Loads items in lazy way to achieve high performance and better UX in large lists


Lazy Load List

Lazy Load List is a lightweight web package that loads items in lazy way to achieve high performance and better UX in large lists.

Rendering large lists makes the first load slow especially if items contain images, so this package split the list to small lists then it renders them one by one when scrolling to the end of the list..

you can notice the deference here:

loading performance deference


  • Fast Loading 🚀
  • Lightweight package
  • Better user experience
  • Supports most loved JS frameworks
  • Supports SSR & SSG


you can find the source code of examples in examples folder

Lazy Load List 1.2 is here 🎉

what's new?

  • support React js
  • auto loading items when container can contain more
  • better performance
  • explain using custom loading element

Supported Frameworks

| svelte logo | Svete js     | ✅
| vue logo | Vue js (2,3) | ✅
| react logo | React js     | ✅


install the package using npm or yarn:

install using npm

$ npm i lazy-load-list

or using yarn

$ yarn add lazy-load-list


⚠ you must wrap the list by div and specify the height and width in the wrapper div.

  • svelte logo svelte js:

{ item }

import LazyList from 'lazy-load-list/svelte'


{ item }

  • vue logo vue js:
// script import LazyList from 'lazy-load-list/vue' .. components: { LazyList } // don't forget to define it in the components">

// script import LazyList from 'lazy-load-list/vue' .. components: { LazyList } // don't forget to define it in the components
  • react logo react js:
import  LazyList  from  'lazy-load-list/react'

const renderItem = ({item, index}) => (

{ item }



prop supported framework description required type default value
data all the item array yes array []
itemsPerRender all items to be rendered per load yes number 3
containerClasses all list container classes for CSS no string ''
defaultLoading all to show the default loading or not no bool true
defaultLoadingColor all color of the default loading no string '#18191A'
renderItem React js element to be render for each item yes React component () => null
loadingComponent React js custom loading component no React component () => null

Using custom loading element

you can specify the loading element color using (defaultLoadingColor) prop.. but if you don't like the default loading element, you can use custom one:

  • in svelte logo svelte js & vue logo vue js (just use slot name "loading like this):
  • react logo react js (use loadingComponent props to pass the element):
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  • Missing lib/Loading.css

    Missing lib/Loading.css


    After npm install, the following error appears:

    ERROR  Failed to compile with 1 error  
    This relative module was not found:
    * ../lib/loading.css in ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-0!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--1-0!./node_modules/vue-loader-v16/dist??ref--1-1!./node_modules/lazy-load-list/vue/LazyList.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js

    As the error suggests, the loading.css file is missing from the lib directory. Judging from older versions of this, the code used to be in the Loading modules but was moved to an independent file which was never added to git.

    Suggested fix

    Create a new file called lib/loading.css with the following:

    .dots {
        width: 3.5em;
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: row nowrap;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: space-between;
    .dots div {
        width: 0.8em;
        height: 0.8em;
        border-radius: 50%;
        animation: fade 0.8s ease-in-out alternate infinite;
    .dots div:nth-of-type(1) {
        animation-delay: -0.4s;
    .dots div:nth-of-type(2) {
        animation-delay: -0.2s;
    @keyframes fade {
        from {
            opacity: 1;
        to {
            opacity: 0;
    opened by p0rridg3 2
  • [Error] You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

    [Error] You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

    Hello, Mr. Omar Thanks for your hard work, But I have a little problem.

    I tried to use 'lazy-load-list' in electron app (with nextron), And I got this error Screenshot_20220404_023527

    After some search, I think this to be related to webpack. So, Is there anything which can I do to solve this problem?

    Code :

    import LazyList from "lazy-load-list/react";
    import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
    import {
    } from "@chakra-ui/react";
    import {
    } from "react-icons/hi";
    import LogsProvider, { useLogs } from "@Context/logs";
    const NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES = 100;
    function Logs() {
    	const { logs, GetLogs, ClearLogs, isLoading } = useLogs();
    	const [StatusFilter, setStatusFilter] = useState("all");
    	const [LogsAfterFiltering, setLogsAfterFiltering] = useState(
    		logs?.lines ?? [],
    	const [search, setSearch] = useState({ bool: false, value: "" });
    	useEffect(() => GetLogs(), []); // * Get Logs when user open the modal
    	useEffect(() => {
    			logs?.lines?.filter((line) => {
    				if (StatusFilter === "all") return true;
    				return line.status === StatusFilter && line;
    	}, [StatusFilter, logs]);
    	useEffect(() => {
    				(line) =>
    					line.content.toLowerCase().includes(search.value.toLowerCase()) &&
    					(line.status === StatusFilter || StatusFilter === "all"),
    	}, [search.value, logs]);
    	// useEffect(() => console.log("search update to", search), [search]); // ! For Debugging
    	// useEffect(() => console.log("logs update to", logs), [logs]); // ! For Debugging
    	// useEffect(() => console.log("LogsAfterFiltering update to", LogsAfterFiltering), [LogsAfterFiltering]); // ! For Debugging
    	return (
    			<Flex w='full' justify='space-between' my={3}>
    						label={`Logs stored in ${logs.path}`}>
    							icon={<HiOutlineInformationCircle size='1.3em' />}
    				<HStack justify='end' spacing={3}>
    						onChange={(e) => setStatusFilter(e.target.value)}>
    						<option value='all'>All {logs?.lines?.length}</option>
    						<option value='info'>
    							Info{" "}
    							{logs?.lines?.filter((line) => line.status === "info").length}
    						<option value='warning'>
    							Warning{" "}
    							{logs?.lines?.filter((line) => line.status === "warning").length}
    						<option value='error'>
    							Error{" "}
    							{logs?.lines?.filter((line) => line.status === "error").length}
    					{search.bool ? (
    						<InputGroup w='200px'>
    								onChange={(e) =>
    									setSearch({ ...search, value: e.target.value })
    								{search.value ? (
    										icon={<HiX size='1.4em' />}
    										onClick={() => setSearch({ ...search, value: "" })}
    								) : (
    										icon={<HiSearch size='1.4em' />}
    										onClick={() => setSearch({ ...search, bool: !search.bool })}
    					) : (
    						<Tooltip label='Search in logs'>
    								icon={<HiSearch size='1.4em' />}
    								onClick={() => setSearch({ ...search, bool: !search.bool })}
    					<Button leftIcon={<HiRefresh />} onClick={() => GetLogs()}>
    						leftIcon={<HiTrash />}
    						onClick={() => ClearLogs()}>
    						Clear All
    			<Stack spacing={1}>
    				{isLoading ? (
    				) : !(LogsAfterFiltering.length > 0) ? (
    					<Heading size='md' alignSelf='center'>
    						No logs found
    				) : (
    							Math.min(LogsAfterFiltering.length, NUMBER_OF_MESSAGES),
    function LogAlert({ item, index }) {
    	const { status, date, content } = item;
    	const availableTypes = ["warning", "error", "info"];
    	return (
    			status={availableTypes.includes(status) ? status : "warning"}>
    			<AlertIcon />
    			<Box flex={1}>
    				<AlertTitle mr={2}>{date}</AlertTitle>{" "}
    const LogRows = ({ data }) => {
    	const listRef = useRef(null);
    	const ref = useRef(null);
    	return (
    		<Box ref={ref}>
    function LogsComponent() {
    	return (
    			<Logs />
    export default LogsComponent;
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