Multiple Selection Combo Box using Bootstrap 3


GitHub issues GitHub closed issues GitHub milestones npm GitHub Release Date

MagicSuggest v2.1.6 Bug Fix

  • (fix) Disabled arbitrary HTML and SCRIPT execution on input.

MagicSuggest v2.1.5

  • (fix) prepend close button instead of appending it
  • (fix) updated magicsuggest-min.js with current master code
  • (fea) dynamically update max selection size

MagicSuggest v2.0.0

MagicSuggest has a new home here: It includes a great new API documentation, examples, tutorials and more!

Milestone change log:

MagicSuggest v.2.0.0

  • New home at to run dynamic examples that gh-pages couldn't handle
  • Now runs with Bootstrap 3 (required)
  • Responsive design
  • No more intrusive loading

v1.3.1 BugFixing again! (Minor Tagged Milestone - August 17th, 2013)

v1.3.0 Some more features and bugfixing (Minor Tagged Milestone - May 25th, 2013)

  • (fea) combo component can now be fetched through the same div element (credits to meghuizen -
  • (fix) CSS bug with 1.2.7+ with triggerHidden (credits to ScullWM -
  • (fix) container would always render with 1 row even though a bunch of data was loaded (credits to travishaagen -
  • (fea) added minimum jQuery version to work in docs (credits to rajeshmeniya -
  • (fix) input was not correctly enabled / disabled (credits to zerekw -
  • (fea) added getName and setName to easily fetch/set form name of component (credits to jbmoens -
  • (fix) when a value is specified in the DOM original element, it is passed correctly to MS. (credits to jbmoens -
  • (fix) input space now always uses the remaining space as this leads to less issues.
  • (fea) combo has now more logic when used for a single selection combo box.
  • (fix) space taken for single selection on a small combo remains on one line. (credits to ScullWM -
  • (fea) multiple items can now be selected through the Ctrl key (credits to meghuizen -
  • (fea) trigger icon now uses pure CSS (credits to meghuizen -
  • (fea) cfg(data) can now take a function as parameter (credits to meghuizen -
  • (fea) cfg(data) can take a json object whose data items are within the results property
  • (fix) CSS has been fixed so it behaves correctly within a bootstrap modal (credits to daenuprobst -
  • (fea) suggestion rendering optimized by reducing draw calls to one. (credits to meghuizen -
  • (fix) tags can now longer be removed when the combo is disabled (credits to grena -
  • (fix) setting data was only going through visible set of suggestions (credits to grena -
  • (fix) missing semi-colons, went through full jslint (credits to grena -
  • (fix) suggestions were not appearing when maxSuggestions was set to 10. (credits to zerekw - and plasmaxy -
  • (fix) the clear function was broken (credits to travishaagen -
  • (fea) the component's config can now be setup entirely from the DOM container element.
  • (fea) added a silent mode to selection changing methods in order to know if it was user-triggered or not. (credits to travishaagen -
  • (fea) added a setData(object) method to fill the combo after it has been rendered (credits to travishaagen -
  • (fix) ajax query was sent twice when the user was typing faster than the typeDelay (credits to arvenom -
  • (fix) highlighting the search results was also highlighting html tags when using custom rendering (credits to pstuart2 -
  • (fea) added cfg(strictSuggest) so that user can choose how the suggestions will be made
  • (fea) added cfg(toggleOnClick) so that the user can expand/close the combo by clicking on it (credits to psulek -
  • (fix) empty suggestion text was wrongly triggered when performing initial ajax call (credits to curtgrimes -
  • (fea) added cfg(selectionRenderer) (credits to pstuart2 -
  • (fix) empty text class was not triggered properly (credits to jods4 -
  • (fix) IE8 compatibility (credits to Airborn22 -
  • (fea) MagicSuggest can now be rendered from a select dom component. (credits to Yogu -
  • (fea) on blur now automatically adds the typed text to the selection if free entries are allowed (credits to Airborn22 -
  • (fea) new public method empty() which will clear the user text.
  • (fix) make sure combo is filled prior to triggering load event
  • (fea) renamed some events for better readability

v1.2.0 Standardization on jQuery plugins (Minor Tagged Milestone - Mar. 4th 2013)

