Lorem ip" />

Lorem ip" />

Lorem ip"/>

Switch the background-image with using effect.


jQuery.BgSwitcher Build Status

Switch the background image with using effect.




<div class="box">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
  images: ["pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg"],
  ... Something Config ...

For example, if you want to disable the loop of switching:

  images: ["pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg"],
  loop: false


Key Type Default Description
images array [] Background images
interval number 5000 Interval of switching
start boolean true Start the switch on after initialization (Calling the Methods)
loop boolean true Loop the switch
shuffle boolean false Shuffle the image order
effect string fade Effect type (Built-In effect types)
duration number 1000 Effect duration
easing string swing Effect easing

Effect Types

Built-In effect types

  • fade
  • blind
  • clip
  • slide
  • drop
  • hide (No effect)

Adding the effect type

First, define effect with using the $.BgSwitcher.defineEffect().

$.BgSwitcher.defineEffect("extraSlide", function($el) {
  $el.animate({left: $el.width()}, this.config.duration, this.config.easing);

Then, specify the effect name that you added.

  images: ["pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg"],
  effect: "extraSlide"

Calling the Methods

Support the method calls like jQuery UI Widget.

$(".box").bgswitcher("method name");

You can call various methods, For example:

Name Description
start Start the switching
stop Stop the switching
toggle Toggle between start/stop
reset Return to the first switching
select Select the switching at index
next Go to the next switching
prev Go to the previous switching
destroy !!Destroy BgSwitcher!!

Example for select with button:

var $el = $(".box").bgswitcher({
  images: ["foo.jpg", "bar.jpg", "baz.jpg"]

$("button").on("click", function() {
  $el.bgswitcher("select", 1); // bar.jpg


Requires jQuery 1.7.x or higher.

Support browsers

  • IE7+
  • and modern browsers
  • Mobile Safari

Running the Tests

Setup the modules required for testing.

git submodule update --init --recursive

You can testing in two ways:

  • Open the test/index.html in the Web browser
  • Command Line Testing with the PhantomJS
phantomjs lib/mocha-phantomjs/lib/mocha-phantomjs.coffee test/index.html


The MIT License, Copyright (c) 2009-2014 @rewish.

  • background attachment & position

    background attachment & position


    What I think the parameters are missing is the background position, which is absolute now making the background scrollable. And the background position is also always top left 0 0 which is also not always wanted.


    opened by twentyfortysix 6
  • Chrome issue

    Chrome issue

    Thanks for your jquery! good stuff! I have a doubt... on chrome, images seem to just move right a bit just before the fade transition. So you have an idea of how to fix it?

    opened by vinibrown 4
  • Console Issue from jquery.bgswitcher.js:232

    Console Issue from jquery.bgswitcher.js:232

    Hi, I am a bit new to web design so I apologize in advance if there is a quick fix to this.

    I believe that all of my code is correct, and so far my initial image is being called in, but the transition to my additional images is not happening.

    In the console, I get this: "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"

     * Switching the background image
    switching: function() {
      var started = !!this._timerID;
      if (started) {

    /* The error is marked on this line of code ^ */

      if (started) {


    opened by sethsi2581 3
  • Background repeats and spills

    Background repeats and spills


    Thanks for this plugin!

    I have a problem: Sometimes when loading a page with bgswitcher the images are repeated and spill oust of the container. I've noticed that the div style property contains "repeat". Is there a possibility to make it not repeating? This happens with Safari, Chrome, FF, IE under os x and win. When reloading the page it usually does not happen. Do you have a suggestion what I could do?

    Thank you! cat

    opened by cattalk 3
  • Pre-Loading Images

    Pre-Loading Images

    I've looked through the code for bgSwitcher and saw that there is a preLoad function for the images. However, on my site there is often a jump between slides on the first load (i.e. before the images are cached) where the background goes white.

    Here's the page: http://www.thgcreative.co.uk/senzala/

    Is this related to the preLoad funciton? And if so, does this mean the preLoad function isn't working properly?

