Example repo for getting NextJS, Rust via wasm-pack, and web workers all playing nicely together.


Example of integrating WASM & web workers with a Typescript NextJS project.


  1. yarn
  2. yarn dev
  3. Open localhost:3000


  • Rust code is in ./rust, generated with wasm-pack new and built as a part of the Next build with wasm-pack-plugin.
  • Workers are in ./src. Types for worker module are in typings.d.ts.
  • wasm is imported in wasm.worker.ts using the Webpack 4/5 syncWebAssembly method.
  • Workers are imported in ./pages/index.tsx using Webpack 5's built-in Worker support.
  • next.config.js orchestrates the necessary Webpack 5 settings, wasm-pack-plugin, and patches NextJS to allow wasm in workers.
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    Can't find worker file

    Hey @tomlagier!

    Thanks for your article and this repo. I tried to use it as a reference for a project where I try to load a web worker that is written in Typescript with Next 11 / Webpack 5. In my project I couldn't get Next.js to expose the worker file so I tried to download your repository. It turns out, I get the same error here:

    Screenshot 2021-07-28 at 13 13 40

    I just added a console.log statement to index.tsx.

    const workerUrl = new URL('../src/ts.worker.ts', import.meta.url);
    tsWorkerRef.current = new Worker(workerUrl);

    When I manually navigate to http://localhost:3000/_next/94ab9802796300a474cd.ts, I also get the 404. I would assume, that you should get the same behavior. Do you have an idea on how to fix this?

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  • Next12 support?

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    Nice article and repo, this is really interesting. Just wondering if upgrading to Next 12 would make things easier because of the new built-in rust compiler. Would you mind updating to Next 12?

    opened by styxlab 1
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