Backend postgreSQL created from scratch, 4-person team, 2 day-sprint.



Created a backend bookstore API from scratch. Project and testing created vertically.

Created BY

Michelle Nygren

Bailey Kuebelbeck

Kevin Do

Brett Seifried

Project Routes:





Project Goals:

  • User can get a list of Publishers
  • User can get a list of Books
  • User can get a list of Authors
  • User can get a list of Reviewers
  • User can get a list of Reviews (limited to the top 100 highest rated)
  • User can get a single Publisher
  • User can get a single Book
  • User can get a single Author
  • User can get a single Reviewer
  • User can add a Publisher, Book, Author, Reviewer, and Review
  • User can update a Reviewer
  • User can delete a Reviewer if they don’t have any reviews
  • End-to-end (E2E) tests exist for all the supported routes
  • API is deployed to Heroku

ER Model:


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