Module '2' Week two '2' project. The following technologies are used: HTML, CSS , Webpack, and JavaScript. Features of this app are rendered dynamically. It allows user to pinned or add task the will be doing on it. Local storage session is implemented. Task stay on app when user refresh or reload page. Task can be checked when completed.


To Do list:

Description the project.

Built With

  • Major languages
  • Frameworks
  • Technologies used

Screenshot of project

Built With

  • HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, and Webpack

Live Demo (if available)

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • A basic knowledge of html, css, and javascript


Download the zip file for repository and unzip it. You should have a code editor

please get your browser update. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

Run the command below from the terminal

  • git clone in your terminal


Install any code editor of you choice Install linters for Html, Css, and Javascript

Run tests

To run tests you can use the following commands For HTML you should run " npx hint . " on your terminal in root directory of project For Javascript you can run " npx eslint . on your terminal in the root directory of project




👤 Author1

Evans Kupour

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Thanks for Microverse for providing this platform.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

NOTE: we recommend using the MIT license - you can set it up quickly by using templates available on GitHub. You can also use any other license if you wish.

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  • Todo-List: interactive-list

    Todo-List: interactive-list

    The following was done in this milestone:

    General requirements

    • Make sure there are no linter errors
    • Used correct GitHub Flow
    • Applied professional documentation practices

    HTML/CSS requirements

    Followed our list of the best practices for HTML & CSS

    JavaScript requirements

    • Followed our list of best practices for JavaScript

    Project requirements

    • Added new JavaScript files and imported them as a module: which contains methods related to the status updates (completed: true/false).
    • Added event listener to the checkbox (change).
    • Update items object's value for completed key upon user actions. Implement a function for the "Clear all completed" button (use filter() method). Store the updated array of items in local storage, so the user gets the correct list values after the page reloads.
    opened by Doheera-kosi 0
  • Add and Remove

    Add and Remove

    General requirements

    • No linter errors.
    • Correct usage of GitHub Flow
    • Applied professional documentation practices

    HTML/CSS requirements

    • Follow our list of the best practices for HTML & CSS

    JavaScript requirements

    • Follow our list of [best practices for JavaScript

    Project requirements

    • Remove all hardcoded items from the tasks array.
    • Create a new JavaScript file for the new functionality.
    • Implement a function for adding a new task (add a new element to the array).
    • Implement a function for deleting a task (remove an element from the array).
    • Implement a function for editing task descriptions.
    • By default new tasks have the property completed set to false and the property index set to the value of the new array length (i.e. if you're adding a 5th task to the list, the index of that task is equal to 5).
    • Deleting a task should update all remaining items' indexes, so they represent the current list order and are unique(i.e. if you're deleting the first task index 1 from the list, the index of the next task(2) is set to 1)
    • All changes to the To Do List are saved in local storage.
    opened by Doheera-kosi 0
  • To-Do List App

    To-Do List App

    The following were achieved in this milestone:

    General requirements

    • Make sure that there are no linter errors
    • Make sure that you used correct GitHub Flow
    • Make sure that you documented your work in a professional way

    HTML/CSS requirements

    • Followed our list of the best practices for HTML & CSS.

    JavaScript requirements

    • Follow our list of best practices for JavaScript

    Project requirements

    • Set up a new project with webpack that is based on the webpack exercise I already completed.
    • Created an index.html file with HTML markup.
    • Created an empty To Do List placeholder with "ul" element.
    • The index.html file is as set as a template using the HTML Webpack Plugin.
    • Created an index.js file and set an array of simple to do tasks (array of objects).
    • Each task object contains three keys: -- description [string]. -- completed [bool]. -- index: [number].
    • Wrote a function and iterated over the tasks array and populated to HTML list item element for each task.
    • On page load items are rendered dynamically and create list of tasks in the dedicated placeholder.
    • The list appear in order of the index values for each task.
    • Created a style.css and set rules for the To Do List.
    • CSS is loaded by Webpack Style/CSS Loader.
    • The list is a clone of the part of the minimalist project captured in the video below.
    opened by Doheera-kosi 0
Evans Kupour
Hello everyone | Evans Kupour here | A tech enthusiast and an Aspiring Full-Stack Software Developer. Available to new opportunities and new jobs.
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