Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time


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Quasar Framework

Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time: responsive Single Page Apps, SSR Apps, PWAs, Browser extensions, Hybrid Mobile Apps and Electron Apps. If you want, all using the same codebase!

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Please submit a PR to https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar-awesome with your website/app/Quasar tutorial/video etc. Thank you!

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Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request. If you have a Quasar-related project/component/tool, add it with a pull request to this curated list!

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Quasar!


Quasar is following Semantic Versioning 2.0.


Copyright (c) 2015-present Razvan Stoenescu

MIT License

  • Quasar v2 (Vue 3) - released!

    Quasar v2 (Vue 3) - released!

    Quasar v2 is out! Read our announcement.

    Is v2 stable?


    The plan

    Our main focus at the moment is shipping Quasar v2 with Vue v3. The plan is to not introduce any breaking changes, unless forced by the vue 3 / vue-router 4 architectures.

    Affected Quasar packages: "quasar", "@quasar/app".

    Rough schedule

    • First beta: "quasar" v2.0.0-beta.1 & "@quasar/app" v3.0.0-beta.1 - Jan 2021
    • Stable releases: "quasar" v2.0.0 & "@quasar/app" v3.0.0 - Q2 2021

    The code

    The branch currently holding Quasar v2 is called dev (was previously vue3-work).


    If you want to speed up the development of Quasar please consider donating to the project. With proper funding, it allows more of the team to work on the project in a much more dedicated manner.

    Donations - https://donate.quasar.dev

    If you're in a company and using Quasar for commercial projects, explain to your management the importance of monthly donations (eg. $200+) for open source projects: you're the one using it every day and this makes you the best suited person to convince them. Be creative! :slight_smile:

    Quasar is saving your company tens of thousands of development hours (quite literally), which in turn is a pretty high money savings. Consider giving back a part of those savings to refuel the project itself :wink:

    Update: June 21st 2021

    Quasar v2 stable (with Vue.js 3) has been released! Time to party! https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar/discussions/9734

    Update: June 19th 2021

    Next release is v2.0.0 stable. Branch vue3-work has been merged into dev. The Qv1 work will now be done exclusively on the new v1 branch.

    Update: April 27th 2021

    We have passed the final major milestone: Quasar CLI now ships with Webpack 5, which was badly needed to support Node 13+. Faster build speeds and lower memory usage. We're just a few small steps away from getting Quasar v2 out of beta!

    Update: April 4th 2021

    The last Quasar CLI mode left to be enabled, which is SSR, is now also available. Here is the link to the upgrade guide on SSR. We are targeting for a 2 weeks testing period for SSR mode then we will release the official stable version of Quasar v2.

    Update: February 16th 2021

    We're close to the stable release. The only thing remaining is the SSR support. Quasar is SSR ready, however we're only going to enable SSR support as soon as these Vue3 SSR bugs (critical for us and your experience) are solved:

    • ~https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/3244~ redirected to https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/2863
    • https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/2386
    • https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/3245
    • https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/3243
    • https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/3255

    Update: February 10th 2021

    SSR mode is ready (UI and CLI-wise) to be released. Unfortunately, there are quite a few Vue SSR bugs that need to be fixed before we enable the build mode for Quasar v2. We are in the process of reporting them and we'll start collaborating with the Vue team to help fix them.

    Update: January 11th 2021

    Hi All,

    There are still some things being worked on for Quasar v2, but mainly we're now writing the migration guide. Our target for release of the public beta is within January 2021. The new version is based on Composition API. But it's not just a port to Vue 3. There are lots of significant performance enhancements in Quasar's algorithms too! You'll love it!

    Unfortunately, the first beta release won't include SSR support, due to missing some upstream features in Vue 3, which we'll contribute to via PRs. We'll release SSR support during the beta stage lifecycle though.

    We're also trying to integrate Webpack 5 support into the @quasar/app v3 release, but if we are unable to get this done (ie: external dependencies and such) then we'll shoot for @quasar/app v4 release.

    Stable release will be anywhere within Q1 2021, but as is the case with OSS, it will be ready, when it's ready. And of course, it will be ready when we know the quality is high enough to meet both your expectations and ours.

