
      - sensor.living_room_sensor_temperature
      - sensor.living_room_sensor_luminosity
      - type: custom:mini-media-player
        entity: media_player.living_room_group
          - playing
        group: true
        source: icon
        info: short
          controls: true
      style: |
        ha-card {
          color: #EFEFEF;
          border-radius: 15px;
    opened by elninosi 18
  • Hide_if does not work with switch or helper

    Hide_if does not work with switch or helper

    Which version of Room Card? 1.07.00

    Describe the bug Hide_if works well with entities, but won't with (created by HA in helpers section) or entities created in Node-Red.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    Create a Room Card containing the below type of hide_if: rows:

    • entities:
      • entity: light.0e_ceiling_light name: Ceiling show_icon: true tap_action: action: toggle
      • entity: light.0e_mirror_light name: Mirror icon: mdi:mirror-rectangle show_icon: true tap_action: action: toggle hide_if: conditions:
        • condition: equals entity: switch.visibility_0e value: 'on'

    Expected behavior It should work with any boolean type of entities, not only with one (some) of them.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    OS: Win10 Browser Firefox Version 105.03 HA: Home Assistant 2022.10.1 (Docker) Room Card installed via HACS

    opened by tanker11 17
  • Tap action not working on card title

    Tap action not working on card title

    Hi there - love the card, thanks. Seems I can't get the tap-action to work however. My code is as follows:

    type: entities title: Upstairs Lights entity: light.upstairs tap-action: action: toggle icon: mdi:lightbulb-group

    Clicking anywhere in the title area has no effect.

    opened by nbanbury 15
  • Crashing if using card_mod

    Crashing if using card_mod

    Which version of Room Card? 1.07.00

    Describe the bug If a Room Card is used with a certain code of card_mod containing templates, Lovelace GUI reports "connection lost" periodically. Dame card_mod code does not cause same on other card types.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create a Room Card: type: custom:room-card title: Storage entity: light.0f_storage_main tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline show_icon: true

    2. Add the following code at the end: card_mod: style: | ha-card {

      border: {% if is_state('light.0f_storage_main', 'on') %} solid 1px var(--paper-item-icon-active-color) {% else %} solid 1px var(--primary-background-color) {% endif %} ; box-shadow: {% if is_state('light.0_furdo', 'on') %} 0px 0px 10px 3px var(--paper-item-icon-active-color) {% else %} none {% endif %} ;


    Expected behavior It tries to make a 'glow' effect if the entity is on. And it works on other cards (like a simple entity card).

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Win10
    • Browser Firefox
    • Version 105.03

    HA: Home Assistant 2022.10.1 (Docker) Room Card installed via HACS

    opened by tanker11 12
  • Status updates are not propagated to items in section

    Status updates are not propagated to items in section "cards:"

    If one includes another card in subsection "cards:" - updates won't get propagated to it. Only way to see updated status (like light on / off or temp update) is to refresh whole page.

    As a simple example - inclusion of multiple-entity-row will not update any buttons.

      - entity: switch.office_main_power
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    opened by tomtom13 10
  • 'TypeError: t is undefined' when main entity is not defined.

    'TypeError: t is undefined' when main entity is not defined.

    I have strange error [TypeError: t is undefined] when I make undefined the main entity:

               - type: custom:room-card
                 title: Hallway
                 hide_title: false
                 icon: mdi:door-closed-lock
                #  entity: sensor.hallway_lumi_weather_temperature
                 show_icon: true
                #  tap_action: none
                #  double_tap_action: none
                   - entity: light.hallway_rgb_bulb
                     show_icon: true
                     state_color: true
                     name: Light
                   - entity: binary_sensor.tapo_camera_motion
                     show_icon: true
                     state_color: true
                     hide_unavailable: true
                     name: Motion
                   - entity: camera.tapo_camera_sd
                     show_icon: true
                     name: Camera
                   - entity: binary_sensor.hallway_entrance_door_contact
                     show_icon: true
                     state_color: true
                     name: Door
                   - entity: sensor.hallway_lumi_weather_humidity
                     format: precision1
                   - entity: sensor.hallway_lumi_weather_temperature
                     format: precision1

    Originally posted by @aIexus in

    opened by aIexus 10
  • [Feature Request] Set a different icon if a condition is met

