🎞 @videojs component for @vuejs


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video.js player component for Vue.

适用于 Vue 的 video.js 播放器组件。


Demo Page

CDN Example

nuxt.js/ssr example code

More Example Code



<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/video.js/dist/video-js.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/video.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/vue.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/dist/vue-video-player.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


npm install vue-video-player --save


mount with global

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueVideoPlayer from 'vue-video-player'

// require videojs style
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'
// import 'vue-video-player/src/custom-theme.css'

Vue.use(VueVideoPlayer, /* {
  options: global default options,
  events: global videojs events
} */)

mount with component

// require styles
import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'

import { videoPlayer } from 'vue-video-player'

export default {
  components: {

mount with ssr

// If used in nuxt.js/ssr, you should keep it only in browser build environment
if (process.browser) {
  const VueVideoPlayer = require('vue-video-player/dist/ssr')

videojs extend

import videojs from 'video.js'

// videojs plugin
const Plugin = videojs.getPlugin('plugin')
class ExamplePlugin extends Plugin {
  // something...
videojs.registerPlugin('examplePlugin', ExamplePlugin)

// videojs language
videojs.addLanguage('es', {
  Pause: 'Pausa',
  // something...

// more videojs api...

// vue component...


SSR and the only difference in the use of the SPA:

  • SPA worked by the component, find videojs instance by ref attribute.
  • SSR worked by the directive, find videojs instance by directive arg.
  • Other configurations, events are the same.


  <video-player  class="video-player-box"



  // Similarly, you can also introduce the plugin resource pack you want to use within the component
  // import 'some-videojs-plugin'
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        playerOptions: {
          // videojs options
          muted: true,
          language: 'en',
          playbackRates: [0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
          sources: [{
            type: "video/mp4",
            src: "https://cdn.theguardian.tv/webM/2015/07/20/150716YesMen_synd_768k_vp8.webm"
          poster: "/static/images/author.jpg",
    mounted() {
      console.log('this is current player instance object', this.player)
    computed: {
      player() {
        return this.$refs.videoPlayer.player
    methods: {
      // listen event
      onPlayerPlay(player) {
        // console.log('player play!', player)
      onPlayerPause(player) {
        // console.log('player pause!', player)
      // ...player event

      // or listen state event
      playerStateChanged(playerCurrentState) {
        // console.log('player current update state', playerCurrentState)

      // player is ready
      playerReadied(player) {
        console.log('the player is readied', player)
        // you can use it to do something...
        // player.[methods]


<!-- You can custom the "myVideoPlayer" name used to find the videojs instance in current component -->
  <div class="video-player-box" 

  export default {
    mounted() {
      console.log('this is current videojs instance object', this.myVideoPlayer)
    // Omit the same parts as in the following component sample code
    // ...


videojs-contrib-hls - e is not defined


  • component api:

    • events : [ Array, default: [] ] : custom videojs event to component
    • playsinline : [ Boolean, default: false ] : set player not full-screen in mobile device
    • crossOrigin : [ String, default: '' ] : set crossOrigin to video
    • customEventName : [ String, default: 'statechanged' ] : custom the state change event name
  • video.js api

videojs plugins



  • 移动端,进入页面的时候,一直在显示loading的状态, 是不是1.0版本的vue用不了这个

    移动端,进入页面的时候,一直在显示loading的状态, 是不是1.0版本的vue用不了这个


    1. issue 只接受带重现的 bug 报告,请不要用来提问题!不符合要求的 issue 会被直接关闭。
    2. 请尽量用英文描述你的 issue,这样能够让尽可能多的人帮到你。

    Got a question?

    • The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests. For simple questions, please use the following resources:

    • Read the docs: https://vuejs.org/guide/

    • Look for/ask questions on stack overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=vue.js

    Reporting a bug?

    • Try to search for your issue, it may have already been answered or even fixed in the development branch.

    • It is required that you clearly describe the steps necessary to reproduce the issue you are running into. Issues with no clear repro steps will not be triaged. If an issue labeled "need repro" receives no further input from the issue author for more than 5 days, it will be closed.

