Chart.js plugin to create charts with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance



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Chart.js plugin to create charts with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance

Version 0.2 requires Chart.js 2.7.0 or later, and Rough.js 2.0.1 or later.


You can download the latest version of chartjs-plugin-rough from the GitHub releases.

To install via npm:

npm install chartjs-plugin-rough --save

To install via bower:

bower install chartjs-plugin-rough --save

To use CDN:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


chartjs-plugin-rough can be used with ES6 modules, plain JavaScript and module loaders.

chartjs-plugin-rough requires Chart.js and Rough.js. Include Chart.js, Rough.js and chartjs-plugin-rough.js to your page to render sketchy charts. Note that chartjs-plugin-rough must be loaded after the Chart.js and Rough.js libraries. Once imported, the plugin is available under the global property ChartRough.

Then, you need to register the plugin to enable it for all charts in the page.


Or, you can enable the plugin only for specific charts.

var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
    plugins: [ChartRough],
    options: {
        // ...

Usage in ES6 as module

Import the module as ChartRough, and register it in the same way as described above.

import ChartRough from 'chartjs-plugin-rough';

Tutorial and Samples

You can find a tutorial and samples at


The plugin options can be changed at 3 different levels and are evaluated with the following priority:

  • per dataset: dataset.rough.*
  • per chart: options.plugins.rough.*
  • globally:*

All available options are listed below. This example shows how each option affects the appearance of a chart.

Name Type Default Description
roughness number 1 Numerical value indicating how rough the drawing is. See Rough.js.
bowing number 1 Numerical value indicating how curvy the lines are when drawing a sketch. See Rough.js.
fillStyle string 'hachure' String value representing the fill style. See Rough.js.
fillWeight number 0.5 Numeric value representing the width of the hachure lines. See Rough.js.
hachureAngle number -41 Numerical value (in degrees) that defines the angle of the hachure lines. See Rough.js.
hachureGap number 4 Numerical value that defines the average gap, in pixels, between two hachure lines. See Rough.js.
curveStepCount number 9 When drawing circles and arcs, the plugin approximates curveStepCount number of points to estimate the shape. See Rough.js.
simplification number 0 When drawing lines, simplification can be set to simplify the shape by the specified factor. The value can be between 0 and 1. See Rough.js.

For example:

    type: 'bar',
    data: {
        labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],
        datasets: [{
            data: [45, 20, 64, 32, 76, 51],
            backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
            borderColor: 'rgb(255, 99, 132)',
            borderWidth: 3,
            rough: {
                roughness: 1,
                bowing: 1,
                fillStyle: 'hachure',
                fillWeight: 0.5,
                hachureAngle: -41,
                hachureGap: 4,
                curveStepCount: 9,
                simplification: 0

Note that the following line style options are ignored.

  • borderCapStyle
  • borderDash
  • borderDashOffset
  • borderJoinStyle
  • borderAlign


You first need to install node dependencies (requires Node.js):

npm install

The following commands will then be available from the repository root:

gulp build            # build dist files
gulp build --watch    # build and watch for changes
gulp lint             # perform code linting
gulp package          # create an archive with dist files and samples


chartjs-plugin-rough is available under the MIT license.

  • FillStyle does not work with Chart.js 2.8.0

    FillStyle does not work with Chart.js 2.8.0

    I'm testing Rough plugin with CHART.JS 2.8.0 and I see that fillStyle does not work.

    The legend is changing correctly but the fill of dataset not.

    I'm using your sample and changing only CHART.JS, you can see that it does not work.

    	<script src="[email protected]/dist/Chart.bundle.min.js"></script>
    	<script src=""></script>
    	<script src=""></script>
    opened by stockiNail 16
  • Bar: keep shape

    Bar: keep shape

    Hello @nagix, thanks for this great plugin. Is it possible to keep the shape of the bar on hover? Currently, it changes / reinitializes on every mousemove. Can we prevent that somehow?

    opened by Doidel 2
  • Bar chart broken when using Chart.js 2.9.0+ and using tooltip

    Bar chart broken when using Chart.js 2.9.0+ and using tooltip

    Steps to repeat:

    • Using bar chart example at as base. (It references Chart.js 2.8.0.)
    • Working configuration with Chart.js 2.8.0:
    • Not working configuration with Chart.js 2.9.0:
    • Scenario: -- hover over bar: Properly rendered tooltip shown -- leave bar: tooltip disappears

    When using Chart.js 2.9.0 (or the latest 2.9.4) a JavaScript error is thrown when hovering over a bar and the chart remains in a white-ish color.

    I did some digging:

    • In chartjs-plugin-rough.js, RoughTooltip>drawBody>ctx.fillRect and ctx.StrokeRect 'options.fillOptions' and 'options.strokeOptions' are accessed. This is where the error occurs.
    • Variable 'options' is updated in the customized 'helpers.each'. The logic expects Chart.js to use helper.each to iterate. Chart.js is not using that method in that place anymore.

    drawBody in Chart.js 2.8.0: // Draw body lines now helpers$1.each(body, function(bodyItem, i) {

    drawBody in Chart.js 2.9.0: // Draw body lines now for (i = 0, ilen = body.length; i < ilen; ++i) { bodyItem = body[i];

    opened by markokimpel 0
  • Installation with vue-chartjs not working?