    In the meantime, the wonderful framework you've come to love is still here and you don't have to wait for Quasar v2 to start a new project with Vue 3's major new feature (i.e. using the composition API). Of course, if you choose to hold off on Vue 3 features, we'll make the upgrade as easy as possible for you. That's a promise. :slight_smile:

    The Quasar Team

    announcement :rocket: 
    opened by rstoenescu 178
  • Resolve Quasar and Tailwind CSS conflicts

    Resolve Quasar and Tailwind CSS conflicts

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    This proposal aims to resolve conflicts between Quasar and TailwindCSS with minimum changes. Currently, Quasar and TailwindCSS offer both useful classes. This post is not to discuss the pros and cons (you can debate here) but to ease the use of TailwindCSS with Quasar for those who want to.

    After investigation (with the help of CSS compare and CSS sort), we can divide Quasar class names in 4 categories:

    • Classes prefixed with q- : not a problem.
    • Classes not prefixed but not redundant with TailwindCSS (some of these classes are utility classes and could be renamed to match TailwindCSS) : not a problem.
    • Classes with the same name and behavior in both frameworks : not a problem.
    • Classes with the same name but with a different behavior : it is a problem.

    Hopefully, the last category contain only 12 classes in 5 files with few differences:

    /* Quasar: flex.styl */
    .flex{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap }
    .order-first { order: -10000 }
    .order-last { order: 10000 }
    /* TailwindCSS */
    .flex { display: flex }
    .order-first { order: -9999 }
    .order-last { order: 9999 }
    /* Quasar: mouse.styl */
    .cursor-not-allowed { cursor: not-allowed !important }
    .cursor-pointer { cursor: pointer !important }
    /* TailwindCSS */
    .cursor-not-allowed { cursor: not-allowed }
    .cursor-pointer { cursor: pointer }
    /* Quasar: size.styl */
    .block { display: block !important }
    .inline-block { display: inline-block !important }
    /* TailwindCSS */
    .block { display: block }
    .inline-block { display: inline-block }
    /* Quasar: typography.styl */
    .text-justify { text-align: justify; hyphens: auto }
    /* TailwindCSS */
    .text-justify { text-align: justify }
    /* Quasar: visibility.styl */
    .hidden { display: none !important }
    .invisible { visibility: hidden !important }
    .overflow-auto { overflow: auto !important }
    .overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden !important }
    /* TailwindCSS */
    .hidden { display: none }
    .invisible { visibility: hidden }
    .overflow-auto { overflow: auto }
    .overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden }

    You can see that:

    • for 8 classes, it is just a difference with the presence of !important in Quasar
    • for 2 classes (order-first, order-last), the value chosen for the indexes differ from 1
    • for 2 classes (flex, text-justify), a second property is added to the utility class in Quasar

    I forgot to mention the particular case of colors that have the same problem of !important (the way I deal with them is described below).

    Describe the solution you'd like

    As a preferred solution and personal taste, it is possible with minimal modifications to change these 12 classes to avoid conflicts. For that, we could:

    • check the pertinence of !important for the 8 classes (after a search they are not used in many components), remove it when unecessary or replace it with another class (named hiddenImportant instead of hidden for instance) or style in that particular cases.
    • simply change the values of indexes for consistency (9999 or 10000 is arbitrary and will not impact anything).
    • divide the two other classes to utility classes (by the way, for flex, we already have wrap to indicate flex-wrap: wrap) which will be more consistent.

    For colors, a clean solution would be (in the case of !important being not that 'important' but a matter of taste) to offer a property in config to add/remove colors (kind of what it is done with brand).

    I would also vote for renaming utility classes that only differ from names to have something really robust but it is not mandatory.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    For now, for the 12 classes :

    • I have chosen to use Quasar as the source of truth because classes are used in some components and I did not want to monkeypatch and maintain each of them on my own (considering that they could be updated by the Quasar team at anytime). Consequently, I use them with caution and add a comment for warning.

    For now, I manage colors in this way :

    • I recreate quasar.*.css files with a postinstall script that mimic what Quasar do to build CSS but with an index.styl without colors.styl. It is less a problem because it consists only in one file and I am not sure that the !important is relevant for the colors (I didn't encounter problems yet).
    • I define all the colors in my tailwind.config.js and it is ok with Quasar that offers the same class names for customization.