    • It is recommended that you make a JSFiddle/JSBin/Codepen to demonstrate your issue. You could start with this template that already includes the latest version of Vue.

    • For potential SSR (Server Side Rendering) issue or bugs that involves build setups, you can create a reproduction repository with steps in the README.

    • If your issue is resolved but still open, don’t hesitate to close it. In case you found a solution by yourself, it could be helpful to explain how you fixed it.

    Have a feature request?

    • Remove the template from below and provide thoughtful commentary and code samples on what this feature means for your product. What will it allow you to do that you can't do today? How will it make current work-arounds straightforward? What potential bugs and edge cases does it help to avoid? etc. Please keep it product-centric.


    Vue.js version and component version

    vue 1.0.21 vue-video-player 3.0.8

    Reproduction Link

    • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
    • You could start with this template: https://jsfiddle.net/39epgLj0/

    Steps to reproduce

    What is Expected?


    What is actually happening?


    opened by arronf2e 28
  • 官方的rtmp示例无法正常播放


    该项目的官方rtmp示例 出现了无法播放的问题,不知道是什么原因? 在我测试rtmp视频时本地开发可以播放,但build上线后无法播放,console报错:VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media.不知道官方示例无法播放是不是同样的问题。 测试了Issues:使用hls的时候在本地是正常的,编译放在服务器上就不显示了下提到的方法均不生效。

    resolved rmtp 
    opened by simmzl 20
  • videojs-contrib-hls warning

    videojs-contrib-hls warning

    ./~/videojs-contrib-hls/dist/videojs-contrib-hls.js Critical dependencies: This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results. @ ./~/videojs-contrib-hls/dist/videojs-contrib-hls.js 7:490-497

    I think the warning came from this line: https://github.com/surmon-china/vue-video-player/blob/master/player.vue#L60

    opened by jenky 16
  • 在安卓的微信里视频播放的时候自动全屏的问题


    环境: 华为mate8 微信6.6.2 问题: 视频点击播放后,自动全屏(已经将playsinline设置成true)

    代码: playerOptions: { playsinline: true, muted: false, language: 'zh', sources: [{ type: 'video/mp4', src: item.url }], poster: item.cover }

    opened by joneqian 14
  •  this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function弹窗关闭时,一直报错

    this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function弹窗关闭时,一直报错

    1. 弹窗关闭时,一直报错 2.当前版本为^5.0.2
    2. video.cjs.js?0e26:440 VIDEOJS: ERROR: TypeError: this.el_.vjs_getProperty is not a function at Flash.currentTime (videojs-flash.js?e2e1:543) at get$1 (video.cjs.js?0e26:9281) at Player.techGet_ (video.cjs.js?0e26:21528) at Player.currentTime (video.cjs.js?0e26:21737) at SeekBar.getCurrentTime_ (video.cjs.js?0e26:12608) at SeekBar.getPercent (video.cjs.js?0e26:12635) at SeekBar.update (video.cjs.js?0e26:11932) at SeekBar.update (video.cjs.js?0e26:12590) at bound (video.cjs.js?0e26:2344) at SeekBar.throttled (video.cjs.js?0e26:2377) 看之前的issues,说是在3.0版本fix这个问题,但是现在出现了,麻烦大家告知一下如何解决谢谢
    opened by Trap-only 13
  • Initialise video dynamically

    Initialise video dynamically

    What options are there to initialize a video dynamically?

    Currently videos are initialised via loading the component and that is bad when you must set the video source et al dynamically.