    Thanks, Russ

    opened by slaterino 3
  • shuffle config doesn't take a boolean but a String

    shuffle config doesn't take a boolean but a String

    $('body').bgswitcher({ images: ["style/img/0.jpg","style/img/1.jpg","style/img/3.jpg","style/img/4.jpg"], effect: "fade", shuffle: "false", interval: 5000 });

    opened by maxdhn 3
  • background-colorの指定


    <div id="test"> <div class="box"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p> </div> </div>

    この時、#testにbackground-colorを指定していると .boxの背景スライドショーが表示されなくなってしまうのですが、 回避する方法はございますか。 <body>へbackground-color指定する場合は問題なく動作致します。

    opened by trickstar13 2
  • Add class (or ID) to DIV

    Add class (or ID) to DIV

    Is it possible to add a class to the DIV container? It would make it much more flexible for responsive styling.

    (ie; background-size: cover works great at larger resolution, but the results are very poor on mobile phones (cover takes into account all the content down the page, resulting in a very small pixelated portion of the background image in visible viewport)

    opened by mattrock1 1
  • actions in .box

    actions in .box

    Hi, Thanks for script, but i have small problem. How i can insert actions buttons like next, prev ... : inside div (.box) ?

    Actions not working if i insert inside box div. Please help :).

    opened by eldooka 1
  • no support of background position in IE < 10

    no support of background position in IE < 10

    those versions of IE use background-position-[x/y] background-position can't be read through ".css(...)" in _copyBackgroundStyles function so background-position is not copied when using these browsers

    opened by aurmil 1
  • Blink系ブラウザでのイージング不具合について




    ↓ちなみにこのサイトにある古いバージョンのDemoはシームレスな切り替えができているようです。 http://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Lightweight-jQuery-Background-Slideshow-Plugin-BgSwitcher/demo/



    opened by oceancrawler 1
  • get index on image which is used

    get index on image which is used

    hello, is it possible to get like the index of the image that is being used right now in the bg switcher? for example i want certain objects to stand out more when a certain background is called. this would look something along the lines of this:

    if ($(".bg_div").style.background == "url(some_image.jpg)") { $(".some_div").style.color = "white"; } else { $(".some_div").style.color = "black";


    however this does not work, could you show me how this can be done?



    opened by laurinjahns 0
  • Using jquery-bgwitcher with jquery version 1.3.2

    Using jquery-bgwitcher with jquery version 1.3.2


    Your plugin need Jquery version 1.10 to work, but I must use Jquery 1.3.2 in my project. How can I use your plugin with Jquery 1.3.2. Thanks for making useful plugin

    opened by ngocminhxx 0
  • The bgswitcher doesn't let me assign rounded borders to the div

    The bgswitcher doesn't let me assign rounded borders to the div

    hi all,

    basically, the div that receives the images for the switching, can't have a css style of "border-radius". Somehow that can't be added to the div. What can I do for this?

    opened by gadget00 1
  • found a couple of solutions while using jquery-bgswitcher for a site

    found a couple of solutions while using jquery-bgswitcher for a site

    I had a concrete5 site that had a div with an external api form that the client wanted a fullwidth slideshow in the background of that div. So I gave your js a try. I found in Safari and Ipad Safari the fade didn't work. So I came up with a two part work around.

    I modified your js around line 288 with /** * Setup background element */ _setupBackgroundElement: function() { this.$bg = $(document.createElement('div')); this.$bg.css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex: (parseInt(this.$el.css('zIndex'), 10) || 0) - 1, overflow: 'hidden', '-webkit-transition': 'background 3s ease-out 2s', '-moz-transition': 'background 3s ease-out 2s', '-o-transition': 'background 3s ease-out 2s', transition: 'background 3s ease-in-out 2s' });

    and then added a preloader in the js where I called jquery-bgswitcher

    $(".booking-hero").bgswitcher({ images: jArray, //images: ["pic1.jpg", "pic2.jpg", "pic3.jpg"], // Background images effect: "fade", // fade, blind, clip, slide, drop, hide interval: 8000, // Interval of switching loop: true, // Loop the switching shuffle: false, // Shuffle the order of an images duration: 800, // Effect duration easing: "swing" // Effect easing });

    function preload(jArray, index) { index = index || 0; if (jArray && jArray.length > index) { var img = new Image (); img.onload = function() { preload(jArray, index + 1); } img.src = jArray[index]; }

    /* images is an array with image metadata */ preload(images); }

    Now the transition fade is working smoothly without a black flash on Safari Mac, Safari Ipad and my android phone.


    opened by shnnnhickman 0
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