    Additional information

    Also, I would like t o mention two other important concepts:

    • Breakpoints : I have configured TailwindCSS to use the same values as Quasar in config. I know that these values can be changed in Quasar as they are stylus (or sass) variables but as I have seen mentions of them in components, I don't really know if it would impact these components badly if I change for instance md or lg values.
    • PurgeCSS : I have managed to reduce Quasar core CSS and purge all CSS with something similar as this pull request. But instead of including all src components, I use the same technique that Quasar uses with its auto import process to keep only the styles of the components that I use.
    discussion :speaking_head: 
    opened by gbouteiller 73
  • Quasar Developer Meetups

    Quasar Developer Meetups

    Not a bug/issue/feature request, but a discussion area.

    If you would like a Quasar meetup please list your top 3 areas?

    For instance, mine would be:

    1. Calgary (Canada)
    2. Vancouver (Canada)
    3. Toronto (Canada)

    I am not saying this will happen in your location, but maybe we can get some community driven ones based on the highest concentration.

    discussion :speaking_head: 
    opened by hawkeye64 67
  • Feature request: ability to generate a static website

    Feature request: ability to generate a static website

    I think Quasar is almost perfect and I think adding the ability to generate a static website like Nuxt is better than maintaining a "Quasar + Nuxt starter kit" because I think Quasar gave us a freedom better than Nuxt and capabilities much better than Nuxt.

    I don't expect this feature to be available in the next release I just want to see it someday available in the most perfect framework Quasar!

    opened by MohammedAl-Mahdawi 56
  • QDialog [ios] [ipados] Keyboard is overflowing inputfields on Dialogs

    QDialog [ios] [ipados] Keyboard is overflowing inputfields on Dialogs

    Dear Team,

    that is my major issue on the QDialog. If you open a standard Dialog and there is a Input Field the virtual Keyboard overflow the entry-fields.

    So no entry is possible .. Scrolling to the fields else is also prevented.

    With the seamless Option, the entries are possible, but the scroll / overall handling of that seamless Dialog is awkward (Background-Scrolling etc.)

    For Testing there is a Sandbox:

    https://vtft7.sse.codesandbox.io/ e: https://codesandbox.io/s/codesandbox-app-vtft7

    If you make a slow motion .. you will see, that standard Dialog scrolls short up - but it snaps down ..

    That it is possible, to have a working Dialog with Input on ios Devices, you see on my codepen:

    https://codepen.io/ibrainventures/full/eYYBdRE e: https://codepen.io/ibrainventures/pen/eYYBdRE

    (here the Dialog is NOT snapping down - opened in an non seamless Dialog)

    May the reason that it is working there (same Dialog Code) is, that the codepen wrapper is blocking some dyamic body-attaches by the quasar fw .. (i think so) (there are some .js routines).

    So the solution is maybe to make that to the body element dynamic applied styles / classes (more) ios compatible - so that the explained snap-down will not occur...

    This issue is really a big problem for me, because all kind of Dialogs (Login, Signup, Edit, etc.) are not usable for any iphone / ipad User.

    Affected: All Apple i-devices with safari, IOS: 11, 12, 13, IpadOS: 13

    It would be really great to get here a solution. Many thanks to the Team.

    kind/bug 🐞 
    opened by ibrainventures 43
  • Bug in Vue v3.2.32/33 | Build Runtime Error | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'accessCache')

    Bug in Vue v3.2.32/33 | Build Runtime Error | Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'accessCache')

    What happened?

    As a developer that uses quasar using the Vite plugin When building a project that contains a quasar input component And previewing the build using npm run preview Then Vue throws an error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'accessCache')

    You can find a codesandbox with the final build assets here: https://codesandbox.io/s/frosty-thunder-gxs0pt?file=/index.html

    What did you expect to happen?

    No error to happen in the final build

    Reproduction URL


    How to reproduce?

    You can use the reproduction repo or create a new project from scratch:

    1. Create a new Vite project (Basically following all steps here: https://quasar.dev/start/vite-plugin)
    npm init vite@latest quasar-access-cache-bug -- --template vue
    cd quasar-access-cache-bug
    npm install quasar @quasar/extras
    npm install -D @quasar/vite-plugin [email protected]
    1. Change files:
    // main.js
    import { createApp } from "vue";
    import { Quasar } from "quasar";
    import "@quasar/extras/material-icons/material-icons.css";
    import "quasar/dist/quasar.css";
    import App from "./App.vue";
    const myApp = createApp(App);
    myApp.use(Quasar, {
      plugins: {}, // import Quasar plugins and add here
    // vite.config.js
    import { defineConfig } from "vite";
    import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue";
    import { quasar, transformAssetUrls } from "@quasar/vite-plugin";
    // https://vitejs.dev/config/
    export default defineConfig({
      plugins: [
          template: { transformAssetUrls },
    1. Use q-input component:
    // App.vue
    <script setup>
    import { ref } from "vue";
    const text = ref("");
      <q-input v-model="text"> </q-input>
    1. Run npm run build && npm run preview
    2. Open app in browser
    3. Inspect developer console