    [Feature Request] Set a different icon if a condition is met

    Hi @marcokreeft87,

    Would it be possible to add the option to get a different icon if a certain condition is met? I.e. Specify a tilted window icon for when the window tilt sensor is higher than 0 °.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by mihsu81 10
  • Add 'AND' for hide_if conditions

    Add 'AND' for hide_if conditions

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. no

    Have you tried if it is already a feature? Have you checked the wiki? yes

    Describe the solution you'd like Add 'AND' for conditions

    I am using lighting objects. I have a chandelier with 2 groups of lamps. I would like to display a row with additional lighting information if one of the two groups of lamps is enabled. Now I can only configure if both are enabled

    opened by Blacksli 7
  • unwanted switching toggle entities while scrolling on phone etc

    unwanted switching toggle entities while scrolling on phone etc

    Version: 1.07.00 but I guest for all of them

    Describe the bug On and off (toggle) entities on phone where we`re using finger and scrolling entities turn on... but should on when I press on that button, please have a look on video, this is not happened on other entities or some other functions on HA :)

    To Reproduce use phone or watch a movie..


    Desktop (please complete the following information): On laptop we don`t use touch screen but will be the same.

    • Device:iphone and adroid
    opened by Murcin86 9
  • Error:

    Error: "Custom element doesn't exist" on builtin cards

    Describe the bug There seems to be an issue with embedding builtin cards

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create a custom:room-card
    2. Add a sub-card using any builtin card (ex: picture-glance)
    3. Click on 'save'
    4. Reload the page
    5. See error

    Example YAML:

    type: custom:room-card
    title: Kitchen
      - camera_view: live
        type: picture-glance
        title: Kitchen
          - entity: sensor.uptime

    Expected behavior Custom room card should be visible with builtin card

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Linux
    • Browser: Firefox
    • Version: 105.0.1

    Additional context Looks like this may be related to #64

    opened by rummik 19
  • 1.07.05(Dec 9, 2022)

  • 1.07.04(Dec 9, 2022)

  • 1.07.03(Nov 23, 2022)

  • 1.07.02(Nov 16, 2022)

  • 1.07.01(Nov 2, 2022)

  • 1.07.00(Oct 19, 2022)

    • Added Support for templating for styles
    • Added Support for templating for title
    • Added Support for templating for name

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.06.41(Oct 14, 2022)

  • v1.06.40(Oct 13, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • content_alignment (left, center or right) for rows by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.30(Oct 12, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Content_alignment for entities row by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.21(Oct 12, 2022)

    • Fixed Cards not updating on every state change

    What's Changed

    • Card not updating on every state change by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.20(Oct 11, 2022)

    • Added Hide_if for cards

    What's Changed

    • Test coverage by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.14(Oct 6, 2022)

    • Fixed Entity not updating when passed as string and not object

    What's Changed

    • Entity not updating passed as string not object by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.13(Oct 6, 2022)

    • Fixed Refreshing was not happening in editor and some entities

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.12(Oct 2, 2022)

    • Fixed No more horizontal scrolling when using rows

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.11(Sep 29, 2022)

    • Fixed When using conditions with attribute it was being cached and use for the next condition

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    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.10(Sep 29, 2022)

    • Added Hiding feature for entity rows

    What's Changed

    • Hiding feature for entity rows by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.06.01(Sep 28, 2022)

    • Fixed Formatting not working for entities and row entities

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  • v1.06.00(Sep 27, 2022)

    • Added Notification when entity doest not have attribute given
    • Added Entity templates to make yaml configs smaller and reduce duplications (

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  • v1.05.04(Sep 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • When giving precision and unit error was thrown by @marcokreeft87 in

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  • v1.05.03(Sep 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

      • by @marcokreeft87 in
    • Precision not working correct decimal point locale by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.05.02(Sep 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Fixed Some custom cards (like gauge and thermostat) gave the error 'n.setConfig is not a function Added New version numbering method (1.05.02 in stead of 1.5.2) to make smaller updates possible

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.1(Sep 21, 2022)

  • v1.5.0(Sep 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Condition templating by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.4.1(Sep 21, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Moved the actions from icon to title by @marcokreeft87 in

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  • v1.4.0(Sep 21, 2022)

    There was a regression bug sneaking in. The main entity was required. Now it isnt any more.