    Cheers, Erwin

    opened by Spoowy 11
  • 使用hls的时候报错 'EventTarget' of undefined

    使用hls的时候报错 'EventTarget' of undefined

    error: videojs-contrib-hls.js Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'EventTarget' of undefined vue-video-player: 4.0.6 videojs: 6.4.0 videojs-contrib-hls: 5.12.2

    opened by struts2012 10
  • Cannot read property 'play' of undefined Cannot read property 'U' of undefined  安装了 无数次 看了无数教程就没一个能用的

    Cannot read property 'play' of undefined Cannot read property 'U' of undefined 安装了 无数次 看了无数教程就没一个能用的


    1. 尽量用英文描述你的 issue
    2. 不要把内容堆彻在标题上,逻辑清晰地写在内容区
    3. 贴代码要提前格式化好,有颜色高亮那种,贴文本,不要贴图片
    4. 提问题前,必须仔细阅读 REMADE.md + 在已关闭的问题中寻找与自身相关的问题,90% 的可能它已经被解决
    5. 如果无法做到提一个合格、优秀的问题,则问题会被 close + block


    Vue.js version and component version

    Reproduction Link

    • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
    • You could start with this template: https://jsfiddle.net/39epgLj0/

    Steps to reproduce

    What is Expected?

    What is actually happening?

    opened by yewenkang 7
  • 请问你的全屏事件是如何监听的 虽然我知道video.js有handleFullscreenChange这个事件 但是在你的这个组件中怎么去传递呢 怎么用呢

    请问你的全屏事件是如何监听的 虽然我知道video.js有handleFullscreenChange这个事件 但是在你的这个组件中怎么去传递呢 怎么用呢


    1. 尽量用英文描述你的 issue
    2. 不要把内容堆彻在标题上,逻辑清晰地写在内容区
    3. 贴代码要提前格式化好,有颜色高亮那种,贴文本,不要贴图片
    4. 提问题前,必须仔细阅读 REMADE.md + 在已关闭的问题中寻找与自身相关的问题,90% 的可能它已经被解决
    5. 如果无法做到提一个合格、优秀的问题,则问题会被 close + block


    Vue.js version and component version

    Reproduction Link

    • A minimal JSBin, JSFiddle, Codepen, or a GitHub repository that can reproduce the bug.
    • You could start with this template: https://jsfiddle.net/39epgLj0/

    Steps to reproduce

    What is Expected?

    What is actually happening?

    opened by pqypqy 7
  • Unable to get video src to display in Nuxt

    Unable to get video src to display in Nuxt

    vue.js version 2.12

    You can see it live here: https://www.thedales.me/video/

    The page is blank, unable to get src to display when I inspect front end. Here is a screen shot: image

    Was expecting to see a .m3u8 video or even the player showing some kind of error. Here is the template I am using:

      <section class="container">
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          playsinline: true,
          playerOptions: {
            muted: false,
            controls: true,
            language: 'en',
            playbackRates: [0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
            sources: [
                type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
      mounted() {
        // console.log('this is current player instance object', this.myVideoPlayer)
      methods: {
        onPlayerPlay(player) {
          // console.log('player play!', player)
        onPlayerPause(player) {
          // console.log('player pause!', player)
        onPlayerEnded(player) {
          // console.log('player ended!', player)
        onPlayerLoadeddata(player) {
          // console.log('player Loadeddata!', player)
        onPlayerWaiting(player) {
          // console.log('player Waiting!', player)
        onPlayerPlaying(player) {
          // console.log('player Playing!', player)
        onPlayerTimeupdate(player) {
          // console.log('player Timeupdate!', player.currentTime())
        onPlayerCanplay(player) {
          // console.log('player Canplay!', player)
        onPlayerCanplaythrough(player) {
          // console.log('player Canplaythrough!', player)
        playerStateChanged(playerCurrentState) {
          // console.log('player current update state', playerCurrentState)
        playerReadied(player) {
          // console.log('example 01: the player is readied', player)

    I've also done this in the plugins: import Vue from 'vue'

    const VueVideoPlayer = require('vue-video-player/dist/ssr') Vue.use(VueVideoPlayer)

    and I believe I included it correctly in my nuxt.config: image

    Any advice greatly appreciated!

    opened by daletom 7

    VIDEOJS: ERROR: The "flash" tech is undefined. Skipped browser support check for that tech.

