Scraper for TikTok. Download videos, music, fetch users info and more.



A fast light-weight scraper for tiktok to fetch and download video posts, video music, user info and more.


npm i tiktok-scraper-ts



import * as tiktokscraper from "tiktok-scraper-ts";

import { TTScraper } from "tiktok-scraper-ts"; // Individual classes


const tiktokscraper = require("tiktok-scraper-ts");

const { TTScraper } = require("tiktok-scraper-ts"); // Individual classes


.video(url) scrapes video info and download link. Returns Promise<Video>
.user(username) Scrapes user info. Returns Promise<User>
.getAllVideosFromUser(username) Scrapes all available videos for the given user. Returns Promise<IVideo[]>
.getMusic(url) Scrapes Music info from a video. Returns Promise<Music>
.downloadAllVideosFromUser(username, path?: optional) Downloads all Videos of the given user. Returns Promise<void>
.noWaterMark(link) Returns a direct download link for the video without TikTok Watermark.


Fetch info for a single video

import { TTScraper } from "tiktok-scraper-ts";

const TikTokScraper = new TTScraper();

(async () => {
  const fetchVideo = await"link");

// ==>

Video {
  id: '7049800036758080773',
  description: undefined,
  createdAt: '05/01/2022',
  height: 1024,
  width: 576,
  duration: 10,
  resolution: '720p',
  shareCount: 12400,
  likesCount: 554500,
  commentCount: 7535,
  playCount: 5500000,
  cover: '',
  playURL: 'PLAY LINK',
  downloadURL: 'Download Link',
  fomrat: 'mp4'

Fetch user page

import { TTScraper } from "tiktok-scraper-ts";

const TikTokScraper = new TTScraper();

(async () => {
  const fetchUser = await TikTokScraper.user("user");

// ==>

User {
  id: '',
  uniqueId: 'user',
  nickname: 'new user',
  avatar: 'PP Link',
  signature: '',
  createdAt: '12/12/2021',
  verified: false,
  secretUID: 'MS4wLjABAAAAkLv5v2jUnsIzViWXSAQoj5U4o685FeSDFSDfsdfsdflrk-k75Znw',
  bioLink: undefined,
  privateAccount: false,
  isUnderAge18: false,
  followers: 1,
  following: 2,
  hearts: 0,
  videos: 0

Common Types

export interface IUser {
   * the id of the User
  id: string;
   * The tiktok unique id of the User
  uniqueId: string;
   * optional nickname of the User
  nickname: string;
   * the avatar link of the User
  avatar: string;
   * the bio description of the User
  signature: string;
   * the date of the creation of the User
  createdAt: string;
   * Whether the User is a verified User by TikTok
  verified: boolean;
   * the secret UID of the User
  secretUID: string;
   * The link in the bio if the it contains any
  bioLink: string;
   * Whether the account privacy is set to private
  privateAccount: boolean;
   * Whether the User is underage
  isUnderAge18: boolean;
   * Number of followers for this User
  followers: number;
   * Number of the accounts this user follows
  following: number;
   * How many likes this User got over the time
  hearts: number;
   * Number of the Videos this User has posted
  videos: number;
export interface IVideo {
   * the unique id of the video
  id: string;
   * the description of the video if available
  description: string;
   * the date on which the video was created on tiktok
  createdAt: string;
   * height of the video
  height: number;
   * width of the video
  width: number;
   * duration of the video
  duration: number;
   * resolution of the video
  resolution: string;
   * Number of times the video was shared
  shareCount: number;
   * Number of likes on the video
  likesCount: number;
   * Number of comments on the video
  commentCount: number;
   * Number of times the video has been played
  playCount: number;
   * a direct url to the video cover
  cover?: string;
   * A direct url to the dynamic video cover
  dynamicCover?: string;
   * a direct play url for the video
  playURL?: string;
   * a direct download url for the video
  downloadURL?: string;
   * the format of the video
  fomrat?: string;
export interface IMusic {
   * tiktok music ic
  id: number;
   * tiktok music title
  title: string;
   * direct link to this music
  playURL: string;
   * tiktok music original cover
  coverLarge: string;
   * tiktok music thumnail cover
  coverThumb: string;
   * tiktok music author
  author: string;
   * tiktok music duration
  duration: number;
   * Whether the music is original or user made
  original?: boolean;
   * The Album name if it is part of an album
  album?: string;


Software contributions are welcome. If you are not a dev, testing and reproting bugs can also be very helpful!


Please open an issue if you have questions, wish to request a feature, etc.