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  • v1.3.9(Sep 20, 2022)

    Fully unit test covered application and start with showing when user forgot config settings.

    For example:


    What's Changed

    • Test code by @marcokreeft87 in

    Full Changelog:

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  • v1.3.8(Sep 15, 2022)

    Fixed bug attribute last-changed and last-updated showing 'never'

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  • v1.3.7(Sep 13, 2022)

    Fixed bug icon state_on and state_off not working for input_boolean and switch.

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.6(Sep 12, 2022)

  • v1.3.5(Sep 12, 2022)

Marco Kreeft
Marco Kreeft
🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo)

English | 简体中文 dva Lightweight front-end framework based on redux, redux-saga and react-router. (Inspired by elm and choo) Features Easy to learn, eas

null 16.1k Jan 4, 2023
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

React · React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple view

Facebook 200k Jan 4, 2023
Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events

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Jeremy Ashkenas 28k Jan 9, 2023
A blazing fast React alternative, compatible with IE8 and React 16.

Nerv is a virtual-dom based JavaScript (TypeScript) library with identical React 16 API, which offers much higher performance, tinier package size and

null 5.4k Jan 4, 2023
Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators.

Crank.js Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators. Documentation is available at Crank.js is in a beta phase,

null 2.5k Jan 1, 2023
The simplest way to create web components from plain objects and pure functions! 💯

?? One of the four nominated projects to the "Breakthrough of the year" category of Open Source Award in 2019 hybrids is a UI library for creating web

hybrids 2.7k Dec 27, 2022
Simple and elegant component-based UI library

Simple and elegant component-based UI library Custom components • Concise syntax • Simple API • Tiny Size Riot brings custom components to all modern

Riot.js 14.7k Jan 4, 2023
A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code

Cycle.js A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code Website | Packages | Contribute | Chat | Support Welcome Question Answer

Cycle.js 10.2k Jan 4, 2023
A Web Component compiler for building fast, reusable UI components and static site generated Progressive Web Apps

Stencil: A Compiler for Web Components and PWAs npm init stencil Stencil is a simple compiler for generating Web Components and static site generated

Ionic 11.3k Jan 4, 2023
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Solid is a declarative JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It does not use a Virtual DOM. Instead it opts to compile its templates down t

Ryan Carniato 24.5k Jan 4, 2023
Re-developed the Sky Ice Cream website using ReactJS. Redesigned the UI to a much more appealing and intuitive styling.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: npm start Runs the app in the developmen

Aakash Jana 1 Dec 27, 2021
Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to Vue, React, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more.

Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to: At a glance Mitosis is inspired by many modern frameworks. You'll see components look like React c 7.7k Jan 1, 2023
An utility to monitor changes in websites and send emails when found.

website-check An utility to monitor changes in websites and send emails when found. Usage: $ npm i -g website-check $ website-check /path/to/config.js

Cheng Zhao 5 Mar 21, 2022
🙌 Check if a Discord user is sponsoring you/someone on GitHub and give them roles!

Discord: Is User Sponsor? A bot that gives roles if a user is supporting you on GitHub! Uses Discord OAuth and Discord GitHub integration to get user'

EGGSY 18 Jun 27, 2022
Open source forensic software to analyze and present digital evidence.

Go Forensics Website Open source forensic software to analyze and present digital evidence. This is the website for Go Forensics Installation Yarn is

Mooij Technologies 3 Apr 29, 2022
ENS Avatar resolver library for both nodejs and browser.

ens-avatar Avatar resolver library for both nodejs and browser. Getting started Prerequisites Have your web3 provider ready (web3.js, ethers.js) [Only

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) 27 Dec 30, 2022
Microsoft Club - Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology's Website

Microsoft Club - Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology's Website This repository contains the source code for the current deployment of our w

Microsoft Club - Sathyabama IST 6 Jul 25, 2022
🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons

IconPark English | 简体中文 Introduction IconPark gives access to more than 2000 high-quality icons, and introduces an interface for customizing your icon

Bytedance Inc. 6.8k Jan 5, 2023
Storybook Addon Root Attributes to switch html, body or some element attributes (multiple) at runtime for you story

Storybook Addon Root Attributes What is this This project was inspired by le0pard/storybook-addon-root-attribute The existing library received only on

정현수 5 Sep 6, 2022