Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.


n8n - Workflow Automation Tool - Workflow Automation

n8n is an extendable workflow automation tool. With a fair-code distribution model, n8n will always have visible source code, be available to self-host, and allow you to add your own custom functions, logic and apps. n8n's node-based approach makes it highly versatile, enabling you to connect anything to everything. - Screenshot


📺 A short demo (< 3 min) which shows how to create a simple workflow which automatically sends a new Slack notification every time a Github repository received or lost a star.

Available integrations

n8n has 200+ different nodes to automate workflows. The list can be found on:


The official n8n documentation can be found under:

Additional information and example workflows on the website:

The changelog can be found here and the list of breaking changes here.



Execute: npm run start

Sign-up for an account.

While and n8n are the same in terms of features, provides certain conveniences such as:

  • Not having to set up and maintain your n8n instance
  • Managed OAuth for authentication
  • Easily upgrading to the newer n8n versions


If you have problems or questions go to our forum, we will then try to help you asap:


If you are interested in working for n8n and so shape the future of the project check out our job posts:

What does n8n mean and how do you pronounce it?

Short answer: It means "nodemation" and it is pronounced as n-eight-n.

Long answer: "I get that question quite often (more often than I expected) so I decided it is probably best to answer it here. While looking for a good name for the project with a free domain I realized very quickly that all the good ones I could think of were already taken. So, in the end, I chose nodemation. 'node-' in the sense that it uses a Node-View and that it uses Node.js and '-mation' for 'automation' which is what the project is supposed to help with. However, I did not like how long the name was and I could not imagine writing something that long every time in the CLI. That is when I then ended up on 'n8n'." - Jan Oberhauser, Founder and CEO,

Development Setup

Have you found a bug 🐛 ? Or maybe you have a nice feature to contribute ? The CONTRIBUTING guide will help you get your development environment ready in minutes.


n8n is fair-code distributed under Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause license.

Additional information about license can be found in the FAQ.

  • n8n is not open source and your project is gaslighting its users

    n8n is not open source and your project is gaslighting its users

    This behavior is not acceptable. Even the Commons Clause itself tells you not to describe your software as open source, see the FAQ:

    The Apache license is a well known and respected license, and the "Commons Clause" leverages the language of the also well known "Creative Commons", together creating a false impression that this software is distributed by a respectable group of developers. You cannot rely on putting its name there to correct your lies.

    Your software is rightly called "source available". Do not gaslight us. In the words of Randall Monroe:

    I just noticed CVS has started stocking homeopathic pills on the same shelves with--and labeled similarly to--their actual medicine. Telling someone who trusts you that you're giving them medicine, when you know you're not, because you want their money, isn't just lying--it's like an example you'd make up if you had to illustrate for a child why lying is wrong.

    Note: If you lock this issue you are a liar and a coward. Hear the anger of those you've wronged.

    Edit: this link is useful for onlookers wondering I'm angry out of the gate.

    opened by ddevault 378
  • :sparkles: TheHive & Cortex nodes

    :sparkles: TheHive & Cortex nodes

    Hi n8n team,

    This contribution contains the integrations of TheHive Project in the form of three nodes:

    • TheHive node
      • Alert
        • List alerts
        • Fetch one alert
        • Create an alert
        • Update an alert
        • Search alerts
        • Count alerts (API v1 only)
        • Merge an alert into existing Case
        • Promote an alert into new Case
        • Execute a responder
      • Observable
        • List observables
        • Fetch one observable
        • Create an observable
        • Update an observable
        • Search observables
        • Count observables (API v1 only)
        • Execute an analyzer
        • Execute a responder
      • Case
        • List cases
        • Fetch one case
        • Create a case
        • Update a case
        • Search cases
        • Count cases (API v1 only)
        • Execute a responder
      • Task
        • List task (specified Case)
        • Fetch one task
        • Create a task
        • Update a task
        • Search tasks
        • Count tasks (API v1 only)
        • Execute a responder
      • Log
        • List logs
        • Fetch one log
        • Create a log
        • Execute a responder
    • Cortex node
      • Analyzer
        • Execute
      • Responder
        • Execute
      • Job
        • Get Job
        • Get Report
    • TheHive-Trigger node