  • Getting  error when  get user by username

    Getting error when get user by username

    /Users/peldam/Documents/tiktok-api/node_modules/tiktok-scraper-ts/dist/main.js:1 var W=Object.create;var f=Object.defineProperty;var O=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;var _=Object.getOwnPropertyNames;var q=Object.getPrototypeOf,D=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;var U=o=>f(o,"__esModule",{value:!0}),a=(o,r)=>f(o,"name",{value:r,configurable:!0});var j=(o,r)=>{for(var n in r)f(o,n,{get:r[n],enumerable:!0})},$=(o,r,n,s)=>{if(r&&typeof r=="object"||typeof r=="function")for(let e of _(r))!,e)&&(n||e!=="default")&&f(o,e,{get:()=>r[e],enumerable:!(s=O(r,e))||s.enumerable});return o},v=(o,r)=>$(U(f(o!=null?W(q(o)):{},"default",!r&&o&&o.__esModule?{get:()=>o.default,enumerable:!0}:{value:o,enumerable:!0})),o),J=(o=>(r,n)=>o&&o.get(r)||(n=$(U({}),r,1),o&&o.set(r,n),n))(typeof WeakMap!="undefined"?new WeakMap:0);var z={};j(z,{Music:()=>p,TTScraper:()=>m,TikTokResult:()=>b,User:()=>I,Video:()=>g,fetchAllVideosFromUser:()=>P,fetchMusic:()=>F,fetchUser:()=>G,fetchVideo:()=>Y,fetchVideoNoWaterMark:()=>H,hashtag:()=>K});var L=v(require("cheerio")),x=v(require("miniget")),T=v(require("node-fetch")),l=require("fs"),S=v(require("http")),E=v(require("https")),R=require("process");var I=class{constructor(r,n,s,e,t,u,i,h,c,w,M,k,A,C,y){,this.uniqueId=n,this.nickname=s,this.avatar=e,this.signature=t,this.createdAt=u,this.verified=i,this.secretUID=h,this.bioLink=c,this.privateAccount=w,this.isUnderAge18=M,this.followers=k,this.following=A,this.hearts=C,this.videos=y}};a(I,"User");var b=class{constructor(r,n,s,e,t,u,i,h,c,w){,,,this.shareCount=e,this.likesCount=t,this.commentCount=u,this.playCount=i,this.createdAt=h,this.tiktokLink=c,this.thumbnail=w}};a(b,"TikTokResult");var g=class{constructor(r,n,s,e,t,u,i,h,c,w,M,k,A,C,y,V,N){,this.description=n,this.createdAt=s,this.height=e,this.width=t,this.duration=u,this.resolution=i,this.shareCount=h,this.likesCount=c,this.commentCount=w,this.playCount=M,this.downloadURL=k,this.cover=A,this.dynamicCover=C,this.playURL=y,this.format=V,}};a(g,"Video");var p=class{constructor(r,n,s,e,t,u,i,h,c){,this.title=n,this.playURL=s,this.coverLarge=e,this.coverThumb=t,,this.duration=i,this.original=h,this.album=c}};a(p,"Music");var m=class{async requestWebsite(r,n){let s=new S.default.Agent({keepAlive:!0,maxSockets:20}),e=new E.default.Agent({keepAlive:!0,maxSockets:20}),t={agent:c=>c.protocol=="http:"?s:e,headers:{"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36 Edg/97.0.1072.62"}},i=await(await(0,T.default)(${r},n||t)).text();return L.load(i,{xmlMode:!0})}handleHTMLContent(r){let n=r,s=n.split("window['SIGI_STATE']=")[1].indexOf(";window['SIGI_RETRY']=");return JSON.parse(n.split("window['SIGI_STATE']=")[1].slice(0,s))}async video(r){if(!r)throw new Error("A video URL must be provided");let s=(await this.requestWebsite(r))("#SIGI_STATE").text(),e=JSON.parse(s),[0];return new g(e.ItemModule[t],e.ItemModule[t].desc,new Date(Number(e.ItemModule[t].createTime)1e3).toLocaleDateString(),Number(e.ItemModule[t].video.height),Number(e.ItemModule[t].video.width),Number(e.ItemModule[t].video.duration),e.ItemModule[t].video.ratio,e.ItemModule[t].stats.shareCount,e.ItemModule[t].stats.diggCount,e.ItemModule[t].stats.commentCount,e.ItemModule[t].stats.playCount,e.ItemModule[t].video.downloadAddr.trim(),e.ItemModule[t].video.cover,e.ItemModule[t].video.dynamicCover,e.ItemModule[t].video.playAddr.trim(),e.ItemModule[t].video.format,e.ItemModule[t].nickname)}async user(r){if(!r)throw new Error("Please enter a username");let s=(await this.requestWebsite(${r}))("#SIGI_STATE").text(),e=JSON.parse(s),t=e.UserModule.users[r];return new I(,t.uniqueId,t.nickname,t.avatarLarger,t.signature.trim(),new Date(t.createTime1e3).toLocaleDateString(),t.verified,t.secUid,t?.bioLink?.link,t.privateAccount,t.isUnderAge18,e.UserModule.stats[r].followerCount,e.UserModule.stats[r].followingCount,e.UserModule.stats[r].heart,e.UserModule.stats[r].videoCount)}async getAllVideosFromUser(r){if(!r)throw new Error("You must provide a username!");let s=(await this.requestWebsite(${r}))("#SIGI_STATE").text(),e=JSON.parse(s),t=[],{ItemList:u}=e;return u["user-post"].list.forEach(i=>{t.push(new g(e.ItemModule[i],e.ItemModule[i].desc,new Date(Number(e.ItemModule[i].createTime)*1e3).toLocaleDateString(),Number(e.ItemModule[i].video.height),Number(e.ItemModule[i].video.width),Number(e.ItemModule[i].video.duration),e.ItemModule[i].video.ratio,e.ItemModule[i].stats.shareCount,e.ItemModule[i].stats.diggCount,e.ItemModule[i].stats.commentCount,e.ItemModule[i].stats.playCount,e.ItemModule[i].video.downloadAddr.trim(),e.ItemModule[i].video.cover,e.ItemModule[i].video.dynamicCover,e.ItemModule[i].video.playAddr.trim(),e.ItemModule[i].video.format))}),t}async getMusic(r){if(!r)throw new Error("You must provide a link!");let s=(await this.requestWebsite(r))("#SIGI_STATE").text(),e=JSON.parse(s),[0];return new p(e.ItemModule[t],e.ItemModule[t].music.title,e.ItemModule[t].music.playUrl,e.ItemModule[t].music.coverLarge,e.ItemModule[t].music.coverThumb,e.ItemModule[t].music.authorName,Number(e.ItemModule[t].music.duration),e.ItemModule[t].music.original,e.ItemModule[t].music.album)}async downloadAllVideosFromUser(r,n){if(!r)throw new Error("Please enter a username!");let s=await this.getAllVideosFromUser(r);if(!s)throw new Error("No Videos were found for this username. Either the videos are private or the user has not videos");if(!n.path){if(n.path=${__dirname}/../${r},(0,l.existsSync)(n.path)){console.log("A folder with this username exists, that is unusual!");try{(0,l.unlinkSync)(n.path)}catch(e){console.log(`[ERROR] Could not remove ${n.path} ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse () at m.user (/Users/peldam/Documents/tiktok-api/node_modules/tiktok-scraper-ts/dist/main.js:1:3703) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at Object.fetchUser (/Users/peldam/Documents/tiktok-api/node_modules/tiktok-scraper-ts/dist/main.js:2:2253)

