Store and Deliver images with R2 backend Cloudflare Workers.



Store and Deliver images with Cloudflare R2 backend Cloudflare Workers.


  1. Deploy r2-image-worker to Cloudflare
  2. Make a base64 strings from the image file such as .png, jpg, or gif.
  3. PUT the base64 strings to r2-image-worker.
  4. Image binary will be stored in Cloudflare R2 storage.
  5. r2-image-worker will respond the key of the stored image. abcdef.png
  6. r2-image-worker serve the images on
  7. Images will be cached in Cloudflare KV.
User => Image => base64 => r2-image-worker => R2
User <= Image <= r2-image-worker <= KV <= R2


  • Cloudflare Account
  • Access privilege for Cloudflare R2 beta
  • Wrangler CLI

Set up

First, git clone

git clone
cd r2-image-worker

Create R2 bucket:

wrangler r2 bucket create images

Create KV namespace:

wrangler kv:namespace create "R2_IMAGE_KV"
wrangler kv:namespace create "R2_IMAGE_KV" --preview

Copy wrangler.example.toml to wrangler.toml:

cp wrangler.example.toml wrangler.toml

Edit wrangler.toml.


Secret variables

Secret variables are:

  • NAME - User name of basic auth
  • PASS - User password of basic auth

To set these, use wrangler secret put command:

wrangler secret put NAME


To publish to your Cloudflare Workers:

npm run deploy




To pass the Basic Auth, add the Base64 string of "user:pass" to Authorization header.

Authorization: Basic ...


Value of body is Basic64 string of image binary.

  "body": "Base64 Text..."

Use with Shortcuts



Setting shortcuts like this:



Yusuke Wada



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