    The nodes development was initiated in this forum post and we tried to deliver a good quality nodes, So if there are any changes to make, feel free to contact us with your suggestions

    Best regards!

    opened by nadouani 50
  • IMAP Triggers randomly stop processing new messages

    IMAP Triggers randomly stop processing new messages

    Describe the bug When a IMAP workflow trigger is in an active workflow new messages will be processed until a certain time when they will cease working. The workflow will remain active and no errors are reported. Without inspecting the inbox the workflow looks as if no new emails were received, but when in actuality there are new emails. If you deactivate the trigger and reactivate all messages that were not read they will now be processed.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create new workflow
    2. Add IMAP trigger and configure to IMAP server
    3. Add a node that handel down stream data from the IMAP trigger (eg slack or ftp)
    4. Activate
    5. on a long job say ever 12 hours send an email the address the IMAP triggers on
    6. wait, typically the workflow will process on email but after the first one something timeout internally and nothing further processes.

    Expected behavior I would expect that each email no matter the time between occurrences that the IMAP email trigger fires.

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • n8n docker image 0.90 with Postgres

    ** Notes ** There are no errors in n8n i see in the logs, I have tried increasing the log level but haven't had much luck. The IMAP email trigger does process a attachment, I have tested with and without attachments and have similar results.

    I can get more information if someone tells me what would be useful. I have seen forum posts about this issue but no one has filed a bug.

    opened by pcross616 31
  • No json data from any APIs

    No json data from any APIs

    I keep getting this Entries exist but they do not contain any JSON data. after every workflow execution.

    e.g. starring my github repo like in the example youtube video.

    But a Command Execution node works e.g. node -e "console.log('success');" gives out a JSON

    "exitCode": 0,
    "stderr": "",
    "stdout": "success"

    Am I doing something wrong with the access token generation on the github? I gave all the permissions before generating the token and I still am not able to receive any JSON data.

    opened by phanirithvij 30
  • 📱Kobotoolbox API and Trigger nodes

    📱Kobotoolbox API and Trigger nodes

    KoboToolbox is a popular open-source field survey / data collection tool largely used by humanitarian organizations.

    This PR has support for most API calls (no trigger...): fetching form definitions, submissions, and webhooks.

    All tested, code linted, all should be pretty polished...

    node/new community 
    opened by Yann-J 27
  • Dropbox node is broken after 0.112.0 update

    Dropbox node is broken after 0.112.0 update

    Describe the bug The Dropbox node gives an error: "Dropbox Credentials invalid!" after updating n8n to 0.111.0

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Update n8n to the latest version (0.111.0)
    2. Any existing workflows using the dropbox node will result in an Error
    3. Rolling back n8n to 0.110.3 resolves this issue

    Expected behavior There shouldn't have been any issue with Dropbox.

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. Ubuntu Linux 18.04] Ubuntu 20.04
    • n8n Version [e.g. 0.26.0] 0.111.0
    • Node.js Version [e.g. 10.16.0] 14.x

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by arladmin 27
  • Enable support for AWS temporary credentials - N8N-3209

    Enable support for AWS temporary credentials - N8N-3209

    We recently ran into a blocker where we were fetching temporary AWS credentials for uploading a file to S3 but the AWS S3 node in n8n didn't have proper support for it.

