p5.grain is a p5.js addon for conveniently adding grain and texture overlays to artworks.


🌾 p5.grain

p5.grain is a p5.js addon for conveniently adding grain and texture overlays to artworks.

p5.grain was also created with fxhash projects in mind that use the deterministic fxrand random function.

You can read more in detail about the different techniques to achieve grain in artworks in the article "All about that grain" by Gorilla Sun and meezwhite.

Getting started

Download the latest version from Releases and embed p5.grain.min.js (8 KB) in your project's HTML file after loading p5.js but before loading your sketch code.

<script src="./lib/p5.min.js"></script>
<!-- insert after p5.js -->
<script src="./lib/p5.grain.min.js"></script>
<script src="./sketch.js"></script>


The first step is to set up p5.grain according to your project's needs in the setup function of your sketch.

Non-deterministic setup

Suited for projects that don't have to be deterministic, don't use the pixel manipulation technique, or don't use methods for animating texture overlays.

function setup() {

Deterministic setup

Suited for projects that should be deterministic.

function setup() {
    // make Math.random be same as random
    Math.random = random;

    // set seeds (example)


Deterministic setup (fxhash)

Suited for fxhash projects.

function setup() {
    // make Math.random be same as fxrand
    Math.random = fxrand;

    randomSeed(fxrand() * 999999);
    noiseSeed(fxrand() * 999999);

    // use fxrand as the internal random function
    p5grain.setup({ random: fxrand });

Ignoring errors and warnings

Initially, p5.grain will attempt to extend p5 core functionality by registering new methods. If a method cannot be registered because the method name is already in use, p5.grain will log a warning with a suggestion of an alternative usage. You can prevent warnings to be logged by passing ignoreWarnings: true to the config object when setting up p5.grain.

When using p5.grain methods, the library validates the parameters passed to the respective methods, and error messages are thrown in case of invalid parameters to attract attention during development. You can prevent errors to be thrown by passing ignoreErrors: true to the config object when setting up p5.grain.

Note: We recommend ignoring warnings and errors only when your sketch is final, and you've made sure that no p5.grain warnings or errors can occur.

function setup() {
    // ignore warnings and errors
        ignoreWarnings: true,
        ignoreErrors: true,


p5.grain currently supports the techniques: pixel manipulation, texture overlay and SVG filter. WebGL shader technique is coming soon.

Depending on how your artwork is created and whether you want to animate texture overlays, you would use p5.grain methods within the setup or draw functions of your sketch.

The best way to get you started with a technique is to checkout the provided standalone examples. There is an example for each technique currently supported by the library.

Go to standalone example:

Here are a few examples of a basic implementation for each respective technique. Note: the examples below are non-deterministic.

Pixel manipulation

function setup() {


    // draw your artwork here
    // ...


Texture overlay inside canvas

let textureImage;

function preload() {
    textureImage = loadImage('./assets/texture.jpg');

function setup() {


    // draw your artwork here
    // ...


Texture overlay inside canvas with texture animation

let textureImage;

function preload() {
    textureImage = loadImage('./assets/texture.jpg');

function setup() {

function draw() {

    // draw your artwork here
    // ...

    textureOverlay(textureImage, { animate: true });

For more concrete use cases, please have a look at the provided examples.


p5.grain exposes the following API.

Note: p5.grain is still in the initial development phase and the API can still change. Always review the release notes.

The library initializes the global p5grain variable to a new P5Grain instance. You can directly access the fields and methods below from the p5grain variable. The library also attempts to register all p5.grain methods except setup with p5 by adding them to p5.prototype. This way, instead of calling, for example, p5grain.granulateSimple(42), you can conveniently call granulateSimple(42), although the former is also possible.


Field Type Description
version String Holds the p5.grain version in SemVer format.
ignoreWarnings Boolean Defines whether warnings should be ignored. (default: false)
ignoreErrors Boolean Defines whether errors should be ignored. (default: false)


Method Description
setup(config) Setup and configure certain p5.grain features.
granulateSimple(amount, alpha) Granulate the main canvas pixels by the given amount.
granulateChannels(amount, alpha) Granulate the main canvas pixels channels by the given amount.
granulateFuzzify(amount, fuzziness, alpha) Fuzzify and granulate the main canvas pixels by the given amount.
textureOverlay(textureImage, config) Blend the given texture image onto the canvas.
textureAnimate(textureElement, config) Animate the given texture element by randomly shifting its background position.


Setup and configure certain p5grain features.

