Our new website for Kryptokrona ❤️


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# create a new project in the current directory
npm init svelte

# create a new project in my-app
npm init svelte my-app


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

  • Added Extra to the footer

    Added Extra to the footer

    Take a look at this. I added an extra class to the website. It contains information about the stickers (coming soon, I am going to make a /sticker for it) and a little about the docs and the store we got. Later we can add these into the .org domain but for now, we can just link it.

    Another thought I also had was that when we begin with the marketing, we need a big button that says "BUY". If I were completely new and went on the website I would have no idea how to buy XKR. I can later today make a comprehensive guide on how to buy XKR on Exbitron.

    With the button in mind, we as a community need to agree on where it should be.

    opened by DanielBoye 7
  • Not found: /faucet/faucet.html

    Not found: /faucet/faucet.html

    When pressing the "tap" button to get XKR in Hugin Messenger it redirects to https://kryptokrona.org/faucet/faucet.html?address=

    But I get the error:

    Not found: /faucet/faucet.html Error: Not found: /faucet/faucet.html

    opened by mjovanc 2
  • Updating /mining

    Updating /mining

    When users comes to the mining tab, they can't see the /benchmarks. Now that is fixed with a little text and a button to it. Later I can add a button for it on the footer of the website.

    opened by DanielBoye 2
  • Guides Button under XKR does not work

    Guides Button under XKR does not work

    It points to the directory of https://docs.kryptokrona.org. Is this a future website for hosting all of the guides?

    I was thinking of making a guide for how to buy XKR, and I wanted to add it to the docs. Should I just add a blog post, or wait till we get the domain up and running?

    opened by DanielBoye 2
  • Mining config generator doesn't work properly

    Mining config generator doesn't work properly

    The mining config generator adds newpool.pw which doesn't have XKR.

    Here's the JS I used on the old website for reference:

        var dataStr = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(exportObj));
        var downloadAnchorNode = document.createElement('a');
        downloadAnchorNode.setAttribute("href", dataStr);
        downloadAnchorNode.setAttribute("download", exportName + ".json");
        document.body.appendChild(downloadAnchorNode); // required for firefox
    function shuffle(array) {
        array.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
        return (array);
    function findPools() {
        //Hey dont mind this, its just a rlly jank thing for now, hard coded ig
        let listOfPools = [
        return shuffle(listOfPools);
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
        // Your code in here
        jQuery('.generate-address-button').click(function () {
            let thePool = findPools();
            let poolList = `"pools": [`
            for (let i = 0; i < thePool.length; i++) {
                let temp = `{
                    "algo": "cn-pico",
                    "coin": null,
                    "url": "` + thePool[i] + `",
                    "user": "` + jQuery('.generate-address-field').val() + `",
                    "pass": "x",
                    "rig-id": null,
                    "nicehash": false,
                    "keepalive": false,
                    "enabled": true,
                    "tls": false,
                    "tls-fingerprint": null,
                    "daemon": false,
                    "socks5": null,
                    "self-select": null
                if (i + 1 !== thePool.length) {
                    temp += `,`;
                poolList += temp;
            poolList += `],`;
            let config_file_json = JSON.parse(`
        "api": {
            "id": null,
            "worker-id": null
        "http": {
            "enabled": false,
            "host": "",
            "port": 0,
            "access-token": null,
            "restricted": true
        "autosave": true,
        "background": false,
        "colors": true,
        "randomx": {
            "init": -1,
            "mode": "auto",
            "1gb-pages": false,
            "rdmsr": true,
            "wrmsr": true,
            "numa": true
        "cpu": {
            "enabled": true,
            "huge-pages": true,
            "hw-aes": null,
            "priority": null,
            "memory-pool": false,
            "yield": true,
            "asm": true,
            "argon2-impl": null,
            "astrobwt-max-size": 550,
            "astrobwt-avx2": false,
            "argon2": [0, 1, 2, 3],
            "astrobwt": [0, 1, 2, 3],
            "cn": [
                [1, 0]
            "cn-heavy": [
                [1, 0]
            "cn-lite": [
                [1, 0],
                [1, 2]
            "cn-pico": [
                [2, 0],
                [2, 1],
                [2, 2],
                [2, 3]
            "rx": [0],
            "rx/arq": [0, 1, 2, 3],
            "rx/wow": [0, 2],
            "cn/0": false,
            "cn-lite/0": false,
            "rx/keva": "rx/wow"
        "opencl": {
            "enabled": true,
            "cache": true,
            "loader": null,
            "platform": "AMD",
            "adl": true,
            "cn/0": false,
            "cn-lite/0": false
        "cuda": {
            "enabled": true,
            "loader": null,
            "nvml": true,
            "cn/0": false,
            "cn-lite/0": false
        "donate-level": 5,
        "donate-over-proxy": 1,
        "log-file": null,
        ` + poolList.valueOf() + `
        "print-time": 60,
        "health-print-time": 60,
        "retries": 5,
        "retry-pause": 5,
        "syslog": false,
        "tls": {
            "enabled": false,
            "protocols": null,
            "cert": null,
            "cert_key": null,
            "ciphers": null,
            "ciphersuites": null,
            "dhparam": null
        "user-agent": null,
        "verbose": 0,
        "watch": true
            downloadObjectAsJson(config_file_json, 'config');

    The listOfPools variable could also use an update.

    opened by f-r00t 1
  • Guide on how to buy XKR with DOGE

    Guide on how to buy XKR with DOGE

    We can try and merge this, but the point was just to have the .md file in the official xkr-website repo. So when we link it, it shows up under kryptokrona/xkr-website not under my name as DanielBoye/xkr-website

    opened by DanielBoye 1
  • Download terminal wallet does not have a link to it

    Download terminal wallet does not have a link to it

    It says, download the terminal wallet here, but there is no link. I think it is fixed now with using the «here» button as a link to the terminal wallet

    opened by DanielBoye 1
  • Temporarily fix to whitepaper links

    Temporarily fix to whitepaper links

    Linked the whitepaper to the whitepaper on kryptokrona.se so newcomers can click it. Will later be fixed with implimenting the pdf into the website. But for now, use this

    opened by DanielBoye 1
  • Changed github link to Hugin and XKR

    Changed github link to Hugin and XKR

    Changed github link to go to https://github.com/kryptokrona instead of github.com on XKR Changed github link to go to https://github.com/kryptokrona/hugin-messenger instead of github.com on Hugin

    opened by DanielBoye 1
  • Adding crypto payment for shop

    Adding crypto payment for shop

    I don't know how you implemented the crypto payments, but it would be nice to have a chance to pay via crypto OR by stripe in the swag shop. https://store.kryptokrona.org/

    The payment should be with XKR, BTC, DOGE and XMR. Litecoin is not so much used, and with Ethereum, the gas prices are a little bit high for the "average" person to use.

    opened by DanielBoye 0
  • More items in shop

    More items in shop

    Add the items that are in https://kryptokrona.se/store/ to the https://store.kryptokrona.org/

    Now some items are in one shop, and another one is in the other

    opened by DanielBoye 0
  • Faucet doesnt work when direct linked to

    Faucet doesnt work when direct linked to

    When going to: https://kryptokrona.org/en

    Then scrolling down to and clicking 'Faucet' in the footer, the faucet works fine. But if I go to: https://kryptokrona.org/en/faucet

    The captcha doesn't load, making the faucet unusable. This is troublesome for Hugin, since it links to this URL from within the app: https://kryptokrona.org/en/faucet?address=

    Not sure whats going on..

    opened by f-r00t 4
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