Opinionated, type-safe, zero-dependency max/min priority queue for JavaScript and TypeScript projects.



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qewe is an opinionated, type-safe, zero-dependency max/min priority queue for JavaScript and TypeScript projects.


Add qewe to your project using your favorite package manager:

$ yarn add qewe

You can also import qewe with a script tag via unpkg:

<script src="//unpkg.com/qewe" type="text/javascript"></script>


import { Qewe } from 'qewe';

const queue = new Qewe();

queue.enqueue('hello', 1);
queue.enqueue('world', 2);

console.log(...queue); // [ 'world', 'hello' ]
console.log(queue.size); // 2

const dequeued = queue.dequeue();
console.log(dequeued); // 'world'
console.log(queue.size); // 1


A Qewe instance's queue is a list of QeweEntry instances. The recommended way to enqueue new values is to use the enqueue method, passing in a value and a priority:

const myQueue = new Qewe();

myQueue.enqueue('my-value', 1);
console.log(myQueue.queue); // [ QeweEntry { value: 'my-value', priority: 1 } ]

If the priority of an entry can be inferred when enqueue is called then you can omit the priority argument and instead pass an inferValuePriority function to the constructor:

const myQueue = new Qewe<string>({
  inferValuePriority: (value) => value.length,

console.log(myQueue.queue); // [ QeweEntry { value: 'hello', priority: 5 }, QeweEntry { value: 'qewe', priority: 4 } ]

Alternatively, you can create a QeweEntry instance yourself - either by using the new QeweEntry constructor or the createEntry method on a Qewe instance - and pass it to the enqueue method. This can be useful if you will need to requeue the same entry later.

const myQueue = new Qewe();

const firstEntry = queue.createEntry('my-value', 1);
const secondEntry = new QeweEntry('my-other-value', 2);

console.log(myQueue.queue); // [ QeweEntry { value: 'my-other-value', priority: 2 }, QeweEntry { value: 'my-value', priority: 1 } ]

Queue Behavior

Instances which have an empty queue will throw an error when a dequeue or dequeueEnd is attempted. It is recommended that you expect this error and handle it accordingly:

const queue = new Qewe();

try {
  const value = queue.dequeue();
} catch {
  // queue is empty - do something else

Alternatively, you can check if the queue is empty before you attempt to dequeue:

const queue = new Qewe();

if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
  const value = queue.dequeue();
} else {
  // queue is empty - do something else

Note: the peek and peekEnd properties of an instance do not throw an error when the queue is empty. Instead, they return undefined.

Qewe API

Constructor Options

You can customize a Qewe instance by passing a QeweOptions object to the constructor:

class Qewe<T>(options?: QeweOptions<T>);

type QueueType = 'min' | 'max';
interface QeweOptions<T> {
  queueType?: QueueType;
  maxSize?: number;
  inferValuePriority?: (value: T) => number;
  initialEntries?: QeweEntry<T>[];
  initialValues?: T[];
  • queueType: QueueType

    Indicate whether the queue should be a minimum or maximum priority queue.

    queueType is max by default.

  • maxSize: number

    Specify a maximum number of entries that can exist in the instance's priority queue.

    maxSize is Infinity by default.

  • inferValuePriority: (value: T) => number

    Define a function that will be used to infer the priority of a value when an entry is created. This can be useful when the priority is something that can be derived from the value itself.

    By providing this function you can omit the priority argument from the enqueue and createEntry.

    inferValuePriority is undefined by default, which means you always have to provide the priority when adding a value to the queue.

  • initialEntries: QeweEntry<T>

    Specify an array of QeweEntry instances to initialize the instance's priority queue. This uses Qewe.prototype.enqueue to add each entry.

  • initialValues: T[] | QeweEntry<T>[]

    Provide an array of values to initialize the queue with. This uses Qewe.prototype.enqueue to add each value.

    Note: The instance must also have an inferValuePriority function so that it can infer the priority of each value. If you cannot provide an inferValuePriority function you should instead use the initialEntries option to initialize the queue.