  • (fix) fixed disabled behaviour when one could still edit the emptyText
  • (fix) collapse method would throw an error
  • (cfg) typeDelay: Amount (in ms) between keyboard registers (credits to jayesbee -
  • (fea) standardized on jQuery plugin (credits to jayesbee -
  • (fea) added documentation examples
  • (cfg) name: name used for magicsuggest as a form element (credits to iambibhas -
  • (fix) start up rendering when value rendered as text
  • (cfg) dataParams: additional parameters for ajax request (credits to jayesbee -
  • (fix) other rendering issues with inner text

v1.1.0 Various enhancements and bug fixing (Minor Tagged Milestone - Feb. 19th 2013)

  • (fea) close cross style now blends in a bit more
  • (fea) escape now collapses the combo (without loosing focus)
  • (fix) can't enter entries made out of space
  • (cfg) noSuggestionText: text displayed when there are no suggestions from given data
  • (cfg) minCharsRenderer: allows to customize message when not enough characters are entered to trigger a search
  • (cfg) maxEntryRenderer: allows to customize message when too many characters have been entered
  • (cfg) maxEntryLength: amount of characters to limit user input
  • (cfg) style: custom style applied to the main container
  • (cfg) infoMsgCls: custom class to apply to the helper
  • (fea) new helper message on upper right to inform on the component status
  • (cfg) id: allows to give the component a custom ID
  • (cfg) inputCfg : allows additional parameters passed out to the INPUT tag. Enables usage of AngularJS's custom tags for ex.
  • (cfg) renderer : allows custom rendering within the combo.
  • (cfg) groupBy : allows grouping within the combo box listing.
  • (fix) blur event now registers correctly when selecting an element from the combo
  • (fix) flicker in IE when hovering trigger
  • (cfg) strictSuggest : set how suggestions will be proposed
  • (fix) maxResults is now correctly interpreted
  • (fix) maxSelection is now correctly interpreted
  • (cfg) method : set the ajax method, default to 'POST'
  • (fea) ajax request can now interpret multiple results from server base.
  • (fix) bug where the blur event would be triggered when clicking upon the page
  • (cfg) required : triggers invalid / valid events when not filled
  • (fea) validation through isValid() method

v1.0. initial component release

  • choose to allow free entries or not
  • keyboard management
  • theme ability
  • static and dynamic data processing
  • positionning
  • Empty dropdown displayed when data source is JSON

    Empty dropdown displayed when data source is JSON

    I have run into a problem. I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but when I use a data source that is in JSON format (either inline on the page or calling an agent on the server that return JSON), the MagicSuggest box renders a blank dropdown, containing one blank entry/row: magicsuggestbug

    As soon as I click in the field, the empty dropdown goes away, and I have access to all the values. I tried to set focus programatically, but that made no difference.

    My code is below. Where it says Computed Value (with less-than and greater-than before/after), IBM Domino (my server/publishing system) will fill in values before sending the HTML to the browser. In the value field, I have the current values, in data I have a JSON string (see sample after the code), and in the commented out line (where I did the Ajax call) I simply pass the path of the database/application and the ID of the person I am performing the lookup for. That URL does return valid JSON.

    var DSM4Axis1 = $('#DSM4Axis1').magicSuggest({
        name: 'DSM4Axis1',
        value: [<Computed Value>],
        data: [<Computed Value>],
        resultAsString: true,
        required: true,
        width: 630,
        maxDropHeight: 200,
        displayField: 'description',
        valueField: 'id',
        sortOrder: 'description'
        //data: '/<Computed Value>/ajax_GetDSM4Codes?OpenAgent&Axis=1&ClientUNID=<Computed Value>'