    Installation with vue-chartjs not working?

    @nagix thanks for the repo, I was thnking of using roughViz earlier but this plugin will let me move completely to chart.js

    The problem is with the installation / integration - I'm using chartjs with Vue (used as a starting point, see my code here

    I then tried to integrate but it does not work. My diff here:

    This is the error I am seeing, and the bar graph is not loading if I enable /nagix/chartjs-plugin-rough

    Any idea how to get this to work when using vue?

    Uncaught TypeError: rough.canvas is not a function
        at ChartElement.draw (chartjs-plugin-rough.js?1686:966)
        at Object.draw (Chart.js?30ef:7231)
        at Chart.draw (Chart.js?30ef:9825)
        at Chart.render (Chart.js?30ef:9782)
        at Object.callback (Chart.js?30ef:2204)
        at Object.advance (Chart.js?30ef:3528)
        at Object.startDigest (Chart.js?30ef:3501)
        at eval (Chart.js?30ef:3490)
    opened by connecteev 5
  • How to maintain consistent roughjs randomness?

    How to maintain consistent roughjs randomness?

    Hey, I love what you've done with this mashup -- really solid work!

    I was wondering if there's an obvious way that I'm missing to disable the constant updating of the underlying roughjs redrawing such that the roughjs rendering remains temporally consistent.

    I'd still like to use roughjs to render the charts, just not having them updating all the time when hovering and stuff would be nice.


    opened by transitive-bullshit 1
  • TypeError: rough.canvas is not a function

    TypeError: rough.canvas is not a function


    I'm trying to use your library in a React environment. Can't push it up for reproduction but will try and do my best to explain what it is I am trying to do.

    I got this component:

    import React, { Component } from 'react'
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
    import Chart from 'chart.js'
    import ChartRough from 'chartjs-plugin-rough'
    import { LocaleContext } from '../../contexts/LocaleContext'
    class LineBarChart extends Component {
      static contextType = LocaleContext
      static propTypes = {
        data: PropTypes.shape().isRequired
      componentDidMount() {
      componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
        const { data } = this.props
        if ( !== data) {
      make = () => {
        const { data } = this.props
        const ctx = this.lineChartRef.getContext('2d')
        this.chart = Chart.Line(ctx, {
          plugins: [ChartRough],
          options: {
            responsive: true,
            hoverMode: 'index',
            stacked: false,
            scales: {
              yAxes: [{
                type: 'linear',
                display: true,
                position: 'left',
                id: 'y-axis-1',
                gridLines: {
                  drawOnChartArea: false,
                  color: '#f2f2f2',
                  zeroLineColor: '#f2f2f2'
              }, {
                type: 'linear',
                display: true,
                position: 'right',
                id: 'y-axis-2',
                gridLines: {
                  drawOnChartArea: false,
                  color: '#f2f2f2',
                  zeroLineColor: '#f2f2f2'
      render() {
        return (
          <canvas ref={(ref) => { this.lineChartRef = ref }} width="100%" height="50" />
    export default LineBarChart

    the data prop could look like this:

        labels: ['00:00', '02:00', '04:00', '06:00', '08:00', '10:00', '12:00'],
        datasets: [{
          label: 'CDN A',
          borderColor: '#2b70f7',
          backgroundColor: '#2b70f7',
          fill: false,
          data: [
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100)
          rough: {
            roughness: 2,
            bowing: 2
          yAxisID: 'y-axis-2'
        }, {
          label: 'CDN B',
          borderColor: '#ce0060',
          backgroundColor: '#ce0060',
          fill: false,
          data: [
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100)
          rough: {
            roughness: 2,
            bowing: 2
          yAxisID: 'y-axis-1'
        }, {
          label: 'CDN C',
          borderColor: '#e49e29',
          backgroundColor: '#e49e29',
          fill: false,
          data: [
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100),
            this.randomNumbers(1, 100)
          rough: {
            roughness: 2,
            bowing: 2
          yAxisID: 'y-axis-2'

    I've also installed all the dependencies (as far as I understood that I had to)

    "chart.js": "^2.8.0",
    "chartjs-plugin-rough": "^0.2.0",
    "roughjs": "^3.1.0",

    This is the error I'm getting

    chartjs-plugin-rough.js:966 Uncaught TypeError: rough.canvas is not a function
        at ChartElement.draw (chartjs-plugin-rough.js:966)
        at Chart.<anonymous> (Chart.js:8905)
        at Object.each (Chart.js:1801)
        at Chart.draw (Chart.js:8904)
        at Chart.render (Chart.js:8866)
        at Object.callback (Chart.js:1778)
        at Object.advance (Chart.js:2952)
        at Object.startDigest (Chart.js:2925)
        at Chart.js:2914
    opened by johansedgeware 6
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