neo4j graph visualization using d3.js




基于d3.js的封装的图数据库的可视化界面,不依赖任何外部框架如: vue, react等;内部实现了节点的展示

Code structure

├── core                        # core 核心功能
│    └── neo4jToolsIcon.js      # nodes的操作表盘
│    └── nodes.js               # 节点类 Nodes
│    └── nodesPlate.js          # 节点表盘类 NodesPlate
│    └── relationShips.js       # 关系变类 RelationShips
├── plugin                      # 内置plugin
│    └── textWrap.js            # 文本包裹,超出省略 TextWrap 类
│    └── toolTips.js            # 提示类 ToolTips
├── util                        # 工具
│    └── arcArrow.js            # 弧线箭头
│    └── loopArrow.js           # 循环箭头
│    └── mixins.js              # 类混入
│    └── nodePair.js            # node边组合
│    └── straightArrow.js       # 直线箭头
│    └── util.js                # 工具文件
├── index.js                    # Neo4jd3入口文件
└──                   # README
  • 注意:
    • toolTips作为一种混入类,是初始化的时候挂载在body中,这样在页面整个生命周期里都一直存在,当退出页面的时候需要清除掉这个dom节点


  • 图数据的关联展示
  • 单击节点展开操作栏
  • 支持节点里的文案动态展示
  • 节点展示图片
  • 仅支持外部传入neo4j的数据,不支持fetch url
  • 事件自定义
  • 文案超长显示tooltip
  • 两个节点多条边的展示
  • 一个节点多条边指向自己


<link href="./dist/neo4jd3.css"></link>
<script src=""></script>

const neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('.selector', options);


Parameter Type Description
highlight array Highlight several nodes of the graph.
        class: 'Project',
        id: 'nodes id',
highlightRelationShip array Highlight several relationsship of the graph.
        class: 'Project',
        id: 'relationsship id',
minCollision int 节点之间的最下距离。默认值: 2 * nodeRadius.
neo4jData object 图数据格式类似于: Neo4j data format.
neo4jDataUrl string url获取数据,结构类似于 Neo4j data format.
nodeRadius int 节点的半径. Default: 25.
nodeOutlineFillColor string 节点外边框的颜色
relationshipColor string 连接线的颜色
zoomFit boolean Adjust the graph to the container once it has been loaded: true, false. Default: false.
tooltipsRootEl string tooltip提示框的根节点 Default: body.
onNodeClick(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the user clicks a node.
onNodeDoubleClick(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the user double clicks a node.
onNodeDragEnd(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the user finishes dragging a node.
onNodeDragStart(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the user starts dragging a node.
onNodeMouseEnter(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the mouse enters a node.
onNodeMouseOver(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the mouse over a node.
onNodeMouseOut(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the mouse out a node.
onNodeMouseLeave(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the mouse leaves a node.
onRelationshipDoubleClick(e, data, d3) function Callback function to be executed when the user double clicks a relationship.
onGetLegend(data) function Callback function to be executed when the legend update. the legend data is dynamic value

JavaScript API

Function Description
neo4jDataToD3Data(data) Converts data from Neo4j data format to D3.js data format.
size() Returns the number of nodes and relationships.
    nodes: 25,
    relationships: 50
updateWithD3Data(d3Data) Updates the graph data using the D3.js data format.
updateWithNeo4jData(neo4jData) Updates the graph data using the Neo4j data format.
version() Returns the version of neo4jd3.js.
Example: '0.0.1'
destroyToolsTips() when leave page, destroy ToolsTips Dom


D3.js data format

    "nodes": [
            "id": "1",
            "labels": ["User"],
            "properties": {
                "userId": "eisman"
            "nodeType": 'text' // 默认是text可以不传, 用来标记特殊节点 如: iconfont img
            "id": "8",
            "labels": ["Project"],
            "properties": {
                "name": "neo4jd3",
                "title": "neo4jd3.js",
                "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                "url": ""
    "relationships": [
            "id": "7",
            "type": "DEVELOPES",
            "startNode": "1",
            "endNode": "8",
            "properties": {
                "from": 1470002400000
            "source": "1",
            "target": "8",
            "linknum": 1

Neo4j data format

    "results": [
            "columns": ["user", "entity"],
            "data": [
                    "graph": {
                        "nodes": [
                                "id": "1",
                                "labels": ["User"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "userId": "eisman"
                                "id": "8",
                                "labels": ["Project"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "name": "neo4jd3",
                                    "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                                    "url": ""
                        "relationships": [
                                "id": "7",
                                "type": "DEVELOPES",
                                "startNode": "1",
                                "endNode": "8",
                                "properties": {
                                    "from": 1470002400000
    "errors": []


var neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('#neo4jd3', {
    highlight: [
            class: 'Project',
            property: 'name',
            value: 'neo4jd3'
        }, {
            class: 'User',
            property: 'userId',
            value: 'eisman'
    minCollision: 60,
    neo4jDataUrl: 'json/neo4jData.json',
    nodeRadius: 25,
    onNodeDoubleClick: function(e, node, d3) {
        switch( {
            case '25':
                // Google
      , '_blank');
                var maxNodes = 5,
                    data = neo4jd3.randomD3Data(node, maxNodes);
    zoomFit: true


path A命令

  • A rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
  • x-axis-rotation 椭圆的x轴与水平方向顺时针的夹角,可以想象成一个水平的椭圆绕中心点顺时针旋转的角度
  • large-arc-flag 1 顺时针 0 逆时针
  • x, y 结束的x,y位置
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