    This is what is being sent to the browser:

    value: ['V62.3'], data: [{"id":"290","description":"Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, w/ Late Onset, Uncomplicated"},{"id":"290.1","description":"Dementia Due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease"},{"id":"290.1","description":"Dementia Due to Pick's Disease"},{"id":"290.1","description":"Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, w/ Early Onset, Uncomplicated"},{"id":"290.11","description":"Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, w/ Early Onset, w/ Delirium"},{"id":"290.12","description":"Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, w/ Early Onset, w/ Delusions"},{"id":"290.13","description":"Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, w/ Early Onset, w/ Depressed Mood"}],

    You can test it your self. The site is, login as "Github Tester", with the password "github". Click on the client name "Magic Suggest", select the Assessment tab and you can see that the Axis I and Axis II fields exhibit the above mentioned characteristic.

    Note: if I just add regular data values, it works, but I need to display a long description but store only the code.

    opened by TexasSwede 18
  • Remove comma in freeInput

    Remove comma in freeInput

    Hi! I noticed today that the comma consistently adds new. I did not find any information about it on the latest version, so I left looked a little source code magicsuggest and I modified 1382 line like this so you do not have commas:

    // if no selection or if freetext entered and free entries allowed, add new obj to selection
                            if(inputValid === true && cfg.allowFreeEntries === true) {
                                obj[cfg.displayField] = obj[cfg.valueField] = freeInput.trim().replace(',','');
                                ms.collapse(); // reset combo suggestions

    It may not be the best solution, but I wanted to report the problem.

    opened by kentosama 15
  • Set initial value with remote dynamic data

    Set initial value with remote dynamic data

    Hi !

    First, thank you for magicsuggest, it's really usefull ! I was trying to do the following :

            ms = $("#tag-selector").magicSuggest({
                data: "http://my-website.tld/tag-autocomplete-service"
                value: $("#my-input-hidden-with-tags").val().split(','),

    but i was unable to set the initial value in the magicsuggestion box unless i'm using a static data set ( ["foo","bar","hello"] ) and my intial values are in this static data-set

    is there a way to set initial value while data is fetch through a remote service that provides values based on ?query parameter and not all possible values (too large)

    I hope it's understandable ;-)

    opened by Amo 15
  • Jquery 3+ not suportted size()

    Jquery 3+ not suportted size()


    I'm trying to put your js library in a project, with jquery 3.1.1 and I just noticed that it gives an error, since from version 3 of jquery you can not use the size() method [].

    Starting from 3+ you must use the length property instead of the size() method.

    Therefore, you have to restrict the library for use with jquery> = 1.8 and <3 and recompile the library with that change so you can use it with jquery 3+. The change only affects 2 lines of code and I have tried it and it works correctly.

    Thank you very much.

    Regards, Hector.

    opened by sanmolhec 14
  • Is there a way to clear all objects?

    Is there a way to clear all objects?

    I want to initially load data, then the user can check boxes to filter what appears in the magic suggest dropdown. I need to either hide/show, or reload. Can MagicSuggest do this?

    opened by jmalone30 11
  • Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

    Just updated the min version of Magic Suggest and suddenly getting this error.

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,

    This is the javascript that initiates the MB.

    $("body").on('focus', '.event_servers', function(e){

        var curServers = $(this).val().split(',');
        if($serverList.indexOf('You do not have permission!') == -1){
            var ms = $(this).magicSuggest({
                data: $serverList,
                selectionPosition: 'right',
                allowFreeEntries: false,
                useTabKey: true,
                typeDelay: 200,
                value: curServers
        } else {
            $(this).attr('type', 'hidden');
            $(this).after('<p>You do not have permission to select a server or a server was not assigned to you.<\/p>');

    This is within tabs, so need to only initiate the MB when a tab is opened. Yet on the previous version that I had it was working BUT, if there was a single number like 29, it was splitting it into 2 & 9 unless there were 2 consecutive numbers like 29,30. I updated the script to find that I then get the above error, so going back to the older version and still struggling to fix the problem.