    Quasar CLI with Vite (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-vite)


    Quasar CLI Commands/Configuration (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-webpack | @quasar/app-vite), Components (quasar), SPA Mode


    No response

    Quasar info output

    No response

    Relevant log output

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'accessCache')
        at Object.defineProperty (index.103dbd67.js:1:45265)
        at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>)
        at $n (index.103dbd67.js:1:55812)
        at cc (index.103dbd67.js:1:94717)
        at vc (index.103dbd67.js:1:96942)
        at setup (index.103dbd67.js:1:114952)
        at tt (index.103dbd67.js:1:12393)
        at pa (index.103dbd67.js:1:46698)
        at ma (index.103dbd67.js:1:46483)
        at I (index.103dbd67.js:1:34874)

    Additional context

    This bug seems to be related to the Vue version. If you fix the vue version in the package.json to: "vue": "3.2.25" then everything works fine.

    kind/bug 🐞 :outbox_tray: external lib issue Qv2 🔝 area/components area/directives bug/2-confirmed 
    opened by waldi 42
  • ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded

    ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded


    Since the app is in production, I see a lot of ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded errors in Sentry breaking my plan capacity. But I can't reproduce it.

    I'm not using the QResizeObservable component.

    Here I see the discussion saying we can ignore it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49384120/resizeobserver-loop-limit-exceeded

    Is there a dependency doing that? Can we catch this error in order to don't log it?

    Thanks for your work :100:

    Software version

    Operating System Centos NodeJs 9.8.0

    Global packages
    NPM 5.6.0 yarn 1.5.1 quasar-cli 0.15.14 vue-cli 2.9.3 cordova Not available

    Important local packages
    quasar-cli 0.15.14 quasar-framework 0.15.10 quasar-extras 1.0.2
    vue 2.5.16
    vue-router 3.0.1 vuex 3.0.1
    electron Not available babel-core 6.26.0 webpack 3.11.0 webpack-dev-server 2.11.1

    What did you get as the error?

    ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded

    What were you expecting?

    No errors.

    What steps did you take, to get the error?

    I've seen the error in the errors log.

    opened by abeltodev 41
  • A new logo for Quasar Framework

    A new logo for Quasar Framework

    Hi all,

    I'm working on a new logo for Quasar Framework, as my personal contribution to the project.

    It's fully vector and square-bounded. If you like it, I could provide you the .svg file.

    Comments and suggestions are welcome!

    quasar-logo test-logo

    discussion :speaking_head: 
    opened by zuck 41
  • The q-input component has a bug when inputting Chinese in the Mac Safari browser

    The q-input component has a bug when inputting Chinese in the Mac Safari browser

    When I use the q-input component to input Chinese in the mac Safari browser, there will be repeated Chinese pinyin https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28332458/117227421-58c3ba80-ae49-11eb-9f7a-b16cde53c1c0.mov

    This is the correct effect on the Chrome browser https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28332458/117227637-dc7da700-ae49-11eb-9251-0118697799c7.mov

    kind/bug 🐞 Qv1 
    opened by yangjiafu 40
  • QInput on iOS native requires two taps

    QInput on iOS native requires two taps

    Software version

    Operating System - Darwin(18.6.0) - darwin/x64 NodeJs - 8.11.3

    Global packages NPM - 6.7.0 yarn - Not installed @quasar/cli - 1.0.0-rc.2 cordova - 9.0.0 ([email protected])

    Important local packages quasar - 1.0.0-rc.4 @quasar/app - 1.0.0-rc.6 @quasar/extras - 1.1.2

    What did you get as the error?

    No error information. Strictly UX related.

    What were you expecting?

    QInput elements on an iOS build seem to require two distinct taps to pull up the keyboard. The first tap gives it focus. The second tap then allows editing the text.

    Expecting a single tap to both bring focus to the input and pull up the keyboard.