Instance Properties

// get the amount of entries of the queue.
Qewe.prototype.size: number;

// get the maximum amount of entries that the queue can hold.
Qewe.prototype.maxSize: number;

// get the current queue state.
Qewe.prototype.queue: QeweEntry<T>[];

// get the type (minimum or maximum) of the queue.
Qewe.prototype.queueType: QueueType;

// get the function used to infer the priority of a value to be enqueued
Qewe.prototype.inferValuePriority: ((value: T) => number) | null;

Instance Methods

// returns a generator that yields the values in the queue. synonymous with Qewe.prototype.values.
Qewe.prototype[Symbol.Iterator](): T[];

// returns a generator that yields the queue's values.
Qewe.prototype.values(): Generator<T>;

// returns a generator that yields the queue's entries.
Qewe.prototype.entries(): Generator<QeweEntry<T>>;

// returns whether or not the queue contains a given value.
Qewe.prototype.contains(value: T): boolean;

// returns whether or not the queue is empty.
Qewe.prototype.isEmpty(): boolean;

// create a new entry which can be passed to `enqueue`. returns the entry.
// NOTE: the priority argument is only optional when when
// `options.inferValuePriority` is defined for the instance.
Qewe.prototype.createEntry(value: T, priority?: number): QeweEntry<T>;

// add a new value to the queue. returns the new queue entry.
// NOTE: if you are using the value/priority signature then the priority argument
// is only optional when when `options.inferValuePriority` is defined for the instance.
Qewe.prototype.enqueue(entry: QeweEntry<T>): QeweEntry<T>;
Qewe.prototype.enqueue(value: T, priority?: number): QeweEntry<T>;

// returns the first value in the queue (without removing its entry, like dequeue does).
Qewe.prototype.peek(): T | undefined;

// returns the last value in the queue (without removing its entry, like dequeueEnd does).
Qewe.prototype.peekEnd(): T | undefined;

// removes the first entry from the queue and returns its value.
Qewe.prototype.dequeue(): T;

// removes the last entry from the queue and returns its value.
Qewe.prototype.dequeueEnd(): T;

// removes a specified value or entry from the queue and returns the removed entry.
Qewe.prototype.remove(value: T): QeweEntry<T>;
Qewe.prototype.remove(entry: QeweEntry<T>): QeweEntry<T>;

// removes all entries from the queue and returns them.
Qewe.prototype.clear(): QeweEntry<T>[];


All errors thrown by a Qewe instance are members of the QeweError enum, which can be imported from the package.

Error Description
QeweError.NoPriorityValue Cannot enqueue - no priority value, or function to infer an entry's priority value, was provided.
QeweError.MaxQueueSizeReached Cannot enqueue - the queue is already at its max size.
QeweError.EmptyQueue Cannot dequeue - the queue is empty.
QeweError.NotFound Cannot remove - the value was not found in the queue.

QeweEntry API

Constructor Arguments

A new QeweEntry instance takes two arguments in its constructor:

class QeweEntry<T>(value: T, priority: number);
  • value: T

    The value of the entry.

  • priority: number

    The priority of the entry.

Instance Properties

// the value of the entry
QeweEntry.prototype.value: T;

// the priority of the entry
QeweEntry.prototype.priority: number;
  • React to QeweEntry priority changes

    React to QeweEntry priority changes

    Suggested behaviour:

    const queue = new Qewe({ reactive: true });
    const firstEntry = queue.enqueue('hello', 1);
    const secondEntry = queue.enqueue('world', 2);
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'world', 'hello' ]
    firstEntry.priority = 3;
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'hello', 'world ]

    This should be possible by returning a Proxy from .enqueue that wraps the QeweEntry's priority setter.

    opened by jgmcelwain 1
  • QeweEntry


    This PR, and subsequently release, adds a new QeweEntry class which is used by a Qewe instance to store values and their priorities.

    QeweEntry instances can be created outside of a Qewe instance - either using the new QeweEntry constructor or the .createEntry method on a Qewe instance. They can then be inserted programatically.

    const queue = new Qewe<string>();
    const entry = new QeweEntry('hello', 1);
    const anotherEntry = queue.createEntry('world', 2);

    .enqueue still allows the (value: T, priority?: number) syntax:

    const queue = new Qewe<string>();
    queue.enqueue('hello', 1);
    queue.enqueue('world', 2);
    const inferrerdQueue = new Qewe<string>({ inferValuePriority: (value) => value.length });

    This is, however, a breaking change. The initialValues constructor option now only allows raw values and requires the inferValuePriority to be set.

    A new constructor option, initialEntries, has been added, which takes an array of QeweEntry instances.