    Many thanks,

    opened by ghost 11
  • Select values from loaded magicsuggest combo box

    Select values from loaded magicsuggest combo box

    Hi Nicolas, I need your help to resolve an issue which I've been trying to figure out for a day now. I have few magicsuggest boxes which contain some data and I need to select some of them when the page loads. Actually I'm setting selected data into a cookie and the next page load I need to set the values which i have selected previously to the particular combo box. image

    This is the maggicsuggest init source;

    var htlFacilities = $("#htlFacilities").magicSuggest({ data: COMMON_DATA_SEARCH_URL, dataUrlParams: {type:4,maxRows:10}, valueField: 'code', allowFreeEntries: false, name: 'htlFacilities' });

    and in the next page load I'm trying to do something like this

    $("#htlFacilities").magicSuggest({ data: COMMON_DATA_SEARCH_URL, dataUrlParams: {type:4,maxRows:10}, valueField: 'code', editable: false, name: 'htlFacilities', value: [spHotel.htlFacilities]

    spHotel.htlFacilities is values from cookie.

    is there any way to select values from loaded magicsuggest box? please help

    opened by gihanep 11
  • Values default

    Values default

    Hey Everyone,

    I can't get the plugin to work with values that should be in for default.

    It works when using local data. But when I pull the data from a url (json) the default values dissapear. Any suggestions?

    opened by timhanssen 11
  • I am not able to apply this and i am new in developing

    I am not able to apply this and i am new in developing

    I am totally new in development


        <link href="magic/magicsuggest-min.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="magic/magicsuggest-min.js"></script>
        <form action="subscribe.php" method="post">
            <div class="form-group">
                <label>Custom placeholder</label>
                <div id="site"></div>

    ===========> magic.js


    Please Help me friends

    output: op

    opened by gdhiren99 10
  • z-index issue with multiple magicsuggest/s

    z-index issue with multiple magicsuggest/s


    [tried in latest chrome & firefox] I have two magicsuggest initialized in one page: say first one is at row 1, and the other one is at row 2. the layout is like:

    magicsuggest_1 magicsuggest_2

    The issue is that: when click on the first magicsuggest, in the dropdown, the magicsuggest_2's input box is displayed.

    I tried to manually add a higher z-index to magicsuggest_1, then it behaves properly. However, it's too handy when i have many magicsuggest in a page.

    So, my question is : do we have a way to avoid this automatically at the plugin level.

    Thanks, Shenghu

    opened by shenghuy 9
  • console log error since 2.1.6 and jquery 3.6

    console log error since 2.1.6 and jquery 3.6


    I am having an issue with the last version of maggicsuggest 2.1.6; when I click on the area of the selection and click back outside (anywhere on the body of my page) I got this:

    Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined: => on this part of the code:

    $("body").on('click', function (e) { if (ms.container.hasClass('ms-ctn-focus') && ms.container.has( === 0 && $('class').indexOf('ms-res-item') < 0 && **** this cause the isssue **** $('class').indexOf('ms-close-btn') < 0 && ms.container[0] !== { handlers._onBlur(); } });

    Changing this to 2.1.5 version fix my issue:

    $("body").click(function(e) { if(ms.container.hasClass('ms-ctn-focus') && ms.container.has( === 0 &&'ms-res-item') < 0 &&'ms-close-btn') < 0 && ms.container[0] !== { handlers._onBlur(); } });

    I am running jquery 3.6; Am I missing something? Maybe the error is on my side

    Best regards,

    opened by DeltaGM5 8
  • How add paste event support to magicsuggest?

    How add paste event support to magicsuggest?

    I want to add support for the paste event in magicsuggest.

    I added this code to magicsuggest.js:

    ms.container.on('paste', $.proxy(handlers._onPaste, this)); ...