    opened by pelldam 7
  • `getAllVideosFromUser` function only fetch maximum 30 videos

    `getAllVideosFromUser` function only fetch maximum 30 videos

    First of all, I wanna say thank you for your API it's amazing, almost function working perfectly except getAllVideosFromUser getAllVideosFromUser function only fetches a maximum of 30 videos, can we have a solution to fetch all videos of a user? I research before we need some signature and an endpoint for that

    bug duplicate enhancement 
    opened by tonyquang 7
  • Error JSON input

    Error JSON input

    can you help me in solving my problem?, I have a problem, namely SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input

    what should i do, i just learned about all of this

    opened by Mukclay 1
  • Feature : scrap hashtag posts

    Feature : scrap hashtag posts


    Thank you a lot for this tiktok scraper working very well and very simple to use.

    Is it possible to add the possibility to scrap hashtags ?

    Thank you

    opened by Spawnrad 1
  • get and downloadAllVideosFromUser only returning the most recent 30 videos?

    get and downloadAllVideosFromUser only returning the most recent 30 videos?

    Hi, the scraper works well!

    When I use the getAllVideosFromUser and downloadAllVideosFromUser methods, it only returns the 30 most recent videos from the profile.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is its a limitation imposed by the scraper/language/TikTok, or something else?


    opened by aa1s2d 1
  • Have no permission to the video's URL

    Have no permission to the video's URL

    I got the URL to get the video but got an error. If I open this link I get an Error: You don't have permission to access "

    opened by VladisB 0
  • Hashtag Videos By CreatedAt

    Hashtag Videos By CreatedAt

    I want to retrieve videos from hashtag function but there isn't any option for how many videos I'll receive or by their created time. Are these options available? Can you make something like that?

    opened by karatayburak 0
  • "Unexpected end of JSON input" When trying to get all videos from a user ...


    I've tried anything that I can, but I am never able to get all videos from a user ...

    I always have this error : invalid json response body at reason: Unexpected end of JSON input. type: 'invalid-json';

    This is my code :

    app.get('/getAllVideos', async (req, res) => {
      var username = "exclutele";
      const videos = await tiktokscraper.getAllVideosFromUser(username,true);

    Can you help me to figure it out ?

    Thanks !

    opened by palmthree-studio 5
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