Employee Management System is a web application developed using Django(Backend) which manages the record of employees, their salary, attendance. publish public notices, assign works to employees, request can be sent employees.
Employee Management System built in a Python Framework Django and PostgreSQL as Database. This webapp include the functionality like...
- Login / Registration (Admin, Employee)
- Add / Manage Employee (Admin)
- Publish / Manage Notice (Admin)
- Add / Manage Attendance (Admin)
- Assign / Manage Work (Employee)
- Send Request (Employee)
- View Request, Notice, Works etc...
How to Use this Project?
- Install Python to your System.
- Run Following command to your terminal.
pip install django
- Install Pipenv for Virtual Environment, run the command...
pip install pipenv
- Clone the repository to your local system.
- Enter in Virtual Environment by running following command in Current Working Directory.
pipenv shell
- Setup PostgreSQL Database and update database name and password in settings.py file in employeemanagement.
- Make the Migrations, run the command
python manage.py makemigrations
- Migrate the App, run the command
python manage.py migrate
- Finally Run the App, run the command.
python manage.py runserver
- Hola, It's running !!
Check out more Screenshots in Screenshot Folder...
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