    _onPaste: function (e) {


     this.expandForPasteEvent = function () {
                if (!cfg.expanded) {
                    cfg.expanded = true;
                    $(this).trigger('expand', [this]);

    But it doesn't work in every case. Maybe there's an easier way to do it?

    opened by michaellux 1
  • Pagination or Lazy load informations

    Pagination or Lazy load informations

    Hi I want request to my service with your plugin.My service return 20 exist record and if exist greater than 20 only show 20 records and show all exist record in total fields.I want to use lazy load when if total fields greater than 20 and again request to service for add next 20 records.How can i resolve this issue with your plugin? thanks

    opened by dmbehrouz 0
  • allowFreeEntries does not clean input text when no valid suggestion is written

    allowFreeEntries does not clean input text when no valid suggestion is written

    Not sure if this plugin is still receiving maintenance, but I'm having an issue when setting allowFreeEntries to false, the thing is that based on the example of the usage of this property on the demo page, when setting allowFreeEntries to false as soon as you write something that does not match with some of the items in the input list and then you leave the input, the input content is cleaned, but when trying that locally, using the latest version that this repo has, the behavior is not what I mention... The input keeps its value despite the aforementioned property is set to false. So my question is, does the demo page have a different version of this plugin? What can I do to have this working as expected?

    opened by fablexis 1
  • getSelection() given new Item but with out id, On saving the newItem in DB, i want the new ID to be set for next selection

    getSelection() given new Item but with out id, On saving the newItem in DB, i want the new ID to be set for next selection

    Hi I have a list on which a data is fetched from server say [{id: "39", tagname: "Seller"}, {id: "4", tagname: "Financier"}, {id: 57,tagname: "Builder"}, {tagname: "Broker"}]

    The above example fetched 3 records having id as 39,4,57 with values 'Seller",Financial,Builder respectively, new tag was entered 'Broker" which was not part of the data.

    On Selection Change event an ajax request was sent to server to get the new Id of "Broker" as 87,

    i tried using setSelection (with all 4 records) but it is not working properly , please suggest, i need to set the selection of the magicsuggest with new id received from the server as so that when i use getSelection(), it should returen with updated json object as [{id: "39", tagname: "Seller"}, {id: "4", tagname: "Financier"}, {id: 57,tagname: "Builder"}, {id:87,tagname: "Broker"}]

    where i am doing wrong

    opened by rajeshkhetrapal 1
  • Programmatically selecting with setSelection

    Programmatically selecting with setSelection

    I'm trying to programmatically select an element in a combo box powered by MagicSuggest.

    The following code, the first time gives an error, the second time works as expected, the third time gives error, the fourth time works, and so on:

    citta = $('#ms_citta').magicSuggest().getData().find(x => === 'Genova');

    The error is:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cap' of undefined
        at MagicSuggest.eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:113417:26)
        at MagicSuggest.dispatch (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:3:8549)
        at MagicSuggest.r.handle (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:3:5252)
        at Object.trigger (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:3:7650)
        at Object.e.event.trigger (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:2:6732)
        at MagicSuggest.eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:3:15517)
        at Function.each (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:2:2975)
        at e.fn.init.each (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:2:835)
        at e.fn.init.trigger (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:3:15493)
        at MagicSuggest.removeFromSelection (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (VM8367 jquery.min.js:2))), <anonymous>:1:3563)
    opened by marcomarsala 1
  • v2.1.6(Nov 5, 2020)

  • v2.1.5(Oct 30, 2020)


     * prepend close button instead of appending it.  * updated magicsuggest-min.js with current master code


     * dynamically update max selection size.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(May 18, 2014)

    A lot of changes and rewrite. Component is now fully compatible with BS3. In fact it requires BS3 to work properly. It tackes down responsive design. Its default style and options have changed. Also includes use cases, a tutorial and a whole new in-depth documentation with examples.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3(May 14, 2014)

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