    What steps did you take, to get the error?

    Any QInput used in a native iOS build. Mobile web is not an issue. Android is not an issue.

    Also: not an issue with our 0.17 iOS build.

    opened by wooliet 40
  • q-btn display problem

    q-btn display problem

    Describe the bug When I upgraded quasar to the latest version (v1.3.0 to v1.5.7), all q-btn in my quasar project were on the mobile side, and the mac display was particularly long, normally displayed in the linux/windows chrome browser. Then I upgraded the project step by step from v1.3.0, when the upgrade to v1.5.0 occurred with the problem Codepen/jsFiddle/Codesandbox (required) Fork a Codepen (https://codepen.quasar.dev) or a jsFiddle (https://jsfiddle.quasar.dev) or a Codesandbox (https://codesandbox.quasar.dev) and hit save then copy-paste link here.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Platform (please complete the following information): Operating System - Linux(4.19.0-6-amd64) - linux/x64 NodeJs - 10.17.0

    Global packages NPM - 6.13.2 yarn - 1.19.2 @quasar/cli - 1.0.2 cordova - Not installed

    Important local packages quasar - 1.5.0 -- Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time @quasar/app - 1.2.3 -- Quasar Framework local CLI @quasar/extras - 1.3.2 -- Quasar Framework fonts, icons and animations vue - 2.6.10 -- Reactive, component-oriented view layer for modern web interfaces. vue-router - 3.1.3 -- Official router for Vue.js 2 vuex - 3.1.1 -- state management for Vue.js

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    kind/bug 🐞 
    opened by yinchuanyue 38
  • Loading will record the scroll position when the routing page changes

    Loading will record the scroll position when the routing page changes

    What happened?

    i'm using quasar in my vitepress project,and I added a loading animation when the route changes, but I found that when the route is switched, the new page will scroll to the previous page position, which seems to be a bug, this is my code:

    1. .vitepress/config.js
    export default {
        NotFound: Error404,
        enhanceApp({app, router, siteData}) {
            router.onBeforeRouteChange = () => {
                Loading.show({message: '(ง •̀_•́)ง (*•̀ㅂ•́)و 努力加载中...'})
            router.onAfterRouteChanged = () => {
    1. Layout.vue
      <q-img src="mountain.jpg" height="400px" alt="background">
        <h3 class="absolute-full flex flex-center">
          When in doubt, use brute force.
      <div class="row animate__animated animate__fadeIn">
        <div class="col-10 offset-1 col-sm-8 offset-sm-2">
          <q-timeline :layout="layout" color="secondary">
            <q-timeline-entry heading>时间轴({{summaries.length}})</q-timeline-entry>
                v-for="summary in summaries"
              <div class="text-caption">{{ summary.excerpt }}</div>
    <script setup>
    import {computed} from 'vue'
    import {useRouter} from 'vitepress'
    import {useQuasar} from 'quasar'
    import summaries from '../../../post/summary.json'
    const router = useRouter()
    const $q = useQuasar()
    const layout = computed(() => $q.screen.lt.sm ? 'dense' : 'comfortable')

    What did you expect to happen?

    I expect the new page position is zero

    Reproduction URL


    How to reproduce?

    1. open codesandbox
    2. scroll down the page
    3. Just click a button 阅读全文
    4. new page while scroll to prev page position




    Plugins (quasar)


    Chrome, Safari

    Quasar info output

    No response

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional context


    kind/bug 🐞 Qv2 🔝 flavour/umd bug/1-hard-to-reproduce bug/1-repro-available area/plugins 
    opened by YangQuan666 0
  • Also delete www folder when upgrading capacitor

    Also delete www folder when upgrading capacitor


    When upgrading Capacitor as described in the documentation (see the link below), you should also delete the www folder, otherwise the bundle files will be created twice (or even more), which will make the final APK file unnecessarily large. The more often you perform the upgrade steps, the more duplicates will result. So I would suggest to add the www folder to the folders to delete in the first step of the Upgrade guide in the documentation. I don't know if this only occurs with Vite because I did not test it with Webpack.

    Thanks for all your work for such a great framework! I wish you a happy new year!

    Documentation Section URL



    Quasar CLI with Vite (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-vite)


    Capacitor Mode

    kind/docs 📄 mode/capacitor Qv2 🔝 flavour/quasar-cli-vite 
    opened by yxyx-github 0
  • QInput masks break & modify input

    QInput masks break & modify input

    What happened?