Property Type Description
config Object (optional) Config object to configure p5grain features.
config.random function (optional) The random function that should be used internally for pixel manipulation and texture animation.
config.ignoreWarnings Boolean (optional) Defines whether warnings should be ignored.
config.ignoreErrors Boolean (optional) Defines whether errors should be ignored.

granulateSimple(amount, alpha)

Granulate the main canvas pixels by the given amount.

This method generates one random value per pixel. The random value ranges from -amount to +amount and is added to every RGB(A) pixel channel.

Property Type Description
amount Number The amount of granularity that should be applied.
alpha Boolean (optional) Specifies whether the alpha channel should also be modified. When not specified the alpha channel will not be modified.

granulateChannels(amount, alpha)

Granulate the main canvas pixels channels by the given amount.

This method generates one random value per pixel channel. The random values range from -amount to +amount. Each random value is added to the respective RGB(A) channel of the pixel.

Property Type Description
amount Number The amount of granularity that should be applied.
alpha Boolean (optional) Specifies whether the alpha channel should also be modified. When not specified the alpha channel will not be modified.

granulateFuzzify(amount, fuzziness, alpha)

Fuzzify and granulate the main canvas pixels by the given amount.

This method modifies pixels in two steps:

  1. Selects a pixel $Pn$ that lies "width indices" + "2 pixel indices" further in the pixels array. The value of the current pixel $Pc$ is then calculated as follows: $Pc = (Pc + Pn) / 2$
  2. A random value per pixel channel is generated. The random values range from -amount to +amount. Each random value is added to the respective RGB(A) channel of the pixel.
Property Type Description
amount Number The amount of granularity that should be applied.
fuzziness Number (optional) The amount of fuzziness that should be applied or the amount of pixels the cavans should be fuzzified by. (default: 2)
alpha Boolean (optional) Specifies whether the alpha channel should also be modified. When not specified the alpha channel will not be modified. (default: false)

textureOverlay(textureImage, config)

Blend the given texture image onto the canvas.

The texture is repeated along the horizontal and vertical axes to cover the entire canvas (or context).

Property Type Description
texture p5.Image The texture image to blend over.
config Object (optional) Config object to configure the texture overlay.
config.width Number (optional) The width the texture image should have. When no width is specified, the width of the texture image is assumed.
config.height Number (optional) The height the texture image should have. When no height is specified, the height of the texture image is assumed.
config.mode Constant (optional) The blend mode that should be used to blend the texture over the canvas. Either BLEND, DARKEST, LIGHTEST, DIFFERENCE, MULTIPLY, EXCLUSION, SCREEN, REPLACE, OVERLAY, HARD_LIGHT, SOFT_LIGHT, DODGE, BURN, ADD or NORMAL. When no mode is specified, the blend mode MULTIPLY will be used.
config.context p5.Graphics (optional) The context on which the texture image should be drawn onto. When no context is specified, the main canvas will be used. Deprecated: Will be removed in favor of context.textureOverlay(arguments).
config.reflect Boolean (optional) Specifies whether the given texture image should reflect horizontally and vertically, in order to provide seamless continuity.
config.animate Boolean| Object (optional) Specifies whether the given texture image should be animated.
config.animate.atFrame Number (optional) When animation is activated, the frame at which the texture should be shifted. When atFrame isn't specified, the texture is shifted every 2nd frame.
config.animate.amount Number (optional) When animation is activated, the maximum amount of pixels by which the texture should be shifted. The actual amount of pixels which the texture is shifted by is generated randomly. When no amount is specified, the minimum of the main canvas width or height is used.

textureAnimate(textureElement, config)

Animate the given texture element by randomly shifting its background position.

Property Type Description
textureElement HTMLElement| SVGElement| p5.Element The texture element to be animated.
config Object (optional) Config object to configure the texture animation.
config.atFrame Number (optional) The frame at which the texture should be shifted. When atFrame isn't specified, the texture is shifted every 2nd frame.
config.amount Number (optional) The maximum amount of pixels by which the texture should be shifted. The actual amount of pixels which the texture is shifted by is generated randomly. When no amount is specified, the minimum of the main canvas width or height is used.

Note: Animation of SVGElement is currently unsupported. Will throw an error that cannot be ignored with ignoreErrors: true.


  • p5.grain currently only works in p5's global mode.
  • granulate* methods currently only work on the main canvas pixels.
  • textureAnimate currently doesn't support animating SVG elements.


p5.grain is MIT licensed.

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