    This pull request adds the third credential parameter sessionToken which is then passed on to aws4.

    node/improvement community 
    opened by BasitAli 25
  • Added Mandrill support

    Added Mandrill support

    Hey I implemented the basic features to send either a template or a html email. Gonna keep adding support for all the fields on the api request to send emails.

    opened by RicardoE105 25
  • Docker Image Bug

    Docker Image Bug

    Describe the bug

    Error after upgrade

    /bin/busybox:1 ELF ^

    SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token at Object.compileFunction (node:vm:360:18) at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1055:15) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1090:27) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1180:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1004:32) at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:839:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12) at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. Ubuntu Linux 18.04]
    • n8n Version [e.g. 0.119.0]
    • Node.js Version [e.g. 14.16.0]
    • Database system [e.g. SQLite; n8n uses SQLite as default otherwise changed]
    • Operation mode [e.g. own; operation modes are own, main and queue. Default is own]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by luizeof 22
  • Node and credentials for custom S3-compatible services

    Node and credentials for custom S3-compatible services

    Closes #794

    This PR introduces new credential type for AWS S3 node that supports custom S3 compatible object storage services, such as, swift etc.

    New credential type allows to set the URL of an endpoint as well as the method to access buckets: virtual-host style ( or path style ( The latter is required for aforementioned, for example.

    Please let me know if any changes are required

    opened by Renerick 22
  • how is run with node index.js possible?

    how is run with node index.js possible?

    Hey Jan, how do I build the source and run it from node index.js? I want to deploy on plesk.

    I tried a lot of things for hours but nothing seems to work. When I try to "build" via VS Code I get following error: error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'jest'. error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'node'.

    Some operation I did got me the folder "dist" but even when I run that, there are errors.

    Please help or give me a hint. Thanks Sven

    opened by sutidor 22
  • Nextcloud Node: Include optional fields in Folder:List

    Nextcloud Node: Include optional fields in Folder:List

    This PR adds the ability to get additional fields for the Folder:List operation to the NextCloud Node.

    Before this change the user is able to get from NextCloud Folder:List only default file or folder properties.

    After this change the user is able to get any file or folder property for Folder:List operation by specifying fields to include in the "Additional Options" field for Folder:List operation. Those fields are:

    1. Comments Unread
    2. Contained File Count
    3. Contained Folder Count
    4. Content Type
    5. eTag
    6. Favorite
    7. File ID
    8. File Path
    9. Has Preview
    10. Last Modified
    11. Owner Display Name
    12. Permissions
    13. Resource Type
    14. Share Types
    15. Size

    Here is how they look: Image

    node/improvement community 
    opened by psxvoid 1
  • Refactor: Replace the push EventSource with a WebSocket

    Refactor: Replace the push EventSource with a WebSocket

    I'm submitting this pull request in reference to issue #4162 #959 #36 where we were having difficulty setting up n8n on DigitalOcean app platform and encountered some strange behavior when using nginx reverse proxy. This is an issue that some of the earliest users had when using N8N, and is hard to pinpoint when configured wrong.

    The problem is the Server Side Event that will push the workflow status to the UI. After a lot of researching, I believed that using a WebSocket over an EventSource would fix the problem and have the following benefits:

    • No need to worry about having n8n behind a reverse proxy (e.g. Cloudflare)
    • No need to disable proxy_buffering & chunked_transfer_encoding for the entire app with nginx (which was causing SSE connections to get stuck)
    • Ability to run n8n on cloud platforms
    • Possibility to add a One-click deployment on DigitalOcean button (
    • Opens the opportunity to add live editing capability in the future to make it possible to work on larger workflows with multiple people. (maybe ill work out a proof of concept in the future)

    As a non-security expert, I cannot confidently say whether replacing the SSE with a WebSocket will raise any security concerns. However, I have tested this change with another client origin, and it appears to adhere to CORS rules. More investigation is needed, I think. The change is tested local, on Digital Ocean App platform, and works with SSL.

    I hope this provides some additional benefits for our community and will lower the barrier to entry for new users.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help make this PR happen :)

    core ui community 
    opened by matthijs166 1
n8n - Workflow Automation
Free and open fair-code licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool.
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