    When Masks for simple number display (ie. formatting 123,456.78) by using a mask ###,###,###.## over-fits the mask based on decimal places, and also modifies the input value to meet that fitting.

    • 250 becomes 2.50
    • 78.9 becomes 7.89
    • 0.5 becomes 05
    • 523456 becomes 5,234.56

    This makes masking not very useful as it cannot be relied upon for such use cases. Setting the model value of the input does not result in the provided number being displayed, the input updates the model-value with it's own changes to that value.

    What did you expect to happen?

    Masking should not modify the provided value in unexpected ways, and that such masking would fit the number more "intelligently". Without forcing itself.

    Reproduction URL


    How to reproduce?

    1. Go to the repro link
    2. Observe the values in the inputs vs the values originally provided


    Quasar CLI with Webpack (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-webpack)


    Components (quasar)


    Firefox, Chrome

    Quasar info output

    No response

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    kind/bug 🐞 Qv2 🔝 flavour/quasar-cli-webpack bug/1-repro-available area/components 
    opened by douglasg14b 1
  • Getting a `Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]` error when trying to use extension `@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight` in my SSR project

    Getting a `Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]` error when trying to use extension `@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight` in my SSR project

    What happened?

    When I have added @tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight extension to my project it produces the following error:

    Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: .../node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js
    require() of ES modules is not supported.
    require() of .../node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js from ..../dist/ssr/server/server-entry.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
    Instead rename common.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from .../node_modules/lowlight/package.json.

    I'm currently using TipTap in a Quasar project using Vite.js.

    I have the following package.json:

    "dependencies": {
        "@quasar/extras": "1.15.8",
        "@tiptap/extension-bullet-list": "^2.0.0-beta.209",
        "@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight": "^2.0.0-beta.209",
        "@tiptap/extension-heading": "^2.0.0-beta.209",
        "@tiptap/extension-link": "^2.0.0-beta.209",
        "@tiptap/extension-list-item": "^2.0.0-beta.209",
        "@tiptap/starter-kit": "2.0.0-beta.204",
        "@tiptap/vue-3": "2.0.0-beta.204",
        "lowlight": "^2.8.0",
        "prosemirror-commands": "^1.3.1",
        "prosemirror-dropcursor": "1.5.0",
        "prosemirror-gapcursor": "^1.3.1",
        "prosemirror-history": "^1.3.0",
        "prosemirror-keymap": "^1.2.0",
        "prosemirror-model": "^1.18.1",
        "prosemirror-schema-list": "^1.2.2",
        "prosemirror-state": "^1.4.1",
        "prosemirror-transform": "^1.7.0",
        "prosemirror-view": "^1.28.2",
        "quasar": "^2.8.0",
        "vue": "^3.0.0",
      "devDependencies": {
        "@quasar/app-vite": "^1.1.3",
        "typescript": "^4.5.4"
      "engines": {
        "node": "^18 || ^16 || ^14.19",
        "npm": ">= 6.13.4",
        "yarn": ">= 1.21.1"

    The issue happens when I try to run the files after being bundled. Whenever I run node dist/ssr/index.js it gives me the error written above.

    More specifically I run the following script to build my APP and then run E2E tests: ENV_FILE=test quasar build --mode ssr --port 3000 && node dist/ssr/index.js

    What did you expect to happen?

    The project to run without any problem with node ENV_FILE=test quasar build --mode ssr --port 3000 && node dist/ssr/index.js

    Reproduction URL


    How to reproduce?

    1. Clone the repository
    2. Run quasar build --mode ssr --port 3000 to build the project (this one works just fine)
    3. Run node dist/ssr/index.js

    You will see the error


    Vite Plugin (@quasar/vite-plugin)


    Quasar CLI Commands/Configuration (@quasar/cli | @quasar/app-webpack | @quasar/app-vite), SSR Mode



    Quasar info output

    Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: .../node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js
    require() of ES modules is not supported.
    require() of .../node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js from ..../dist/ssr/server/server-entry.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
    Instead rename common.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from .../node_modules/lowlight/package.json.

