A JavaScript library that lets you curve type on the web.



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A JavaScript library that lets you curve type on the web.

Demo: https://circletype.labwire.ca


In a browser:

<script src="circletype.min.js"></script>

Using npm:

$ npm i circletype --save

Load ES module:

import CircleType from `circletype`;



A CircleType instance creates a circular text element.

Kind: global class

new CircleType(elem, [splitter])

Param Type Description
elem HTMLElement A target HTML element.
[splitter] function An optional function used to split the element's text content into individual characters


// Instantiate `CircleType` with an HTML element.
const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

// Set the text radius and direction. Note: setter methods are chainable.

// Provide your own splitter function to handle emojis
// @see https://github.com/orling/grapheme-splitter
const splitter = new GraphemeSplitter()
new CircleType(

circleType.radius(value) ⇒ CircleType

Sets the desired text radius. The minimum radius is the radius required for the text to form a complete circle. If value is less than the minimum radius, the minimum radius is used.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - The current instance.

Param Type Description
value number A new text radius in pixels.


const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

// Set the radius to 150 pixels.

circleType.radius() ⇒ number

Gets the text radius in pixels. The default radius is the radius required for the text to form a complete circle.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: number - The current text radius.

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

//=> 150

circleType.dir(value) ⇒ CircleType

Sets the text direction. 1 is clockwise, -1 is counter-clockwise.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - The current instance.

Param Type Description
value number A new text direction.


const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

// Set the direction to counter-clockwise.

// Set the direction to clockwise.

circleType.dir() ⇒ number

Gets the text direction. 1 is clockwise, -1 is counter-clockwise.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: number - The current text radius.

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

//=> 1 (clockwise)

circleType.forceWidth(value) ⇒ CircleType

Sets the forceWidth option. If true the width of the arc is calculated and applied to the element as an inline style.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - The current instance.

Param Type Description
value boolean true if the width should be set


const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));


//=> <div style="position: relative; height: 3.18275em;">...</div>

// Enable the force width option

//=> <div style="position: relative; height: 3.18275em; width: 12.7473em;">...</div>

circleType.forceWidth() ⇒ boolean

Gets the forceWidth option. If true the width of the arc is calculated and applied to the element as an inline style. Defaults to false.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: boolean - The current forceWidth value

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

//=> false

circleType.forceHeight(value) ⇒ CircleType

Sets the forceHeight option. If true the height of the arc is calculated and applied to the element as an inline style.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - The current instance.

Param Type Description
value boolean true if the height should be set


const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));


//=> <div style="position: relative; height: 3.18275em;">...</div>

// Disable the force height option

//=> <div style="position: relative;">...</div>

circleType.forceHeight() ⇒ boolean

Gets the forceHeight option. If true the height of the arc is calculated and applied to the element as an inline style. Defaults to true.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: boolean - The current forceHeight value

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

//=> true

circleType.refresh() ⇒ CircleType

Schedules a task to recalculate the height of the element. This should be called if the font size is ever changed.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - The current instance.

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));


circleType.destroy() ⇒ CircleType

Removes the CircleType effect from the element, restoring it to its original state.

Kind: instance method of CircleType
Returns: CircleType - This instance.

const circleType = new CircleType(document.getElementById('myElement'));

// Restore `myElement` to its original state.

Development Commands

Command Description
npm run dev Start dev server
npm start Build for release
npm test Run unit and screenshot tests
npm run docs Generate documentation
npm run reference Generate reference screenshots
  • Provide a callback which is executed once the transforms are completed

    Provide a callback which is executed once the transforms are completed

    I'm sure there are better ways to implement this, but I just thought I'd share a modification that I found useful. Any thoughts? You could equally employ something like $(elem).circleType({...}).then(function () {...}), but this was sufficient for my needs

    opened by soutar 5
  • Doesn't work with iOS emojis

    Doesn't work with iOS emojis

    This line https://github.com/peterhry/CircleType/blob/ffebbcc65803e1e203bde9522a8ff115de884b73/src/utils/splitNode.js#L13


    wrongly splits emojis in iOS webview, if you change to

    for (const char of trimmedText) {
      // char

    it will work with iOS emojis

    bug wip 
    opened by brunolm 4
  • Bower


    Hey Peter,

    Would you consider adding CircleType to Bower? I've put up an example manifest file but this PR is more just to see if you'd be interested


    opened by soutar 4
  • Fix for issue #129

    Fix for issue #129

    The function getBoundingClientRect() might return 0 for width or height when the element is an inline element. Setting a display type inline-block fixes this.

    opened by StephanWagner 3
  • circletype.min.js once work only when i reload the page

    circletype.min.js once work only when i reload the page


    I used circletype.min.js in my wordpress with in header :

    and i've created Html module with visual composer with : capture d ecran 2018-11-30 a 11 41 26

    When i load the page the tittle load bad (picture 1), but when i reload the tittle is good (picture2) ...

    picture-1 picture-2

    Can you help me please ?

    Thanks, Bastien

    opened by Hellobast 3
  • Semicolon error in npm installed with yarn

    Semicolon error in npm installed with yarn

    I have installed a version with bower and it is working. However, I have installed circleType with yarn in another project and, when i do gulp to generate the app.js file, the file generated does not work. The error is: TypeError: (intermediate value)(...) is not a function When i go to the file /node_modules/circletype.js/circletype.js i can see these last lines:

    if (document.readyState !== 'complete') { elem.style.visibility = 'hidden' $(window).on('load', function () { elem.style.visibility = 'visible' layout() }) } else { layout() } }) } })) If I manually add a semicolon at the end of the last line and i do the gulp process it works like a charm. In the bower version the file finish fine with semicolon.