    When reading rtmp streaming file, the chrome's console reports the error message. Here is the option of player: playerOptions: { sources: [{ type: "rtmp/mp4", src:'rtmp://localhost:1935/live/test&mp4:/tmp/rec/test.mp4' }], techOrder: ['flash', "html5"], autoplay: true, controls: true }

    opened by dqj 6
  • 请问怎么禁用右键的下载等功能


    Clear and concise description of the problem

    请问怎么禁用右键的下载等功能 1671007184054

    Suggested solution

    怎么把右键出来的内容禁用或者直接不显示 或者禁用回调方法


    No response

    Additional context

    No response


    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
    opened by jtc23 0
  • please add an example how to setup it with Vue3 + TypeScript

    please add an example how to setup it with Vue3 + TypeScript

    Clear and concise description of the problem

    please add an example how to setup it with Vue3 + TypeScript

    Suggested solution

    add it into README


    No response

    Additional context

    No response


    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that request the same feature to avoid creating a duplicate.
    opened by tonytony2020 0
  • 用了这个一直报错这个

    用了这个一直报错这个"class" is a reserved attribute and cannot be used as component prop.想问问是什么原因呢

    Describe the bug

    相关代码如下,我把class删了还是一直报错 ,找不到啥原因 image image image image


    麻烦把使用方式统一下好吗?? npm上叫videojs-player, github上叫vue-video-player, 还有导入方式也不统一, 文档一点也不详细, 用的让人...... 有的这样 import { VideoJsPlayer } from 'video.js' import { VideoPlayer } from 'vue-video-player' import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css' 文档这样: import { VideoJsPlayer } from 'video.js' import { VideoPlayer } from '@videojs-player/vue' import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css' 结果报错 还有最恶心的就是文档模板代码连ctrl+v都复制不了, 一定要右键才能复制, 使用感受就是: 心累!!!!

    System Info

    麻烦把使用方式统一下好吗?? npm上叫videojs-player, github上叫vue-video-player, 还有导入方式也不统一, 文档一点也不详细, 需要安装video.js也不写, 用的让人......

    Used Package Manager



    • [X] Read the the documentation in detail.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.
    • [X] The provided reproduction is a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
    opened by CoderFXJ 0
  • The video can only be played once ???

    The video can only be played once ???

    Describe the bug

    I played an mp4 file and after the playback was over, I reported the error errorMessage: 'The media playback was aborted due to a corruption…media used features your browser did not support.'


    js: const options = reactive({ width: '800px', //播放器高度 height: '450px', //播放器高度 color: '#409eff', //主题色 muted: false, //静音 webFullScreen: false, speedRate: ['0.75', '1.0', '1.25', '1.5', '2.0'], //播放倍速 autoPlay: false, //自动播放 loop: false, //循环播放 mirror: false, //镜像画面 ligthOff: false, //关灯模式 volume: 0.3, //默认音量大小 controls: true, //是否显示控制器 title: '', //视频名称 src: atom:///${props.audio.source_path}, //视频源 poster: '', //封面 plugins: { vjsdownload: { beforeElement: 'Fullscreen', textControl: '下载', name: 'downloadButton', downloadURL: null, }, }, })

    System Info

    electron: ^17.1.2
    node: 16.19.0
    Video.js: 7.20.3
    @videojs-player/vue: ^1.0.0
    videojs-vjsdownload: ^1.0.4

    Used Package Manager



    • [X] Read the the documentation in detail.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.
    • [X] The provided reproduction is a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
    opened by coderLanlan 1
  • Does not support the download function ???

    Does not support the download function ???

    Describe the bug

    i want to download the video,but i do not find the attribute or event to download


    i want to download the video,but i do not find the attribute or event to download

    System Info

    "@videojs-player/vue": "^1.0.0",

    Used Package Manager



    • [X] Read the the documentation in detail.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.
    • [X] The provided reproduction is a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
    opened by coderLanlan 0
  • nuxt3 warn ssr error transforming

    nuxt3 warn ssr error transforming

    Describe the bug



    image image

    System Info


    Used Package Manager



    • [X] Read the the documentation in detail.
    • [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
    • [X] Check that this is a concrete bug. For Q&A open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord Chat Server.
    • [X] The provided reproduction is a minimal reproducible example of the bug.
    opened by wyx-lsy 1
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