    // old behavior, no longer works
    const queue = new Qewe({
      initialValues: [
        { value: 'hello', priority: 1 },
        { value: 'world', priority: 2 }
    // new behavior
    const firstEntry = new QeweEntry('hello', 1);
    const secondEntry = new QeweEntry('world', 2);
    const queue = new Qewe({ initialEntries: [firstEntry, secondEntry] });
    // also works 
    const queue = new Qewe({
      inferValuePriority: (value) => value.length,
      initialValues: ['hello', 'world']
    opened by jgmcelwain 0
  • Max Queue Size, Explicit Queue Type, Updated Docs

    Max Queue Size, Explicit Queue Type, Updated Docs

    Max Queue Size

    const queue = new Qewe({ maximumQueueSize: 3 });
    queue.enqueue('a', 1); // ✅
    queue.enqueue('b', 1); // ✅
    queue.enqueue('c', 1); // ✅
    queue.enqueue('d', 4); // ❌ Error

    Explicit Queue Type

    // before
    const queue = new Qewe({ minQueue: true });
    // after
    const queue = new Qewe({ queueType: 'min' });
    opened by jgmcelwain 0
  • Errors when attempting to dequeue/dequeueEnd on an empty queue

    Errors when attempting to dequeue/dequeueEnd on an empty queue

    This PR addresses #1.

    dequeue and dequeueEnd now throw an error if they are called when the queue is empty:

    dequeue(): T {
      const entry = this.queue.shift();
      if (entry !== undefined) {
        return entry.value;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Dequeue failed - the queue is empty.');

    The documentation in the README file has been updated to suggest users wrap their dequeue/dequeueEnd calls in a try/catch block. It also provides an alternative suggestion, noted in the original issue, where users can instead check for themselves if the queue is empty before attempting a dequeue.

    opened by jgmcelwain 0
  • Initialize instance with values

    Initialize instance with values

    The first value(s) of a queue are often known when the instance is created. It would be beneficial if these values could be included in the initialization process, instead of having to add them afterwards.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by jgmcelwain 0
  • dequeue and dequeueEnd empty queue behavior

    dequeue and dequeueEnd empty queue behavior

    Currently both dequeue and dequeueEnd methods return null if the queue is empty when they're called. This is a fairly unobtrusive implementation but does have two fairly significant drawbacks:

    • Instances will indefinitely return null whilst their queue is empty. This means that users must manually check to see if their latest dequeue/dequeueEnd call emptied the queue.
    • If the user adds null to the queue they have no way of knowing if the null that dequeue/dequeueEnd returns is an inserted value or the "queue is empty" value. Again, they must manually check if the queue is empty instead.


    A potential solution is to instead throw an error when dequeue/dequeueEnd are called when the queue is empty. This solves both above issues. The instance will inform the user when the queue is empty, since they will have to deal with an error, and null values returned can safely be assumed to be values in the queue.

    const queue = new Qewe();
    try {
      const value = queue.dequeue();
      // do something with value
    } catch {
      // queue is empty, do something else


    This behavior change does come with a little overhead. Users would have to handle errors, likely with a try/catch block, or their application would crash.


    An alternative is to suggest users check if the queue is empty before they call dequeue/dequeueEnd.

    const queue = new Qewe();
    if (queue.isEmpty === false) {
      const value = queue.dequeue();
      // do something with value
    } else {
      // queue is empty, do something else
    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by jgmcelwain 0
  • Reactive Entries

    Reactive Entries

    Current Implementation

    const queue = new Qewe();
    const a = queue.enqueue('hello', 1);
    const b = queue.enqueue('world', 2);
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'world', 'hello' ]
    a.priority = 3;
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'hello', 'world' ]

    This is achieved by wrapping the QeweEntry created in .enqueue in a Proxy that runs a sort method on the queue when the entry's priority value is changed.


    There is an inconsistency with the current implementation's behaviour if you pass a QeweEntry directly into enqueue:

    const queue = new Qewe();
    const a = new QeweEntry('hello', 1);
    const b = new QeweEntry('world', 2);
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'world', 'hello' ]
    a.priority = 3;
    console.log(...queue); // [ 'world', 'hello' ]

    Because the original QeweEntry instance is being edited, and not the Proxied instance that enqueue creates, the Qewe instance is not aware of any priority changes and so does not react to the change.

    opened by jgmcelwain 0
Jamie McElwain
Software Engineer (React, Vue, TypeScript). He/him.
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