    I have resolved the problem by placing circletype library at the last position of the gulpfile. This way there are no more libraries after circleType and there is no error. But I don't think this is a definitive solution.

    opened by hisie 3
  • New option `updateWidth`

    New option `updateWidth`

    Provide a new option updateWidth which, when true, will calculate the width of each element and apply it via an inline style. The option is false by default as it breaks the FitText example.

    Any thoughts?

    opened by soutar 3
  • Having trouble figuring out how to get the curved text to be spaced closer together

    Having trouble figuring out how to get the curved text to be spaced closer together

    Hey! First off just wanna say awesome job on a really helpful library, thanks!

    I was having trouble getting my text to be spaced closer together. I thought it would be simply by playing around with forceWidth and/or forceHeight (still not quite sure how these work), but nothing seems to be working. Here's the text I have right now:

    Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 7 50 21 PM

    My goal is to get the letters to be spaced closer together so that the text curves up to only around the red lines pictured below. Is there any way to achieve this through the library and/or CSS?

    Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 7 53 53 PM

    Edit: I did decrease the font-size a bit and it helped a little, but the letters are still spaced out a little more than I'd like. It's so close!

    Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 8 18 39 PM


    opened by MannanK 2
  • Destroy effect

    Destroy effect

    Hi Peter,

    Your plugin is very interesting and work perfectly, but i have one problem : I need to remove dynamically the effect, and you didn't add such method in your plugin to make that. Could you explain me how to create this function easily ?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by ghost 2
  • Allow circled links

    Allow circled links


    this is my first pull request so please don't mind mistakes. I have extended to plugin to allow the usage of links (provided as hashmap). What do you think about it?

    opened by ne0h 2
  • Inaccessible


    This plugin is inaccessible to screen reader users as every letter is read out on its own. This happens because there are spans around each letter. Possible solution: Use aria-hidden to hide those spans for screen readers, while duplicating the text in the respective element and moving it out of the viewport so this duplicated text can be picked up by screen readers.

    opened by yatil 2
  • CircleType.js not adding text to

    CircleType.js not adding text to "aria-label"

    Been tryna follow the docs here, https://circletype.labwire.ca/, on how to set this up and think I've followed everything correctly, however, the expected result isn't what I get.

    In the examples on the page referenced above, the text inside the target element gets pulled into the "aria-label" attribute, whereas for me it's always blank.

    Here's my code:

    Reviews Reviews Reviews

    .circular-text_wrapper { top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 2;

    .circular-text {
        color: transparent;
        -webkit-text-stroke: 1px $navy;
        font-family: $sedgwickAveDisplay;
        font-size: 24px;
        font-weight: 400;
        font-style: normal;
        line-height: 24px;
        text-transform: uppercase;


    const circleType = new CircleType( document.getElementById('circular-text') ).radius();

    The circletype.min.js file is pulling in ahead of the above JS, and I'm not getting any errors in the console - and as far as I can tell it is at least trying to work as it does remove my text from #circular-text, just never adds it to the aria-label for whatever reason.

    You can inspect the code here, https://matthewmeaklim.com - it's inside the image within the reviews section just above the footer.

    I guess I'm doing something daft but can't for the life of me see what it is.

    Many thanks in advance.

    P.S. Looks to be a great plugin from the examples!

    opened by matthewmeaklim 2
  • Whitespaces are being ignored at the end or beginning of text

    Whitespaces are being ignored at the end or beginning of text

    Firstly thank you for your work!

    Unfortunatley I'm experiencing an Issue regarding whitespaces at the end or beginning of a text I'm using CircleType on. It seems that the whitespaces are being ignored, resulting in an uneven result when using some seperators like this:


    I also tried using protected whitespaces like '&#160' or ' ' but without success.

    Would it be possible to take ending or beginning whitespaces into account when using CircleType?

    Thanks and Greetings from Germany!

    opened by cophiesarius 1
  • letter-spacing bug with multiple text

    letter-spacing bug with multiple text

    Hello! Firstly: thank you for ur job, u're awesome!

    And secondly I have problem: Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 5 42 27 PM

    First element - has normal letter spacing, but second and third elements has other spacing. I'm trying to use letter-spacing parameter in css, trying to use in js (elem.style.letterSpacing), but all of it works just on first element. What I need to do?

    Part of code (I'm using svelte):

    for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
        let circleType = new CircleType(text[i]);
      <p class="text" bind:this={text[i]} style="transform: rotate({tabs[i].rotate}deg) translate(0, {tabs[i].translate}px) scale({tabs[i].dir})">{tab.title}</p>
    opened by devilka4321 1
  • Replaced div container element with span

    Replaced div container element with span

    May be worth changing this over...

    The majority of people using the library are probably going to be using it in hx and p elements, where div elements aren't valid. Not a huge issue at all, but definitely worth thinking about :)

    opened by danny-pearson 1
  • Adds method to make full circle for any given radius.

    Adds method to make full circle for any given radius.

    I hope you don't mind me submitting this, I was looking for a way of doing this with the package at work today but it felt a bit too hacky. I really like the the ease of using this library, and I feel like this would be a nice feature to add :)

    This adds a new fullCircle() method which will create equal spacing between each letter, making a full circle for any given radius.

    Screenshot 2020-11-19 at 03 12 07
    opened by danny-pearson 5
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