    Relevant log output

    Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js
    require() of ES modules is not supported.
    require() of /home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/node_modules/lowlight/lib/common.js from /home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/dist/ssr/server/server-entry.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
    Instead rename common.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from /home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/node_modules/lowlight/package.json.
        at new NodeError (internal/errors.js:322:7)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1102:13)
        at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32)
        at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:12)
        at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:974:19)
        at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:101:18)
        at Module.<anonymous> (/home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/dist/ssr/server/server-entry.js:1:1349)
        at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:14)
        at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
        at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32) {
      code: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'
    npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
    npm ERR! errno 1
    npm ERR! [email protected] start:test:webserver: `ENV_FILE=test quasar build --mode ssr --port 3000 && node dist/ssr/index.js`
    npm ERR! Exit status 1
    npm ERR! 
    npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start:test:webserver script.
    npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR!     /home/whatever/.npm/_logs/2022-12-21T12_59_23_713Z-debug.log
    Error: server closed unexpectedly
        at ChildProcess.onClose (/home/whatever/devotto/devotto.com/node_modules/start-server-and-test/src/index.js:75:14)
        at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)
        at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1058:16)
        at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:293:5)
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

    Additional context

    I'm guessing that I need to transpile the file lowlight.js into ESM. My experience in this area is very limited and the resources online didn't help me much (at least to understand exactly what is going on).

    I tried extending viteConf in quasar.config.js:

    module.exports = function() {
      return {
        build: {
          extendViteConf (viteConf, { isClient, isServer }) {
            if (isServer) {
              viteConf.optimizeDeps = viteConf.optimizeDeps || {};
              viteConf.optimizeDeps.include = ['./node_modules/highlight.js'];
              viteConf.build.commonjsOptions = viteConf.build.commonjsOptions || {};
              viteConf.build.commonjsOptions.include = [/highlight.js/, /node_modules/];
              // viteConf.optimizeDeps.entries = [
              //   'node_modules/@tiptap/extension-code-block-lowlight/dist/tiptap-extension-code-block-lowlight.cjs',
              //   'node_modules/highlight.js'
              // ];

    But no luck as well. I get the same error.

    kind/bug 🐞 mode/ssr Qv2 🔝 flavour/vite-plugin bug/1-hard-to-reproduce bug/1-repro-available area/cli 
    opened by CharlieBrownCharacter 0
  • Add Additional Text Color Configuration Options

    Add Additional Text Color Configuration Options

    What kind of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [x] Feature
    • [x] Documentation
    • [ ] Code style update
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [ ] Build-related changes
    • [ ] Other, please describe:

    Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [x] No

    The PR fulfills these requirements:

    • [x] It's submitted to the dev branch (or v[X] branch)
    • [x] When resolving a specific issue, it's referenced in the PR's title (e.g. fix: #xxx[,#xxx], where "xxx" is the issue number)
    • [x] It's been tested on a Cordova (iOS, Android) app
    • [x] It's been tested on an Electron app
    • [x] Any necessary documentation has been added or updated in the docs or explained in the PR's description.

    If adding a new feature, the PR's description includes:

    • [x] A convincing reason for adding this feature (to avoid wasting your time, it's best to start a new feature discussion first and wait for approval before working on it)

    Other information: While implementing a dark mode theme I ran across an issue where the light mode secondary color we selected looked good on a q-btn with the default white text, but the dark mode secondary color isn't readable with white text. The issue can obviously be solved by providing a text-color value, but it's easier to ensure that my team is consitent with styles if the text color selection follows from the background color selection.

    This pull request adds the following SASS variables: $on-default, $on-primary, $on-secondary, $on-accent, $on-positive, $on-negative, $on-info, and $on-warning, plus $on-[all color variants]. These new variables represent the preferred text color for text appearing on backgrounds colored with their existing color counterparts. By default they are set to $on-default which has a value on '#FFF`.

    It also adds --q-on-primary, --q-on-secondary, --q-on-accent, --q-on-positive, --q-on-negative, --q-on-info, and --q-on-warning as css properties on the root element to expose these values and allow for changes at runtime.

    Finally, it adds text-on-[color] classes for all defined colors. All components that accept a color and text-color prop will default the text class to text-on-[color] if a color is provided but no text-color. Anytime a text-color is supplied it is used instead.

    My only uncertainty is how to update the brand configuration in quasar.config.js to optionally accept the new color options. Default values shouldn't cause any visual difference in the vast majority of existing sites. The biggest possible break would be name collisions if users are using any of the new variable, property, or class names.

    opened by PrinceManfred 0
  • Disable dark shadows in UMD mode

    Disable dark shadows in UMD mode

    What happened?

    The new 'dark' shadows look more like a lighting behind elements than a real shadow and is a strong visual change. While I understand and appreciate a special kind of shadow in dark mode, I'd like to adapt it to my personal taste.

    What did you expect to happen?

    A way to revert it

    Reproduction URL


    How to reproduce?

    upgrade to 2.11




    Components (quasar)


    No response

    Quasar info output

    No response

    Relevant log output

    No response

    Additional context

    I can easily revert it in cli app like that:

    $separator-dark-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
    $dark-shadow-color: #000;
    $layout-shadow-dark: 0 0 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);

    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do the same in UMD mode with the config object. Dark shadows are not using css vars.

    kind/bug 🐞 Qv2 🔝 flavour/umd bug/1-repro-available area/components 
    opened by lianee 2
  • @quasar/cli-v1.4.0(Jan 3, 2023)

  • quasar-v2.11.3(Dec 29, 2022)


    • feat(ui): Ability to disable Quasar automatically adding "dir" and "lang" HTML attributes to the html tag #15010


    • fix(QRadio/QCheckbox): checked must be set as .prop to change the native form value and as .attr to change the html attr #15182 (#15183)


    Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • @quasar/extras-v1.15.9(Dec 28, 2022)

  • quasar-v2.11.2(Dec 24, 2022)

  • quasar-v2.11.1(Dec 18, 2022)

  • quasar-v2.11.0(Dec 17, 2022)


    • feat(ui): dark mode shadows (and Quasar sass variables)
    • feat(ui): Improve QInput and QFile nativeEl types (fix #15128) (#15129)


    • fix(QInput): set margin first and then decrease height to keep parent scroll (regressing from fixing firefox undo) #15023 (#15047)
    • fix(QDialog): listen for click on backdrop on ios because the refocus does not make sense and ios in non-desktop mode does not focus the backdrop on tap #13619 (#14958)
    • fix(QInfiniteScroll): hide transitions and animations for invisible items #15094 (#15097)
    • fix(ui/build): ignore .spec.js files when building UI package (has negative effects on the CLI auto-import feature)
    • fix(QCard): do not mess with padding for non-rectangle buttons inside QCardActions
    • fix(QLinearProgress): "stripe" prop not taking account of "instant-feedback"

    Breaking change fix

    We are sorry but we really had to push the following because it's a bug with various implications. Should you use this language pack, you should convert kz to kk as language name:

    • fix(ui): Kazakh language pack renamed from kz to kk as per ISO standard (#14985)

    Designer considerations (important!)

    Since we added shadows for Dark mode:

    1. The shadow-*, shadow-up-*, inset-shadow and inset-shadow-down CSS helper classes will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled.
    2. Quasar components that handle dark mode will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled (unless "flat"). These include: QCard, QColor, QDate, QTime, QMenu, QStepper, QTable, QUploader.
    3. QHeader/QFooter/QDrawer with "elevated" prop will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled.
    4. QDialog will no longer attach any default shadow to its main child element/component. This won't change anything if you're using a QCard (because it already has a shadow). However, any other element/component (including your own) might require you to attach a shadow-* class to work the same.
    5. QKnob & QChip will output a light-colored shadow when it's focused and Dark mode is enabled. For QKnob on light-mode (and new dark mode), this shadow has been changed from elevation level 4 to 2.


    Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • quasar-v1.22.3(Dec 17, 2022)


    • fix(QInput): (backport from Qv2) set margin first and then decrease height to keep parent scroll (regressing from fixing firefox undo) #15023 (#15047)
    • fix(QDialog): (backport from Qv2) listen for click on backdrop on ios because the refocus does not make sense and ios in non-desktop mode does not focus the backdrop on tap #13619 (#14958)
    • fix(QInfiniteScroll): (backport from Qv2) hide transitions and animations for invisible items #15094 (#15097)
    • fix(QLinearProgress): (backport from Qv2) "stripe" prop not taking account of "instant-feedback"
    • fix(QCard): (backport from Qv2) do not mess with padding for non-rectangle buttons inside QCardActions


    Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • @quasar/vite-plugin-v1.3.0(Dec 17, 2022)


    • feat(vite-plugin): Add Vite 4 support #15095 #15125
    • feat(vite-plugin): support for Sass/Scss